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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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It's a suspense murder thriller about a serial killing which occurs inside a maxium security prison, and no one can figure out who is doing it or what kind of weapon is being used.


Sounds pretty cool. Good for you man.

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No, actually, if I had 250$, I would spend it on more reasonable things than gambling on the CM.


Which is completely consistent with my statement... let people play the way they want to play.


Legacy was promised to be an awesome part of the game with regular updates and rewards worth working for. Yet after a year, we got nothing but a 1hr ship pass and a title, which (while helpful) are hardly the awesome rewards we all want to strive for.


Legacy is an artifact from before the game changed from subscriber only to flexible access model. In other words.. it's intended purpose was never fulfilled before the game changed business models. That said.. there continues to be Legacy content accessible based on your legacy level. It's just that said content is also available by CC as well.


Get over it. The game changed. The promise is obsolete. If you want to do yourself and others a solid about Legacy... petition to remove the credit requirements on legacy unlocks. They should never had had credit requirements to unlock to begin with.. and this too is just an artifact from a different era in the games business model and development plans.

Edited by Andryah
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I wish they would pay me... in Cartel Coins. You're one crazy little conspiracy theorist. No, I wrote a suspense novel and it did fairly well on the market. I hesitate to say more than that as others who love to hate me will say I am "bragging" about money. So, I would say ask Eric Musco if I am anything more than a forum poster, but it is unlikely that truth and logic would ever penetrate that tinfoil hat of yours.


Who are you to judge my fashion style? If I prefer to wear a little bit of tin foil now and again what is it to you? ALSO; where do you get off calling me little? I could be obese for all you know! So not only is this dude a plant, he is a self-appointed fashionista and a size-ist! I hesitate to say more for fear of repercussions from the forum police who will undoubtedly be protecting their plant!

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I often wonder the same thing. Only thing that comes to mind is "special snowflake" and "elitist". They want the companion to be a symbol for the excessive free time they have to play a GAME, and exclude others simply because they have a life and don't have the want or need to get Legacy lvl 40+.


I would like to point out again as I did earlier that getting to legacy level 40+ isn't this particularly hard feat to accomplish that requires living in the game and having no life otherwise. I work 40-50 hrs a week, was going to school at least one night a week, and have 2 kids to spend time with as well and was able to hit 40+ on multiple servers. So the level 40 legacy level is not some big exclusionary and elitist ( I am really growing to hate that word, almost as much as the phrase "It's a slap in the face.....") tactic.

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It's a suspense murder thriller about a serial killing which occurs inside a maxium security prison, and no one can figure out who is doing it or what kind of weapon is being used.


I wrote a book. A star wars book.


It was a crime against nature....the book itself, not the plot. If you read it you burst into flames. Or you wish you would burst into flames.


Gave it to my boss to read. Know what he told me?


"That was visual harassment."


Yea, it wasn't good.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Who are you to judge my fashion style? If I prefer to wear a little bit of tin foil now and again what is it to you? ALSO; where do you get off calling me little? I could be obese for all you know! So not only is this dude a plant, he is a self-appointed fashionista and a size-ist! I hesitate to say more for fear of repercussions from the forum police who will undoubtedly be protecting their plant!

lol... 10/10 would read and laugh again... also, I apologize for my previous assumptions. It's ok if you are large and wear metals. I think everyone should be themselves :D

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I would like to point out again as I did earlier that getting to legacy level 40+ isn't this particularly hard feat to accomplish that requires living in the game and having no life otherwise. I work 40-50 hrs a week, was going to school at least one night a week, and have 2 kids to spend time with as well and was able to hit 40+ on multiple servers. So the level 40 legacy level is not some big exclusionary and elitist ( I am really growing to hate that word, almost as much as the phrase "It's a slap in the face.....") tactic.

I'm not saying it is a bad thing to have one or more lvl 40+ legacies... but I have a 55, a 40, a 25, and a 13 and I am only legacy level 13. I don't have time for OPs, WZs, FPs, and other items that would help advance my legacy. I just don't have the kind of time necessary like others to dedicate to a video game. If I get 6-8 hours a week to play, I consider myself lucky. In the end, people need to understand the companion was intended to go into the CM OR a Legacy. It should not have to be one or the other. People with Legacies have the same option to spend cartel coins. But BW allowed CC usage for people who did not have a high level Legacy and a million creds, and vice versa. People need to stop trying to take away other people's options. They're acting almost as insane as the Westboro Baptist Church.

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I'm not saying it is a bad thing to have one or more lvl 40+ legacies... but I have a 55, a 40, a 25, and a 13 and I am only legacy level 13. I don't have time for OPs, WZs, FPs, and other items that would help advance my legacy. I just don't have the kind of time necessary like others to dedicate to a video game. If I get 6-8 hours a week to play, I consider myself lucky. In the end, people need to understand the companion was intended to go into the CM OR a Legacy. It should not have to be one or the other. People with Legacies have the same option to spend cartel coins. But BW allowed CC usage for people who did not have a high level Legacy and a million creds, and vice versa. People need to stop trying to take away other people's options. They're acting almost as insane as the Westboro Baptist Church.


I am not arguing in any way against this but you don't have to do operations, wz or fp to advance your legacies. I have advanced it by just doing dailys and most of the time I skip the heroics and you can gain legacy levels fairly easy that way with your lv 55

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Please re-read my definition more carefully, taking note of points I underlined (specifically to encourage reading and understanding words like "only). IF it's only available via the Cash Shop AND gives a clear advantage in playing (winning).. then...


Please reread my post. Allow me to quote myself:


By your definition of P2W, selling BIS gear on the CM would not be P2W because it can be obtained in the game via doing OPS and therefore fails to meet the first requirement of your P2W definition. Your definition would also not include selling max level characters with all companions at max affection and with all companion unlocks for the same reason.


Do you wish to stand by your definition of P2W?


Neither of the situations I asked about would meet BOTH of your criteria to be P2W as both BIS gear and max level characters with all companion unlocks and all companions at max affection can be obtained via in game methods and are not ONLY available via the CM.


So, is it pay 2 win to purchase BIS gear or max level characters with all companions at max affection and all companion unlocks since both can be obtained via in game methods and would NOT be limited to the CM?

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You might want to go back and review the Legacy UI, because it is you that is wrong.


You can purchase the ship GTN for 900 CCs.....OR $5Mcredits+legacy_level_25. Read the tooltip.


By the way.. this happens to be one Legacy perk where it's better economics to use 900 CCs (from your free allowance you accumulate with subscription) rather then spend $5M credits, IMO. This is based simply on the average effective exchange rate on the GTN, which can vary by server and date/time.. but 900cc is a bargain, even if you are wealthy, UNLESS it means buying coins to do it.


Then my son ran into a bug. He tried to purchase the ship GTN kiosk via CC's and was unable to do so since he did not at that time have legacy 25. Once he reached legacy 25, he was able to purchase it with CC's.

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Then my son ran into a bug. He tried to purchase the ship GTN kiosk via CC's and was unable to do so since he did not at that time have legacy 25. Once he reached legacy 25, he was able to purchase it with CC's.


yup, you son must have encounter a bug


for example




as you can see, the legacy ship transport require a legacy lvl 30 to buy it via credits, however if you look toward the CC side, you can see it just tell me to get more CC to finish the transaction.



you can bypass legacy already in game with CC

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That's an incredibly elitist way to criticize others for being elitist.


Aren't you the one upset that you can't be the Special Snowflake unless you get the option to buy Snowflake status?

Not at all. I have been advocating in every post I make that people deserve choices / options / alternatives. I am not advocating to have Legacies removed and replaced by the CM, unlike my opponents who feel the CM needs to be removed/restricted.


I am not trying to diminish their game play, they should stop trying to take away options from mine. You are mistaken in your assumption that I am trying to limit their options the way they want to limit mine. I think everything should have a Credit or CC option. Legacy level makes no difference to me, but an item that is INTENDED for the Cartel Market was given a Legacy "option" for people who did not want to spend any CC.


Now, the Legacies assume it was the other way around and are trying to prevent me from playing how I see fit. Stop trying to take away the choices of other players. Everyone deserves a choice on how to play, and it had ZERO affect on anyone else's game. If I pay $15 a month for a sub and purchase another $100 a month in Cartel Coins, that is MY affair, not theirs.

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Not at all. I have been advocating in every post I make that people deserve choices / options / alternatives. I am not advocating to have Legacies removed and replaced by the CM, unlike my opponents who feel the CM needs to be removed/restricted.


I am not trying to diminish their game play, they should stop trying to take away options from mine. You are mistaken in your assumption that I am trying to limit their options the way they want to limit mine. I think everything should have a Credit or CC option. Legacy level makes no difference to me, but an item that is INTENDED for the Cartel Market was given a Legacy "option" for people who did not want to spend any CC.


Now, the Legacies assume it was the other way around and are trying to prevent me from playing how I see fit. Stop trying to take away the choices of other players. Everyone deserves a choice on how to play, and it had ZERO affect on anyone else's game. If I pay $15 a month for a sub and purchase another $100 a month in Cartel Coins, that is MY affair, not theirs.



You keep stating that this companion was INTENDED for the CM, but have yet to provide any quotes or sources or any proof that it was INTENDED for the CM and that BW didn't cave to the entitled who want to throw money at BW.

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You keep stating that this companion was INTENDED for the CM, but have yet to provide any quotes or sources or any proof that it was INTENDED for the CM and that BW didn't cave to the entitled who want to throw money at BW.

I answered you in the other thread. Also, let's put 2 and 2 together.


An ewok companion...

A cartel market...

A chance for more money...


Doesn't take a Harvard Degree to figure this one out. They only added it to Legacy to give other players an option.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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I answered you in the other thread. Also, let's put 2 and 2 together.


An ewok companion...

A cartel market...

A chance for more money...


Doesn't take a Harvard Degree to figure this one out. They only added it to Legacy to give other players an option.


So, you have no proof, and it is just as likely that they caved to the elitists who had to have it now, rather than actually <GASP> earn it?

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So, you have no proof, and it is just as likely that they caved to the elitists who had to have it now, rather than actually <GASP> earn it?

All this hassle over a <GASP> video game. You do understand that real life and the real "earnings" occur over your shoulder in that physical space called "The Real World". We shouldn't have to waste 18 months and hundreds of /played time just for something as cosmetic as a companion available to EVERYONE.


Maybe you need to spend less time trying to limit the choices of other players and more time accepting the fact that not everyone should have to play the game the way YOU play it. You don't pay my $15 a month for my sub, or the $100-$200 a month for my Cartel Coins. So maybe you should just get over yourself and let the rest of us appreciate the decision by Bioware to make the companion available on both avenues.

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All this hassle over a <GASP> video game. You do understand that real life and the real "earnings" occur over your shoulder in that physical space called "The Real World". We shouldn't have to waste 18 months and hundreds of /played time just for something as cosmetic as a companion available to EVERYONE.


Maybe you need to spend less time trying to limit the choices of other players and more time accepting the fact that not everyone should have to play the game the way YOU play it. You don't pay my $15 a month for my sub, or the $100-$200 a month for my Cartel Coins. So maybe you should just get over yourself and let the rest of us appreciate the decision by Bioware to make the companion available on both avenues.


Did I hit a nerve?

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Nope, I just don't respond well to people who think the world is all about them and their choices and are too blind to see the other 200k people playing the same game.


Good night.


I, like many in this and other similar threads, just happen to feel that simply logging in does NOT entitle a player to everything in the game, cosmetic or otherwise. There are many pets and speeders I would like to have, but I'm not asking that they be given to me if I throw enough money at BW.

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I, like many in this and other similar threads, just happen to feel that simply logging in does NOT entitle a player to everything in the game, cosmetic or otherwise. There are many pets and speeders I would like to have, but I'm not asking that they be given to me if I throw enough money at BW.

You play how you want to, and I will play how I want to. If tomorrow Bioware offered 20 new pets, 50 new speeders, and an unlock to grant 55 levels instantly, I would purchase ALL of it will CC and unlock it all. If they sell it, I will buy it. I'm gonna play how I want to play, and it's your problem, not mine, if it bothers you so much.

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You play how you want to, and I will play how I want to. If tomorrow Bioware offered 20 new pets, 50 new speeders, and an unlock to grant 55 levels instantly, I would purchase ALL of it will CC and unlock it all. If they sell it, I will buy it. I'm gonna play how I want to play, and it's your problem, not mine, if it bothers you so much.


You'd rather throw money around than actually put forth any effort?


An ironic attitude considering your signature.

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