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Ranked "Kickball" Planning Thread


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Not sure if we have an Rep leaders atm, but we do have a new website just for Ranked kickball at http://bc-rank-kickball.enjin.com. If anyone is interested please sign up on it or pop in and let us know. Could use some rep Leaders as well to help coordinate the matches. BTW on the site we now also have a link to the a VioP for those doing kickball to use. All info for it is located on the site. Interested Imps should also check it out as we also have a sign up for who plans to show and they get first dips on the team selections. So sign up if you want a sure spot of the Wednesday and Friday kickball.
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Not sure if we have an Rep leaders atm, but we do have a new website just for Ranked kickball at http://bc-rank-kickball.enjin.com. If anyone is interested please sign up on it or pop in and let us know. Could use some rep Leaders as well to help coordinate the matches. BTW on the site we now also have a link to the a VioP for those doing kickball to use. All info for it is located on the site. Interested Imps should also check it out as we also have a sign up for who plans to show and they get first dips on the team selections. So sign up if you want a sure spot of the Wednesday and Friday kickball.


We did actually have a couple of good matches with some Pubs tonight. a very tight CW that we only won because we got a lucky cap. thank you Currik for helping put those together. I hope that the Republic side doesn't give up on this, ( I'm looking forward to seeing ya on the other side Scyn :) ). to be honest we have had some group unbalance for different matches. the simple fact that we are organizing between 24 and 32 players over 4 teams is not an easy task. One night we get overloaded with Sorcs and Maras the next we have more Ops than we know what to do with, people have to leave and we have to fill the spots, it is one big shuffle. tonight I think my group lost its first 2 and after each we changed up players with other groups. We sat in a queue for 10 or 15 minute thinking we were bugged till we realized we had some one in the group solo queue'd in a reg. :) after that we won and lost some extremely close matches.

We are approaching it realizing that not everyone is ideal for group make up or geared out, but everyone should have fun...... this is not guild teams running over and over to perfection. If some had a bad experience I sincerely apologize, next time well do better (little hint we are still figuring it out). so once again please don't give up cause there are a lot of people who are really having a lot of fun.

Tonight ended with one of the best Hypergate matches I think I've ever been in... literally both teams racing to get one set of orbs back to their pylon for the win "don't give them any deaths!" ;). All in all it was another really good night.

See you in the WZ's.

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BTW on the site we now also have a link to the a VioP for those doing kickball to use. All info for it is located on the site.


There is plenty of room for everyone to get in Mumble. There are a dozen channels. Communication is key to getting 40 people to balance 5 teams. I'm sorry you guys had bad luck on the last kickball session. I don't think you guys understand how excited everyone gets when we go up against the opposing faction. You don't have to have a mic to be able to get into the VoiP channel where teams are being shuffled. I bet if you guys were in it that last night letting everyone else know the imbalance it could have been fixed quickly.

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This is really bad in my opinion. I am sorry, maybe I understand incorrectly, but when I hear "kickball"/pug groups, I take it to mean that EVERYONE is included..


Everyone is supposed to be included. :mad: Strong players should be distributed to teams that need them and whatnot. That shouldn't have happened and we'll be working harder to prevent it in the future. Unfortunately, even having the games in the name of fun, some people are just pathetically incapable of losing. But thankfully, that's not what the majority of the kickballers are like, so don't give up on us yet. <3


You wouldn't wanna be involved with this anyway. I got into it on my Imp alt and the teams were way unbalanced.


Same for you, that shouldn't be happening. If it does happen, raise the bs flag right there and then. We are all supposed to be adults about this and unfortunately some forget that. It sucks to be on a team you enjoy and then be told you need to move to another but we're all supposed to step up and move anyway. If a team finds themselves being steamrolled, speak up to the other captains. Of course, that doesn't mean, "Oh man we lost one match, I quit." Now that we have the community site being more heavily used and a 50 person mumble, (thanks Cherri!) this will be easier to prevent in the future.


:sy_star:We can try to make a pub roster up on the site to spread the love to both sides of the fence. And again, with the community site and mumble, that should be easier to coordinate now. But I do agree we'll need a pub or two to step up as leads or it might not really ever take off on that side. =)

(That's not a dig at you Scyn, I don't prefer to spearhead that sorta thing either.)


:sy_star:Just gonna ask again for some patience from everyone as we get into the groove of having kickball become a regular occurrence. Some bad apples (personality-wise) will inevitably jump in and makes things difficult for us but letting them ruin all of kickball would be a fail on our part. <3

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It sucks to be on a team you enjoy and then be told you need to move to another but we're all supposed to step up and move anyway. If a team finds themselves being steamrolled, speak up to the other captains. Of course, that doesn't mean, "Oh man we lost one match, I quit."


I was on a team being steamrolled and I did speak up, I was told that nobody is available to switch. anyway I'm not a rage quitter or a baby I stayed and played on a severely lacking team. I just think that I joined this on a bad night where your kickball got out of hand or something because I know for a fact lots of players were /w ppl that would log in (from my guild and in Teamspeak to tell me about it) and ask them to come get on their team when they were already destroying others. They were not trying to find balance but swing the scales even farther. I have no desire to be involved with this again and will stick to guild vs guild ranked if that gets going again on this server.

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Considering how there is the message of a higher competitive need for ranked WZs, I would be all for us trying to put together a voting system to where we can form an "Allstar Pug Team", where one night, we can put the most voted players in the Kickball que and form a team based on the top 8 votes to compete on the nights when guilds would like to que up. We could have a new little widget on the ranked site, where players can both apply to be one of the players voted in and actually where votes can be cast.


That way, we can at least have one solid team (Or not, depending on how people vote lol) queing when others would like to plan something, as I know there's another thread where BSR, DoA, etc. are trying to put something together. The more real teams we can put together in ranked for a fun competitive time, the better!

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I have no desire to be involved with this again and will stick to guild vs guild ranked if that gets going again on this server.


Completely understandable, we're not here to tell you how to game. I just didn't want one night's experience with it to form your entire opinion.


And that's a good idea Zu! Since Kickball is kinda set to be Wed and Fri we could eventually make Saturday's the more competitive ranked night or something along those lines.

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I think we had some interesting dialogue after last night's matches ended. Some frustrations were vented, some ideas were tossed around, and in general I think the ball started rolling on how to make kickball a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. It's obviously still a work in progress and there are going to be hiccups along the way but hopefully we can build off of the previous get-togethers and continue to move forward with it.


I also wanted to give a huge thank you to the "early bird" imps who teamed up for kickball last night. I don't recall ever playing against such an evenly matched team. Everyone's numbers - heals, protection, and damage - were basically identical. Each Voidstar came down to just 1 or 2 kills for the tiebreaker and Huttball ended 2-1. Juan'pablo, Éve, Cherribomb, Lastplace, Basal, Te'fia, Biri, Anunnak, Sarenna, Stephine, Caedusios, Sinyakis, Velkia, Ja'ran, Nemrick, Say'uri, and Hässan (even if you are a traitor!) - thank you for some of the best PvP I have ever played.

Edited by Gynarchy
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After having a little captains meeting last night, we discussed the terms of how Ranked Kickball will now be played:


-Wednesdays and Fridays are (currently) the days that will be dedicated to encouraging all members of the server to come out and participate in ranked WZs. We will split teams up based on matching tanks, dps, and healers before reevaluating teams based on their advantages for Huttball matches (only making sure teams are not stacked with either pullers, leapers, troll pullers, or rollers). Mumble, Expertise gear, and any form of requirement outside of the game requirements to play in ranked WZs will NOT be implemented. Come out to these nights if you are looking to gain comms, risk losing rating, and want to help the server's PvP quality advance.


-All other nights (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday) will have rules based on what the host of the ranked pug groups requires. Team captains will be allowed to deny players into their group based on their own requirements, meaning that if a captain requires members to have 2018 Expertise or to be able to join the Mumble chat to play on the team, they ARE ALLOWED to do so on "Pickup Nights". Other team balancing requirements such as limiting roles and matching teams that are present for Wednesday and Friday Ranked Kickball will also be at the discretion of the captains on those pick up nights, meaning teams may not be immediately balanced. Be prepared to voice your complaints on Pickup Nights if a team is farming the rest of the que and understand that Pickup Nights will be competitive.


If you have any concerns that need to be addressed (and if I left anything out other captains ;)), feel free to post them here in this forum or send an ingame message to Zuhara, Juniormonk, Cherribomb, Velkia, or Sarenna! Thanks again guys, and we're hoping to improve this system soon so everyone can enjoy the kickball nights!



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It looks like we're going to be starting earlier from now on, at 6:30 PST instead of 8:30. Trying to organize so many people into equal teams just takes so long that we can only fit in a couple of matches before people start dropping. Tonight is open pickup ranked so anyone who is a subscriber (preferred and F2P are ineligible for ranked) is welcome to join! Join in-game channel bc_kickball and keep an eye on the PvP chat for groups forming!
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Hey guys try to keep this going for a little bit longer, because I'm gonna be leveling my sniper which I fell in love with and would love to do kickball on him. Also kickball is kinda fun.


I don't think we have plans for stopping this anytime soon. Wednesdays and Fridays are guaranteed nights for everyone to come out, and I don't see that changing soon :)

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I don't think we have plans for stopping this anytime soon. Wednesdays and Fridays are guaranteed nights for everyone to come out, and I don't see that changing soon :)


You said "soon" two times. Thats two times too many to say soon.


And yes, why stop something that is only ramping up! We're slowly smoothing out the kinks and are getting more and more games in each night. Each night we are getting more and more games in, each night.

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I have really enjoyed the kickball seen for the most part, except those three days of getting my face stomped in, other than that it has been fun, tons of good/weird conversations in mumble as well as laughs. Zuhara, don't worry man I have your back :D
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I have really enjoyed the kickball seen for the most part, except those three days of getting my face stomped in, other than that it has been fun, tons of good/weird conversations in mumble as well as laughs. Zuhara, don't worry man I have your back :D


Yes he has your Back Zu, but i think he means he will be shooting you in the back.

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