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Are there any changes that can be made to current companions to give them more appeal


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Well actually, threads like these are probably better off in the suggestion box.


This was not intended as a suggestion. It was intended as a discussion. Therefore IMO it belongs in discussion. You may be correct, but I always put points open to discussion (or ones that solicit discussion) here, pure suggestions go in suggestions.

Edited by LordArtemis
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*Her Sith Inquisitor frowns as she does the "Raising from the Dead" ritual and then leaves*




No one's posted for a couple weeks and I just had a thought.


Jorgan, the first time we go to Coruscant, says something about not seeing the place more recently than a few years or something. He then makes that same comment every time I go with him to the Republic Capital.


I think companions could be improved, if they have different lines based on where you are in the class story/chapters/or their personal quest lines.


Ex. The next time we get sent to Coruscant, maybe Jorgan could make a statement like "Been a while. Looks like <insert scenic building here> has been partially rebuilt from last time." And each time we have to revisit a place for quest purposes, the comments shift slightly.


It would make traveling a bit less tedious.


Also battle lines should change with the story. I swear, if Mako tells the enemy "Though I was a pushover?!" One more time...


Or just have additional one-liners different for each planet, like on Taris Gault could say "I just bought this shirt. Rakghoul is never going to wash out.".

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*Her Sith Inquisitor frowns as she does the "Raising from the Dead" ritual and then leaves*




No one's posted for a couple weeks and I just had a thought.


Jorgan, the first time we go to Coruscant, says something about not seeing the place more recently than a few years or something. He then makes that same comment every time I go with him to the Republic Capital.


I think companions could be improved, if they have different lines based on where you are in the class story/chapters/or their personal quest lines.


Ex. The next time we get sent to Coruscant, maybe Jorgan could make a statement like "Been a while. Looks like <insert scenic building here> has been partially rebuilt from last time." And each time we have to revisit a place for quest purposes, the comments shift slightly.


It would make traveling a bit less tedious.


Also battle lines should change with the story. I swear, if Mako tells the enemy "Though I was a pushover?!" One more time...


Or just have additional one-liners different for each planet, like on Taris Gault could say "I just bought this shirt. Rakghoul is never going to wash out.".


Thanks for the input. It was a good read.

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