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Episode VII Assumptions


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So, we already all know they can choose to ignore the EU completely and do whatever they want, but is this smart? Chances are, the majority of the audience for Episode VII will not know nor care about the EU, but how will EU fans feel about destroying and discrediting hundreds of books and comics?


We know that it is likely that the old cast will return, but what does that mean for their roles?


Will the writers go far into the future, when the NJO is formed and running? Or will we see the rise of the NJO under Luke Skywalker?


What would you like to see them do with Episode VII?


In my opinion, the Thrawn Trilogy is not far enough in the future to even consider, but maybe the Yuzhan Vong invasion is a good idea. Maybe far enough into the future to where we can see



The betrayal of Jacen Solo



This may all be very mute as according to GL, they are very separate worlds, and they can choose to do whatever they want.


I just can't imagine the disappointment if they don't at least use the EU as a guide.


TLDR: What do you hope or expect form Episode VII?

Edited by TyboJames
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Or they could have a workaround instead of ruining hundreds of books/novels and the like with it. I just don't see them doing that, that just seems like a big slap in the face to all those authors who wrote stories and expanded on Star Wars for many years.


I could see the movie taking place maybe a few years after ROTJ or maybe far in the future as you said.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Or they could have a workaround instead of ruining hundreds of books/novels and the like with it. I just don't see them doing that, that just seems like a big slap in the face to all those authors who wrote stories and expanded on Star Wars for many years.


I could see the movie taking place maybe a few years after ROTJ or maybe far in the future as you said.


I agree with you, although the cast is too old to portray their younger selves, and if they CGI them up like Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy... That will be too funny to take serious.

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On a completely unrelated note, can you get your forum font to stay one color forever? Or do you change it manually every post? I couldn't find it in the settings.


I imagine a Forum Savvy can find away to maintain the color every post but I am not that Forum Smart so I have to change it every Post .



Long ago when Aol was dialup king , I was told that you did not care much in what you had to say if you did not put effort into what you were saying . It was a answer to a question I asked about why people used Colors on the things they said.

So in every Forum I go into I use a form of Blue as it is my favorite color.

Heck even my Sith Character uses a Blue Lightsaber Crystal.....but so did Exar Kun

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I imagine a Forum Savvy can find away to maintain the color every post but I am not that Forum Smart so I have to change it every Post .



Long ago when Aol was dialup king , I was told that you did not care much in what you had to say if you did not put effort into what you were saying . It was a answer to a question I asked about why people used Colors on the things they said.

So in every Forum I go into I use a form of Blue as it is my favorite color.

Heck even my Sith Character uses a Blue Lightsaber Crystal.....but so did Exar Kun



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OP, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Your best bet is to immediately stop hoping what you want it to be and just enjoy what it is when it comes out. Edited by TheBBP
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My hope, is they go super CGI like Starship Tropers invasion and bring the cast back but as voice actors and roll with the Thrawn Trilogy.


Probably won't happen but it would be AWESOME to see.


More than likely, all the old cast back but sometime in the future and luke handing the reigns over to the younger generation.

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Or they could have a workaround instead of ruining hundreds of books/novels and the like with it. I just don't see them doing that, that just seems like a big slap in the face to all those authors who wrote stories and expanded on Star Wars for many years.


I could see the movie taking place maybe a few years after ROTJ or maybe far in the future as you said.



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What do you hope or expect form Episode VII?


My only hope is that the theme will be serious and the atmosphere will be dark-ish.An atmosphere similar in some regards ,but not all to the original trilogy and similar or better force and lightsaber demonstrations than the prequels.It would be good if the movie is directed towards more mature audience.(which will have a negative impact on revenue,but still)

I don't want happy as$ nonsense which is something Disney likes to do.


Ruining all post ep6 EU ,which is a Star Wars T-shirts type of stuffl(not real SW ),will not be a big deal.Big deal would be if the movie is similar in character to other Disney franchises.

Edited by Kaedusz
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The thought occurs that if they want to use extended universe characters they might need permission from the authors and I'd think that if they want to use plots/stories they definitely would?


I suppose that might already be included in any contracts or licencing rights though.


I wouldn't anticipate any directly lifted stories but I'd be disappointed if there wasn't a Chiss Grand Admiral popping up at some point.

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Not sure what I would expect tbh.


That said, I very much doubt any of the original cast would be making a return. From what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong) most of them have washed their hands of the show.


However, that doesn't mean to say we won't be seeing any of the original characters. Just don't expect Mark Hammill to don his robes and saber.

Edited by chimex
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Not sure what I would expect tbh.


That said, I very much doubt any of the original cast would be making a return. From what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong) most of them have washed their hands of the show.


However, that doesn't mean to say we won't be seeing any of the original characters. Just don't expect Mark Hammill to don his robes and saber.

Its actually been pretty much confirmed that Mark Hamill, Carrier Fisher and Harrison Ford are onboard with the sequel trilogy. Though as far as we know no contracts have been signed.
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Its actually been pretty much confirmed that Mark Hamill, Carrier Fisher and Harrison Ford are onboard with the sequel trilogy. Though as far as we know no contracts have been signed.


Really!? Wow, I'm actually surprised. Thanks for the news :)

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Really!? Wow, I'm actually surprised. Thanks for the news :)
I was surprised too, I mean lets face it their getting a little old and tired now and Mark Hamill isn't exactly the heart throb what he in the original trilogy. Harrison Ford of course, is still incredible as ever.
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They won't even give 2 thoughts to the EU when making this movie. It'll be made specifically for the masses, most of which have no clue the EU even exists. Expect a movie in a similar vein of the new Star Trek movies: lots of action, good effects, and a simple (yet good) story.


If you're expecting it to be anything else, expect to be disappointed.

Edited by Zeppelin
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I was surprised too, I mean lets face it their getting a little old and tired now and Mark Hamill isn't exactly the heart throb what he in the original trilogy. Harrison Ford of course, is still incredible as ever.


Yea... Mark has had a pretty decent career as the Joker, Carrie is definitely the bottom of the ladder there.


With their age, I anticipate we will be skipping forward in time quite far. The current rumor surrounding the story is that the main focus will be a female. Jaina Solo? That would be saaaaweeet.

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Yea... Mark has had a pretty decent career as the Joker, Carrie is definitely the bottom of the ladder there.


Don't discount Carrie... she's had a fine career as a writer. She's one of the best script doctors in the business.

Edited by Zeppelin
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The current rumor surrounding the story is that the main focus will be a female. Jaina Solo? That would be saaaaweeet.
Let's also remember that its an 'original story' so either Jaina's story and character will be rewritten or Jaina won't appear. Take your pick. :jawa_wink:
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I was surprised too, I mean lets face it their getting a little old and tired now and Mark Hamill isn't exactly the heart throb what he in the original trilogy. Harrison Ford of course, is still incredible as ever.


I never really understood how anyone ever thought he was.


TBH I'm hoping they have extended cameos more than anything else, Just a hand-off to a new generation and popping in here and there. taking on the Obi-wan/Yoda type roles while new actors come to the fore.


Although I'd still like to see Han save the day in the falcon.

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