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Combat Logs are coming! Damage meters & analysis soon to follow!


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Guess people dont understand these are necessary for class balancing. Kinda hard for community to give feedback on their class if they dont even know how much damage they are doing or taking or how much healing they are doing.


You know, I'm not crazy about the whole damage meter idea, mainly because I don't want this to become what WoW has become for me, a game about numbers and min-maxing, it sucked all the fun right out of it. But this is an excellent point, the community cannot give feedback on balance issues without it.

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Define succeed- Did our flashpoint/operation drag on for hours because somebody refuses to use damage meters/addons or did we replace them with a competent player who took a few simple steps to prove they can add something to the group and we had a smooth run?


Guilds already do this, without a meter. It takes longer and requires more involvement than simply seeing if the X value is high enough, though. Raid leaders used to have class officers for just this purpose. But hey, we found a new way to do the same except we don't have to expend any effort to vet our players, we just use blanket criteria (like he doesn't exceed X dps or she doesn't have Y talent).


I realize that meters are just a symptom, not a cause, of the GOGOGO instant gratification communities that MMOs have become. Players don't want to spend any amount of time creating a successful raid, and meters provide the means to class potential raid members without actually expending any time or effort. You just reduce all players to a single number, and pick the highest.


I just don't look forward to it.

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I hope it will come soon!!


I dont care about casuals / RP's / Force Believers ....


If people wants to slack / Feel the force / Think they are doing the best of the best for the group without real datas, they can group/guild with "anti parsers". That's all :)



The parser users usually runs.. with guild, so they optimise.. the guildruns..



You dont like parsers? Then you wont like to run with "parsermens" just as "parsermens" wont like to run with you :)


Two separate worlds on the same game, there's place for everyone!




Edited by Zaraflagiraf
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I would rather have logs/analyses so that they can create content that is a bit more challenging. If you only create content that is doable without people in the group having a clue about individual/group performance, then that content is a joke.
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If the game implements combat logs, only the people who actively understand parsing software will be able to utilize it. Rift was plenty of an example of this; bads were still bads because most people are too stupid to configure a parsing program, even if they follow directions step-by-step.


Those that took several hours to learn, experiment, and use parsing programs correctly reaped the benefits. Your average mouth-breather tried for 15 minutes, gave up, and still sucked at the game while crying for DPS meters on the forums. Why? Because to them, Recount was just a window that showed your DPS. They never even bothered to figure out the full extent of what it did, or why people still kicked them because it showed that they never target swapped.


Parsing is not the devil most people assume it to be.

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Let all the whining end! It is over, we're getting combat logs and with that, the ability to parse and analyze the data.


Source: http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcasts/fan_sum_02_qa_georg_zoeller.mp3


EDIT: Dropbox suspended my public links because you guys downloaded that file too much. lol




The whining will never stop :(

Edited by RollingDeep
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for anyone that is complaining about there being combat logs you are probably doing that because you dont want anyone to see how bad you are. anyone that wants to do endgame stuff is gona want to know how they themselves and their group as a whole are doing.
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for anyone that is complaining about there being combat logs you are probably doing that because you dont want anyone to see how bad you are. anyone that wants to do endgame stuff is gona want to know how they themselves and their group as a whole are doing.


I always had excellent DPS (and heals) in WoW and I have to admit, I LIKED people seeing my big numbers.


However, I still believe dps meters are massive killjoys that ruin games. They are like a cancer that has infected the gaming community... :rolleyes:

Edited by Saporah
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I always had excellent DPS (and heals) in WoW and I have to admit, I LIKED people seeing my big numbers.


However, I still believe dps meters are massive killjoys that ruin games. They are like a cancer that has infected the gaming community... :rolleyes:




In addition they ruined the learning curve of WOw, and now they will do the same to TOR. I still remember taking months to complete MC because we had to learn how to control things like agro using SKILL, not just reading a meter.


It's a terrible and lazy way to manage a raid...L2P your class and you'll be a much better gamer.

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In addition they ruined the learning curve of WOw, and now they will do the same to TOR. I still remember taking months to complete MC because we had to learn how to control things like agro using SKILL, not just reading a meter.


It's a terrible and lazy way to manage a raid...L2P your class and you'll be a much better gamer.


If anything they help to speed up the learning curve. If you don't have hard data to review it is more difficult to know how you are doing or where to improve.


Analogy: Not grading a test vs grading a test to see how much you are learning. Grading = meters.

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if high end game bosses in swtor will be focusing on movements reaction / team work / survive then i'm against meters addons and other raids tools tbh , BUT if devs decide to put DPS race bosses then meters addon is a must and needed . if you don't agree that mean you are the one who wasting other ppl time and does not want ppl to know about it .
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Let all the whining end! It is over, we're getting combat logs and with that, the ability to parse and analyze the data.


Source: http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcasts/fan_sum_02_qa_georg_zoeller.mp3


EDIT: Dropbox suspended my public links because you guys downloaded that file too much. lol




This is NOT new information. I've been on here trying to tell the whiners for weeks now that the log is on the way, and that parsers will not be far behind.


From: http://www.forcejunkies.com/2011/11/18/become-one-with-the-ui-part-1-tankdps/


Speaking of post launch, there’s one more feature I need to touch on, and that’s the combat log. At this last Fansite Summit, Georg Zoeller address the combat log, stating that it isn’t in SWTOR currently, but that it’s very high priority, and there’s a chance that it may make it in for launch. I hope so. A combat log is extremely useful for players. It helps players design specs, report bugs and feedback, and make the most of their characters in general.

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