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Either Nerf Emergency Medpack, or Give Mercs/Commandos an Execute.


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All the single target dps classes need a significant buff. As is, healers output about 10-15% more than Smash Monkeys and 25-50% more than single target dps subclasses. This is why the warzone strategies have become so defensive and stalemated. Hypergates? No one goes to mid anymore. Send 4 to each node and after several rounds when no one takes a pylon, maybe someone screws up and one side can get a pylon and some points. Alderaan? 20min stalemate battle for mid with the win going to whomever capped their side node first. Voidstar? Horrible stalemate. The pvp game is broken because defense dominates the attack.


Nor can one boost dps damage output indiscriminately without altering pve balance. The solution is to beef the AoE attacks available to all the single target dps classes. For mercs, Missile Blast should be changed to do the same damage to all affected targets (and trigger CGC on all targets for Pyro). That finally gives merc dps a non-cast AoE attack.


Unless BW boosts attack potential, the upcoming arena pvp fights will be broken right from the start. 4v4 rights with two healers on each side that go on for half an hour? Broken.

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Commando tree's and abilities are fine. The silly thing is needing the 15% crit chance boost to grav round from the pve eliminator set. The gunnery tree as a whole is lacking in dependable crit mechanics, making each burst volley a roll of the dice. If you are freecasting, you stick to your dps rotation and pray for the big crits to melt your enemies, and when the 4/5 happens you then get to do the standing crane dance to keep the melee off of your face.
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No nerfs, don't mess with PVE because of PVP problems.


A buff that Mercs/Commando needs is when you proc Unload/Full auto, should be FREE, refund 8 heat and 1sec less cast.

Ranged class in SWTOR are TURRET's classes, so don't try to make ranged a mobile class. No one will play melee classes anymore.

Edited by NogueiraA
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never seen an operative, stealth, move scamper or whatever under electronet, ...


I see it all the time. For example, the day before yesterday, I was getting beat on by multiple sources then had an Op come out of stealth and start slicing and dicing away at what was left of my health. I netted him, hit my Hold the Line and tried to create some distance. He just scampered along, faster than I could move under HtL, hitting me the whole way until I died. Yeah, it sucked, but since healers are more hit than miss in my faction, on my server (common to que w/ no healers at all in PUGs) so one can only do so much self relying on kolto on the run and the wz medpac. That's just the way it goes sometimes, but to the point, yes they can, they just take more damage, but since I was hanging by a thread, he outlasted me which is all that mattered. lol.

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Didn't realize I had an execute for classes under 50% health.


And I'm sure i'm going to be able to burn down that 30% health warrior while I let the operative freecast. Yeah. Even with electronet on the warrior the warrior can survive.


The one hyperventilating is you, hence the one qq'ing is also you.


Lol at the fact that channeled abilities are now an advantage. If they're at 50% health they already know they're being focused. Or their healers are bad and this discussion is moot.


As long as there's this broken mechanic, emergency medpack, which other classes can take of much better, there should be parity. And if there's not going to be parity, then the developers should never have brought up the 5% crap.


Not to mention kiting doesn't only mean getting out of their range. You can also "kite" behind pillars, or break line of sight. Too bad you're a face tanker, hence you think mercs are overpowered.


Is this a troll response??

- It's gotta be.

... I hope it is.

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Mercenary does not need an execute ability. The class is already very strong at ranged DPS.


basically this.


*if*, and that is a massive if, something along the lines of an execute were to be added to Arsenal/Gunny specs (assault/pyro already kinda has one w/ the 30% increase to DoT damage <30% health), i think it should be what i suggested earlier: <30% health = 100% crit for HSM/DR

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basically this.


*if*, and that is a massive if, something along the lines of an execute were to be added to Arsenal/Gunny specs (assault/pyro already kinda has one w/ the 30% increase to DoT damage <30% health), i think it should be what i suggested earlier: <30% health = 100% crit for HSM/DR


I would take that for an execute ability in a heartbeat. Thought I said this.

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I would take that for an execute ability in a heartbeat. Thought I said this.


you did, was just reiterating so other folks could see it lol


the more i think about it, its actually not a bad idea. and its not like it would be overpowered, since you wont be doing any more damage that normal. would just give arsenal/gunny some guaranteed finishing power, instead of being constantly dependent on getting lucky crits to put folks down.

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you did, was just reiterating so other folks could see it lol


the more i think about it, its actually not a bad idea. and its not like it would be overpowered, since you wont be doing any more damage that normal. would just give arsenal/gunny some guaranteed finishing power, instead of being constantly dependent on getting lucky crits to put folks down.


I would expect it to get a lockout cooldown for the auto-crit -- like the debuff that prevents a sage from rebubbling you immediately i.e.

  • sage bubble
  • crit smash
  • can't rebubble because of the bubble debuff

but for your auto crit.

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I would expect it to get a lockout cooldown for the auto-crit -- like the debuff that prevents a sage from rebubbling you immediately i.e.

  • sage bubble
  • crit smash
  • can't rebubble because of the bubble debuff

but for your auto crit.


well HSM/DR has a 15 second cooldown... i think that is all the lockout you would need right?

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Some of us have been waiting forever just to have mercs get this far


I have a %% jedi and a 35 Sniper, my Merc is neither class. I sometimes want the superior single are advantages the other classes provide. Usually though during play I find I like the little bit of everything the merc can provide. Whatever I losse in the execute I can easily make up with the use of the Kolto missile. The problem is the Kolto does not really register for goods heals or help my kills.


I do not want every class to be a color grey of all the others. Every plus should have a major weakness, and I am saving my electronet for the stealth, smash and healers.

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Mandos/Mercs 30% kill shot is playing smart and using your sticky grenade and time it with a Demo round and BOOM you got a kill shot. Also, your a Mando! you got electro net, which in itself with your rotation can kill any healer. You guys need to learn to work down a guy to less then half, make sure they pop their CC breaker then net them sticky grenade and use your burst rotation to get the kill. PLEASE PEOPLE learn to out play healers. Lastly if you scare the heals away with your damage then you should be swapping focus and burst some other poor guy down.


I done play commando but this strategy right here has offed my 50 sent more times than I can count especially that darn grenade

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I'm sure that rotation works well on people who don't know how to rotate their cd's. And it's not like I don't know how to switch my burst. That's not the issue here.


The issue here is if 4-5 people are at sub 30% health ( where they start popping cd's if they're any good) and where they'll be after their cd's drop, an execute is important. Someone pops undying range, afterwards pops a medpack and you hit them with say a tracer. They'll be in sub 30% health while other classes can use an execute. Those sort of situations. I'm not complaining about our ability to kill one person. I'm talking about being able to apply increased pressure just like most other dps classes.


We no longer have a 30 meter stun. Which means we have to out dps their heals or whatever they pop at sub 30%. It's not the same situation as when we could stun them from afar.

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While we are complaining about UP classes and buffs....


The snipers ambush needs 2 seconds less channel time to stop los'ers, a 20% buff in power, and it needs to cost 10 less energy....


On and give my juggernought un detectable stealth while a speeder bike also, because its unfair that I choose a warrior instead of a class that can have stealth.


this is a troll post if you didn't notice :D

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While we are complaining about UP classes and buffs....


The snipers ambush needs 2 seconds less channel time to stop los'ers, a 20% buff in power, and it needs to cost 10 less energy....


On and give my juggernought un detectable stealth while a speeder bike also, because its unfair that I choose a warrior instead of a class that can have stealth.


this is a troll post if you didn't notice :D


I chose a mercenary which had a ranged stun back when people could only leap every 15 seconds as opposed to less then 12. And force speed was on a 30 second cooldown.

Edited by PerinnAybara
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Commandos whining about commando being an underpowered class is getting ridiculous. Commando has more single target burst than any class in the entire game (instant attack buff, grav round, demo round, full auto (if procced), grav round). The attack rotation that I listed can easily do around 25000 damage in around 7.5 seconds. BTW, emergency medpac only heals for around 2500-3500 uncritted.


Commando also has electro-net, which is the strongest single target attack in the entire game. Electro net has a massive dot, and prevents force leap and cloak out being used while the electro-net is active.


BTW, commando isn't the only class that doesn't have a 30 meter stun anymore. I would love to have a 30 meter stun for my sorcerer.

Edited by TheCourier-
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