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Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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Wow comparing plumbing with silicon... I guess you have it all figured out being that you fully grasp the conversation as opposed to cherry picking snippets of what was said and taking it out of context.


Sorry you were intimidated by vocabulary, why else would one make a statement regarding another's "pseudo-smart sounding words".... care to define what that actually is?




I am not going to list the the various downsides of mobile technology, the dumbing down of society with "smart" technology, the information is widely available and not written by me nor is it original thought.



There are always exceptions as you pointed out, and if you read you would of saw that I conceded in this as well several posts back.


So you make a ridiculous comment about smart phones doing away with critical thinking, get called out on it to back up that statement, and your response is "Google it"?


lol Way to deflect.

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Horrible idea. One of the few controls on the economy is logged in time. With missions available like that, things will massively inflate. Can we say 18 hrs a day of slicing? Think, bad.


I totally think it makes more sense to let the unemployed masses who have more time to log in to be able to control the virtual economy while not contributing to the real life economy.

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I totally think it makes more sense to let the unemployed masses who have more time to log in to be able to control the virtual economy while not contributing to the real life economy.


More subjective comments? You left out the retired, the wealthy, the self employed... the only ones entitled to affecting the in-game economy is in game players.


You speak using assumptions, you think the unemployed want to be out of work playing a game?


Maybe for you from your perspective, otherwise I can't see the logic behind your comment about people contributing to "real life economy". That's a big F you to thousands who are still laid off till this day against their will! Talk about being entitled!




Like another poster said, this is going to open the flood gates to inflate and ruin the economy by hacks (people) slicing all day. Then you factor in custom sdk on the android that will make the crafting automatic.


I never said goggle anything, yet I did imply that the information is out there already and it is not my original thought process, it's merely an observation from folks with eyes wide open. You claim an education but you fail to understand what quote marks indicate... that's right, more of that subjective entitlement. No matter what you are going to hear what you want to is what it comes down to.


Again you exhibit the entitled attitude that I speak of, if you want to know look it up, it's not my duty to inform nor spoon-feed you regardless of what your individual perspective indicates.


You can't put words in my mouth and I won't chase your red herring.

Edited by mamasee
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You're right. Being of the mind that I do not like this idea, I am looking at the cases that support my side. Much like you are. As to already being at a disadvantage, you are right again. I would/will be... to the very few using your method.


If I wanted this in a game, I would have stuck with one of the games that already offers it. It was part of the reason I decided to leave that game, and it is something I hope does not come to this game. Either it will or wont, and yes, at least to an extent, it will negatively affect my enjoyment of the game if it does. Just knowing it's there. I know that may seem petty, but there it is.


Once again, in my opinion, I don't want it here. Your's, you do. Only EA/BioWare really has any say, we can just make our cases.


You have your reasons for not wanting to use such a system, and there's nothing wrong with that. I was only pointing out that there is technically no trade-off of companions, as you suggested, if the person's intention was to be idle and make use of their game while not physically at their computers, since this current system allows it and supports it.


Whether the idea of an app comes to fruition or not doesn't affect me much, considering I'm already doing this by my own methods. I was actually more concerned to being fair about it. My method requires a bit more tech involved (although not too much if the correct app is used), and requires a little more effort to set up a server. I would say not everyone can do it, considering not everyone will want to leave their machines on all day at home, or work on server elements to make it work.


But those of us who can, will have an edge. By making an app for it, everyone will be on fair ground with the option available.


Time will tell what BW believes is the thing to do.

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More subjective comments? You left out the retired, the wealthy, the self employed... the only ones entitled to affecting the in-game economy is in game players.


You speak using assumptions, you think the unemployed want to be out of work playing a game?


Maybe for you from your perspective, otherwise I can't see the logic behind your comment about people contributing to "real life economy". That's a big F you to thousands who are still laid off till this day against their will! Talk about being entitled!




Like another poster said, this is going to open the flood gates to inflate and ruin the economy by hacks (people) slicing all day. Then you factor in custom sdk on the android that will make the crafting automatic.


I never said goggle anything, yet I did imply that the information is out there already and it is not my original thought process, it's merely an observation from folks with eyes wide open. You claim an education but you fail to understand what quote marks indicate... that's right, more of that subjective entitlement. No matter what you are going to hear what you want to is what it comes down to.


Again you exhibit the entitled attitude that I speak of, if you want to know look it up, it's not my duty to inform nor spoon-feed you regardless of what your individual perspective indicates.


You can't put words in my mouth and I won't chase your red herring.


lol I'm highly amused that you consider yourself so much more enlightened than the rest of us.


And for your constant use of the word "entitlement" -

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I totally think it makes more sense to let the unemployed masses who have more time to log in to be able to control the virtual economy while not contributing to the real life economy.



Time spent online = > % of luck

Crafting and crew missions in SWTOR are not skills, it is not a grind, and it is not a active role a player takes on in the game.


Crew Skills are passive farming.


I equate Crew Skills to that of Farmville - Where someone presses a button to drop(plant, etc.), then comes back at a set time later and presses the same button to pickup(harvest, etc.)


The argument is that - people that are playing on a Gaming capable PC should be the only ones with the ability to Farmville. I'll end and answer with an analogy:


Dude A and Dude B both want Lasagna for dinner.


Dude A has no money, but has time.

Dude B has money, but no time.


Dude B buys the Lasagna, and asks Dude A to cook it.

Dude A turns the oven on, and sets the timer.

Dude B wants good Lasagna, so calls Dude A around when the timer goes off to be sure Dude A takes out the Lasagna.


How does this relate to the thread?

Dude A is a tool

Dude B is a manager

They both benefit.

Dude A would still be a tool if Dude B wasn't there, and the Dudes both wouldn't have Lasagna.


Nuff said.

Edited by nicosharp
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So basicly what those that want this truly want is the option to control the companions of 8 characters per server at the same time nonstop. A goldsellers wet dream for sure.


Do you really think Bioware would go with this? They might as well have given each character unlimited crew skills and let companions do multiple missions at the exact same time... sorry, but this whole idea sounds so terribly thought out it makes my head hurt.


Heck if they would include this I would quit not because it ruins the market, which it does, but it would prove that Bioware consists of total fruitcakes, which I don't believe since they gave us awesome games.

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So basicly what those that want this truly want is the option to control the companions of 8 characters per server at the same time nonstop. A goldsellers wet dream for sure.


Do you really think Bioware would go with this? They might as well have given each character unlimited crew skills and let companions do multiple missions at the exact same time... sorry, but this whole idea sounds so terribly thought out it makes my head hurt.


Heck if they would include this I would quit not because it ruins the market, which it does, but it would prove that Bioware consists of total fruitcakes, which I don't believe since they gave us awesome games.


You would still be logged into your account and accessing your character. There is no way to have multiple instances of characters up, and that would not be the case with this tool. There would obviously be loading time involved with an app, just like with the game.


If someone wants to ruin the economy of a game, they put in a passive crafting system.. oh wait..

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You would still be logged into your account and accessing your character. There is no way to have multiple instances of characters up, and that would not be the case with this tool. There would obviously be loading time involved with an app, just like with the game.


If someone wants to ruin the economy of a game, they put in a passive crafting system.. oh wait..


The loading time would be far less than ingame and before you know it someone makes an app to automate the whole damn thing. Want to play a game? Play the freakin game! You can already send out companions for longer missions when you log off, you can already send unused companions off nonstop while playing the game and still you guys want more.

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The loading time would be far less than ingame and before you know it someone makes an app to automate the whole damn thing. Want to play a game? Play the freakin game! You can already send out companions for longer missions when you log off, you can already send unused companions off nonstop while playing the game and still you guys want more.


Of course we want more.

Nothing is ever perfect.

Everything is Amazing and no one is happy.

I had to wait for 1minute this morning while on public transportation for my news to load on my phone.

I didn't order my Xmas gifts online in time for free-shipping.

Lots of problems, and crew skills are one.

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You would still be logged into your account and accessing your character. There is no way to have multiple instances of characters up, and that would not be the case with this tool. There would obviously be loading time involved with an app, just like with the game.


If someone wants to ruin the economy of a game, they put in a passive crafting system.. oh wait..


You do not have to access them all at the same time to exploit this app and it would be the gold sellers doing the exploitation. Its bad enough we had them spamming before the official launch but this would make it so much worse.


Before i start I am making base assumptions because i do not have a lvl 50 toon yet.


Lets say i have 8 lvl 50 toons on one server and each has 5 companions and i have one I Phone with said app. To maximize credits per time sink i would first figure out how long it takes me to use the app to tell one companion to do one mission. With the app i takes me lets say 30 seconds to get on and tell one companion to do a mission. It would take me a total of 20 minutes to cycle though all 40 companions to telling them to do one mission each. I then get on my computer and look up 20 minute missions and above and figure out which one gives me the most for my time invested. After doing this i find out that the 30 minute missions give me the most credits and i do those.


Now lets say those 30 minute missions give on average 5,000 credits each. That would be 200,000 credits every 30 minutes. Lets say i do this for 8 hours. I would then make 3.2 mill a day. At 8 USD per 10k of credits i just made $2,560 in one day.


even if each mission only gave 2,500 credits each i still made 1.6 mill or $1,280 USD in one day. lets even say that each mission only made me 1,250 credits each that's still 800,000 credits at $640 USD. Even with that kind of income i am making 4,480 a week, 17,920 a month and 215,040 USD a year at the low end and $860,160 at the high end.


And we wonder why people sell "gold"........


But be my guest and support something like this.

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How is logging in through my phone any different than logging in through remote desktop? Your logic is flawed.


It's easier and you can do it from almost anywhere.


As cool an idea as this seems, it would totally flood the market(s).

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It's easier and you can do it from almost anywhere.


As cool an idea as this seems, it would totally flood the market(s).


Agreed. This is a good idea but has bad practical side-affects. if you thought the market was bad now..... if they implemented something like this it would be much worse and everyone would be 400 crafting in a week or less..


No thank you

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Basicly yes people with smart phones want this so they can get a leg up on the competion.. and perhaps lose their jobs during work.



This is a computer game people. Not an iphone app.


The WOW app had no affect on gameplay it only let you use the auction house which yes lets you get deals on thing.. but it didn't AUTO craft for you. Which is essentially what crew skills are.


You want to be able to bot it from work every 15 min where on the computer you have to log over toons and its just time wasting to do that every few minutes even managing 2 characters. So here give me an app that by passes all that.


Sorry if it was gonna happen they should have given me it in my collectors edition as well.

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It's easier and you can do it from almost anywhere.


As cool an idea as this seems, it would totally flood the market(s).


You don't understand. I am ALREADY doing this via the LogMeIn Ignition app on my phone. Right now, I have a major advantage over you and other people that aren't. Making it an app would be easier than the way I'm doing it now and it would be more fair for everyone else that isn't as tech savvy, thus leveling the playing field.

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You don't understand. I am ALREADY doing this via the LogMeIn Ignition app on my phone. Right now, I have a major advantage over you and other people that aren't. Making it an app would be easier than the way I'm doing it now and it would be more fair for everyone else that isn't as tech savvy, thus leveling the playing field.


Guess that is my only resort.


It is because of people that fear the negative implications of things that half the products, technology and features that could already be available in today's market, do not exist. (Don't get me wrong, there are positives to over-thinking, and fearing the worse, but sometimes people do over analyze the repercussions)


Yes, there is a advantage to not allow a large smart phone user group craft during off times, because they would not be artificially inflating the "market". I can tell you right now, at least for the server I am on. The AH "market" is super cheap (at least on my server). Cheap enough for me to buy a full set of uber gear for me and 3 friends and all of our blue/purple craftable missions, and that is with very limited play so far.


People are already using the crew missions system in this way. I am just trying to make it more accessible to others that want the same advantage.


My personal use of a App like this would be sporadic - I'd say once every 30minutes for perhaps 3-4 hours of the day, and then once every 2 hours for 8 hours of the day. Then maybe squeeze in 4 hours of real game time.


At the highest level, that is 8X3 + 4x3 = 36 extra missions per day per character. (minus probably 8 of those, as I would do the same at home idling.)

For me, personally, I would be hard-pressed to try to use this for multiple characters as it would be too time consuming, and would be more than an app to me.


If something like this really got out of hand the only thing BioWare would need to do is limit the missions that can be run on a particular character, or have missions go on a 24hr timer.

Edited by nicosharp
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I didn't put the mini-game in SWTOR. 2 button "crafting" is going to be farmed.


Does BioWare want to openly accept that and make changes to the system to either prevent it, help others access it, or further limit what can be farmed in a single day?


We will see... Its already being exploited by people with far more time than me, that I rather not be negatively effected by in the future. I want some of the advantages the 20hr no-lifer has, even if I don't have even 10 hrs to keep up with them.

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Desktop remote control programs do the trick just fine, as someone else pointed out. GoToMy PC, Pocket Cloud, etc. Graphics are horrible and you get maybe 1 FPS, but it does work great for missions/skills. I did several missions this way with my ipad, on a road trip.


Some folks mentioned discrimination... that is plain silly. Life is unfair and always will be. There are people that can't affort to buy or subscribe to the game. There are some that don't have a PC or laptop to play it on. I feel sorryf or them, but in no way do I think EA needs to make the game free and donate laptops, so as to make the world a fair place.


More than a crew skill app or web site, I would rather do like Eve Online and allow a queue system to stack up 48 hours or more of jobs, so you have time for a vacation, work day, date night, etc, and not have to worry about falling behind your buddies that do nothing but play 24/7. Took Eve years to get it right, but they finally did. I expect we will see something like it within a year.

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So being able to install the game on my laptop so I can do crew skills on vacation discriminates against those without laptops too right? (And that is what I really am doing)


Flawed logic is flawed.


It's also not logic :) I agree... where is this presumption of entitlement to equal leveling opportunity and therefore the expectation of restraint upon others that might use a secondary means coming from? I guess the whole game itself discriminates against people who have jobs where they have to spend time doing things other than the game. It's not fair!!

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I just thought of this idea myself also it would be a great addition to the game, and actually makes sense because your sending your crew off to do tasks, Even when your offline.


So it would be something that everyone would welcome.


I'd love to see this happen.

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I didn't put the mini-game in SWTOR. 2 button "crafting" is going to be farmed.


Does BioWare want to openly accept that and make changes to the system to either prevent it, help others access it, or further limit what can be farmed in a single day?


We will see... Its already being exploited by people with far more time than me, that I rather not be negatively effected by in the future. I want some of the advantages the 20hr no-lifer has, even if I don't have even 10 hrs to keep up with them.


People who think anybody who plays a game 20 hours a week has no life should be culled from society.


And LOL at you for calling it "exploiting" to have more playtime than you do. Honestly, if you don't have enough time in a week to play as much as you want to play, it sounds like you're the one with the crap life.

Edited by DustomaticGXC
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