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Assassin worth it at 55?


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So i hit 55 on my sin and it just seems so lack luster compared to 50. Did they nerf sins that bad? They seem to be ok in pvp but in pve they seem terrible dps. Dunno about tanking havn't done any yet. does it get better or should i shelf my sin till later patch?
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They're not too bad. I've heard people complain about tanking nightmare modes, but that's about it.


I prefer madness as a pve dps, because it gives more consistent damage, and if played right, won't run out of force. Deception has great burst which makes it exceptional at pvp, you'll kill someone in no time.

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They're not too bad. I've heard people complain about tanking nightmare modes, but that's about it.


I prefer madness as a pve dps, because it gives more consistent damage, and if played right, won't run out of force. Deception has great burst which makes it exceptional at pvp, you'll kill someone in no time.

Madness lack consistent damage since 2.0, deception beat it on fight that doesnt include any AoE. ;)

well i was thinking of getting my mara to 55. How are they in pvp. I know they are great in PVE but is mara burst good?or is Sin better at pvp?

Both class bring good and bad thing to the table, im to biased too say marauder is worth it tho, hated my time as one for a few hours at 50, preferred the versatility of the Deception Sin

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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yeah i miss my hybrid build at 50 =( i think thats why im not having that much fun anymore. I just want a good class that performs well in both PVE and pvp. I like focusing on 1 character.
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Depends on the type of content you run. When I solo content I run Deception and with my DPS comp I can run thru mobs without an issue. Madness spec is annoying with how long it takes to kill Elites/Champions when before it didn't take long at all.


PvP Deception is the kill everyone spec. I only have issues with healers who have tanks who peel well and Snipers/Gunslingers. Madness is really good with putting numbers on the board if you want to have big numbers and no kills :mad: It's gimped but it can still be used but you'll be smashing your head trying to kill everyone IMO


FPs...Deception is still very viable. I ran a few a few days ago and had to watch my aggro because I kept stealing aggro from the tank. With this spec it's the build up to the burst that makes it so viable in addition to Maul procs.


Ops is a different story. I only run as a Tank in Ops and rarely see Assassins anymore who are not tanks.

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So what has better burst Mara or sin. And if i want to dps ops then i should def lvl my mara?


Carnage spec Marauders are beastly. Great damage output and CDs. I love Assassins because of utility but I love being able to go into complete beast mode on my Mara and watching high damage numbers fly across the screen. Annihilation is awesome as well but I'm biased towards Carnage even tho I started out with Annihilation and didn't try Carnage until I was a level 50 for a few months.


So IMO I would say go Mara Carnage spec for best burst.

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Yeah I'd like to give the sin a positive nod but it just seems lackluster compared to the other classes in 55 even with the deception buff, and I predict that deception actually gets nerfed in the future on top of it.


The one thing I CAN do really well with this class is change an entire warzone with a ninja cap and then be a stealth tank who can hold it for stupid amounts of time after taking it. If you do this, prepare to finish with stupidly low numbers, get 0 votes, and be the only person on your team actually contributing anything towards victory.


So yeah, it's decent if you like solo play and depending on your style you might like it. But I think op healer or marauder/sniper or jugg/pt tank is just better in mainfights. Sorc can do good too if you're very aware.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Yeah I'd like to give the sin a positive nod but it just seems lackluster compared to the other classes in 55 even with the deception buff, and I predict that deception actually gets nerfed in the future on top of it.


The one thing I CAN do really well with this class is change an entire warzone with a ninja cap and then be a stealth tank who can hold it for stupid amounts of time after taking it. If you do this, prepare to finish with stupidly low numbers, get 0 votes, and be the only person on your team actually contributing anything towards victory.


So yeah, it's decent if you like solo play and depending on your style you might like it. But I think op healer or marauder/sniper or jugg/pt tank is just better in mainfights. Sorc can do good too if you're very aware.


This. I love the ability to turn a Hypergate by myself or CW or VS. however it's typically lackluster MVP voting as what it takes to win isn't what most people look at. If you play team death match you can put up good looking numbers but that rally isn't what WZs are about. Also you excel at node guarding which can be fun and rewarding at times or extremely boring.


As for PvE I don't have much to add but from what I understand our substained dmg is on the low end and I wouldn't be surprised if we aren't in high demand for ops runs.


It's a fun class for sure but it isn't all rosey at high end PvE/PvP.

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I've played assassin since prelaunch and still do today. That being said, unfortunately, it's not a class I'd recommend in its current state. Assassin, specifically darkness spec has a TON of utility and can round out a team as an off tank/node defender in PVP. But that's really the ONLY role they do well. For damage, yeah.. you might blow up an unguarded squishy in a non ranked game occasionally, but the truth is other classes do just about everything better and bring more utility. For pure tanking, other classes do it better, the 20% armor nerf in 2.0 hurt tremendously, especially for pvp. For damage, a mara/jug/sniper is going to be better at it... There is just little place for them. And compared to other classes in PVE the damage numbers are easier to obtain and be consistent with.


Assassin has always been my favorite class and play style but overall I'm not seeing many people that are rolling them very happy with their decision.

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Infernal Harvest is considering Blacklisting the class from NiM PVE.




Tanking to squishy


Obviously more thing go into all of that but the class is just terrible compared to all other options.


I wish PVE and PVP would be balanced independently. Meaning if a PVP change is made the ability function the in PVP differently than it does in PVE.


All that being said I don't play the class.... I do not have a 55 Assassin. I am going off what my other assassin who are great tanks and have abandoned there Assassins. All my good tanks have already switched to Jug or PT.

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Deception PVE is rough, but you don't know what you're doing if you think they can't tank NiM.

300 short of whats needed on NIM and i think i know what am doing at this point, just disgusted by the clear lack of insight on Bioware part, i might just stop playing at this speed.

My guild is a bring the player not the class kind of guild but i have enough of what Bioware cannot do.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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Our guild had a sin tank when they rolled world first on NIM TFB Emry's so sin tank is very viable still is.


However deception or madness dps is behind in many cases and i doubt we will see that change, because a slight change in our sustained would make us insane in pvp.


But deception do shine in some fights where uptime on the boss can change like kephess fight

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I get that PvE/PvP is a delicate balance, so by all means do the PvE sustained DPS adjustments one small step at a time, and constantly re-evaluate. Just give us some small tweaks that would have little to no bearing on PvP balance, but add a small buff in sustained PvE damage. Really, how hard would it be to add 1 Rank to VS, lower the cost of LS to make it clearly worth using in normal rotations, or make 3 stack Discharge cost 0 force. Yes, I get that these adjustments would do next to nothing, but you have to start somewhere.


When we're at least 200DPS shy from being able to even pull our weight in NiM DGs in top gear, its pretty plain to see that DPS Sins need a lil help in PvE. We're not asking to hit the potential of snipers in PvE, but hitting sustained like DPS Juggs would be a fair goal imo.


A crazy idea that could work: a DPS Sin's version of Assassin's Shelter. Self Buff only of an "Execute>30%" proc with reasonable internal CD (see Veng & Carnage) - available only when standing within 4m of our own Phase Walk puddle. Could help quite a bit with PvE sustained, wouldn't be up 100% or at all mobile, requiring smart placement/timing to get the most out of it (NiM DGs... ok next idea). Most importantly for the QQ, it would be a negligible buff in PvP (don't stand on that pink thing while you fight the sin).


Also, there really is no excuse besides sheer incompetence why not to buff Madness at this point.

Edited by IronmanSS
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Is it worth it at 55? I've mained a PVE deception sin since launch and my short answer is "No" it's not. I'm fortunate to be in a guild where they "bring the player not the class" but after raiding earlier this week the group leader and I dropped down a channel and he suggested it was time I consider switching to an alt because the DPS on deception is too low to take it to NiMs. I love my deception sin but after 1 1/2 years of heavy-handed bumbling with the class I really doubt BW is going to get it right any time soon, if ever. Sooo... if you want to do more than dabble in PVE I'd suggest shelving the sin.
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Are we talking about terms of PvE or PvP?


I'm interessted in your thought about PvP Sins...


Perfectly viable in PvP matches. Deception is what most people will play but Madness can do some serious damage too. Ranked teams are more likely to bring a tank spec or Deception spec over Madness but Madness retains it's utility if not the burst known of the AC.


All specs are great node guards/takers and awesome at 1v1.

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Deception has no amount of sustained dmg so it suffers in PVE where sustained is King,


But in Pvp its a good spec and a good class probably the best the spec has been since it was introduced.


That being said the class are second rate tanks and Madness just sucks in either PVE or PVP.

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So, I have done very well in PvP on my Sin as both Deception and Darkness. They have 2 completely different playstyles. I am a big believer in control over any numbers and so:


Deception is best at healer direct pressure and 1v1 at nodes - especially Novarre Coast or Hypergate Pylon attack defense. Not a big fan of Deception Sins running into a big furball. Pick your target and crush it before it can get help. The immediate burst really makes folks panic and Low Slash is a great interrupt if the Resolve Bar is not maxed.


Darkness is the other way around. I am more of a healer guard/area protector/mass snare guy. There you head for the main scrum and use Wither/Guard/Taunt to change the opponent DPS. At the same time with stuns and pulls, you can make healer live a bit miserable. Not the pressure of a pure dps spec, but still you can hit hard (get a Recklessness Shock Crit followed a 3 Stack Harness Lightning Blast and it hurts).

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Been saying this since beta:


Assassin/Shadow is by far the most versatile class for PvP. They have stealth, decent defensive CDs, a variety of stuns, and decent damage. Deception in particular is nasty. I play the mirror on my Shadow (Infiltration) and I can consistently win 2v1 and even 3v1 at times. Don't even attempt to come at me solo. With a good support team, you can wreck people as DPS or be a decent tank. This class is still the best node guard in the game, and still the best node harassment in the game. If you PUG a lot, this is a great class to choose because you can go solo in any spec and perform well.


PvE...well. My personal opinion is that this isn't a great class for PvE. I hate it in fact. As good as it is in PvP, it doesn't shine in PvE. The damage feels low, and the play just isn't that engaging. Endgame DPS is the worst on the charts right now. But, there again, this is kind of a jack-of-all-trades workhorse/utility type of class, so that is to be expected.

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