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Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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Would love to dork around with crew missions when I am not able to log in.


What this app should be able to do:

-Sync with your character by log-in through the phone app

-View the Crew skills panel, or a version of it for the character you are synced to.

-View missions for crew skills

-Send companions on missions for crew skills

-Limited Character Inventory panel (right click for opening items, and to reverse engineer)

-Ability to accept mission rewards


Anyone Savvy enough to create this? I'd pay for it.


I already do this on my iPhone via Remote Desktop connection. Granted it's not as easy or quick if there was an app for it, but until they decide to make an app, this ability is technically already available to anyone with a smartphone, particularly Droid or iPhones.


As is, I just log onto my home server (or laptop) remotely and every several minutes or so, I'd have my companion do something. Works great at work when you can have intervals of minutes of free time, and particularly when a mission is 20min +. Their method for farming is excellent for this process!


Cons would be that frame rate can be quite horrendous, and a bit slow, so obviously you really can't do much else, other than click your companion to farm/craft. And it may be detrimental to your dataplan, depending how often you connect and how long you stay on. Not a problem if you have wifi access.


Other than that, it's been working great =).


And of course, don't do this while you're driving!

Edited by Lazorous
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doesn't your crafting level up?


allowing people to log in without really playing is taking up server space. if you think the queue's are long now think how bad it would be if this were implemented.


I do this already, remotely from my Phone. I paid for the game, and I'm paying for the subscription. I will log in to farm, and not "really play", as much as I please.

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And that is their choice. But then they can't complain about things that are released on those devices they choose not to buy.


actually they can. that's what discussions boards are for. lay down the positives and negative views of any topic.


i wouldn't care if they did it as long as it doesn't affect the queues by having each away player being logged in.


i do have two smartphones - one sprint and i got on verizon just to lock in unlimited data in case i ever decide to switch. so not being able to afford isn't a problem for me... fortunately.


little OT, but sometimes i do feel bad that i'm able to afford a few luxuries when some of the girl's on my daughter's cheerleading team couldn't afford to come up with $5 to pay for a pizza party a few weeks ago. my wife and i paid for the girl's pizzas and left the adults to pay for their own - you'd be amazed at how much pizza 6-11 yr old girls eat! 4 of them had half a freakin large pizza each! half her team is pretty chunky!

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For some reason this sounds like a horrible idea to me and lead to over flooding of materials on the GTN. It also discriminates against people who do not have a phone that can use the app.


While I hate this idea, this is not the argument I would have used.



My issue stems from the fact I think you should be logged into a game to play it. Why do you really need to be able to farm, use the GTN (I know, not asking for this..... yet), or anything else game related (not counting the forums) when you are not at your computer? While I could easily afford this, I am so far against it that the thought wouldn't even cross my mind to sub to it.

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i am in full support of this. It in fact seemlessly blends well with the companion crafting system in place and should not be too difficult to manage. Also that said i hope an armory of some kind will be in place soon so i can view my toon while im not able to log on (i.e. from work, shh dont tell my boss)
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aw heck, now people are gonna start looking into how to set up a vnc server:p


Depending on the app, you actually don't need to. For example, the iPhone app called "Jump Desktop", powered by google, only requires that you install a small application on your system. It securely connects your system to your google credentials, and from that you can easily connect to your desktop through phone. It will securely bypass all the complications of your router and firewall setups.


Now, the drawback to this whole thing is if you have Windows 7 Home edition, you don't get to directly remote in. But this app will offer an alternative called "Secure Screen Sharing". It works but is ridiculously slower than an RDP connection. But, for those who are patient, it will suffice just for this process.


Now this particular app isn't free. But depending on the costs and headaches for someone to create their own vnc server, it may be a better option.

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While I hate this idea, this is not the argument I would have used.



My issue stems from the fact I think you should be logged into a game to play it. Why do you really need to be able to farm, use the GTN (I know, not asking for this..... yet), or anything else game related (not counting the forums) when you are not at your computer? While I could easily afford this, I am so far against it that the thought wouldn't even cross my mind to sub to it.


The question is, why not? The current farming/crafting system requires that you be without your companion for x minutes. Some can be up to an hour or more. It's not a system that requires you to be at location and hammer things out on an anvil. It was meant so you could send a companion out to do your bidding, and then you can do whatever you like, including just sitting there and doing nothing.


Even as is, people usually have their companions out doing something when they log out for the day.


It's really to make the best out of your character, for those who are interested. My char can make money while I'm at work, and it doesn't require me to be consistently doing an action. Then when I get home, I can focus on questing more than I need to farming.


The system is there to use. Just because you don't find a use for it, doesn't mean others won't.

Edited by Lazorous
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doesn't your crafting level up?


allowing people to log in without really playing is taking up server space. if you think the queue's are long now think how bad it would be if this were implemented.


First of all, Skills in EvE level your toon.. that IS how you level. Skills in Swtor do not. Stop comparing apples to oranges - it shows how badly you're grasping at straws to refute a legitimate concept.


Secondly, you obviously have no clue how networking/sessions are handled if you think live log in players are going to share a queue with an API. This will not affect queue times for live players.


The sheer amount of incomprehensible fail logic is overwhelming.

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The question is, why not? The current farming/crafting system requires that you be without your companion for x minutes. Some can be up to an hour or more. It's not a system that requires you to be at location and hammer things out on an anvil. It was meant so you could send a companion out to do your bidding, and then you can do whatever you like, including just sitting there and doing nothing.


Even as is, people usually have their companions out doing something when they log out for the day.


It's really to make the best out of your character, for those who are interested. My char can make money while I'm at work, and it doesn't require me to be consistently do anything. Then when I get home, I can focus on questing more than I need to farming.


The system is there to use. Just because you don't find a use for it, doesn't mean others won't.


As of right now, you have to give something up to gather/craft. No, not credits, but added DPS/survivability. Yes, you can send your companions off before you log, and I do this. Hoever, only one gather quest each, or upto 5 crafts each. You are limited. This allows people to keep thier companions at all times, and then just craft/gather when they can't play. No trade off.

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As of right now, you have to give something up to gather/craft. No, not credits, but added DPS/survivability. Yes, you can send your companions off before you log, and I do this. Hoever, only one gather quest each, or upto 5 crafts each. You are limited. This allows people to keep thier companions at all times, and then just craft/gather when they can't play. No trade off.


First off, this is only assuming you're out questing. As I said, people can send their companions off and then go afk. This is essentially no different than remoting on, or via an app, from a smartphone or other computer. Even locally, some people could be doing their homework, offsite work, or just watching a show/movie and can easily do all that I just mentioned. Again, this system works well for people just being idle, and people will have different uses for it, and different methods to go about it. Try thinking outside the box.


Additionally, it's my understanding that when you get more companions, you can have them farm while you have your primary companion with you to quest. In that case, no trade off there either. Also keep in mind, people in groups of 4, or in PvP, will be sending out their companions without any trade off. Basically, your trade-off point is moot.

Edited by Lazorous
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No thanks, this would destroy the market. And if this gets through they might as well remove crew skills and send everyone X amount of credits in the mail everyday. You have to be playing the game to actually make money, period.


Destroy the market? pfft...


Some dude trained his 11 yr old kid to do crew skills for him when he is busy... (some post the guy made about slicing on a slicing thread here)


I don't have slave labor at home (wife does not count cause she owns me). Basically for all of the chumps with no jobs and home all day great for them. I have to work to pay for my gaming habits/mortgage/wife - a app on my smart phone is a convenience I could take advantage of that enhances my gaming experience.


The way the crafting system currently works, I don't see a down-side of offering a accessible app for this game. Other games, I can see a down-side.

Edited by nicosharp
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Destroy the market? pfft...


Some dude trained his 11 yr old kid to do crew skills for him when he is busy... (some post the guy made about slicing on a slicing thread here)


I don't have slave labor at home (wife does not count cause she owns me). Basically for all of the chumps with no jobs and home all day great for them. I have to work to pay for my gaming habits/mortgage/wife - a app on my smart phone is a convenience I could take advantage of that enhances my gaming experience.


The way the crafting system currently works, I don't see a down-side of offering a accessible app for this game. Other games, I can see a down-side.





Good post. I feel the same. Wish I could set it up as an app or browser expansion. What is convenient is splashtop from ipad to desktop back at home, works fine too but a designated app would definitely be an improvement.

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Yes please. Give me a phone/browser app so I don't have to be logged into the game all day taking up a queue spot. I'm just sitting in the cantina doing crafting/gathering missions. No need for me to actually be *in* game to do this.


An app that only does crafting does not necessarily need to take up a queue space.


Connecting remotely from a phone to your desktop and running the game only to do crafting, will take up a queue space. And that's what I'm currently doing while there is no actual app for it.


So your point is?

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