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A message to BioWare - Hope to resub someday.


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I have unsubscribed recently and I want to try to help BioWare save this game before I am not allowed to post tomorrow.










Now then, what you see here are many examples of BioWare failing to communicate properly, make a competent decision, and properly test features. I understand that they addressed or are currently trying to address many of the above that I linked, however, that is only after the community showed their anger towards BioWare.


For example, they would never have fixed Revan's attire, if not for Magnus, and the hundreds of other forum users who vented their frustration towards an ignorant decision. The question shouldn't be why do these decisions happen, the question should be, why do they KEEP happening?


With the stun breakers and /stuck issue. BioWare, knowing fully well that /stuck is abused in warzones, was prepared to release it; even after the PvP community showed logical reasons as to why this would break many warzones. Only after 20 or so pages of pure rage, did BioWare realize they made a mistake.


Now then, with bolster... Oh god, where do I begin? Hey BioWare, get rid of the bolster at 55, and throw in Free PvP gear with stats -10 from Partisan(Have the bonuses equipped). Oh, you're worried that people will trade them in for credits, well... how about you make it so you can't trade them in for credits? Just make it so you need a certain amount of expertise to queue up. Maybe you're worried that a patch down the road will break your current patch and allow those items to be traded for 10million credits each, and then refuse to roll back the servers.


Let's go into the whole DamionSchubert issue. "We're also aware that using Revan's Mask as an example was a pretty poor call on our part." If it takes up too much space, then why mention it in the first place, oh that's right, you failed to communicate and test the feature properly. (This happened with Transfers, ranked warzones, and much more).

I don't even want to touch on the 2.1 issue with charging subscribers for content. But hey, I won't blame BioWare on that one, just the people who edge them on to milk the community.


Here comes the saving part: YOU(BioWare), need to learn how to properly test features and communicate properly. It's simple: Don't test a feature THE NIGHT BEFORE A PATCH IS RELEASED, and when you think of a feature, actually take a moment to THINK. I'm going to look into patch 2.4, and after the patch releases, if I see that your PvP team actually makes a competent decision and releases features that aren't broken, then I will try it out and resub.


tldr, I am bored with this game, and I am fed up with BioWare's incompetence. I may resub in the future, and will continue to monitor this game around patch 2.4. I have been subbed since early access(Purchased the CE), and I am only venting my most *RECENT* frustrations. I also have no "stuff" to give away because I hope to re-sub someday.


I just wanted to thank EricMusco for actually trying to communicate; I know that you aren't to blame, and you're just the messenger, so I don't want to hurt your feelings in this post. I also want to thank Sir Copperfield and Sir Marty for entertaining me on the forums, you guys create better PvP than the developers.

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Though some of this post is constructive ... a lot of this is copy and paste from every other MMO forum I've ever read.


Every single MMO has bugs, issues, shortsights, and design changes.


Hindsight is a powerful thing and is true in any walk of life, whether it be developing an MMO or any other product. Some of what is listed could have been and probably should have been avoided, most of it seems like normal issues that crop up in an complex MMO environment, some are even things that are just player preference and the fact that Bioware has changed some of the visual aspects of armor to suit the playerbase is not a minus or a lack of foresight, but a plus that they are willing to change things.

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I'm honestly not trying to discredit your post because you actually have some valid points but personally for me, anyone who unsubscribes because of


a. a bug that just surfaced with the latest patch

b. a chest piece that has two hoods


probably will never be satisfied with any MMO.


I hope you find a game that you'll enjoy more than this, with less bugs and even less things that annoy you.

Edited by TheNahash
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I'm honestly not trying to discredit your post because you actually have some valid points but personally for me, anyone who unsubscribes because of


a. a bug that just surfaced with the latest patch

b. a chest piece that has two hoods


probably will never be satisfied with any MMO.


I hope you find a game that you'll enjoy more than this, with less bugs and even less things that annoy you.


What you fail to realize is the OP has been debating quitting for quite sometime now. I know this because I count him among my friends. I think the hood has been the LEAST of his worries, but as he wears the armor I am sure that it is still an annoyance. I am fairly certain all the WZ bugs and bolster is what ultimately made him quit.


Also I don't think that while the LATEST patch issues are a reason he unsubbed (he unsubbed before the patch fyi) I think he is using this as an example of not properly testing things.

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I'm honestly not trying to discredit your post because you actually have some valid points but personally for me, anyone who unsubscribes because of


a. a bug that just surfaced with the latest patch

b. a chest piece that has two hoods


probably will never be satisfied with any MMO.


I hope you find a game that you'll enjoy more than this, with less bugs and even less things that annoy you.


a - I subbed before the last patch

b - That wasn't the point of the post


I probably won't be satisfied with any MMO, the only MMO I liked was WoW:BC, heck, for console games, I am RARELY satisfied. The only FPS games I liked were Halo 2 , Cod 4, and MW2.


Thank you, I hope I find a game that I will enjoy, but it is difficult these days(Currently waiting on titanfall for PC, FF 15, and KH3).

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What you fail to realize is the OP has been debating quitting for quite sometime now. I know this because I count him among my friends. I think the hood has been the LEAST of his worries, but as he wears the armor I am sure that it is still an annoyance. I am fairly certain all the WZ bugs and bolster is what ultimately made him quit.


Also I don't think that while the LATEST patch issues are a reason he unsubbed (he unsubbed before the patch fyi) I think he is using this as an example of not properly testing things.


^ This.


It has been an honor to PvP with you, hopefully patch 2.4 will make PvP worthy of subbing again.

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It's been an honor getting to know you, Coffee! Hopefully, I also get part of that fortune you said you'd give to a few good pals (as a PvP'er I'm poor af and would like a crunch at that 4mil).


Just here to wish you the best, and to pester you about it... because hey, that's what friends are for, right? :p


Playing incognito,


Edited by MrJurgens
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As a sub who has been here for a while, the game is great for 3-4 month then you run out of content, because there is not much end game content.


PvP was fun, but devs completely destroyed it with version 2.0. Class balance was wiped out with the expansion. Rated WZs now consist of warriors, snipers and healers.


PvE content severely diminished in quantity in the expansion, which are 4 FPs including no new FPs. 2 Ops, including only 1 new Ops. 2 dailies (aside from benoculer and seed stuff), including only 1 new dailies. PvP got zero new content.

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