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PvP tanks in 2.0 and beyond?


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I recently came back and ground out my PT to 55. I was pretty excited about the fact that shields were finally being enacted in a sensible manner, and wanted to enjoy tanking again.


Unfortunately, I didn't realize just how badly the stats for absorb and shielding had been reduced. I lost 25% of my absorb and 18% shielding. I realize they also adjusted other values; critical is a good example of that. On paper it looks like a balance. Until you factor in the sheer number of opportunities to critically hit a target and the bonus damage that critical hit does. Adding in the fact that there are a couple of classes that get strong critical hit bonuses, or even automatic critical hits on high damage attacks, and it doesn't look as balanced to me.


What about the other tanks out there? How do you feel about how they've changed the PvP capabilities of your classes? I imagine Jugg/Guards are pretty happy with the new tank cooldown they picked up. Sins I'm not so sure about, as it is more of an escape. Even so tactically applied it's a real nice move. Shoulder cannon is..... eh....


So it boils down to the tanks; what do you think of this change and how are you coping to make your performance matter?

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Tanks are fully darn good spot atm. I wouldn't overthink it.


Maybe not. I like the idea of my shield being better, but I take more damage than ever. I usually end up soaking 600k damage on my tank alone. With a healer= awesome. Without a healer... crap. Buuuut my protection is pretty sweet with a healer that mixes it up with deeps.

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Maybe not. I like the idea of my shield being better, but I take more damage than ever. I usually end up soaking 600k damage on my tank alone. With a healer= awesome. Without a healer... crap. Buuuut my protection is pretty sweet with a healer that mixes it up with deeps.


See the deal is that they made some awesome changes to shield/absorb. It negates everything except white damage, so defense should be at around 20%, otherwise higher than that will show diminishing returns. I rolled a vanguard tank for the double XP weekend (haven't updated my sig and I'm too lazy to do so :p) and let me tell you. They are easily the tanks with the absolute highest survivability. However quickly you think you see yourself drop in PvP, just imagin dropping faster on a sin or jugg. Your utility is great for choke points like the doors in voidstar, or the bridges in voidstar. Your Oil Slick slows people by 70% and reduces their accuracy by 30%... For 15 seconds!!! That juggernaut or guardian looking to leap to someone in Huttball? Grapple their little butt back down. You, my friend, are an incredible tanking class for PvP. Don't forget that.

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To be honest I would rather like to know how to kill-off such tanks, because for me as DPS in PVP i just keep on pounding damage and the health bar does not even decrease. I can kill other players quite quickly, but tanks are a problem.


I mainly hate this in Huttball, where no matter what we do, the sith Tanks just slowly cross the line with the ball. We can only slow them down. I really do not know what to do against tanks in this case!!

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Juggs/Guardian tanks are more durable then PT, more CD, friendly leap, armor debuff aoe, increased speed when guarded target is attacked, push+rejump for da ball.

but PT's are fun to play (so I'm running PT tank), taunt is better (arguable, as Jugg/Guardian/Shadow/Sin aoe taunt puts stealthers to combat for example - and juggs/guardians gives small shield bubble to all friends) as it expands from target (so you don't need to be close to guy who just got jumped by 3 smashers - oh da medals).

pull is nice with 3 sec stun for a carrier to die in fire.

stealth scan... shoulder cannon... 6 sec movment immunity on only 30 sec CD.


you won't regret doing PT tank. remember about shoulder cannon, it stops caps when you'r mezzed/stunned on 10 m range.

only thing I don't like on her, is Voidstar attack.. I feel so usless... yeah, I can guard a healer and throw a taunt and some debuffs, it gets better when we actualy are capping doors - stealth scan (with 3 sec stun) and aoe mezz + oil slick, but not many things to shine on voidstar attack - I often end up just spamming capping so enemy triest to kill me and my dps have more freedom of attacking.

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I posted a thread about where's my Tank "spammable" move.. and people pointed out taunts and guard. I didn't mean. group affect I meant self spams. Yes, I know about blade barrier and riposte but...I just don't feel "tanky" when healers heal from 1million..and dps can also get those numbers occassionaly.


In my mind 1v1..with a balance skill bar.. DPS VS TANK.. should be equal. In that we both can kill each other. PVP definitely favors DPS kills..so that people die and have to respawn..not remain alive.


There are time when Im guarding and a shadow or smasher comes to me...and I get taken. I consider myself an average pvp'r...I have gear already..and dps still hits me for 4-5k moves consecutively. Meanwhile, I do 1k-2k hits.

My really "good" tank self defense moves are on 3min cooldown.. Imagine as a healer or dps...not being able to AOE heal or Shadowstrike/assassin for 3mins.


I don't think I'm asking for much.. If my gear is supposed to be my "tank" stuff.. I feel it's not doing a great job of mitigation.


Yeah, I supposed if I were to really study I might be able to increase my survivability another 20-30%...but that still doesn't cover what I'm talking about.


Let's talk about "expertise". If you look, DPS get 60% increase of damage against and "unexpertie" player of same level. Healers get 30%boost, but defense only gets a 30% boost( or something in that area) for 2000K+ expertise. DPS if it were really fair and balance should also only get a 30% boost(Plus stat boost ability just like tank/healeres).


What I'm saying is without a healer, I feel like a wet paper bag. Unlike, in PVE where I feel like what i'm supposed to be a tank. I throw myself in the middle of 5-7 mobs and can stand there attacks for quite a bit. IN PVE i'd be dead in 10secs... if that.

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Coveii: compared to dps, we live long. we are healers 'pet', his second HP pool so he can heal longer, we stun who's attacking him, marking other healers, etc.

in 1 vs 1 you'r not supposed to kill dps, but stop caps, and hold the line long enouth for support to come in.

There is a job each tank is best at. Jugg is best at surviving, sin is best at node holding (if we add mezz to 'time spent stopping from capping' - where PT and jugg have to take them in their face) while PT is better at supporting and mezz cap stopping (cannon).


specially since they buffed shield effect (at same time nerfing statistics, but since crit chance had it toll too, it's not such a big problem).


and don't forget our most frequent CD, oil slick. one min CD, 15 sec duration, -30% to enemy accuracy (combined with redobout relic) you should live long enouth to hold 2 dps stealthers who jumped on you, so team can come to support. (and mass mezz)

it's a team sport. every one has it's place.


edit:every time you feel down and not needed for team, go and read *nerf* threads on how people slap about immortal healer-tank combo. You are half of that combo, feel good about your self :)

Edited by Atramar
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I can take a ton of damage on my Vanguard tank. It's not hard to get 400k protection if you guard a healer who is competent. You can really help a lot with taunt and guard plus the amount of passive mitigation that PT/VG's have.


Protection isn the problem, it's how vulnerable VG are to RNG, also VG have the least CDs and no protection agaisnt internal/elemental damage. Also BW removed 6% shield rating out of the VG tank tree, VG now have the least shield chance of any tank.


As for passive mitigation, the 2.0 buff to jugg tanks puts them nearly on par with VG passive mitigation, plus the jugg tank talent such as sonic barrier are more effective than VG absorb rating buffs in PvP environments


I'm pretty sure all of the OP concerns will be nullified if he rolls a guardian or jugg, and sadly im not really exaggerating

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