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No new major SWTOR content to come


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So as some of you already know that SWTOR won't be at E3 to announce in major content coming to the game. With that in mind, it does send a message to the MMO community that the game perhaps has no future.


We can continue to observe this trend with the waffer thin content "updates" that have become the expected norm over the last two months since the first "expansion", which IMO is really the biggest patch update since patch 1.2.


This also suggest that the Cartel market and the server transfers are a means for EA to gather up most of it's loses in 2012 before pulling the plug on any future content.


It doesn't mean that BW has given up on the game, but they are also not funding the game either. All the uncertainty comes from EA.


Please comment below and share your thoughts. Do you agree, disagree or strongly disagree? Please explain why.

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I wouldn't worry much about no content announcements if they didn't put so much hype on releasing fluff. I don't see CM content as substantive content, it's more about getting people to spend money, not having a healthy game. Couple that with EA/BW's attitude toward things like player feedback and bug fixes does make me concerned about the game ever really getting any substantive love.
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^^ What he said


Also, my concern is that adding new WZs should be much easier than adding in Operations and while I like the new Operations they have added in, adding a few new WZs would appease the PVP crowd (for awhile at least).


They could even use the same graphics, i.e. create some more huttball maps. Eventually it would be nice to have user-driven content that can be approved by their developers. However, this is unlikely to happen as most MMOs don't like to give up control over the maps/designs etc...

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^^ What he said


Also, my concern is that adding new WZs should be much easier than adding in Operations and while I like the new Operations they have added in, adding a few new WZs would appease the PVP crowd (for awhile at least).


They could even use the same graphics, i.e. create some more huttball maps. Eventually it would be nice to have user-driven content that can be approved by their developers. However, this is unlikely to happen as most MMOs don't like to give up control over the maps/designs etc...


I think a lot of it might also be centered around that they perhaps are having trouble designing maps that can't be very exploitable. For example, does anyone remember when Voidstar's first door defense didn't have that massive wall in the center that forces you to take a longer route to get to the other side if it was getting attacked?


Before the wall, it was a game where the first plant was all about being sneaky and making sure no one saw you were attacking the weak side or just blowing the other team completely out of the water. With something as small of an edit as a new wall in the center, the game mode changed dramatically, where a side could be attacked without immediate reinforcements coming to aid.


So, imo, I think that EA isn't releasing a bunch of maps simply because they're having a hard time designing really cool looking maps along with the fact that they want to make sure the game mode is fair for both sides. Although, I do agree that it would be nice if they released new content for the PvP game modes in forms of just simple reskins.

Edited by ZooMzy
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It doesn't bother me that EA/BW isn't saying anything at E3, it's that they're trying to make CM market packs into content. Yes, they're spending time giving things a new look, fine, but that doesn't forward the game at all, it doesn't improve it at all. There are still a lot of bugs that need to be addressed, there are exploits that they don't seem to care about fixing. It's like they're just trying distract us from some more outstanding problems. Shoot, I don't mind the fluff, as long as there's more, but I'm losing faith we'll ever getting anything more.
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WoW also has its own "Blizzcon" in which they give info on upcoming game designs every year. Complete with bands like Tenacious D and ect.


That being said WoW has also lost close to or at and around 4 million subs in 2 some odd years. ( Down from the peak of 12 million subs ) Which is another extreme.

Edited by Arocsimus
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The Disney new movie deal, adds 'a new hope' for SWTOR though, not only for new games, but returns on investment of current active titles. This is the only Star Wars MMO out there, zero competition in a market where people eat that **** up. Blizztastrophe 'Titan' being sent back to 'GO' removes the only meaningful SciFi new game on the horizon (don't bring up that stupid WildStar) that might have had enough energy and PR to really launch.


On top of all that, EA is in bed with Disney, and EA is showing signs they are interested in servicing customers with the killing of online pass. Disney will force them to step up their game and not get any of that **** on them by proximity. Disney is all about measuring customer satisfaction, and you can bet this was a topic of discussion in negotiations. I have heard Xbox and Sony both expressed the concerns over blowback from EA's '**** on you as a service' practices. With 3 more movies coming EA will not want to eff this one up, and that bodes well for SWTOR.


Half of my glass is empty, so I see where you are coming from, but I am **** excited about new movies even though at least one of the last 3 went all 'late night sneaky uncled' my childhood film memories.


That is the power of the wars.

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So as some of you already know that SWTOR won't be at E3 to announce in major content coming to the game. With that in mind, it does send a message to the MMO community that the game perhaps has no future.


I hope you didn't hurt yourself in that HUGE leap of logic you made.


If you don't show up at Bioware's Cantina Tour, does that mean you're going to unsub?



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I hope you didn't hurt yourself in that HUGE leap of logic you made.


If you don't show up at Bioware's Cantina Tour, does that mean you're going to unsub?




So say again what's your issue with me postulating a question?

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So say again what's your issue with me postulating a question?


You made a HUGE assumption that because Bioware isn't going to be at E3, that it means there will be no new major content to come.


That's like saying if people don't show up at the Cantina Tour, it means they are unsubbing.


Your logic here is non-existent.

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I would say his logic is "Not announcing new content in a forum prime for publishers to announce content = maybe no new content to announce?". Sound logic? Maybe not. But I also think there are a lot of other factors, not mentioned, that would lead one to believe that this may be the case.
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MMOs by their very nature are formulaic. Most new content is a rehash of old content anyway. The things that keep me interested are pvp, specifically the people and the metagame. If someone is not enjoying the game, I doubt that a new patch will make them enjoy it. Gotta find a way to enjoy it. Do new things, hang in new circles, and just try to make the most of it, else find a different game.


That's my personal stance.

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You made a HUGE assumption that because Bioware isn't going to be at E3, that it means there will be no new major content to come.


That's like saying if people don't show up at the Cantina Tour, it means they are unsubbing.


Your logic here is non-existent.


I care about the game and the topic and I was hoping generate a discussion on EA's announcement. It's your prerogative to say I made a "HUGE" assumption. I guess time will tell if you're correct or not. But my rational stemmed from the very small content updates over the past months. To say that it's some how illogical to speculate on the possibility EA may not have intention to continue the game is silly - because not wanting to spend money on alcohol is a valid reason not to go to the Cantina. ;)


Since my initial post BW announced there won't be cross server pvp in the near future.... When there is virtually no major content update coming our way? Hmm... You're right, there is simply no evidence to suggest EA is disinterested in the game. Not at all. :rolleyes:


For what it's worth Capt. I hope you are right, because I'm a Star Wars fan. I want this game to succeed. I just feel BW needs to do more for the community that has stuck by this game through thick and thin. Maybe that is illogical, but who cares?:confused:

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To say that it's some how illogical to speculate on the possibility EA may not have intention to continue the game is silly - because not wanting to spend money on alcohol is a valid reason not to go to the Cantina. ;)
That's actually a good analogy, though I think your conclusion is wrong. You may not want to go to the Cantina Tour because you don't want to spend money on alcohol, yes. But that's more like BW not wanting to go to E3 because they don't want to spend money on a booth. And there's still a pretty big leap from that to pulling the plug on the game. Edited by Adric_the_Red
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That's actually a good analogy, though I think your conclusion is wrong. You may not want to go to the Cantina Tour because you don't want to spend money on alcohol, yes. But that's more like BW not wanting to go to E3 because they don't want to spend money on a booth. And there's still a pretty big leap from that to pulling the plug on the game.


Actually alcohol is referring to advertisement. Companies go to E3 not just to spend money on a booth that's like saying I would go the cantina to spend money just on a stool. It's to spend money to advertise content to fans. You pay for a return in your investment. In the alcohol stake it's either to get drunk or to meet some cool people. That's the return. :cool:


Which is why his analogy doesn't make much sense with respect to the context of the original post. I wasn't trying to insinuate people should unsub which I think was what he accused me of through is analogy. I only wanted to start a discussion about what our community thought about SWTOR not being at E3. :)

Edited by Targarion
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Actually alcohol is referring to advertisement. Companies go to E3 not just to spend money on a booth that's like saying I would go the cantina to spend money just on a stool. It's to spend money to advertise content to fans. You pay for a return in your investment. In the alcohol stake it's either to get drunk or to meet some cool people. That's the return. :cool:


Which is why his analogy doesn't make much sense with respect to the context of the original post. I wasn't trying to insinuate people should unsub which I think was what he accused me of through is analogy. I only wanted to start a discussion about what our community thought about SWTOR not being at E3. :)


I said the Cantina TOUR that Bioware puts on. Has nothing to do with Star Wars CANTINAS, bars, or alcohol. It seems my analogy was completely lost on you. Let me try again:


Now, you say since Bioware is not showing up at E3, this means no new major content to come. Your assumption is that EA is not supporting Star Wars, because they won't be at E3.


So, with that logic in mind, if you never go to one of Bioware's Cantina Tours, they should assume you are going to unsub, because you're not supporting the game by showing up at the tour.


But I guess to you, the CANTINA TOURS that Bioware puts on must be another sign that EA is disinterested in the game, and is getting ready to pull the plug.


Since my initial post BW announced there won't be cross server pvp in the near future.... When there is virtually no major content update coming our way?


That's because they're not doing it like other MMOs, only releasing new content once a year or two, in the form of expansion paks. They're releasing new content in small packages, as it makes it easier for them to work out any bugs in new content they release, instead of one huge major expansion update full of bugs.


Take all the new content they've released over the last year, put it all together, and you have your "major content release", its just been coming in small packages about once a month or so.


Also, Bioware said this is an MMO centered mostly around PvE, not PvP, so the PvPers shouldn't whine when they don't get what they want, which is better PvP in a PvE-centric game. While I agree that cross-server PvP would be great for the PvPers, I don't care either way, as I came here for the PvE.


So, I'm sorry, but I believe your opinion is completely groundless, with no basis in fact.

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I said the Cantina TOUR that Bioware puts on. Has nothing to do with Star Wars CANTINAS, bars, or alcohol. It seems my analogy was completely lost on you. Let me try again:


Now, you say since Bioware is not showing up at E3, this means no new major content to come. Your assumption is that EA is not supporting Star Wars, because they won't be at E3.

And I also said that I believe there is a degree of uncertainty over EA's plans for the game. Which to put it plainly that hopefully you can understand is I don't know what will happen to the game. I left the thread open ended and invited feedback for this reason.



Now, you say since Bioware is not showing up at E3, this means no new major content to come. Your assumption is that EA is not supporting Star Wars, because they won't be at E3.

Actually Eric Musco wrote on the swtor forum they were not going to E3 because they weren't going to announce anything big for swtor regarding a future expansion. Read it.


Hence I don't know why it's such a stretch for me to assume, hey maybe they are not interested in the game? Again it's just an opinion not a fact.


That's because they're not doing it like other MMOs, only releasing new content once a year or two, in the form of expansion paks. They're releasing new content in small packages, as it makes it easier for them to work out any bugs in new content they release, instead of one huge major expansion update full of bugs.


Well I disagree that they are doing it to eliminate bugs, as the game is as buggy as it has ever been. All we can do here is speculate, which was the point of my post.


Take all the new content they've released over the last year, put it all together, and you have your "major content release", its just been coming in small packages about once a month or so.


You mean every two months and that is an interesting point.



Also, Bioware said this is an MMO centered mostly around PvE, not PvP, so the PvPers shouldn't whine when they don't get what they want, which is better PvP in a PvE-centric game. While I agree that cross-server PvP would be great for the PvPers, I don't care either way, as I came here for the PvE.


Can you reference this claim? PVP is a major factor for this game, and really the only reason to keep playing the game if you are tired to rehash the same operation.


So, I'm sorry, but I believe your opinion is completely groundless, with no basis in fact.
Let's see. I stated that SWTOR won't be at E3, that's a fact. I stated that game content hasn't added much over the last few months. That's a fact. I stated that there won't be cross server pvp because of server transfers coming out first. Yes that's a fact too. That's the bases I formulated my opinion on, fact. Whether or not you found it groundless is your prerogative.


And FYI This entire thread is about being speculative, hence trying to prove that my opinion is illogical when you base your reasoning on variables that aren't known yet is silly. Unless you are have Jedi abilities to see into the future which then I stand corrected. :cool:


You can have the last say.

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