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Transfer Cost now Established


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Thats what I was thinking, for a game that encourages you to play alts (aka, content downtime, legacy unlocks, CLASS UNBALANCE!, etc) the transfer price certainly isn't friendly towards them.


Of the three problems you listed, SWTOR is actually better than any other MMO I have ever played at two of them. If you think content downtime and class imbalance is bad here, you should try WoW.

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In that thread someone posted a screenshot of the original ranked pvp UI. It says "season 1 will bring solo q and cross server ranked for the best competition". I r sad.


They have hinted that solo que is coming for 2.4 as it's the only logical assumption to not only improved ranked que times... that or they are just gonna throw an arena type setting... either way, they need to fix the damn pvp in this game..

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Here's my biggest problem with this entire scenario:


Bioware, happy to release paid server transfers after over a year of describing them as, "in the works" charges a modest fee of $20 per toon. Not bad, but not cheap. Low enough to entice a transfer or two, but not cheap enough to bring about major server population swings. This would undoubtedly be presented under the banner of, "Trying to keep current server populations/communities relatively stable and intact". A noble goal, of course.


But then in Aug/Sept the, "PvPers are going to wet themselves over this one!" patch goes live. Low and behold, in 2.4, cross-server PvP is implemented and it effectively makes every transfer that anyone paid for up until that point absolutely worthless (I'm assuming that the only legitimate reason for even considering transferring would be pvp community, aside from wanting to reunite long lost alts I suppose).


A d ick move? Yes. But something I could easily see Bioware doing at this point; milking this game and its paying customers for all their worth while the show is still up and running.



This x1000

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NOT implementing cross server pvp is a huge nail in the coffin for this game in my opinion. It's the community/friendships/guilds that will be damaged by giving us transfers rather than X-server pvp.



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So what then? Solo and/or 4man group queues for rateds? Both of which are terribly bad ideas IMO. It's bad enough hoping for decent pugs in regs, and considering you'd always run the risk of being pitted against an 8man (assuming they will not segregate the queues between 8man rateds and solo/4man rateds, because doing the smart thing isn't in their nature), it'd be a genuine clusterf uck.


Get a guild 4man with 4 no name pugs in greens (although with how bolster currently functions that would probably work out fine if they weren't piss poor at the game, sadly enough) to get face rolled by a well-geared and cohesive 8man? If that is their solution to reducing rated queue times, I'm thoroughly disappointed. It's like throwing a Spongebob band-aid on a nicked artery. We're gonna need a little more than that.


Meh, f uck it. Brb rerolling on The Bastion.

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They have hinted that solo que is coming for 2.4 as it's the only logical assumption to not only improved ranked que times... that or they are just gonna throw an arena type setting... either way, they need to fix the damn pvp in this game..


i'm not seeing solo happening. i'm not saying that it won't, i'm saying it's unlikely. if you read the pvp forums, and every other server forum, there at least 10 threads a day posted about "pre-mades ruin pvp" or something like that.


i'm thinking they will lower the mandatory 8 players for rated down to 4.

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Solo and/or 4 man queues for ranked wouldn't really be a bad thing for casuals or small guilds, since they would just migrate from normal queues to ranked queues (and probably lose a bit more often, but not care since they get more comms). It would totally ruin competitive ranked though, which is what really matters. No one wants to queue up with a full ranked team to fight a full pug. While the matchmaking should avoid that, it won't just because of the lack of people playing ranked at any given time.


Also, as often as they've said cross-server isn't likely to happen soon, it's almost going to have to once xfers happen. If PvP and PvE really do migrate to specific servers, it'll ruin queues (of one or the other). Even taking a small portion of people out can really change that quick.

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Solo and/or 4 man queues for ranked wouldn't really be a bad thing for casuals or small guilds, since they would just migrate from normal queues to ranked queues (and probably lose a bit more often, but not care since they get more comms). It would totally ruin competitive ranked though, which is what really matters. No one wants to queue up with a full ranked team to fight a full pug. While the matchmaking should avoid that, it won't just because of the lack of people playing ranked at any given time.


Also, as often as they've said cross-server isn't likely to happen soon, it's almost going to have to once xfers happen. If PvP and PvE really do migrate to specific servers, it'll ruin queues (of one or the other). Even taking a small portion of people out can really change that quick.


I don't know that I agree...


I got to thinking about rated vs regular in Halo 3. Anyone could queue up for both. Granted you got a lvl 1 (in that playlist) vs a lvl 50(highest skill lvl ). It would normally be 1-10 and up to 45-50's, in rated. Even at lvl 50 there were bad kids, and some could be carried, some could not.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, it would work if there were rating brackets. But not everyone will be top tier bracket 2300+ rating. So, they may have to do something like 0-1500, 1501- 1850, 1851+ brackets. that would work for solo and small groups in rated pvp.

Edited by leijae
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I don't think its Bioware so much as it is EA. If they could find a way to charge you for every 100 bullets you fire in a Battlefield game, they'd do it in a heartbeat. But yeah, I'm suspicious of them doing this. It will be a blatant cash grab if they do it.

Aux knows too much !!!!!!

Edited by Bluntis
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I don't know that I agree...


I got to thinking about rated vs regular in Halo 3. Anyone could queue up for both. Granted you got a lvl 1 (in that playlist) vs a lvl 50(highest skill lvl ). It would normally be 1-10 and up to 45-50's, in rated. Even at lvl 50 there were bad kids, and some could be carried, some could not.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, it would work if there were rating brackets. But not everyone will be top tier bracket 2300+ rating. So, they may have to do something like 0-1500, 1501- 1850, 1851+ brackets. that would work for solo and small groups in rated pvp.


You're right, but the biggest problem (which is emphasized by no cross server) is just the lack of people. You *may* get balanced pops during the few hours of primetime, but any other time of day you have to either allow horribly unbalanced matches or horribly long queue times, both of which will turn away most casual to semi-hardcore players after a while....which, lets be honest, makes up the largest portion of any MMO. I've heard a lot of people say that ranked should only be for the serious PvPers and serious PvP guilds, but that's the reason why it's failed so far. WoW used it's massive player base to work on ways of making ranked PvP (and PvP in general) more accessible or compelling (achievements) to more casual players, and that's why it succeeded.


Mergers have worked fairly well so far, and hopefully xfers work for a while too. They just need something new in order to get everything to stick.

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Mergers have worked fairly well so far, and hopefully xfers work for a while too. They just need something new in order to get everything to stick.


Guaranteed history repeats itself and it only works against them.


The only thing I've been reading on here and talking to others in-game about is where JC's pvp community is headed: POT5 or the Bastion. That means the ranked pvpers will head there and probably anybody who wants to ensure they will still get decent pvp (and a speedy pvp queue) as well.


I say history will repeat itself because if you recall a year ago, servers were like ghost towns and with people flooding to specific servers, I only see that happening again. Those who do remain after the xfers will either likely give in to xfer themselves or quit, in which case further server consolidation will happen like it did last year.


I'm hoping it doesn't, and I am an optimist, but I'm also a realist.

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A d ick move? Yes. But something I could easily see Bioware doing at this point; milking this game and its paying customers for all their worth while the show is still up and running.


they came -- from behind!

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I would liken a server transfer to being interested in another woman while in a relationship already! Yes, the thought makes u feel all warm and fuzzy inside but, if a change were made, the end result will be eactly the same!


Point: the grass is not always greener on the other side!

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I would liken a server transfer to being interested in another woman while in a relationship already! Yes, the thought makes u feel all warm and fuzzy inside but, if a change were made, the end result will be eactly the same!


Point: the grass is not always greener on the other side!


I'm transferring to pot5 and I have a more accurate analogy for you.


Staying on JC means playing Yahtzee with my grandmother once a week, while going to a pvp server means I'll be hooking up with a 10 four or five times a week.

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