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How many male Cunning healer companions are there? ;P


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On my 4th character now and I just find it a bit funny that I'm already on my 3rd male healer Cunning companion lol :p Talos, Dr. Lokin, Theran. Is there more? :D I sure can't complain, makes gearing comps much easier since I use healers on all my characters :p Edited by Pietrastor
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Eight male ones?


Edit: Quinn is Cunning and he's sexy ^.~


Sorry, six male healers, two female, forgot the gender specific.


oops forgot Elara is aim as well, so six Male cunning healers, one Female cunning healers, and one Female Aim Healer.


PS. what's with all the trooper companions having Aim as main Stat, only class to focus on one stat.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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They're all in the Army. That implies a certain amount of standardization. Plus, uniforms.


That's what my guess on it was. And it was one of my favorite aspects of Troopers! All Heavy Armor and all AIM stat. I wish all my companions shared my characters main stat.

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Strange thing is that Elara, as an Aim healer, has an AOE healing ability that is more like a scoundrel(a cunning character) while the cunning healer companions have an AOE heal like the Commando's heal.
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Strange thing is that Elara, as an Aim healer, has an AOE healing ability that is more like a scoundrel(a cunning character) while the cunning healer companions have an AOE heal like the Commando's heal.


Designed that way so that troopers have an easier job equipping her; Anything else is secondary. Would be kinda lame for her to be cunning-based, when every other single companion is aim-based.

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Designed that way so that troopers have an easier job equipping her; Anything else is secondary. Would be kinda lame for her to be cunning-based, when every other single companion is aim-based.


he's commenting about the aesthetics of the heals they use, not commenting on why elara uses aim.


all the cunning companions (or all the ones i have at least) have an AOE heal that looks like kolto bomb (a commando / aim heal animation), and elara has an AOE heal that looks like slow-release medpac (a scoundrel / cunning heal animation)

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Guss and Malavai make no damn sense as healers, Mako too kind of. None of their lore suggests they are really healers.


Elara and Doc are combat medics, so they make sense. Lokin makes sense. Theran is basically space Tony Stark so he gets a pass sort of. Talos is iffy but I can buy it.


The other three, I just don't get it.

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Guss and Malavai make no damn sense as healers, Mako too kind of. None of their lore suggests they are really healers.


Elara and Doc are combat medics, so they make sense. Lokin makes sense. Theran is basically space Tony Stark so he gets a pass sort of. Talos is iffy but I can buy it.


The other three, I just don't get it.


Probably came down to "Well one of the companions needs to be the healer role"


Which they could fix if they just allow you to pick the role of the companion.

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I like that all Trooper companions are Aim based. Except M1 4X their equipment is interchangeable. I only need to keep one set of companion armor. If I feel like giving Elara a break and run with Jorgan for a while, or join a FP team as DPS, just strip her (ok, I actually keep an extra set of chest and leg armor in inventory for just this thing... catering to the modesty of virtual companions) put the armor on Jorgan, and get back to killin'. And, if I find a better piece of armor for myself, i can hand down what I was wearing to my companion, if it is an improvement.


Unlike on, say, my JK. Kira and Doc use entirely different armor. So I have to maintain 2 different complete set sof armor in addition to my own, which is different from either of theirs. Fortunately on my Shadow, Theran and Zenith's armor are interchangeable, too. So Qyzen is SOL, and relegated to ship guard duty forever more.

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I like that all Trooper companions are Aim based. Except M1 4X their equipment is interchangeable. I only need to keep one set of companion armor. If I feel like giving Elara a break and run with Jorgan for a while, or join a FP team as DPS, just strip her (ok, I actually keep an extra set of chest and leg armor in inventory for just this thing... catering to the modesty of virtual companions) put the armor on Jorgan, and get back to killin'. And, if I find a better piece of armor for myself, i can hand down what I was wearing to my companion, if it is an improvement.


Unlike on, say, my JK. Kira and Doc use entirely different armor. So I have to maintain 2 different complete set sof armor in addition to my own, which is different from either of theirs. Fortunately on my Shadow, Theran and Zenith's armor are interchangeable, too. So Qyzen is SOL, and relegated to ship guard duty forever more.


Yeah. Love how on my Trooper I was able to give all matching outfits to my companions, so now I just go "Oh! Here have this mod! I don't need it anymore or it's equal to what I have!" :)


Of course, 4X is regulated to ship duty on my Trooper. :p

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This is why healer companions are so boring.

Would it have hurt to toss in a Force-using healer or two?


I have to agree. Nadia would have made an awesome healing companion, especially if we got her early on. I love her DPS but if she could heal she would be out every chance I got.


Even Gus Tuno as a former Jedi should have been given Willpower stats and Jedi powers to heal. Instead he gets Cunning and a blaster which, aside from heals, he is useless with :rolleyes:

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I have to agree. Nadia would have made an awesome healing companion, especially if we got her early on. I love her DPS but if she could heal she would be out every chance I got.


Even Gus Tuno as a former Jedi should have been given Willpower stats and Jedi powers to heal. Instead he gets Cunning and a blaster which, aside from heals, he is useless with :rolleyes:


I actually love Mako and Elara as heals. They have good combat lines, that make them fun to run around with.


Hate Doc's "Kolto bomb incoming." line. Ruins it for me. :/


And Quinn's "Yes my lord." is just boring. :(

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And Quinn's "Yes my lord." is just boring. :(


Are you kidding? I still giggle uncontrollably every time he gives one of his two "For the Empire" lines ("For the Empire." and "For the Empire!") Somehow that never gets old. He's just so enthusiastic.


I would love to see a Force-using healer. Xalek could be a good candidate if you could convince him to specialize in something other than murder. Then again, no, that might be too far out of character. :D


I do find it odd that both Imperial officers who ambush you on your way to your ship and demand to be allowed into your service...both of them list off these tremendous resumes that include every useful skill except medical training, and then you take them on and they turn out to be healers.

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