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Transfer Cost now Established


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Still cheaper than other games


That doesn't make it any better, especially since I don't play those "other games".


$20 a toon is asking a lot no matter how you slice it, especially since these days most people play a few different toons.

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That doesn't make it any better, especially since I don't play those "other games".


$20 a toon is asking a lot no matter how you slice it, especially since these days most people play a few different toons.



Thats what I was thinking, for a game that encourages you to play alts (aka, content downtime, legacy unlocks, CLASS UNBALANCE!, etc) the transfer price certainly isn't friendly towards them.

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The only reason I could justify the price is that technically you could do it for "free", if you're a sub. Still, seems really overpriced for what should be a $5 service that should have included a full legacy transfer.
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what other games? I didn't pay $20 per toon to move my characters on WoW in the lean days of WotLK.


Lord of the Rings Online: $24.95 / €21.95 / £18.95 / 2,995 Turbine Points

World of Warcraft: $25 / 20€ / £15 "on sale atm for 50%t"

Everquest II: 2500 SC ($25 USD)

Aion: $25

Edited by darktyphoon
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Now think about it, it's JUST $20.. that's all! I can't imagine that the 16-17 months it took to get the programming down from when it was "being worked on" to now being very cheap. Think of all the overtime hours it took to figure how to automate Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V. $20 is damn cheap for the amount of work it must have took since it did take this long.
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i believe all of your characters legacy unlocks are included. including the class buffs. so if you transfer to another server even with one toon you should have everything that toon has unlocked and achieved within that legacy Edited by kendawgg
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i believe all of your characters legacy unlocks are included. including the class buffs. so if you transfer to another server even with one toon you should have everything that toon has unlocked and achieved within that legacy


Other than all of your alts that will rot on JC.

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Lord of the Rings Online: $24.95 / €21.95 / £18.95 / 2,995 Turbine Points

World of Warcraft: $25 / 20€ / £15 "on sale atm for 50%t"

Everquest II: 2500 SC ($25 USD)

Aion: $25


heh. I did it during a sale then too. who would pay $100 to transfer toons? **** that.

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Here's my biggest problem with this entire scenario:


Bioware, happy to release paid server transfers after over a year of describing them as, "in the works" charges a modest fee of $20 per toon. Not bad, but not cheap. Low enough to entice a transfer or two, but not cheap enough to bring about major server population swings. This would undoubtedly be presented under the banner of, "Trying to keep current server populations/communities relatively stable and intact". A noble goal, of course.


But then in Aug/Sept the, "PvPers are going to wet themselves over this one!" patch goes live. Low and behold, in 2.4, cross-server PvP is implemented and it effectively makes every transfer that anyone paid for up until that point absolutely worthless (I'm assuming that the only legitimate reason for even considering transferring would be pvp community, aside from wanting to reunite long lost alts I suppose).


A d ick move? Yes. But something I could easily see Bioware doing at this point; milking this game and its paying customers for all their worth while the show is still up and running.

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Im pretty sure cross server ranked isnt going to happen, they said in a interview I read a while back that they didnt have the tech currently and it would be very costly to implement it and it wasnt in their plans, Im pretty sure they have never said it was in the works. When you look at the big picture only a very small portion of the community play ranked PvP most folks fiddle with dailys, do a flashpoint or a raid and play an alt for a bit, so I really can't see them investing time and money into a niche feature. TBH they could merge the servers again, the server population will suffer a steady decline with the lack of any *new* content coming out until the fall, rehashed gear and operations dont really count IMO. But i do expect the next expansion to be the silly space thing they have been hinting at for the last year Edited by dego-harmonium
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But then in Aug/Sept the, "PvPers are going to wet themselves over this one!" patch goes live. Low and behold, in 2.4, cross-server PvP is implemented and it effectively makes every transfer that anyone paid for up until that point absolutely worthless (I'm assuming that the only legitimate reason for even considering transferring would be pvp community, aside from wanting to reunite long lost alts I suppose).


A d ick move? Yes. But something I could easily see Bioware doing at this point; milking this game and its paying customers for all their worth while the show is still up and running.


I don't think its Bioware so much as it is EA. If they could find a way to charge you for every 100 bullets you fire in a Battlefield game, they'd do it in a heartbeat. But yeah, I'm suspicious of them doing this. It will be a blatant cash grab if they do it.

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Nice list Kilora!


While the exact details of which features will make Game Update 2.4 are still being hardened I can definitely say that Cross-Server Queueing is not in the plan for it. We've taken a hard look at Cross Server Queuing in the past and accomplishing it is a *significant* challenge that would take a lot of time away from other things we are working on. Emphasis on significant. It's not forever off the table but it's not in the plan right now.


Even though it is too early to share specifics I can say that Game Update 2.4 as it is being worked on right now has features and changes that should cause a significant improvement of queue times for ranked Warzones in particular. Emphasis on significant!



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