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I think it'd be great if we could have children on the game that isn't through the legacy system because then the children can be with their father/mother which would be cool. So can the makers PLEASE make this happen?
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I can just imagine the new quest lines:


"Wrath, we need you to--"

"Ah, nah, I'm sorry. Little Wrath's ballet recital is tonight, and then there's a meeting of the parent's committee tomorrow."


I always assumed that people settled down and had kids AFTER they had saved the universe, not before :p

Edited by Aalin
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I think it'd be great if we could have children on the game that isn't through the legacy system because then the children can be with their father/mother which would be cool. So can the makers PLEASE make this happen?


You want a five year-old in the middle of a war zone? Have fun with that.


Not to mention, given that Chapters 1-3 are over the course of about two (mayb three?) years at the most, you'll be looking at toddlers, not ten year old Padawans you can slowly lead to the Dark Side.


Toddlers who teeth. Toddlers who scream. Toddlers who chew and salivate all over your dress uniform.


But hey, if you want kids, be my guest. Just don't have implemented so that the rest of us are forced to have them. Or deal with them.

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I always assumed that people settled down and had kids AFTER they had saved the universe, not before :p


Maybe it's being a military brat, but I often wonder why people think being a parent means you stop doing such things.


"I'm a parent now! I have to stop being a cop/soldier/fed/basically anyone who puts their life in danger."


Not that I expect them to (or even want them to) put such an option in game, as it would really be nothing more than little cutscenes that could've had it's time used to make cutscenes with our current (or future) companions (like SGR companions).

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It was a lean towards going out and clubbing, not quitting your chosen career path! ;)


My post also went along with Tatile's post, of "5 year old in the middle of a warzone" They'd likely be stuck on the ship a lot (protocol droid could be the nanny/teacher) or have a set planet they're raised on for the cutscenes.


For your post it was more about "After saving the universe" in a universe that's always in need of saving ;)

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I know players who actually have their son or daughter play with them. Now I'm not saying it wouldn't be interesting to add NPC children that we could summon out as like a companion or something, but maybe since the new re-customization kiosk was implemented, they could add Children body types and hair styles for any player that feels like the need to be a kid again. (And maybe they could just add it to the regular character creation screen).


Just an idea.

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As long as they correct the ghastly children models they have in the game already. You know the one, with the round bubble head, overly large eyes and bizarre hair that's shoved on a miniature version of the adult body?
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This wouldn't mean much to me since I somehow can't imagine my sniper and Kaliyo having children. If there wasn't the war going on, they would probably spend most of their time in Nar Shadda casino with alcohol and spice.
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What I meant was after the main story is finished. There are also good ideas that have been said that the makers could use, like the droid being the nanny or the child only being able to be raised on a certain planet.
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Yeah I can see it now with my trooper.


"XO where's dorne?"

"Sorry sir, she's busy with your son, left a diaper grenade"

"In the middle of a firefight?! I need our medic up here now! Go take over for her!"

"SIR! I'm a gunner, not a diaper changer, not in the job description!"

"It is now captain! Get back there and get LT Dorne up here now!"


Dorne gets to the front

"Damn it LT, I thought I told you to leave our son on the ship where it's safe!"

"I can't do that, our protocol droid is not fit to care for him, and our nanny droid we requested hasn't been delivered"

-sigh- "Not that I don't love our son, but we should of gotten everything done first before bringing up a child with Havoc Squad."


I could see it going something like that.

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Yeah I can see it now with my trooper.


"XO where's dorne?"

"Sorry sir, she's busy with your son, left a diaper grenade"

"In the middle of a firefight?! I need our medic up here now! Go take over for her!"

"SIR! I'm a gunner, not a diaper changer, not in the job description!"

"It is now captain! Get back there and get LT Dorne up here now!"


Dorne gets to the front

"Damn it LT, I thought I told you to leave our son on the ship where it's safe!"

"I can't do that, our protocol droid is not fit to care for him, and our nanny droid we requested hasn't been delivered"

-sigh- "Not that I don't love our son, but we should of gotten everything done first before bringing up a child with Havoc Squad."


I could see it going something like that.


Sounds like they should've taken leave as they waited for the Nanny Droid to arrive. :p

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As long as they correct the ghastly children models they have in the game already. You know the one, with the round bubble head, overly large eyes and bizarre hair that's shoved on a miniature version of the adult body?


this is one of the few things ive ever completely agreed with Tatile on. the models are hideous. anyway im not opposed to children in game. theyre practically swarming the pub side. (strange u don't see a single child imp side) but I think they would come in when they decide to do player housing and wat not. by this time we'd hopefully be in ch. 5 of this game and more time may have elapsed so as to fit story. but I agree theyd be mostly cosmetic by design but a nice side quest chain around them would be cool.

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