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Carnage - PVE - Help Please


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See, this is one of those posts responsible for propagating misleading information, Simply put, you overstate the importance of Power. Is Power better than Strength? Slightly. By omitting anything resembling a formula and leaving out crucial information you give the impression that Power is vastly superior when the math simply doesn't support that conclusion.


Bonus Damage (from main stat) = Strength * 0.2

Bonus Damage (from force/tech power) = Force Power * 0.23

Bonus Damage (from power) = Power * 0.23


That's it. When you factor in the Consular buff and the benefits to overall critical % the difference between Power and Strength so slight that it's hardly worth discussing. At the end of the day it pretty much comes down to preference. If you're a Power evangelist so be it, but don't act like there's some huge difference between the two when it's not true. Oofalong said it best and I can't improve on it so I will just quote him:


"Power contributes 0.23 to bonus damage, while Strength contributes 0.20. However, Strength is buffed by the Sith Inquisitor | Jedi Consular buff by 5%. Thus, the comparison becomes 0.23 vs. 0.21 (1.05 * 0.20 = 0.21). The increase in bonus damage is thus 0.02 per point of power. Considering Power Augments provide an extra 448 (32 * 14 = 448) Power, the increase to Bonus Damage is 8.96 (448 * 0.02 = 8.96). Our class buff boosts these both by 5% so we end up with a total of 9.408 more bonus damage from Power augments.


Next, Strength also increases crit %. These 448 points in strength contribute 1% to crit chance. Specifically from 2,349 strength to 2,797 based on full 72 gear and Nano-Infused Stim.


Thus, the true comparison becomes 9.408 more Bonus Damage vs. 1% more crit. Again my math shows Strength to be ever so slightly better even at the next tier of gear."


Sentinels and Marauders should worry less about Overkill vs Might augments and focus more on optimizing their rotation and priority list. That's what distinguishes average players from great players.

So its the strenght right... Btw strenght gives also the bonus dmg doesnot? Not only crit chance. Can you make the build on Ask Mr Robot please? Or check this one if its fine http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4cdc29d-8135-4dbe-b4f5-9ad149b7fc9a.. If not make new one pls.. Thx

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So its the strenght right... Btw strenght gives also the bonus dmg doesnot? Not only crit chance. Can you make the build on Ask Mr Robot please? Or check this one if its fine http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4cdc29d-8135-4dbe-b4f5-9ad149b7fc9a.. If not make new one pls.. Thx


I believe what he was saying is that it really doesn't matter. The difference in DPS between the two (as calculated many times on mmo-mechanics) is less than 1%. Strength does contribute to bonus damage, just not quite as much as power. Strength also contributes a small amount of crit. Again, the difference is nearly entirely negligible between the two augments. As the above poster said, the difference between Power and Strength is the choice between 9.408 more Bonus Damage from Power augs vs ~1% crit from Strength augs. That is all. Saying that one is the end all, be all is very misleading. I recommend heavily that people read Oofalong's Watchman guide (this means people from both specs) in order to get a handle on how stats work and why you may choose one over the other in terms of augments.

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Absolutely false.

If we are still talking about carnage spec, your scream is your top 2 damage, and should be your top damage most of the time. Your scream is also 100% crit chance makes up for at least 20% of your total damage on any good carnage parse. I can safely tell you in endgame gearing, any 10-20 power increase, I will parse 20-30 extra overall dps. How any dps spec work is your stats scale on your abilities, which is also buffed by other things such as set bonus, bloodthirst, etc. Every single stat of power counts when it comes to your endgame gearing.

When it comes to carnage, 1% for 80% of my total damage, instead of a consistent overall damage increase. Forget 10 power, I'd take 6, 5 power over 1% crit.


You once again tried to show me, and others, the math for power vs main stat argument . That math has been done countless times, with marauder not having main stat multiplier of any kind, strength is not worth it, and it's not even close. The reason, me and others aren't giving you detailed mathematical explanations is because this math has been done countless times. While oofalong's guide showed why power > strength, is for annihilation, in carnage, we value crit ratings even less because of our main damage being an auto crit.


Bottomline is, you want to have power augment over strength in ANY marauder spec, period. The math is been long done, and it's not even close. In fact, some even argue power is still better than main stat even with 9% multiplier (albeit, i don't think this is true, but math is somewhat close, and ofc power is always a more consistant answer). At the end of the day, I want to help a fellow marauder here not waste hundreds of thousands of credits on the wrong augment, if you want to do less dps, then by all means.


I would like to contribute to this thread by saying


This man is wrong. Dead Wrong.

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So its the strenght right... Btw strenght gives also the bonus dmg doesnot? Not only crit chance. Can you make the build on Ask Mr Robot please? Or check this one if its fine http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4cdc29d-8135-4dbe-b4f5-9ad149b7fc9a.. If not make new one pls.. Thx


I don't know what the optimal stat build is for Carnage/Combat. There's too much conflicting information out there, some of it leftover from pre-2.0, and some of it the result of faulty assumptions, bad math or small sample sizes. Prior to the availability of crafted 31 mods, it was very difficult and time consuming to properly itemize gear. The Armoring and Mod were easy to upgrade, but the Enhancements were just awful. I had been slowly acquiring the spares necessary to test some of the ideas that have been floated in various forums....


Many credits later, I now have the mods I need to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges and am currently trying to find an answer to what I believe is the single most important question for our spec: Is the optimal Crit Rating for Carnage/Combat greater than 0, and if so, what is it? It will take a while to gather enough data to paint a reasonably accurate picture, but I'll get there eventually. Thus far, it's looking like the answer to the first part is an emphatic "yes", but the sweet spot is still a mystery.


Sadly, I lack the math skills of a Oofalong. Combat/Carnage really needs a new Compendium.

Edited by Plicitous
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I would like to contribute to this thread by saying


This man is wrong. Dead Wrong.


Lol, if this is your idea of being funny, then you win.


What the poster above said is very true to one point. Marauder IMO is the hardest dps class to play hands down, to improve on your performance, you need to work on your skill within that class, the might and power augment difference is minor to be sure.


I for one, wants to raid at a higher level and compete with and against top marauders in the world who actually bothered to upload their parses to tor parse. To me, it's about min maxing, the best performance possible, even if it's just 0.1 increase, and I assure you, the augment difference from my side with 2 hour testing with each, is 30 dps difference. To most people that number is worthless, but on top parses, even 1 extra dps can mean me getting ranked or not.

Especially with us trying to progress through NiM dreadguard, I want every single drop of dps squeezed out.


All in all, the difference is minor, unless you truly care about technically the best in slot. At the end of the day, it's who's carrying that gear and how good you are.

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Hmm... Damn... that sucks..What about the build? annyone know? The choice of augments sucks.. ill mby go for Strenght.. but what about the build(items).. :p

What u think about this build http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4848e69-46d6-45f5-84fc-dc32d6ff29c9 ? ( Check the mods , enchs separately.. its bugged and it dont show the edited mods,enchs...)

Edited by Lumicko
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Lol, if this is your idea of being funny, then you win.


What the poster above said is very true to one point. Marauder IMO is the hardest dps class to play hands down, to improve on your performance, you need to work on your skill within that class, the might and power augment difference is minor to be sure.


I for one, wants to raid at a higher level and compete with and against top marauders in the world who actually bothered to upload their parses to tor parse. To me, it's about min maxing, the best performance possible, even if it's just 0.1 increase, and I assure you, the augment difference from my side with 2 hour testing with each, is 30 dps difference. To most people that number is worthless, but on top parses, even 1 extra dps can mean me getting ranked or not.

Especially with us trying to progress through NiM dreadguard, I want every single drop of dps squeezed out.


All in all, the difference is minor, unless you truly care about technically the best in slot. At the end of the day, it's who's carrying that gear and how good you are.


you can always search my sentinel's name on torparse.


and there isn't a whole lot of competition. While I know I'm far from the best of them, I have a rank on almost all HM fights.

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ffs can you please check the build alrdy???? OR make better one?? thx.. i need it today :D i have 292/300 Ultimate and so on..




I guess the first one is best right?


You need Verpine/Underworld gear to get the Kell Dragon gear so you're not really asking the right question. Maybe AMR is to blame but I see 0 Accuracy on the 2nd build and that's always going to terrible.

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you can always search my sentinel's name on torparse.


and there isn't a whole lot of competition. While I know I'm far from the best of them, I have a rank on almost all HM fights.


You're also Watchman/Annihilation in a Combat/Carnage thread. :D Do you field respec?

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You need Verpine/Underworld gear to get the Kell Dragon gear so you're not really asking the right question. Maybe AMR is to blame but I see 0 Accuracy on the 2nd build and that's always going to terrible.

The first one is best ... http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4cdc29d-8135-4dbe-b4f5-9ad149b7fc9a

There is also Wish List with 72. .So check the 72. .And i see there 98,19% Accuracy. There is one Enchantment with +79 Accuracy and thats all... +7% is from buffs and around +1,2% is from the enchantment

So what u think about this build? I think its the best.. :p

The second one is totally bad.. Forget it

Edited by Lumicko
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The first one is best ... http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c4cdc29d-8135-4dbe-b4f5-9ad149b7fc9a

There is also Wish List with 72. .So check the 72. .And i see there 98,19% Accuracy. There is one Enchantment with +79 Accuracy and thats all... +7% is from buffs and around +1,2% is from the enchantment

So what u think about this build? I think its the best.. :p

The second one is totally bad.. Forget it


Yeah, the first one is definitely best. It probably doesn't matter much, but personally, I'm not comfortable with a melee accuracy of only 99.54%. Not sure how I would fix, but I'd try to get it up to 100% if possible. It''s a damn shame the Weaponmaster MK-V implant has Alacrity instead of Accuracy.

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Yeah, the first one is definitely best. It probably doesn't matter much, but personally, I'm not comfortable with a melee accuracy of only 99.54%. Not sure how I would fix, but I'd try to get it up to 100% if possible. It''s a damn shame the Weaponmaster MK-V implant has Alacrity instead of Accuracy.

Yeh i agree :p... So u also think that this build is overall best right? ( not just compared to the other one )

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