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Hate to see another mass exodus.


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so for all those months, people was like






bioware put out pay transfers




Unless you can find a post by the OP that includes him saying something like the above, you're post is moot. Why would it matter if someone else stated they'd pay $50? You can't hold the OP responsible for other peoples views.

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Honestly, I think it was the 1-2 punch of 2.1 being a huge money grab (it was, let's not argue about if it's right or not because it doesn't matter) and then 2.2 coming out with just a nightmare mode of an existing operation. I guess you could say it's content, but only for a small amount of people who actually run nightmare modes, or even operations.


There is fatigue invovled here. And a lot of people, including myself are wondering if Makeb came out just because it was already in the works. That would mean BW has no real plans for larger expansions in the future. That would be a shame. I know I'm falling into this category. I love the game, but I need to see where we are going in the future.


Out of all of this, it was the Summer of SWTOR dev post that made me the most sad. Their content wasn't that impressive. Seems like they are taking the easy way out now of giving content every 6-8 weeks and don't plan on pushing the envelope.


I hope this isn't the case.

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I just don't get it. :t_confused: Complaining people have been playing this game. Probably for a while if their toons got split during merge, or they decided to change servers after merges. All this time they've been playing and, presumably, enjoying the game. But suddenly, if they have to pay to transfer each toon, they threaten to quit? Really? The same people who would have just kept playing had BW decided to never offer transfers.


Don't make no sense.

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I've been hearing a lot of people claiming they're unsubscribing again. Not sure if this is cause for concern for Bioware, but it should be. Personally I really enjoy the game. I'll enjoy it one hell of a lot more after I'm able to transfer a few toons and finally unite my legacy. It's been about a year since they introduced the legacy system. People (like me) have been waiting quite awhile for it to be implemented.


1800 CC's is not a lot of money. But let's be honest.......when you multiply that by 4; 8,12, I've heard someone say they had 20 toons he wanted to move. Are you kidding me? Now we're talking about alot of money. 20 toons? That's like rent; a car note, child support for some people.


I love this game. I really do. I know I probably Piss those guys at Bioware off a little bit by putting them on the spot. But as the saying goes, A closed mouth doesn't get fed. I know no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to make them transfer. But for a lot of people (like me) transferring will improve the level of enjoyment I'm already having in this game. I'd say its closer to knife to my ribcage demanding my wallet. I could say no, but I won't be happy afterwards, because to a certain degree one way or another.........It's gonna hurt.


The silence of the Devs on this topic is deafening. I know those guys read these threads. But so far they've let people get worked up; threaten to unsub, some claim they've already done it. I love making money too, I mean who doesn't? You guys got me in the bag, no worries. Even though i kinda disagree with the price, I'll pay it because I can. Everyone else may not be in the same economic status as me. I don't know, I'd just hate to see another mass exodus.


I don't know who you are talking about wanting to transfer 20 characters, but if you are referring to me, then you misread that post. I said I have 20 characters, spread out over several servers. One of those has 12 of my characters, so to consolidate them, I will only need to transfer 8 characters and purchase extra character slots for them. Still, it is a lot of money, but not as much as it would be for 20 characters, and I will spread the cost out over a period of weeks or even a couple of months by transferring one or two at at time. I do not have to "have it now".

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I just don't get it. :t_confused: Complaining people have been playing this game. Probably for a while if their toons got split during merge, or they decided to change servers after merges. All this time they've been playing and, presumably, enjoying the game. But suddenly, if they have to pay to transfer each toon, they threaten to quit? Really? The same people who would have just kept playing had BW decided to never offer transfers.


Don't make no sense.


It was well before the merges , they made new characters on the most popular PVP server , just because they thought their own servers were too empty. the server merges didn't affect it at all. So they just want to move all their characters on to one server.


I didn't get what the OP was saying about Legacy , we had legacy from day 1 , it's irrelevant to what his/her concerns are though.





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one thing everyone posting on here has in common is that we subscribe to this game. we are all paying for entertainment, and we all have internet. so for the new "first world problem" bran is trying to introduce as a white-knight buzzword; stop that now. third world problems are malaria, tuberculosis, lack of medicine, malnourishment, real poverty, lack of clean drinking water, etc. you sound horrible telling someone server transfers are a first world problem, while you're sitting at home on the internet playing video games. not to mention it's off-topic and of no use.


what i'm seeing on this thread is a suggestion that we should start narrowing the population based on how much disposable income people have and a desire to pay for more stuff through the cartel market. can't afford the extra $20/ month on top of what you're already paying? don't play. can't afford $50? can't afford $100? then this game isn't for you.


yes, people with toons split across servers have been enjoying the game. they're still upset. this is just one more thing. bioware does something that upsets people like charge $10 for what should be a normal content patch, then they release a bunch of cartel market junk that requires extra money, this patch doesn't have much useful, we still have to wait months for actual new content, and this thing that a lot of people have wanted since release is being released in such a way that it's not accessible or inadequate.


for some, this will be the straw the breaks the camel's back. for others, that straw happened a while ago. there are still others who can take a few more before they leave. continuing a trend of marginalizing people who don't want to buy stuff off the cartel market, or who don't want to pay extra on top of their subscription, is not good for the population at large. unless ea already shut the game down and they're trying to milk the last little bit they can before it closes. i'd like to think that isn't the case, but the communication has been slow recently.

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I don't know who you are talking about wanting to transfer 20 characters, but if you are referring to me, then you misread that post. I said I have 20 characters, spread out over several servers. One of those has 12 of my characters, so to consolidate them, I will only need to transfer 8 characters and purchase extra character slots for them. Still, it is a lot of money, but not as much as it would be for 20 characters, and I will spread the cost out over a period of weeks or even a couple of months by transferring one or two at at time. I do not have to "have it now".


RATAJACK!!!! I was hoping you'd take some time to reply to this post. Though we often disagree I have to admit that I have come to value your opinion. I was in fact talking about you with the 20 characters. I must have misunderstood your response. I have priors for that. But yes I'm sure it will amount to quite a grip of cash when it is all said and done. I'm sure their may be someone out there with an enormously large number of toons that they wish to relocate.

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Unless you can find a post by the OP that includes him saying something like the above, you're post is moot. Why would it matter if someone else stated they'd pay $50? You can't hold the OP responsible for other peoples views.


1.the 50 dollars was clearly an exaggeration of the playerbase begging for bioware to give us the the paid transfer for a ridiculous price, im sorry if that went over your head.


2.yes i can hold the OP, you, everyone on this thread and myself for bioware for what other players said.for example, there is a thread right now where players are "debating" each other over whether or not advance class change should be allowed. now let's say for th sake of argument, that players say that they will offer to paid to change their AC for 100s or even 1000s of cc to get it and no one is opposing this idea that the AC change pricing shouldnt be expensive. bioware later offered it for the ACs change for 3k in CC.at this point, you cant exactly say "oh well i didnt say i wouldnt pay 3k or an expnsive price for this feature, so now it is unfair" when you were aware that your peers were saying "we want this no matter the cost". the only way you wouldnt be responsible for it, if you was opposing the idea in the first place or wasnt aware of these threads, which btw the latter is crap if you been here over 3+ months


despite my annoyance at that AC change thread, which players of both side of the argument is going to the silliest extreme to point their agenda to be the right one, at least they are providing a duality to the subject of AC change and is influencing any ideas bioware may have if one day they decided to implement AC changing. the people who are against AC change isnt sitting on their asses and letting the pro players go the extreme of what they want. remember, we all have a voice and not saying/objecting to players who playing to bioware/EA greed is just as bad as bioware over charging the transfers



3.my point is (which everyone is missing because the potty humor from above) you guys said you wanted paid transfers despite the cost. you guys basically begged to get paid transfers for the 18 dollars per toon (which from i seen on this forum is cheaper than other mmos out there), you cant fault bioware for giving you what many other our peers said before, hence we are reaping what you or our peers sow.it is like the nightmare TFB, players who tested the PTS, said it is too easy before, now bioware adjusted to a point where now the same people who claim NiM was easy, is now saying that it is too hard. you guys cant just say stuff and think they will be no consequences .


if those players said "we want free transfers" and bioware did paid transfers instead then threads like this would have a point.

Edited by astrobearx
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3.my point is (which everyone is missing because the potty humor from above) you guys said you wanted paid transfers despite the cost.


Geezus...my attention span isn't nearly long enough to read your whole post...I did my best but I just couldn't.


Above is where you're 100% wrong - that's a terribly gross exaggeration and it's obvious to EVERYONE except a fool, that not EVERYONE (implied by "you guys") wanted a PAID transfer. Don't pretend you know how EVERYONE felt about it. There's no possible way you could have.


tl;dr Stop exaggerating.

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Geezus...my attention span isn't nearly long enough to read your whole post...I did my best but I just couldn't.


Above is where you're 100% wrong - that's a terribly gross exaggeration and it's obvious to EVERYONE except a fool, that not EVERYONE (implied by "you guys") wanted a PAID transfer. Don't pretend you know how EVERYONE felt about it. There's no possible way you could have.


tl;dr Stop exaggerating.


What's also true is that you can never, ever please everyone...

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Geezus...my attention span isn't nearly long enough to read your whole post...I did my best but I just couldn't.


Above is where you're 100% wrong - that's a terribly gross exaggeration and it's obvious to EVERYONE except a fool, that not EVERYONE (implied by "you guys") wanted a PAID transfer. Don't pretend you know how EVERYONE felt about it. There's no possible way you could have.


tl;dr Stop exaggerating.

im sorry your attention span is low :(



however, im not exaggerating, i read multiple thread on THIS FORUM since november, where people said that we want it PAID TRANSFERS,also either saying or implying saying that they didnt care how much it would cost as long they got it.


again, not exaggerating here, just being honest.

Edited by astrobearx
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In that other game it costs $25/character for a server transfer with NO bulk option. Here it is significantly cheaper and gets less expensive if you but CC in bulk. BW is being more than generous with the Server Transfer Service.


In that other game their server populations are spilling over and transferring your characters is a frivolous activity.


In SWTOR we have endured multiple server merges, over 75% of the original subscribers have quit, almost the entire development team left in the first year including the two founders of the company and now populations are dwindling. But I'm sure you still think another $18 per character is a steal right?

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im sorry your attention span is low :(


however, im not exaggerating, i read multiple thread on THIS FORUM since november, where people said that we want it PAID TRANSFERS,also either saying or implying saying that they didnt care how much it would cost as long they got it.


again, not exaggerating here, just being honest.


You ARE exaggerating when you say "you guys asked for it". "I" didn't ask for it. "Some people" asked for it, sure...but that doesn't make everyone else beholden to their desires.

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Geezus...my attention span isn't nearly long enough to read your whole post...I did my best but I just couldn't.


Above is where you're 100% wrong - that's a terribly gross exaggeration and it's obvious to EVERYONE except a fool, that not EVERYONE (implied by "you guys") wanted a PAID transfer. Don't pretend you know how EVERYONE felt about it. There's no possible way you could have.


tl;dr Stop exaggerating.


It only makes sense to charge for a convenience feature. I still don't get how so many people got screwed up across several servers. If you start toons on different servers, you should expect that they will probably not end up together. If the opportunity to unite them comes, then that's just icing on the cake. True, you have to pay for the icing, but the baker doesn't get icing for free and shouldn't give it for free, either.


What I will agree with is that there should be some option for transferring legacy. Maybe sell them in six-packs or something. If they can offer a discount on cartel packs through hypercrates, they can come up with something for this, too. But definitely not free.

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What I will agree with is that there should be some option for transferring legacy. Maybe sell them in six-packs or something. If they can offer a discount on cartel packs through hypercrates, they can come up with something for this, too. But definitely not free.


Absolutely! I don't think it should be "free", just not a complete **** job for people with multiple toons.

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You ARE exaggerating when you say "you guys asked for it". "I" didn't ask for it. "Some people" asked for it, sure...but that doesn't make everyone else beholden to their desires.



i was using "you guys"as a plural, to represent a undefine group of people.which im this case, i was targeting the mass amount of people who asked this



if i said you, tux, asked for....


then you would be corrected as i would be referring to you specifically.

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3.my point is (which everyone is missing because the potty humor from above) you guys said you wanted paid transfers despite the cost. you guys basically begged to get paid transfers for the 18 dollars per toon (which from i seen on this forum is cheaper than other mmos out there), you cant fault bioware for giving you what many other our peers said before, hence we are reaping what you or our peers sow.it is like the nightmare TFB, players who tested the PTS, said it is too easy before, now bioware adjusted to a point where now the same people who claim NiM was easy, is now saying that it is too hard. you guys cant just say stuff and think they will be no consequences .


if those players said "we want free transfers" and bioware did paid transfers instead then threads like this would have a point.




I swear, every time I read these kinds of threads I keep remembering what happened to CoX. Now, granted, I know that there were other things going on but the one that really stood out was that about a year-maybe two before end just about all you could see over on their forums for months was the same refrain over and over again: "We want end content for hardcore players- We want end content for hardcore players...."


So, NcSoft dropped in a whole bunch of hardcore end content for all of them and the players left in droves until the servers finally shut down completely because it was "too difficult to do anything."


In other words: I really wish that people would be more careful what they wished for and paid a bit more attention to what others are wishing for on their behalf.


As for myself? You had best believe that when I see something being wished for that I absolutely loathe the idea of, I do not remaining silent no matter how much people may think I am trolling/apologizing for anymore. (And, yes, I do try to be as polite and as respectful as possible when doing so but sometime someone's just going to think that you're being rude no matter what.)


Anyway, point is that I know that I am not just responding to the "I wish" posters, I'm also speaking up for myself and others who think as I do but choose not to say anything because they're trying to be polite. :cool:


Last, but not least, can folks try to realize that this is an MMO? I mean no MMO has the "perfect system" there are always going to be some aspects that positively rock and others that make you want to tear your hair out. That's just the way these games are because no one can please everyone all the time. Your aggravation is usually my coolness.


Now, I get that there are some rip-your-hair out aggravations that these forums are a place for people to post about in order to let the devs know are irking people enough to redress but, do they really need to be buried behind a bunch of "Everyone's Leaving Because We Hate You"/"This Game Is Going To Fail"/"Why I Hate This Game"/"I've Been Here Since <insert time period> But I'm Leaving In A Huff"/"Why That-Other-Game Is Sooooo Much Better" histrionics?


But then again, we're gamers so expecting a simple statement as to a problem without all of the drama is probably expecting just a bit too much. LOL. ;)

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