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Mclovincredz is so beast


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This guy reminds me of a shadow we had in Hypergates yesterday named "Druide" or maybe "Druid". Anyway. We ask him to guard the node because, well, its Hypergates, hard to find a better node guarding class than a shadow. He does, for a bit. Then with a minute or so left in the first round he says in ops chat "I don't like guarding nodes lol" and right after we lose the node. In the continuing rounds he informed us that he is a shadow and that his purpose is to attack. At the end of the match with a multiplier of x7, he did 60k damage.
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This guy reminds me of a shadow we had in Hypergates yesterday named "Druide" or maybe "Druid". Anyway. We ask him to guard the node because, well, its Hypergates, hard to find a better node guarding class than a shadow. He does, for a bit. Then with a minute or so left in the first round he says in ops chat "I don't like guarding nodes lol" and right after we lose the node. In the continuing rounds he informed us that he is a shadow and that his purpose is to attack. At the end of the match with a multiplier of x7, he did 60k damage.


mclovin? stryker? kenny?


proxi is the only shadow/sin I can readily recall who would guard a node because he was best fit to do so. rynis used to do it. oh! and sowa will regularly do it.


your boy pedia and sigruun both went snow and nobody at all went grass in a CW you were in a couple weeks ago. my team was no better. nobody went grass for us, and nobody tried to cap snow while I blocked. point being...you had two ideal (class) node guards who ran for the glory too. ;)

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your boy pedia and sigruun both went snow and nobody at all went grass in a CW you were in a couple weeks ago. my team was no better. nobody went grass for us, and nobody tried to cap snow while I blocked. point being...you had two ideal (class) node guards who ran for the glory too. ;)


That is true, in reg warzones Pedia will go to either take or deny cap for sometime on snow. The difference is he can actually take the node. Druid managed 60k in a five round AH.

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BTW...i posted because Mclovin is a <HS> officer and runs and talks PVP all day like he's good at it, and consistently drags us down. He got carried this warzone and it showed.


I don't remember him ever being a healer with that toon. He was probably node guarding...


It was a face roll civil...in all honesty we probably killed everything before he had a chance to click his attacks from the abilities tab.


So why didn't you include the whole screenshot to see if theirs healing #'s or objective #'s


Because there were none. It's mclovin, he only knows how to run arsenal. I would include it if it was relevant, was just trying to alleviate everyone's eyes.


mclovin? stryker? kenny?


proxi is the only shadow/sin I can readily recall who would guard a node because he was best fit to do so. rynis used to do it. oh! and sowa will regularly do it.



Hey...i node guard on my sin all the time. Like...every time I play him.

Edited by klonkimo
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I don't know if that guy is any good at the game or not, or if hes a cool guy or not, but I hate his character name so much. Every time I see his name spamming chat when I am on my Imp alt it makes me want to punch a kitten.
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One baddie calling another baddie bad , nothing to see here , can't wait for server transfers to get away from people like this who think they're in any position to call out other people for being bad.


I find it funny that you think any other server will be any different.

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One baddie calling another baddie bad , nothing to see here , can't wait for server transfers to get away from people like this who think they're in any position to call out other people for being bad.


Some things never change. lol

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I find it funny that you think any other server will be any different.


maybe he means michael jackson bad? erm. hmm. that can be misconstrued. try again...


maybe he meant michael jackson thriller bad? -- wait. damn. still could be misconstrued. one more try....


maybe he meant bad like when michael jackson was still black?



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maybe he means michael jackson bad? erm. hmm. that can be misconstrued. try again...


maybe he meant michael jackson thriller bad? -- wait. damn. still could be misconstrued. one more try....


maybe he meant bad like when michael jackson was still black?





LD50 version of "bad" = not absolutely spectacular. Take it for what it is

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One baddie calling another baddie bad , nothing to see here , can't wait for server transfers to get away from people like this who think they're in any position to call out other people for being bad.


Wait, so you're not a baddie? I relish the day I can take a **** on the hood of your car. That is all. :D

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Wait, so you're not a baddie? I relish the day I can take a **** on the hood of your car. That is all. :D


lol -- your line isn't funny. I mean, it's ok. I just...I laughed cuz it made me think of...well...let's not take things outside the game, ok? :D

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One baddie calling another baddie bad , nothing to see here , can't wait for server transfers to get away from people like this who think they're in any position to call out other people for being bad.


This is a prime example of his own statement. In other words we have the pot calling the kettle black in combat medic case.

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No other guild on the server do I know that can super queue, all be in voice chat together, and STILL lose to a bunch of fresh 55 pugs. <3 you Unicorn Stampede.


6 sniper 1 Operative healer and a sin walk into a Nova coast. Premade of Ld50 guess who lost to the pugs <3 Ld50

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I don't remember him ever being a healer with that toon. He was probably node guarding...


I spend alot of time node guarding in warzones, because most other people want to run around the action imitating a game of 10 year olds playing soccer.


Kenny is one of the worst (fail)trolls on the server. He thinks he can be funny, but its just plain sad.


In all honesty, I think he has a crush on me. He's always been sending me whispers and love notes that started way back when I would do better in PVE gear in warzones then he would in full war hero.

Would make sense with him being in a guild with a rainbow name.

Sorry buddy, I prefer females.


Betting within 5 minutes of this post I get a "lets go duel" whisper again......

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