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No threat monitor is aggrivating....


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As a healer - Watching healing threat was important in "other" games lol


I watched everyone's threat in raids and called people to back off on DPS etc etc. This is getting more and more aggravating when companions and other dps classes rip aggro off tanks.


I'm still blown away they refuse to let people mod this game...


Yes threat can be managed and you can allow a tank to build threat a while before people go nuts. You can stagger heals and try not to build aggro - but how much do you have? how much to I need to slow down?


It was just one convenience in a long list I wish this game would have taken into account :(


The lack of information available during combat the players have is almost nothing. Just go in and fight... never mind the whole data related side of the encounter.


MMO's that stick around and grow - DO what the players ask them to do. Building a game and telling US this is how you play it is 10 years ago. Bio-ware will learn this or SWTOR will fade away IMO.

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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No. It makes it too easy. Other classes should learn to throttle dps and agro management if there is any concern about threat. Part of the fun in tanking and healing is learning how much agro you actually generate with each skill and adapting to this usage.
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No. It makes it too easy. Other classes should learn to throttle dps and agro management if there is any concern about threat. Part of the fun in tanking and healing is learning how much agro you actually generate with each skill and adapting to this usage.


Maybe part of "your" fun :p


You're talking about a lot of wiping and trial and error for people to get that right. then your assuming you're going to play with the same peeps and everyone will learn thier roles.


In a pug - I don't know if the dps we have is a savage or not. Can I spam heals on him if he pulls aggro? Will I pull aggro? Will I blow all my focus on his dumb move and allow the tank to die?



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No. It makes it too easy. Other classes should learn to throttle dps and agro management if there is any concern about threat. Part of the fun in tanking and healing is learning how much agro you actually generate with each skill and adapting to this usage.


Exactly how are you supposed to know if you're close to pulling threat if there is no indication whatsoever aside from the boss eating you then going back to the tank?


I second the OP's suggestion. It was one of the most irritating parts of high level raiding in other MMO games that didn't have it.

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Try to see it that way: Even in "other" games the developers don't publish their threat-mechanics, so the tools you know as threat-meters or -monitors are complety community-made and are based on guesswork. Over the years this guesswork became pretty accurate, so that by now these things work, but they did not in the beginning.


The same would happen here. Until an acceptable threat-meter would be published, it would be months if not years. So you'd better start getting used to not having these tools, if you intend to stay with TOR.

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Exactly how are you supposed to know if you're close to pulling threat if there is no indication whatsoever aside from the boss eating you then going back to the tank?


I second the OP's suggestion. It was one of the most irritating parts of high level raiding in other MMO games that didn't have it.


So, you are saying that you need a threat meter to know how to do your role in a group/raid? You dont have enough common sense to no blow all your high damage abilites at once? You dont know enough to let the tank get aggro before you go all out into an add?


The game was designed to be a certain way, MODs make it easy mode so you can be on auto pilot and get free loot.

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I played a DPS class in LOTRO, I raided a lot for a year, the game has no mods. I knew how much DPS I could do without pulling, and I knew when to unleash hell.


The better you are with the game, the less you will need this things, just saying.

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I watched everyone's threat in raids and called people to back off on DPS etc etc. This is getting more and more aggravating when companions and other dps classes rip aggro off tanks.
You do know that you can control companions right? If you know how to play then you can make you companion back off quite easily.



Your inabilty to play the game is NOT a justification for MODS or MACROS...

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PLEASE do not allow threat meters or healbot type add-ons. For those of us who enjoy a challenge it would make it a little dull and boring. I like it taking a little finesse and awareness to be able to heal/tank in encounters effectively, without having to rely on meters that basically tell you what to do and eliminate a need for some type of skill.


And do not give me the "you wont have to use them" line. We all know that if they were there, it essentially would be required or groups would start to kick you. It sucks when add-ons start dictating how designers build fights as well.

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learn to play without helping addons.

use stuns and other CCs or threat-minimizing spells to avoid damage.

as a healer i can sustain some damage and it is meant in the game.

if the tank is good he will pick add up.


i've been in groups where players see i am attacked and quickly take over aggro. any dps will do fine.

i've been in noob groups where i had to heal thru damage from two silvers.


there are many damage-mitigating, threat-reducing, CC abilities to help a healer.

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You do know that you can control companions right? If you know how to play then you can make you companion back off quite easily.



Your inabilty to play the game is NOT a justification for MODS or MACROS...


In addition to this, are you sure that they have turned off their companion skills that make them taunt to get agro (distract)? Just wondering because if they have to be told not to just go all out all the time in a fight because they might pull agro, they may lack the forethought to make their companions not taunt.

Edited by Spor
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Funny how nobody needed 3rd party mods until <insert game>. Everyone seemed to do just fine back in the 'good ole' days'.


Reminds me of people who can't live without Starbucks every morning. What did they do before Starbucks? Oh that's right ......that lived just fine.




Now with that said, I don't mind various 3rd party apps but I can live without them. Lots of people have completed the content without them (see the QA team).

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This is one of those things that is irksome.


Any idea how many games have been around for a long time without threat meters or damage meters or any of that?


You learn.


People so often confuse skill with cue's. Truly skilled players learn without the aid of magical cue's telling them what is what. Has been that way for a long time. This is where addon's become a crutch.



Now - this isn't saying they aren't going to do it. I am sure they will. However, more importantly, isn't a bit early to be condemning the company for refusing anything? They haven't refused, failed to, or any other type of crime against the people yet. The game is 2 days old for crying out loud.

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Coming from FFXI, the idea of having a monitor to tell everyone how much threat they have blows my mind.


Why would anyone want that? Doesn't that take away half the challenge of the game?


You're supposed to learn your abilities inside and out and know how to balance threat with the healers and tanks.


Some of the best moments in grouping are when an over zealous DPS pulls aggro and gets face planted. That's funny to me.

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This is one of those things that is irksome.


Any idea how many games have been around for a long time without threat meters or damage meters or any of that?


You learn.


People so often confuse skill with cue's. Truly skilled players learn without the aid of magical cue's telling them what is what. Has been that way for a long time. This is where addon's become a crutch.



Now - this isn't saying they aren't going to do it. I am sure they will. However, more importantly, isn't a bit early to be condemning the company for refusing anything? They haven't refused, failed to, or any other type of crime against the people yet. The game is 2 days old for crying out loud.


I like you

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As a tank I never really liked threat meters. Over time you get to know your own limits, and its easy to tell who's not dpsing responsibly or what-not. For me they took away some of the fun of tanking. That said, I still think damage meters are an essential tool, or at least combat log parsing.
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As a healer - Watching healing threat was important in "other" games lol


I watched everyone's threat in raids and called people to back off on DPS etc etc. This is getting more and more aggravating when companions and other dps classes rip aggro off tanks.


I'm still blown away they refuse to let people mod this game...


Yes threat can be managed and you can allow a tank to build threat a while before people go nuts. You can stagger heals and try not to build aggro - but how much do you have? how much to I need to slow down?


It was just one convenience in a long list I wish this game would have taken into account :(


The lack of information available during combat the players have is almost nothing. Just go in and fight... never mind the whole data related side of the encounter.


MMO's that stick around and grow - DO what the players ask them to do. Building a game and telling US this is how you play it is 10 years ago. Bio-ware will learn this or SWTOR will fade away IMO.


Just FYI WoW didnt have this till after launch be patient, and see what comes our way :)

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Communicate better with your teamates?


Get a better tank? who can taunt back?


know the mechanics of the boss your fighting?


It's my hope they don't put it in, it makes everyone pay attention to their play. As a healer you also need to be on the lookout as well. a Lot of people have been spoon fed for a long time, it's now time to ween them off of the mod train... ;)

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