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Mos Ila Raid


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well if biowares employees were like you then we wouldnt really have any1 in a pvp server now would we


Really? True open world pvp is in the outlaws den or further in the world with players the same level as you not players 30+ levels behind you. What your doing is griefing plain and simple and is not pvp and any experienced pvper will tell you the same. More than likely Bioware will look at this thread and the video and hopefully decide to hand out punishment.

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Really? True open world pvp is in the outlaws den or further in the world with players the same level as you not players 30+ levels behind you. What your doing is griefing plain and simple and is not pvp and any experienced pvper will tell you the same. More than likely Bioware will look at this thread and the video and hopefully decide to hand out punishment.


Well, I think that's a bit harsh. City raiding is pretty standard PVP fare, especially on a PVP server.


The spawn camping was perhaps in bad form, but I think it's good to shake things up every once in a while.

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Sad video to watch the crappy pvp. I mean really?? you mouse click all your abilities except the 1-0 abilities, well actually you mouse those too. Definitely not a pvper that is for sure, and that explains the ganking of low levels. People talking about you standing your ground against 55 that come, really it was like 1 or 2 against all of you at a time, no crap you stand your ground. It happens on both sides of the game, just shows you the crappy people are that suck at the game. Edited by Corpsemagi
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Good work guys.


To others: it's not their fault the other faction wasn't able to react properly. Nobody likes farming low lvls, but that's what you have to do if high lvls don't bother to move their *** out of the fleet. I doubt the fleet wouldn't hear about this.

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Well, I think that's a bit harsh. City raiding is pretty standard PVP fare, especially on a PVP server.


The spawn camping was perhaps in bad form, but I think it's good to shake things up every once in a while.


No i disagree, see I am all for raids that are organised and with people of the same or equal level but I don't condone griefing and that is exactly what this was. Too harsh? Maybe but it infuriates me to see this type of thing happen to innocent players.

Edited by theUndead
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Sad video to watch the crappy pvp. I mean really?? you mouse click all your abilities except the 1-0 abilities, well actually you mouse those too. Definitely not a pvper that is for sure, and that explains the ganking of low levels. People talking about you standing your ground against 55 that come, really it was like 1 or 2 against all of you at a time, no crap you stand your ground. It happens on both sides of the game, just shows you the crappy people are that suck at the game.


Was you one of the people killed by any chance? You seem really butthurt about this.


As for ganking lowbies - Willing to go red, willing to be dead.




Sure you're an a-hole for doing it, but its fun!

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A clicking, lolsweeper Focus sentinel spawn camping the medcenter. Do you beat seven-year-olds on the street as well just because you're older and more powerful?


I'm saying this without any malice, spawn camping is a serious offense and is considered a breach of the game's term of service. You can get banned for spawn camping.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Was you one of the people killed by any chance? You seem really butthurt about this.


As for ganking lowbies - Willing to go red, willing to be dead.




Sure you're an a-hole for doing it, but its fun!


Be kinda hard to be one when I dont play on that server. I just hate people that gank lowbies and then make a video like they are all that. Which explains that you are probably one of those people that feels like he is a bad***** when he ganks lowbies.

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A clicking, lolsweeper Focus sentinel spawn camping the medcenter. Do you beat seven-year-olds on the street as well just because you're older and more powerful?


I'm saying this without any malice, spawn camping is a serious offense and is considered a breach of the game's term of service. You can get banned for spawn camping.



This, exactly my thoughts on the whole thing. Spawn killing lowbies and thinks its cool... sad sad kids. Guess someone finished up school for the year and started up their "fun"

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Be kinda hard to be one when I dont play on that server. I just hate people that gank lowbies and then make a video like they are all that. Which explains that you are probably one of those people that feels like he is a bad***** when he ganks lowbies.


I don't feel like a ****** killing lowbies, but seriously, if you flag for PvP, you're gonna get PvP.


If the only people around to kill you are 55's, thats your fault for flagging, or not removing the flag.


I don't actively hunt PvP flagged lowies, and when I see one, I ask myself "what would they do if the roles were reversed" and then I kill them. Seriously, Imp players are mean and deserve it, B/C they'd do it to me.

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Was you one of the people killed by any chance? You seem really butthurt about this.


As for ganking lowbies - Willing to go red, willing to be dead.




Sure you're an a-hole for doing it, but its fun!

did you attend one o my raids? lol

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This, exactly my thoughts on the whole thing. Spawn killing lowbies and thinks its cool... sad sad kids. Guess someone finished up school for the year and started up their "fun"


Agree. You gotta give people an opportunity to leave, if they choose. But when they can't even take step 1 because you're ready with AOE death... that ain't cool. That's not like "wrong place at the wrong time." That's intentionally ruining someone's game experience.

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No i disagree, see I am all for raids that are organised and with people of the same or equal level but I don't condone griefing and that is exactly what this was. Too harsh? Maybe but it infuriates me to see this type of thing happen to innocent players.


I can't say you wrong for feeling that way. Spawn camping is generally frowned upon.


Just keep one thing in mind...city raids are almost never against same level toons in the beginning. You kill those folks to draw in the big guns. Of course that's only if the guard aggro doesn't draw them (not all games have a GCW type notification when a city is attacked).

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A clicking, lolsweeper Focus sentinel spawn camping the medcenter. Do you beat seven-year-olds on the street as well just because you're older and more powerful?


I'm saying this without any malice, spawn camping is a serious offense and is considered a breach of the game's term of service. You can get banned for spawn camping.


Is it ?


Not that I don't think the whole thing was pathetic, but isnt this the kind of s*** you roll on pvp server for ?


Yeah, I feel for the lvl twenties getting oneshoted by force leap, sux2bthem, but for all we know, those are just alts of some people who do the same thing at that base or in the other.

Next time they should roll on a pve server and at least the complain will be valid imo.

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Is it ?


Not that I don't think the whole thing was pathetic, but isnt this the kind of s*** you roll on pvp server for ?


Yeah, I feel for the lvl twenties getting oneshoted by force leap, sux2bthem, but for all we know, those are just alts of some people who do the same thing at that base or in the other.

Next time they should roll on a pve server and at least the complain will be valid imo.


Bingo you get a sandwich

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Is it ?


Not that I don't think the whole thing was pathetic, but isnt this the kind of s*** you roll on pvp server for ?


Yeah, I feel for the lvl twenties getting oneshoted by force leap, sux2bthem, but for all we know, those are just alts of some people who do the same thing at that base or in the other.

Next time they should roll on a pve server and at least the complain will be valid imo.


maybe to some, but the reason most roll a pvp server is so that they can attack the other side WHILE leveling, get an extra challenge and adds some fun for everyone leveling up (not fun being ganked at a spawn point nonstop by a 55). I do it so that you can kill someone in the same region as you during your time. I don't want to sit and quest and be bored all the time. Though there are always those who do it to kill lowbies as per OP. Also PVP servers in other games do allow for fun main city attacking which is definitely a huge bonus for PVP server, but SWTOR doesn't offer this.

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maybe to some, but the reason most roll a pvp server is so that they can attack the other side WHILE leveling, get an extra challenge and adds some fun for everyone leveling up (not fun being ganked at a spawn point nonstop by a 55). I do it so that you can kill someone in the same region as you during your time. I don't want to sit and quest and be bored all the time. Though there are always those who do it to kill lowbies as per OP. Also PVP servers in other games do allow for fun main city attacking which is definitely a huge bonus for PVP server, but SWTOR doesn't offer this.


Im in the hoth main imp base all the time belsavis one as well they do offer it if they didnt theyd block us

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A clicking, lolsweeper Focus sentinel spawn camping the medcenter. Do you beat seven-year-olds on the street as well just because you're older and more powerful?


I'm saying this without any malice, spawn camping is a serious offense and is considered a breach of the game's term of service. You can get banned for spawn camping.


Completely agree with the first part, and lol'ed. The second part is utter nonsense, though. There's no such thing as griefing on a pvp server. Period. Those who have been here awhile, might recall that this issue even came up with a dev in game. As I recall he was reprimanded for threatening the players in question with punishment for camping. It was a pretty big embarrassment for Bioware. It turned into a very messy situation, and bioware ultimately apologized to the players accused of griefing.


Griefing exists in no form whatsoever, on a pvp server. Period. It is an imaginary word to begin with, made up by angry pvers.


The terrible pve-hero-bads who did this are pretty sad, but if it's a pvp server, it's within their rights. I don't respect it, but it's not against the rules.

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How to get to Mos Ila as a pub:


You need: at least 2 people, one of whom is a Guardian with force push (and intercede if you don't have anyone who can pull)


In the back of outpost Varath (NE area), there is a mountain that you can get up. You need to "climb" this mountain by using force push until you get all the way to the top. Once your at the top, go straight and then go right towards the tunnel entrance. There will be a short exhaustion zone here, but it will end well before it kills you. After you go through the first tunnel, there will be a second tunnel you need to go through. After the second tunnel, you should be able to see the outskirts of Mos Ila. If you have an imperial character, you will notice these are the exact same tunnels you go through when you take a speeder to Mos Ila. After you go through the two tunnels there is a large exhaustion zone, so you need to run through it and queue for warzones once you die (remember to rez in the warzone before you leave). Once you come back from the warzone, start running again. You will have to die and queue for warzones a total of three times to get through the exhaustion zone and reach Mos Ila.

Edited by Volxen
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