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Character Transfers from EU to NA server or vice versa


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Hello all!


With the new arriving character transfers service I have a question, under "My Account" settings, in the "Character Transfer" section, appear the next message:


"Character Transfer


Character Transfer service allows you to move a character from one server to another server for a fee (Cartel Coins only), provided your account and character meets certain requirements.


Character Transfers are currently taking about less than one (1) hour .


The destination server...


•…cannot transfer from a European origin server to North American destination server or vice versa.



I want to know if this will be the main policy to transfer a character from EU server to NA server, or this will be changed when character transfer are available.


I'll appreciate a clarification about this topic.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Kind regards!

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I really hope that is not the case. I will be eventually be moving continents to work and live. I will be going from +3 GMT to -4 GMT and I can't play on my original server like that! Edited by znihilist
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The character transfer was for APAC only. Our servers will be shutting down soon so we were given a choice to move now or get migrated in 30 days. It only takes 2 seconds to look on the main page of General Discussion to find the server transfer thread.
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That is the thread. There was a reason the character transfers weren't announced publicly. Us Asia Pacific people have been screwed around too much. Please don't cry that you can't transfer your characters. You aren't on dead servers, we are.


Da*** I just read dude!! No one here is complaining, I only want a clear answer about one topic:


You can or you can't transfer a character from an EU server to a NA server or vice versa.


That's all FFS!


Kind regards.

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The character transfer was for APAC only. Our servers will be shutting down soon so we were given a choice to move now or get migrated in 30 days. It only takes 2 seconds to look on the main page of General Discussion to find the server transfer thread.


The character transfers of this week for APAC only, but Eric Musco posted on another thread that server transfers are going to be generally available with update 2.2. I think that's what OP was referring to.

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I'm not particulary interested in the characters I have on a US server but I would like all the millions they come with so my intention from the start has been to move one of them. I'm also interested in the achivements and unlocks I have on that legacy (50). I'd be very disappointed if it didnt become an option. Edited by MidichIorian
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Da*** I just read dude!! No one here is complaining, I only want a clear answer about one topic:


You can or you can't transfer a character from an EU server to a NA server or vice versa.


That's all FFS!


Kind regards.


If you read the thread I linked you, it stated there would be paid character transfers with update 2.2. And if you used some brain capacity, I was referring to the second post about crying.

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Does seem a ridiculous notion that they would open up the character transfer option and then lock out a regional transfer too.


As someone else posted here and as a general point of common sense, the service is going to be ideal for someone moving time zones due to work etc, or indeed out of sheer preference.


I cannot fathom why they would prevent this kind of transfer, there are no licensing restrictions or we wouldn't be able to create characters on servers outside our region, i'm in England and I have made a character on a US server before to take a look at population etc.


It isn't as if as soon as the EU player base can transfer to the US servers that there will be some balance shifting mass exodus of players over to the US or vice versa, I can imagine there will be quite a few US players who will transfer to the EU servers too, again to do with work etc, there are a large number of serving US Military personnel at various bases around Europe who would no doubt take advantage of this if any of them play, as well as many other economic migrants.


Just seems very odd indeed....the reasons I do not expect to be forthcoming from Bioware any time soon, but I am sure I will laugh like hell when I do hear it.....because it is going to be a lame excuse lol.

Edited by Vigilanis
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Anyone who wants the answer:





I got answers to two of the questions that I saw a bit about:


Can you transfer across server type, such as PvP to PvE?

Yes you can!


Can you transfer across region, like EU to NA?

As of the current plan, no. However, I want to state that this is absolutely something we want to do and as you saw with APAC it isn't a tech limitation. There are some other restrictions we are working through and we hope to have the ability to transfer across region moving forward. I will give you updates on this as I have it.


Hope that clears things up.



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Thanks for the info guys!


Very disappointed tbh, and more bc they can't answer this thread or even made thread or FAQ replaying this basic questions, incredible...


Anyway, any1 knows when is the date launch of ESO?


Thanks in advance.


Kind regards.

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Thanks to Erik for the update, but I really do hope they work on this. I am gonna be moving continents in a few months and I'll be screwed if I get stuck in the wrong timezone.


It's a big world out there now, Erik, we need to be able to move around please! And if it's not a technical problem, just charge us more to fix whatever else is going on, lol! You know we'll pay cos we're mugs and we love our toons!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Well this stinks. Please can this happen soon.. If not characters, at least my legacy and unlocks. To include buffs and companion achievements. I just retired from the US military and I was stationed in Germany for a few years. Just moved back to the states and now I'll have to start over from scratch. Don't think I want to do that.. Shame.. I've been playing since day one.
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Is this still not allowed?


I have no idea how I ended up being on a EU server, seeing as I'm from NA. I didn't even realize it until I started having some game performance issues and went looking for a cause. I know I only have myself to blame for being careless. :(


Still, I now have to decide whether to start over or just call it quits, which is sad because I just renewed my subscription after a year and a half absence.


Is there any plans to change the restrictions in the very near future?

Edited by BigDegs
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