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Looking for a clear explanation on the sith origin.


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specifically who/what was the original sith, was he evil or good. Who was the first force wielder. I love lore and know alot about star wars but i can't find a youtube video on specifically the first sith lord.
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The Force was "discovered" approximately 36,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, so it is unlikely that there are any in-universe records still existing as to whom the very first Force user was. Nonetheless, we do know that the Je'daii Order was founded around this same time and that Force-sensitive sentients started gathering on the planet Tython to study and develop understandings of the Force. Dark Horse is currently publishing an ongoing comic series that takes place during this time called Dawn of the Jedi, and it's well worth your time.


The Sith were originally a near-humanoid species that evolved on the planet Korriban. They discovered the Force separately from the mainstream of galactic society, engaged in conflicts with both the Killiks and the Rakatan Infinite Empire, and founded a Sith Empire spanning many worlds. The first Emperor of this Sith Empire was named King Adas.


The term "Lord of the Sith" came about after the Jedi Order underwent its Second Great Schism (also known as the Hundred-Year Darkness), in which dark side proponents waged war against adherents of the light side. The Dark Jedi were defeated and exiled from Republic space. They discovered the planet Korriban, conquered the planet and its native species, assumed control of the Sith Empire, and went on to establish the Sith Order of Force users. I am uncertain if it is known who was the first of these Exiles to assume the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, but Ajunta Pall was one of the early Sith Lords.


During the Great Hyperspace War, Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow led the Sith Empire into war against the Republic. After early victories, the Empire was ultimately defeated, Sadow went into hiding on Yavin IV, and the Republic laid waste to Korriban in an effort to wipe out the Sith (in both the species and Force user sense). Some of those Sith survived, however, and were led by Lord Vitiate deeper into uncharted galactic territory, eventually settling on the planet Dromuund Kaas where they began to rebuild. Vitiate took the title Emperor, and is the Sith Emperor in SWTOR.

Edited by psychogobstopper
Fixed minor typographical errors.
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King Adas was the first Sith, the species obviously existed before him, but they took their name from a title they gave him "Sith'ari", so he was the first sith. Oh and he was evil.





The first force weilder is more problematic, it probably a celestial, since they created the force. Followed by the force entity "Father", who sired "Son" and "daughter". The first mortal weilder was probably someone on Tython, but it might have been a Rakata, or even some species long forgotten.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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The Sith were originally a near-humanoid species that evolved on the planet Korriban. They discovered the Force separately from the mainstream of galactic society, engaged in conflicts with both the Killiks and the Rakatan Infinite Empire, and founded a Sith Empire spanning many worlds. The first Emperor of this Sith Empire was named King Adas.


The Sith had sith alchemy. Dark Jedi (losers of the jedi civil war) exiles fleeing there and subsquently being worshipped as gods and interbreeding with the natives is what gave them their force prowess and created what we know as the modern 'Sith', if I remember correctly.

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The Sith had sith alchemy. Dark Jedi (losers of the jedi civil war) exiles fleeing there and subsquently being worshipped as gods and interbreeding with the natives is what gave them their force prowess and created what we know as the modern 'Sith', if I remember correctly.


The original Sith species were already gifted in the Force, long before the Fallen Jedi got to Korriban.

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specifically who/what was the original sith, was he evil or good. Who was the first force wielder. I love lore and know alot about star wars but i can't find a youtube video on specifically the first sith lord.

Earliest known Force-users are Celestials perhaps.


The original Sith are natives of Korriban; an ancient species. Most notable individual of this species is King Adas who rebelled against the Rakatans, successfully evicting them from the Korriban planet.


In the aftermath of the event known as "Force Wars," some Dark Jedi took refuge in Korriban and founded a Sith Empire there (the first one):-



When the exiled dark Jedi landed on Korriban, they were greeted by clans of violent, Force-sensitive species known as the Sith. The Jedi impressed the Sith with powerful dark side feats. Soon, the Jedi were revered as gods, and the Sith served them as reverential slaves.


The Jedi remained on Korriban as months gave way to years. With vast resources and an obedient Sith army, the Jedi built a mighty civilization that formed the bedrock of the Sith Empire. Generations passed as the Jedi interbred with the Sith. Eventually the Jedi became indistinguishable from the Korriban natives. Together, they were known only as Sith - powerful dark side warriors and rulers of the Sith Empire. (SWTORE, Page 108)



The concept of "Sith Lord" emerged during this first Sith Empire.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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