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Eric Musco please explain!!!!!


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My thoughts are you deserve the coins back if you can't have the name you paid for.


That being said, the rest of this is bull. Nobody has more right then the person that is there and has it! That is more unfair.


If the situation was reversed and you were the person on the destination server you would be on here ranting about the opposite with words like "Biofail" "Eaware" "Money-grabbing". Cause at the end of the day these types of posts are incredibly selfish. No one ever thinks of it from the other side. Playing happily along after having the name for say a year, and one day you log on find out some transfers have happened and you have to change your name! You wouldn't be understanding, cause this post dictates otherwise.


I just think from time to time it's a good idea to take a step back and look at it from the other side.

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Transfer, but being a person who has actually paid for the rename service should have priority over any other player that never did due to the high cost in Cartel Coins.


So you are stating that a person who is on a server for a year should have his name changed bc of someone coming new to his server who payed for it?

What arrogant crap is this.

If you move to a new server and your name is taken..sorry it is your own choice to move and you are entitled to nothing of a priority.

When you are being forced...well that is a different story ofc.

Edited by hages
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I'd say keep trying to petition for a refund, however, I don't really have any sympathy for someone who I know knew the transfers were coming. If you thought your name would overwrite another person on the server, you just aren't thinking straight. Heck, you know the person on the destination server might have paid for that name too.
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They never should have added the APAC and Oceanic servers in the first place. They've been more trouble than they were worth since they didn't have enough long-term players to sustain player pop. I feel bad for someone who is going to lose out on a long-time character name....but it's been known that transfers would be coming eventually and they could have easily created a character on a different server to reserve the name. Complaints like the OP's though generate zero sympathy from me. You weren't forced to purchase a character re-name and made no sense to do so when they were in the process of shutting down the APAC servers anyway.
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