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Best 1v1 Dueler class in 1v1 ("Melee only")


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I dont want to start another topic, so I ask here. What about Anni/Watchman Mara/Sent in 1vs1 fights? Can he stand against Vigilance Guardian? What class/spec is better for 1vs1 pvp: Annihilation Mara or Vigilance Guardian?


Anni/Watchman was THE best in the olden days before the slight nerf. IIRC the first ever winner of a player-organized tournament was a annihilation marauder. That was way back at something like v1.2.


As a rule of thumb, DoT-heavy classes are extremely advantageous in 1vs1 dueling scenarios, especially against melees. The one problem is that Jugg/Guardians are not just plain any ol' melees, but melees with the most various forms of control available in the game and tend to be extremely versatile.


It'd come down to how often and decisively the sent/mara would be able to "take enough time" and kite well enough... since the mainstay of anni/watchman is internal/elemental damage, that also helps immensely.


Still, I'd bet a 6:4 ... or maybe 5.5 : 4.5 advantage to the Jugg/Guardian. Unless you manage well enough to make him blow/waste major cooldowns without any real profit, its a tough fight. It also partially depends on whether you hit Pacify at the right timing or not -- since the power has "Master Strike/Ravage neuterer" written all over it.

Edited by kweassa
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Those who are saying Op healer have no IDEA cause sins are the OP healer killers lol, we open with a stun, do 10k damage, we stun again, do 10-12k more damage and THEN, GUESS WHAT, we stunn you again and do 15k damage, if all fails we cloak, use assasinate and our burst and do another 20k in the following 4.5s lol



STUN +6% damage

7k Discharge

2.5k Voltaic

2.5k Voltaic

7k Shock

7k Maul


7k Maul

7k (if assasinate is up) if not SLOW then ...



STUN + 6% damage

7k Discharge

7k Shock

7k Assainate


those op healers died a long time ago and love destroying them in match

Edited by WillHolmes
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What assassins pop recklessness and waste a charge on our hard stun? Also don't open with spike either even though it will proc dupicity, its best just to keep that in your back pocket for when the healer gets low and you can use your combat stealth+spike and go into maul then which will also reset your recklessness or get it close enough to off cooldown.
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What assassins pop recklessness and waste a charge on our hard stun? Also don't open with spike either even though it will proc dupicity, its best just to keep that in your back pocket for when the healer gets low and you can use your combat stealth+spike and go into maul then which will also reset your recklessness or get it close enough to off cooldown.


talking 1v1 situations, that 1st stun is spike, so it wont waste reklessness (our 3 stacks would be, discharge, shock and 1/2 shock)


outside of 1v1 yes id save the spike, BUT in 1v1 u want spike, lowslash, electrocute (all 3 fit inside resolve bar in this order)


edit ah yes 2nd recklessness with electocute, yea i hear ya but by that point id assume they died BEFORE i had to cloak to finish them off, thats more if i give someone time to heal most people are dead by the 2nd maul.

Edited by WillHolmes
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I dont want to start another topic, so I ask here. What about Anni/Watchman Mara/Sent in 1vs1 fights? Can he stand against Vigilance Guardian? What class/spec is better for 1vs1 pvp: Annihilation Mara or Vigilance Guardian?

Anni marauder hands down. But they have to be be properly geared. None of that pure power/surge and no crit crap.

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Annihilation will not beat an outstanding jedi shadow in a duel consistently. If you believe that annihilation will beat a jedi shadow easily after patch 2.0, then you obviously haven't dueled Shin'arika.


In all honesty duels are almost never consistent. But if you're saying that anni marauders can't beat shadows you couldn't be further from the truth. In my experience fighting "outstanding" shadows and sins as you put it, the fights are close, basically dependent on a lucky crit, or who makes the first mistake. That being said as an anni marauder the only 1v1 that would provide the greatest challenge would be another "outstanding" anni marauder, or watchmen sentinel.


Also shinawho?

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I guess this is really a duel thread but most people are dragging their warzone experiences for 1v1 into this thread . I mean how often do you really duel another player at 55 not in a warzone? I guess if you want bragging rights sure but does it really matter?


Been playing a deception shadow for the last 15 months. I played deep deception when it wasn't cool and now I still play it buffed up.


I don't ever really run into a healer guarding something solo in a warzone so I couldn't even really comment on how a op or sorc would do vs me but I tend to kill them pretty fast even when its not in a group and sometimes with them being guarded.


I thought a sorc speced properly would be really horrible to duel. Dots, slows, heals, and snares. I feel as if they would just wear me down so I tested it with a sorc buddy after I read this thread who was fully conq as I am. The fight did not go well for me with him winning 6 out of 10 duels. However he was also 100% aware of what was coming every time so in a wz environment with him guarding a node I feel I probably could have taken him out before he could react. I was just shocked at how hard he was to kill.


My sorc healer buddy stated it was easier to fight a sin in a duel because you know exactly what to expect. That when I realized "knowing" what was going to attack him negates much of the deception ambush. The only reason I mention this is because its a thread about dueling.


As for marauders/sents I call bullxhit on the deception shadow/sins who say they have 80% of their health up after a duel. I guess you are just playing really horrible marauders because the rated imp ones on Bastion will mess you up. I typically win vs a geared mara guarding a node but its very very close with me having about 10% health and almost having to reset the fight.

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talking 1v1 situations, that 1st stun is spike, so it wont waste reklessness (our 3 stacks would be, discharge, shock and 1/2 shock)


Spike consumes a stack of Recklessness. Don't believe me? Go into a WZ or on the training dummy and see for yourself.


I think if you play it well enough, Conceal Ops are the best melee 1v1. More control and mobility than the assassin and 2 different cleanses to battle Annihilation. That being said, Engineering Snipers bend over any melee class.

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In all honesty duels are almost never consistent. But if you're saying that anni marauders can't beat shadows you couldn't be further from the truth. In my experience fighting "outstanding" shadows and sins as you put it, the fights are close, basically dependent on a lucky crit, or who makes the first mistake. That being said as an anni marauder the only 1v1 that would provide the greatest challenge would be another "outstanding" anni marauder, or watchmen sentinel.


Also shinawho?


I am sorry but I have been playing a shadow since the beginning and no Marauder can win 1 v 1 against a infil Shadow, Not unless gear is a factor Shadows are the best 1 v 1 there is no denying it. However warzones aren't 1 v 1.

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As for marauders/sents I call bullxhit on the deception shadow/sins who say they have 80% of their health up after a duel. I guess you are just playing really horrible marauders because the rated imp ones on Bastion will mess you up. I typically win vs a geared mara guarding a node but its very very close with me having about 10% health and almost having to reset the fight.


Fighting bads, or people in warzones who don't have cooldowns/are already at low health are what account for these claims. See, in pvp an assassin may have the luxury of coming out of stealth with all of his cooldowns, but warriors don't. So they come and drop a spent player in a few seconds blowing all their cooldowns on a target which has none left, and consider that a duel.


I duel probably as much as I pvp, which is a lot. Personally I think everyone should, as it helps to keep you on your game. This guys claims are very much like concealment operatives I used to converse with who thought the same thing about their encounters with anni/watchmen. Fighting bads doesn't mean a thing. One thing I have to say to since transferring to a PVP server is I notice a lot of bad marauders/sentinels, and if this is the pool from which you've tested your theories on class vs class its no wonder you think you're so OP.


Spike consumes a stack of Recklessness. Don't believe me? Go into a WZ or on the training dummy and see for yourself.


I think if you play it well enough, Conceal Ops are the best melee 1v1. More control and mobility than the assassin and 2 different cleanses to battle Annihilation. That being said, Engineering Snipers bend over any melee class.


Cleanse won't save you, sorry bud. And snipers won't do any such thing, at least none that i've encountered so far and I've fought many. Thats actually one of the worse classes to duel with, if not the worse.


I am sorry but I have been playing a shadow since the beginning and no Marauder can win 1 v 1 against a infil Shadow, Not unless gear is a factor Shadows are the best 1 v 1 there is no denying it. However warzones aren't 1 v 1.


And i've been playing anni/watchmen since the beginning, and I'm telling you you're wrong. Simple as that. The only shadow/sin who was capable of besting us 9/10 times was the old kinetic/darkness hybrid before it got nerfed. If anything you guys would have a better chance of killing us in a warzone, than in an actual duel since you can at least catch us without cooldowns there. But a duel? Can't beat infil/decept spec? Lol don't kid yourself.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Fighting bads, or people in warzones who don't have cooldowns/are already at low health are what account for these claims. See, in pvp an assassin may have the luxury of coming out of stealth with all of his cooldowns, but warriors don't. So they come and drop a spent player in a few seconds blowing all their cooldowns on a target which has none left, and consider that a duel.


since transferring to a PVP server is I notice a lot of bad marauders/sentinels, and if this is the pool from which you've tested your theories on class vs class its no wonder you think you're so OP.


You are either a troll or confused at quoting me. I said Maras were close fights not that I am OP. Plus you kind of lost all credibility on these forums when you said "since transferring to a PVP server." which implies your opinion doesn't really matter.

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You are either a troll or confused at quoting me. I said Maras were close fights not that I am OP. Plus you kind of lost all credibility on these forums when you said "since transferring to a PVP server." which implies your opinion doesn't really matter.


How so? Because I had to have originated from a pvp server to know how to play my class? You do realize the level of play is no different from that of any other server right? You said that marauders can't beat a shadow/sin specced into infil/deception. I'm telling you you're wrong. But perhaps now from your point of view, we can both share the same boat since you never had any credibility to begin with.

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You are either a troll or confused at quoting me. I said Maras were close fights not that I am OP. Plus you kind of lost all credibility on these forums when you said "since transferring to a PVP server." which implies your opinion doesn't really matter.


Don't really understand why the opinion would be mute because they transferred to a PvP server. The difference between PvP servers and non-PvP servers is that players are tagged for PvP in contested zones, but the skill level of players varies just like on every other server.


Marauders are good in 1v1 scenarios, but the thing is that Assasins are a lot more versatile. For defending nodes Assasins are able to delay the enemy a lot longer than a Marauder, and if they get to open up on them, which they most likely will, their insane burst should bring the enemy down. Not to mention their own defensive CD and Force Shroud.


Marauder vs Assasin scenario mainly depends on the individual skill of the players involved, but most 1v1s do. It's actually nice that the PvP model is closer to gear>skill>class than gear>class>skill.

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Cleanse won't save you, sorry bud. And snipers won't do any such thing, at least none that i've encountered so far and I've fought many. Thats actually one of the worse classes to duel with, if not the worse.


Hey, don't be sorry. I don't even have a 55 operative (mine's 45.) I do have a 55 marauder and assassin, and was trying to kind of 'thought experiment' how that fight would play out. I imagine it'd be really tough on the mara. I'm okay with potentially being wrong. I've only dueled one really good conceal op, and that was on my Sin (and I won 2 out of 3.) As for the sniper comment, I'm willing to bet its you who haven't fought many good ones or fight them in WZs where they're unprepared or have CDs down. For real, an engineering sniper in a duel will make you hate playing melee. Too much control, too much mobility, too many defensive CDs, too much AoE and god help you if you step on their stacked cluster bombs without Undying Rage on because there goes half your HP. Oh, and their Evasion removes your dots, too. It's pretty stupid.

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Don't really understand why the opinion would be mute because they transferred to a PvP server. The difference between PvP servers and non-PvP servers is that players are tagged for PvP in contested zones, but the skill level of players varies just like on every other server.


Marauders are good in 1v1 scenarios, but the thing is that Assasins are a lot more versatile. For defending nodes Assasins are able to delay the enemy a lot longer than a Marauder, and if they get to open up on them, which they most likely will, their insane burst should bring the enemy down. Not to mention their own defensive CD and Force Shroud.


Marauder vs Assasin scenario mainly depends on the individual skill of the players involved, but most 1v1s do. It's actually nice that the PvP model is closer to gear>skill>class than gear>class>skill.


Well said.



Hey, don't be sorry. I don't even have a 55 operative (mine's 45.) I do have a 55 marauder and assassin, and was trying to kind of 'thought experiment' how that fight would play out. I imagine it'd be really tough on the mara. I'm okay with potentially being wrong. I've only dueled one really good conceal op, and that was on my Sin (and I won 2 out of 3.) As for the sniper comment, I'm willing to bet its you who haven't fought many good ones or fight them in WZs where they're unprepared or have CDs down. For real, an engineering sniper in a duel will make you hate playing melee. Too much control, too much mobility, too many defensive CDs, too much AoE and god help you if you step on their stacked cluster bombs without Undying Rage on because there goes half your HP. Oh, and their Evasion removes your dots, too. It's pretty stupid.


I've fought a lot of concealment ops, including the best ones on my server in duels, had some really good duels. Won some, lost some. Also played one, because initially I had trouble with them before I knew how to effectively respond to them. (which is why I'm very big on duels)


As for the sniper, I'm open to being proven wrong. Just citing my experience so far. I wouldn't judge it on warzones myself as thats hardly a fair environment for a 1v1, I've actually dueled snipers in all 3 specs which is where I made my claims from. Though you are correct the amount of mobility is greater on the engineer, there are ways to account for that. I wouldn't even try to claim they aren't annoying in warzones though as they always seem to catch me at the wrong time.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Spike consumes a stack of Recklessness. Don't believe me? Go into a WZ or on the training dummy and see for yourself.


I think if you play it well enough, Conceal Ops are the best melee 1v1. More control and mobility than the assassin and 2 different cleanses to battle Annihilation. That being said, Engineering Snipers bend over any melee class.


gunna have to check that out, only recently getting back into pvp so guess would be good to know XD, also if thats so id just pop reklessness whilwe they on their asses (which i do more then half the time anways)

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Deception Assassin/Infiltration Shadow


Marauder is too easy to counter IMHO.


a very good deception sin will beat a lot of ppl 1v1, but an equally skilled tankasin should be able to outlast him. the downside to that is annihilation's passive heals + significantly better dps should handle a tankasin. and his 4s (5s?) shroud is only good enough for 1 dot cleanse every minute or so. I'm assuming the out of combat regen is taken off the table for this.


the assassin is the clear winner if you're not going to limit things to spec tree. he can assess which tree to rock/paper/scissors his opponent (again, assuming equal skill).



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gunna have to check that out, only recently getting back into pvp so guess would be good to know XD, also if thats so id just pop reklessness whilwe they on their asses (which i do more then half the time anways)


Spike consumes a stack of recklessness without a doubt. So Spike then recklessness ALWAYS.

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