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The Portable Chair is a SCAM!


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only one looking stupid is you and anyone that bought it and are now whining because THEY DIDN'T READ THE DESCRIPTION


you ASSUMED it was something..that it's not. that it never was. and that it never was alluded to being.


NONE of you have a legitimate reason to whine about this. And it certainly IS NOT a "scam" (speaking of which maybe you should educate yourself on what a scam is before throwing the word around)


you assumed. bought blindly. and now want to cry that it wasn't what you thought it was...when if you took 5 seconds to READ the description...y'know..like any intelligent buyer would have done...you would have seen it wasn't what you ASSUMED it was.


I've accidently bought things both from CM, and from GTN...that I wasn't able to then use because -I- didn't read the description fully (armor pieces for a companion that I didn't read was "trooper" (or whatever) only)...I knew it was MY fault and I didn't come to the forums crying to Bio and calling something a scam because I was the idiot that didn't read the damn thing.


your fault. no one elses. no reason for this thread in any means.



EA/Biofail called, they wanna make sure their loyal dogs in the "Bioware Defence Force" ([bDF for short], will wear the Strawberry Chapstick the next time they get that itch on their backside, plus they like the texture of those glazed lips. All seriousness, you people are pathetic in defending a company that makes this kinda crap a habit, and its individuals like you defending them that allows them to get away with it. I mean a 10 second portable chair after the RP community has been asking for chairs for over a year? If that is not blatent trolling, I dont know what is!

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Simple solution is to make all chairs and seats function on player ships. This boils down to our ships and the very bland and non interactive designs they have refused to work on to make it our homes. a good start is to make them all work on ships! To hell with the rest of the game chairs and seats.. It's too large of an undertaking to make every seat functional. but again cartel market items will from now and until the end be what they will focus on.
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It's such a shame that all these rest abilities only last such a short time which makes it unusable for roleplaying. The fix for this would be simple - just change them to toggle abilities or increase the maximum channel time before they automatically stop to a very long time, like 15 minutes or so.


I've written a detailed proposal over in the suggestion forum:


Feel free to drop by and voice your support and other suggestions!

Edited by Glzmo
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Do not fall for it folks, that new portable chair they came out with is a complete bunch of crap. Long have I along with many roleplayers have patiently waited for sittable chairs or /chairsit /stoolsit emotes from EA, but we have been ignored. Then finally when I saw the portable chair, I thought prehaps for once we were being listened to, but AGAIN I was wrong. I made the mistake of buying a few of the new packs to get the chair, and to my pleasure I did in the third pack, only to be extreamly let down when it turned out to be a 10 second animation/regeneration item like the Carbonite/Bacta tank item. So folks, if you were like me and thought we were getting what we asked for, then don't bother, these are not the droids that your looking for..


The game doesn't even have night and day why does this shock you that they don't have chairs to sit in?

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EA/Biofail called, they wanna make sure their loyal dogs in the "Bioware Defence Force" ([bDF for short], will wear the Strawberry Chapstick the next time they get that itch on their backside, plus they like the texture of those glazed lips. All seriousness, you people are pathetic in defending a company that makes this kinda crap a habit, and its individuals like you defending them that allows them to get away with it. I mean a 10 second portable chair after the RP community has been asking for chairs for over a year? If that is not blatent trolling, I dont know what is!



dude..take 5 seconds to look at my post history and you'll see I'm anything but a "Bioware Defence Force"..whatever you're calling it. more like the polar opposite


but what did I expect from this type of mentality?


Just because I stated the truth.....and that truth happens to be on BioWare's side (for once)..in no way means I'm defending them in any shape or form.


get a new act.


but thanks for playing

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The chair is another replacement for the class regen animation. I like this, personally. It means that you can customise the animation your character uses during regen. My favourite has to be the Kolto tank though.
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Can't have night and day when you're traveling between worlds with vastly different solar rotations.


You can easily have day and light. All that have to do is give each world it's own day and night cycle that runs independantly to the real world and other worlds.


Not sure how Tatooine would work though... Hmm...

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EA/Biofail called, they wanna make sure their loyal dogs in the "Bioware Defence Force" ([bDF for short], will wear the Strawberry Chapstick the next time they get that itch on their backside, plus they like the texture of those glazed lips. All seriousness, you people are pathetic in defending a company that makes this kinda crap a habit, and its individuals like you defending them that allows them to get away with it. I mean a 10 second portable chair after the RP community has been asking for chairs for over a year? If that is not blatent trolling, I dont know what is!


Makes this kinda crap a habit? Don't get me wrong they (meaning Bioware) make plenty of mistakes and bad calls but what exactly here did they do? They added an item in a pack that has a near identical description, and by near identical I mean the only difference being a descriptive modifier that describes what you are doing such as sitting or frozen or submerged etc. while in the chair/Carbonite chamber/Kolto tank respectively. So what's the habit? Adding an item and having people not have the wherewithal to read the description first so they go pear shaped because what they assumed was wrong. That isn't Biowares fault. That is the fault of the dink who assumed it to be something it was never advertised as.

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The chair is another replacement for the class regen animation. I like this, personally. It means that you can customise the animation your character uses during regen. My favourite has to be the Kolto tank though.


Right, but the drama queens in here seem to think that even though its description is nearly identical to the other regen items like the Kolto tank and Carbonite chamber with the only difference being 1 or 2 words replaced to describe what you are doing respectively such as sitting in the chair instead of frozen in Carbonite, that this chair was somehow marketed by Bioware as something completely different. People like the OP presumed it was something different without reading and because of their lack of due diligence and lack of critical thinking skills feel it warrants blaming everyone else and making claims of being scammed by Bioware.

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Makes this kinda crap a habit? Don't get me wrong they (meaning Bioware) make plenty of mistakes and bad calls but what exactly here did they do? They added an item in a pack that has a near identical description, and by near identical I mean the only difference being a descriptive modifier that describes what you are doing such as sitting or frozen or submerged etc. while in the chair/Carbonite chamber/Kolto tank respectively. So what's the habit? Adding an item and having people not have the wherewithal to read the description first so they go pear shaped because what they assumed was wrong. That isn't Biowares fault. That is the fault of the dink who assumed it to be something it was never advertised as.


careful...apparently, regardless of your stance on BioWare and this game or what Bio has done/said/etc...if you call these whiners out on their stupid purchase habit of buying before reading...you're part of the "BioWare Defense"


intelligent, no?

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From the screenshot, I believed it would be a kind of "hover chair" like the floating imperial throne or the floating meditation ... thing ...


Strange - so now it's something similar to the Kolo Chamber and the Carbonite Chamber (which I both never got, by the way; they appear to be *extremely* rare, as i never see them on the Galactic Trade Market as well) ?


However, anyone should have been careful after reading these exact words : "relaxation unit". It doesn not read like a "hovering stool" at all !


People who are not sensitive enough towards words are probably likely to be disappointed (and yes, I learned it the hard way, too).

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Strange - so now it's something similar to the Kolo Chamber and the Carbonite Chamber (which I both never got, by the way; they appear to be *extremely* rare, as i never see them on the Galactic Trade Market as well) ?.


The Carbonite Chamber is not rare at all.

It's available for direct purchase from the CM for 480cc. You can't find it in Cartel Packs.

But yes, they are similar to what the new chair does.

Edited by TheNahash
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Chair is a regen item, sure, but an interesting proposal came from this - making regen animation last much longer (10+ minutes) while keeping their regen levels, so that you are healed in 10 seconds, but you can still float in kolto, be frozen in carbonite, or lounge in your chair for another 10+ minutes. It would also be great to visibly mark you as AFK
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The Carbonite Chamber is not rare at all.

It's available for direct purchase from the CM for 480cc. You can't find it in Cartel Packs.

But yes, they are similar to what the new chair does.


With "rare" I mean that i never see people using both - which led me to the conclusion that relatively few people actually have them.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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See that right there is exactly the problem "you get your hopes up". Bioware didn't claim it as something and then turn around and make it something else, you all who made an assumption about what it would be and get upset as if you were lied to about what it actually is.


You're starting to sound like you're on the payroll.


I don't role play here, so I don't give a crap about the chair for myself, but I feel badly about the people who have been requesting this. Honestly, a chair? What else could it be used for. This is simply stupid. You SIT in chairs, you don't regen in them. That's why we have kolto tanks and what not.


In general this game has lately been about pumping people up and getting them excited and then its a huge let down in one way or another...for me it was that crap with the makeover station...I paid to get access to all the things I could change, and then learn I have to PAY MORE to implement. It's stupid. It's greedy, and its a shtty way to treat the people that are loyally supporting this with their subs and CC...people like me.


Give the Roleplayers the ability to sit the fck down. Honeslty, how hard can that be? Charge them 5 CC per hour for sitting in the chair, that'll make it extra special. You can sit and get scrwed at the same time.

Edited by Lunafox
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Do not fall for it folks, that new portable chair they came out with is a complete bunch of crap. Long have I along with many roleplayers have patiently waited for sittable chairs or /chairsit /stoolsit emotes from EA, but we have been ignored. Then finally when I saw the portable chair, I thought prehaps for once we were being listened to, but AGAIN I was wrong. I made the mistake of buying a few of the new packs to get the chair, and to my pleasure I did in the third pack, only to be extreamly let down when it turned out to be a 10 second animation/regeneration item like the Carbonite/Bacta tank item. So folks, if you were like me and thought we were getting what we asked for, then don't bother, these are not the droids that your looking for..


Yeah I too was very disappointed when I learned of this. Furthermore, I simply don't understand the reasoning for it. I mean, how hard can it be to actually remove the bloodly 10 second limit?

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You're starting to sound like you're on the payroll.


get a new act.


There is no BioWare defending going on by people that are calling out how dumb it was for these people to purchase something blindly without reading the description


BioWare released a photo....they assumed it did something it was never meant to do, nor was even alluded to doing (a pull out chair to sit in for any amount of time)...so they bought it..blindly..and now want to whine and cry like children.


Advocating to get it CHANGED is one thing..and is whatever.


but calling it a "scam" or insulting BioWare over it due to their own stupidity is..well..stupid.


has NOTHING to do with BioWare..it has EVERYTHING to do with these crybabies that can't admit they made a stupid blind purchase.


But go ahead and make yourself look dumb by labeling anyone calling these people out "defenders" or "on the payroll"...as it's that kind of short-minded thinking that lead to this in the first place.

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