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Another lost subscription


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Sadly, it does not really change the development time if you create 3 or 10 bosses. You still have to draw the environment, program the tactics, set up the basic elements, etc. The development time curve starts to flatten after some number of bosses


Maybe something EA should have thought of before they let go a good portion of their devs.

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I ask myself numerous times if I should un-sub. This game other than raiding with my guildies provides me no interest. I don't spend my free time here, and I don't find interest in doing so.


ITS JUST SO BORING. Grind grind grind, daily, daily, daily, grind, grind, grind.

The only thing helping me get through Raids alone is my guild.


If it wasn't for my guild I wouldn't be playing SWTOR.

I'm patiently waiting for ESO, Wildstar, Final Fantasy to come out, I know those will provide my interest for awhile. When these games come out I will definitely be quitting SWTOR. I've been a sub since day 1, even bought my Collectors Edition and tested in Beta, but in reality there is NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do besides grind. Content updates to Bioware seems to only be diverted to the CM. We're supposed to be getting all this new content free and we don't.


The way I look at it

Any content after the expansion is paid content, due to the fact that you HAVE TO BUY THE EXPANSION to even experience any of the new content. Its a BAD business model and THEY KNOW what they are doing.

Same thing with server transfers coming up, they are allowing APAC to transfer over off their dead server, what does that mean for the people wanting to stay there? Enjoy lifeless server and bite their tongue and buy a server transfer because THEY HAVE TO to even remotely enjoy the game. Once again its a BAD BUSINESS MODEL and VERY SNEAKY. Its all truth and Bioware knows it.

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I am curious if many of these people that complain have ever played MMOs before SWTOR. Every MMO I have ever played has the same end game progression: grind quests or dailies, raid, do other dungeon content. The only difference I can see is that content in SWTOR gets recycled more and released less often.
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Maybe something EA should have thought of before they let go a good portion of their devs.

There also comes a point where more programmer are a bad thing, as they literally start stumbling over each other. You cannot throw resources at a problem to make it solve itself faster. Not to mention that more developers would mean higher HR costs, etc, straining the budget.

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I tried Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn the first time it was "released" going to take a lot to convince me to return after that. No real interest in TESO, I thought skyrim was average at best, this will be another MMO set in a "D&D world"

WoW got boring long ago.

Neverwinter has some promise but is very rough around the edges, but it is again another game like TESO, WoW, Rift, etc.


SWTOR still holds my attention, I still want to have a max level of every class, see every story for myself. I'm having fun, when that stops, I'll leave.


I'd suggest taking breaks from the game too, I took a near month off from swtor and came back enjoying it as much as day 1, sometimes that time away helps.


If it's bye forever?

so be it, hope you find the game for you.

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I ask myself numerous times if I should un-sub. This game other than raiding with my guildies provides me no interest. I don't spend my free time here, and I don't find interest in doing so.


ITS JUST SO BORING. Grind grind grind, daily, daily, daily, grind, grind, grind.

The only thing helping me get through Raids alone is my guild.


Sincere question..... would any MMO be any different for you in this regard? Maybe you are tired of MMOs in general, other then the guild component it provides you.

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First, let me say this post is going to be very long. If you are just here to post a response like "who cares" or "don't let the door hit you" or "can I have your stuff" the only thing I can say is it sucks to be you. I won't be checking in on this thread so your time is wasted. I am posting this not for you, but for Bioware. They need feedback to know what they are doing wrong and this post is going to be that feedback.


If this is meant for Bioware, why is it in the general forum and not in the suggestion forum?


That's right, I'm not buying this for a minute. You wanted to whine to an audience and you wanted that audience to be other players. That's why you posted in general.


And you won't be checking on the status of your post? Nope, not buying that one either. Nobody drops a bomb and doesn't check to see if it went off.


So, just as you didn't want, don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out and can I have your stuff?

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Sadly, it does not really change the development time if you create 3 or 10 bosses. You still have to draw the environment, program the tactics, set up the basic elements, etc. The development time curve starts to flatten after some number of bosses


I know a thing or two about "mapping" and not just from amateur perspective. It's not rocket science after the concept art is in place. Yes, the biggest part is creating the boss mechanics and there are plenty of underlying mechanics to change and modify to look and actually interact as "new". It's a matter of imagination really.


I would still like to see such encounters as the Xenoanalyst and the Golden Fury. Be it one or two bosses with a bit of trash in between. The story told via lore objects for an example. Instanced bosses / ministories would be something, it would be content wit two or three difficulty levels for guilds to tackle on and have options in what they do. I would scrap everything possible from such encounters that creates extra work and load balance the the development / need for instances.

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I am curious if many of these people that complain have ever played MMOs before SWTOR. Every MMO I have ever played has the same end game progression: grind quests or dailies, raid, do other dungeon content. The only difference I can see is that content in SWTOR gets recycled more and released less often.


I agree.


Though I think there are two demographics at play here:


1) Single Player Game players who are new to MMOs, and hence treat games natively as consumable and discardable. Less so then at launch though.


2) Veteran MMO players that are constantly seeking (and failing) to find the Holy Grail MMO. These folks have emotionally outgrown MMOs but do not yet realize it IMO.


The best cure in both demographics IMO is to simply play a few different MMOs in whatever rotation or sequence that prevents boredom and overcomes "perceived shortcomings" of any single MMO.


Years ago I adopted a practice of having at least 3 MMOs in my stable of games to be played at any given time. And I play whichever one suits my mood and desire at any given moment in time. It has worked well for me and stood the test of time and the continuing stream of MMO releases. It also mitigates me getting frustrated and hating on any single MMO for not meeting ALL my expectations/desires.


No MMO has everything, nor content streaming, in sufficient supply to please players that are more involved then just very casual play. Players need to find their own personal solution to this challenge and stop blaming game developers for not meeting their expectations or desires.

Edited by Andryah
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+1 more lost subscription. I agree with the Op for the most part, but want to add my person reasons


1) - story. It was the only draw to the game. After it was gone there was no more point to play, After that point it is just another WoW clone.


2) - Ugly, Boring Armour and absolutely no variety. Where is the choice in armour sets we were promised during CLOSED BETA? Where are half of the armour sets from Beta? All removed so that all characters will look the same. Sad, pathetic, EA killed another game.


3) - No reward for quest completion, constant mods and yellow pieces that don't match to anything else, might as well given me credits and nothing else


4) - hide helmet option, get rid of it, as well as items that piss all over lore, like Black Lightsabers.


5) - nickle and dime. I pay a subscription, why do i have to pay for CONTENT PATCHES? not even expansion packs, but content patches.


1. Not the only draw, but this clearly was their focus, the side stuff (Space) is ATROCIOUS. Might as well play 3D Galaga...PvP too...is limited... 5WZs are the only things that give Valor? Really? No Open World PvP with any type of reward since the first couple months of the game.


2. YES, not to mention there are a pile of suits that aren't even complete. The fashion designers should be water boarded for their horrendous taste. I have watched SW films/tv more times than I can count and have yet to see a Jedi with shoulder pads, Loki's helmet, or any jedi outside of the librarian in EP 2 wear a friggin dress or skirt.


3. Yea, the rewards are junk for the most part, like in number 2, you get some orange and some blue or green. If it's a class quest make the pieces all moddable..


4. Meh, I like the hid helmet option, besides most Jedi don't wear a helmet or let alone a hat.


5. They've had 3 events, Rakghoul, Chevin, and Gree, yet they milk Gree and we've seen the others once...I'm not a programmer, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to add reputation and bring the others back rather than continue to milk Gree. If they don't update the rewards, when it comes out yet again, I have no reason to do Gree.


I'll continue to play but will be trying the Repopulation when it comes out, if it is any good, I'll be gone. I suspect with the number of anticipated games coming out in the next 6 months, this game will take another big hit, because people will want more than the regurgitated skins from the CM and the limited content releases.

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I agree.


Though I think there are two demographics at play here:


1) Single Player Game players who are new to MMOs, and hence treat games natively as consumable and discardable. Less so then at launch though.


2) Veteran MMO players that are constantly seeking (and failing) to find the Holy Grail MMO. These folks have emotionally outgrown MMOs but do not yet realize it IMO.


The best cure in both demographics IMO is to simply play a few different MMOs in whatever rotation or sequence that prevents boredom and overcomes "perceived shortcomings" of any single MMO.


Years ago I adopted a practice of having at least 3 MMOs in my stable of games to be played at any given time. And I play whichever one suits my mood and desire at any given moment in time. It has worked well for me and stood the test of time and the continuing stream of MMO releases. It also mitigates me getting frustrated and hating on any single MMO for not meeting ALL my expectations/desires.


No MMO has everything, nor content streaming, in sufficient supply to please players that are more involved then just very casual play. Players need to find their own personal solution to this challenge and stop blaming game developers for not meeting their expectations or desires.


Good points, but I'd add a third demographic...those that stick with a MMO for long periods of time. I like many of my guild mates played SWG for 6+ years, my accounts were active for 8. Why was this? Several reasons, community and depth of game. MMOs nowadays don't focus on that, they make it shiny like a FPS and not focus on the depth. Granted Sand Box MMOs are purely niche, but the market is there for a good one to be successful.


Don't get me wrong SWG had an abundance of problems, but if I didn't feel like killing things, the crafting was there. There still isn't a game out there with the depth of crafting SWG had. SWG Space would still offer more than even STO now. Nothing compares. PvP had instances plus open world. Factions weren't all but completely isolated from each other. You could talk to the opposite faction, group with the opposite faction, and have opposite faction alts in guild as well.

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I completely agree with the OP; however I think one other discouraging trend exists.


Taking WoW as a benchmark; typically the 'quality' of content has increased over the expansions. You may disagree because of some nostalgia towards one of the expansions but if you actually objectively rated the quality of the content as you leveled from 1-90 you would come to the conclusion that the best stuff is in the 85-90 range. With the exception of a few mis-guided mis-steps the game's quality has increased over time.


Contrast that to Makeb.


Leveling 1-50 is actually a heck of a lot of fun; I recently just came back from about a 6 month hiatus and I am really enjoying playing a class quest that I hadn't yet played. Leveling in this game IS fun.


However get to Makeb and you see the quality of the 'new content'.


This should be the most troubling thing for any subscriber. Bioware did 1 thing really really well; and that was the leveling experience based on the class quests. This is where the re playability came in. With all the people that had to be fired after launch my fear is that they won't be able to reproduce this quality of content. To me that shows me that after I level through all 8 of the class quests (at level 50) I truly will be done with this game.


This is from someone who raided all the content as it was released until HM Denova (Cleared it very early; and like this guys' guild; mine fell apart when there was no new content until TFB) I haven't even played TFB or S&V but to be honest I don't really care to. Operations are fun enough the first few times but they are too short to really invest a lot of time in (Contrasting to the recent tiers from WoW who have 16 & 12 bosses?)


The trend is downward; in both subscriptions and quality of content. 3 class quests to go and I will be patiently waiting for the next game (ESO maybe?)

Edited by KimbeFett
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Hm.. how very curious. He's complaining about how he got through all the content and doesn't know what to do anymore after 1,5 years.


I recently resubscribed to WoW, I am now 3 weeks into my subscription and already cancelled it again yesterday. Now the question.. why did I do that? Simple answer: because I'm done.


I lvled my char to 90, equipped him in a couple of days, completed that newly added "farmville" in 2 weeks. Saw all new questhubs, leveled some of them to exalted. I saw all new dungeons and raids, to be fair, only normal mode not heroic, but the story.. I'm through with that. Also made good progress on that legendary quest which can't be completed yet. Even did a bit of PvP and got my professions maxed out.

All of that in 3 weeks. Now I'm bored of that game again. I don't understand why people complain about that, it is freakin normal. Once you're done with a game you either put it aside or just have some fun with your friends. You may wanna put it aside for a while and come back later. I don't understand those guys problems.


I'd be very surprised if you had your 20 sigils of power & wisdom in 3 weeks of raiding.

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I'd be very surprised if you had your 20 sigils of power & wisdom in 3 weeks of raiding.


They upped the drop-rate after the next tier came out;


It is the 6k valor that would be impossible; since you can only get so much each week

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I am curious if many of these people that complain have ever played MMOs before SWTOR. Every MMO I have ever played has the same end game progression: grind quests or dailies, raid, do other dungeon content. The only difference I can see is that content in SWTOR gets recycled more and released less often.


Yes, this is true. However the raiding in SWTOR (even though I do love it) can be done fairly quickly. You can complete a raid in approx. 3 hours, other MMO's in 3 hours you have probably only completed 30 - 40% of it.

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people are also quitting because the pressure imagined or otherwise that the need to buy premium items from the CM . when the game was subscription based we where safe in the knowledge that our sub would cover us to gain the items we wanted through a little hard work . now the CM hangs over everything you do and we are human beings not saints we see a cool cathar honour sword and want it and fritter limited real life cash into a gamble box .the only way to deal with this type of addiction is to cut at the source . ie uninstall and never look back


its not allways so black and white as some people try to make it out to be .some folks are actually enjoying the game but are constantly tempted to part with money the cant afford to use on games and the only way to fix it is to quit

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people are also quitting because the pressure imagined or otherwise that the need to buy premium items from the CM . when the game was subscription based we where safe in the knowledge that our sub would cover us to gain the items we wanted through a little hard work . now the CM hangs over everything you do and we are human beings not saints we see a cool cathar honour sword and want it and fritter limited real life cash into a gamble box .the only way to deal with this type of addiction is to cut at the source . ie uninstall and never look back


its not allways so black and white as some people try to make it out to be .some folks are actually enjoying the game but are constantly tempted to part with money the cant afford to use on games and the only way to fix it is to quit


Welcome to the world, everyone is trying to sell you something. It is called advertising. If you go to gym (where you usually have to pay some membership or entry fee (subscription)), you are bound to see ads for some energy drinks, special cool looking exercise shorts and what not.

As long as CM is kept to vanity items only, so no story or lore (*angrily pointing at Shroud datacubes*), I guess people should be fine with it, as it brings the much needed revenue that keeps this game running (or, to be specific, to keep EA happy so that they keep the game running}

Edited by Aries_cz
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Welcome to the world


some of you have a pretty horrible view of how the world works. in my day to day life, i really don't think everyone is out to get me or take everything they can from me. most people are actually quite kind and helpful. if i get in a relationship where the other person or entity just wants to take everything they can, to be honest those relationships probably don't last that long.

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Yeah sure, when you interact with other people, most of them are probably not out to get you (still, trusting someone respectable-looking can bite you in the arse as well, just happened to me last week) , but when you deal with corporations, you have to assume that their ultimate goal is to sell you stuff, as corporations goal is to make money.
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I am curious if many of these people that complain have ever played MMOs before SWTOR. Every MMO I have ever played has the same end game progression: grind quests or dailies, raid, do other dungeon content.


This is true, but there's something important to add .. in Everquest ( the one from 1999 ) they released expansions every six months and beside typical progression you describe they allways put alot of new landmasses to explore into the expansion and sometimes new classes. So the game was not only growing in its progression/raid content.


In swtor we got makeb after 1,5 years and they were not able to put in class-story content .. this shows the whole problem with swtor. Bioware is not able to produce enough "quality" content with cinematics & voice-overs in shorter development cycles ( beside new landmass/planets to explore ) and with the current development team. It was in an interview short after release when the producer told they were able to create this sort of content with cinematics & voice-overs fast enough because of their special development tools .. seems he was wrong. The issue is .. they can't release non-cinematic & voice-over content because this would reveal they failed to meet with their own high standards set by themselves.


The only difference I can see is that content in SWTOR gets recycled more and released less often.


And this is what happens when there is not enough manpower in the development team to produce "new" high-quality content. Makeb was in the makings ( or in parts ) before launch if i remember correctly .. how long do we have to wait for something bigger or similiar to makeb?!


Just imagine what effort is needed to put in a real new class -- new voice-overs & dialog-options for ALL quests ingame, beside a complete new class-story-quest .. i doubt we well ever see a real new class. In other MMOs it is normal to release new classes from time to time, but the fevelopment-effort is not that high.




Edited by Maledicus
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some of you have a pretty horrible view of how the world works. in my day to day life, i really don't think everyone is out to get me or take everything they can from me. most people are actually quite kind and helpful. if i get in a relationship where the other person or entity just wants to take everything they can, to be honest those relationships probably don't last that long.


Enjoy your blissful ignorance.

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First, let me say this post is going to be very long. If you are just here to post a response like "who cares" or "don't let the door hit you" or "can I have your stuff" the only thing I can say is it sucks to be you. I won't be checking in on this thread so your time is wasted. I am posting this not for you, but for Bioware. They need feedback to know what they are doing wrong and this post is going to be that feedback.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, I've been here since closed beta, sent in numerous bug and feedback reports in game and even posted in both the beta and test forums over the 2 years+ I've been playing your game. I have so far spent my time submitting feedback in game and ignored the forums. However, the below is too long to fit into the feedback for in game and the unsub option. Also, I know many of my petitions for help with bugs have been ignored (closed without response) or deleted completely. Hopefully your team reads the forums better than your in game support does the help requests. While much of the below post outlines what I consider to be the biggest issue making me leave, it is not the only issue. Stale and boring content is one issue. The lack of other meaningful activities is another. The complete lack of anything resembling a customer support team in game is another major factor and there are many other little things that add up. I could ignore the other items (lord knows I have with some of the SOE games out there), if there was content to keep me wanting to log in. I would also note that I play no more than 3 hours a day on weekdays (when I raid) and maybe 4 hours a day on weekends, so I am in no way shape or form a hardcore gamer. I ran out of new content after the 3rd month. The release of Kaon and later Lost Island and operations kept me playing, but there has been no new content that lasts long enough to sustain a fun factor in months. Even playing short periods like my hours I was able to finish the storyline of Makeb in a weekend on both factions. When a casual gamer can run out of content for a new expansion in under a month, you have a problem. So now I move on to the original post.


I would like to first tell Bioware that I am not the only subscription you are losing today. My entire guild's command structure and half it's membership (over 30 accounts) will be letting their subscriptions expire over the next few months. Some are leaving to go to other games. Others are leaving MMOs entirely because this game was their last best hope for the genre. I can't fault them. I'm nearly at that point myself. But let me go ahead and get into the meat of this post.


The "Must log in" factor:


I and many of my guildmates are no longer feeling like this game has a pull on us. The people in the guild still have a pull on me (and I believe that has been the case for the others who are leaving), but the game itself is stale and boring. When I have free time I can't bring myself to log in when all there is to do is run one of the 5 or 6 level 55 HMs (that I have run tons of times) or play the GTN (which is loaded with people that don't understand basic economic principles like selling an item for more than it costs to make the item) or go pick up datacrons (that I have done already) or run daily quests (that I have done too many times for my liking). There really isn't much to do when you get down to it. Most of the time if I log in on a non-raid night I sit around the fleet chatting in guild chat or in tells or on vent until I can't stomach the game any longer and when it is a raid night, I can barely make it through the raid without getting bored. Our guild takes frequent breaks to break up the monotony of doing the same raid again that we have done 50 times before.


Lack of content:


There is so little to do in this 1.5 year old game. It is quite sad. Bioware, you have had a great opportunity in this game, but you dropped most of the content development team and focused on the cartel market. Maybe that has not been your decision. Maybe that is EA. But the fact remains that it is 1.5 years after release and we have 3 new operations, a planet you can finish in 4 hours, a couple new daily quest hubs and 2 new flashpoints. At some point running the same content over and over becomes more than repetitive. It becomes a slap in the face. The entire game design for this MMO is to keep doing the same thing over and over again then do it again when a new difficulty is released. That is fine as a side objective, but not as your major content.


Repetitive nature of game design:


When your main way to make the end game last longer for players is to screw up itemization on all gear tiers so badly that everyone has to grind 6-7 chest pieces to fill out the correct mods and enhancements for an optimized gear set, your game development strategy is a failure. No, a tank does not need alacrity. No, defense is not a stat for sniper! Everything else you have given us beyond the content I listed above has been additional difficulty levels for already existing content (HM FPs or HM and Nightmare Mode operations). I'm sorry, but that is a waste and it is lazy. There is no draw for me as a player to run the same zone 90 times to optimize my gear set and my guild's gear sets only to have to turn around and do the same thing again with the same content on a new difficulty for the next tier of gear when you deem it is time to release another difficulty level. If I wanted that, I would be playing Diablo II or III. It is the same exact game design with no subscription fee.


Lack of draw to existing content:


I play MMOs for the ever expanding content and the shear amount of things that are worth my time to do. EQ and EQ2 for example had huge amounts of stuff to do at max level. Dungeons, raids, collection quests, crafting that mattered, guild halls, personal housing, heritage quests, epic quests, loot to farm, alternate advancement points to gain experience for, and more. The list goes on and on and on before you even touch PVP. If you were max level and didn't want to do any of that, you could always go back and mentor (lower your level) and do the zones that you hadn't done when you were lower level, because unlike SWTOR there were more zones and more quests to do per level range than required to actually level. In SWTOR, when you hit 50 you have completed at least 75% of the quests because you need to do them to level (unless you level through PVP or space missions that are repetitive as well). In EQ2 you had barely scratched the surface at about 20% of the available quests when you maxed out your level.


Game updates and what they should be for:


Every 6 months these games released more content via patches and their games are still receiving expansions even 14 years later (in the case of EQ1) with content expanding faster than you can clear the existing content. This content is created because subscriptions get paid and the subscriptions get paid because there is so much to do. The development teams on these games understand that content (not cash shops) are what drive subscription renewals. SWTOR has failed in that regard. Bioware, you have made the cash shop your priority for development time. So much so that every patch has nearly as many (and sometimes more) cartel notes than fixes. I don't need to tell the player base these things. They have all seen it and you have read more than your fair share of threads about the fact that subscribers feel like the game is not for them.


Why we pay subscriptions:


No one pays a subscription just so they can pay additional money for stuff on a cash shop. Before the expansion hit, subscriptions had dropped off dramatically. People were not logging in. For the first couple weeks after the expansion populations jumped dramatically. This should tell you something. Subscriptions get paid when new content is released. When the content was cleared and people had nothing new to do, they stopped logging in again. The population levels are dropping again and the expansion is only a few months old. At some point there needs to be content updates. New missions that are worth our time to do. No, rep grinding is not new content. No, achievements are not new content. It is enforcing the paradigm of doing the same damn thing over and over and over. Sorry, but even a hamster gets tired of the wheel after a while and steps the heck off.


What does Bioware want this game to be?


If you want this game to be catered to Free-to-play, you are succeeding. In a year or two the majority of players will be free-to-play (if it isn't that way already) because there isn't anything that warrants paying the subscription. Is this a bad thing? I don't know. I just know that it will not sustain the game in the end. Every game that has gone free-to-play from subscription based has failed. Maybe SWTOR will be different. Maybe. I had high hopes for the expansion as did the leadership in my guild. We hoped that you would give us enough content in an expansion to make the game last a year until the next expansion and give us a bigger pool of subscribers to recruit from, but you didn't. You gave us 4 hours of leveling and a new operation that could be cleared on both difficulties in the first week. The Star Wars franchise couldn't save SWG and I don't think it will save SWTOR in the end.


That's a wrap:


Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'll probably give FFXIV a try again (since I already own the game and they are revamping it with a more player friendly experience) and if that doesn't work out I'll probably drop back to EQ2 if I decide to still play MMOs. I'm thinking that MMOs might be a dying genre since there are none being released anymore that understand that content and community is what makes the game worth playing. Anyway, before I get into another soap box speech...


Thanks for at least a short distraction. I did have fun with your game. It just didn't last very long.


Cue the obligatory troll responses and grammar attacks.


/walloftext didnt read it and I dont care.

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Enjoy your blissful ignorance.


actual experience and observation from real-life encounters is different from ignorance. semantics.


just because bioware is evil doesn't mean everyone is and it doesn't mean every corporation is. sure, there are a lot of evil corporations. monsanto, all of the big banks, enron (who is now defunct). we should elect better leaders to establish a decent SEC and DoJ, but there are still good people and good companies out there that live their life and still make reasonable profits without hurting or manipulating or scamming others. it really does happen in real life sometimes.

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