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The insane (double XP) plan to get everyone to 55 fast


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The fact that we are here having this conversation is proof that it's an issue for people.


People have intellectual conversations about why mice die when you step on them, or why men don't like condoms. That a conversation is being had, does not make it an intelligent one.


Especially on these forums. In this thread.


If taking a few minutes and doing it right will make people happy, then they really should add it.


You're implying that it was done wrong. It is a game EVENT. It is there whether or not you like it. If it bothers you that much, spend your weekend doing something else. I'm sure the response will be something like "I shouldn't have to", but yeah, yeah you do.


Frankly I'll be enjoying 2xp. There's what...like 30 different people in this thread having said they actually want this feature? I'll be generous and say 50. That's 50 out of how many thousands? Not enough to matter, that's how many.

Edited by Astygia
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Double XP is an intended consequence of logging on during that time.


All the reasons that people post for not wanting it are trivial and quite frankly the epitome of first world problems. You're not looking for food in a dumpster, I think you can accept a double XP weekend. It won't end your gaming career.

Edited by Arkerus
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I don't know why anyone can be opposed to it. How can anyone like the side quests? Their awful.


Also so what if you outlevel planets. You can still do them, nothing is going to stop you. '

You literally have nothing to whine about outleveling content.

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People have intellectual conversations about why mice die when you step on them, or why men don't like condoms. That a conversation is being had, does not make it an intelligent one.


Especially on these forums. In this thread.


I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying people are not actually having an issue with double XP events because mice die when you step on them? That doesn't even begin to make sense.


You're implying that it was done wrong. It is a game EVENT. It is there whether or not you like it. If it bothers you that much, spend your weekend doing something else. I'm sure the response will be something like "I shouldn't have to", but yeah, yeah you do.


Frankly I'll be enjoying 2xp. There's what...like 30 different people in this thread having said they actually want this feature? I'll be generous and say 50. That's 50 out of how many thousands? Not enough to matter, that's how many.


It absolutely was done wrong. And as I've said on numerous occations, it's no skin off my nose one way or another because I personally love the double xp events. All I'm saying is that they didn't impliment this right and should go back and fix it so that people that want to opt out, can.

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I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying people are not actually having an issue with double XP events because mice die when you step on them? That doesn't even begin to make sense.


Ironically, it was a remark about how intelligence is lacking in this thread. That it went over your head just nails the point.


It absolutely was done wrong. And as I've said on numerous occations, it's no skin off my nose one way or another because I personally love the double xp events. All I'm saying is that they didn't impliment this right and should go back and fix it so that people that want to opt out, can.


They already can opt out. ;)

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The lack of intelligence is actually how people are so utterly dead set against having an option to opt out that wouldn't affect them in any way if they choose not to opt out. It's almost comical watching you people argue against this, like it'll somehow ruin your game if someone else has this option.
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Bla bla bla

And the fix is not "simple". Its not something that would take "5 minutes".



Sum XP is simple maths. Putting a condition to calculate or not calculate xp in a formula from a series of formulas takes 5 minutes.

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The lack of intelligence is actually how people are so utterly dead set against having an option to opt out that wouldn't affect them in any way if they choose not to opt out. It's almost comical watching you people argue against this, like it'll somehow ruin your game if someone else has this option.


I don't care if they put in an option to disable XP completely. If someone wants to actually do something so drastic as to turn it off, I could honestly care less.


The reason why most people like myself don't see the need is because th reasoning that people give is utterly flawed. Their reasons have no basis. Nothing they claim can be substantiated if they simply don't gear up and don't go to the trainer. Outside of a small handful of stats the game gives you nothing for gaining a level. I think the biggest implication is hit and miss calculations and even that shouldn't have a huge impact on gameplay.


The other big issue is that bioware obviously doesn't want there to be an option. I think its apparent from their game design that simply flipping the switch is easy to do. Offering a chance to ignore double XP isn't something worth their time when it is most likely complicated and not a "5 minute job".


If someone doesn't like double XP they can go outside that weekend or start a new alt. It won't kill them.

Edited by Arkerus
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Sum XP is simple maths. Putting a condition to calculate or not calculate xp in a formula from a series of formulas takes 5 minutes.


Yes but creating a toggle that would work across everything without breaking people would take a lot more. Also even if it takes 5 minutes it should be tested extensively after that.


Ultimately I'm completely OK with their being a toggle for the people that don't want it. If they are going to make the effort to add this I would also love to see the following added:

- Add more detailed breakdown for what your actual XP boost is at any given time.


There have been several threads about people reporting that XP boost isn't working for them, or asking how legacy boost stacks with consumable boost stacks with double XP weekend, stacks with rested XP. It woud be great if you could click somewhere and get a breakdown of all the active XP boosts on your character at that time and a cumulative XP boost.

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I don't care if they put in an option to disable XP completely. If someone wants to actually do something so drastic as to turn it off, I could honestly care less.


The reason why most people like myself don't see the need is because th reasoning that people give is utterly flawed. Their reasons have no basis. Nothing they claim can be substantiated if they simply don't gear up and don't go to the trainer. Outside of a small handful of stats the game gives you nothing for gaining a level. I think the biggest implication is hit and miss calculations and even that shouldn't have a huge impact on gameplay.


The other big issue is that bioware obviously doesn't want there to be an option. I think its apparent from their game design that simply flipping the switch is easy to do. Offering a chance to ignore double XP isn't something worth their time when it is most likely complicated and not a "5 minute job".


If someone doesn't like double XP they can go outside that weekend or start a new alt. It won't kill them.

This game was designed with a balance, for a calculated challenge. XP Weekends breaks that. Maybe they think such a gift (XP Weekends) makes everybody happy. It doesn't. People is asking for an alternative because that ruins their gaming experience. So simple to understand, so difficult to accept.


I can skip Gree event. I can't skip XP Weekends. I pay a subsricption for playing, not for playing when Bioware wants me to play.

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Omg Double XP is too much....

OMG we aren't getting enough xp....

Omg it's not fair they got to lvl to 55 faster than me when I went to 55 without double xp waaaaahhhhhh.


Cry cry cry, it shocks me how many people on these forums do nothing but complain. I'm on the bastion and 90% of the people I know on there want double xp. So yeah I would say the consensus is that the community wants double xp.


Grab a tissue and stop crying!

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This game was designed with a balance, for a calculated challenge. XP Weekends breaks that. Maybe they think such a gift (XP Weekends) makes everybody happy. It doesn't. People is asking for an alternative because that ruins their gaming experience. So simple to understand, so difficult to accept.


I can skip Gree event. I can't skip XP Weekends. I pay a subsricption for playing, not for playing when Bioware wants me to play.

1) I have no problem with a double-xp toggle.

2) "XP Weekends breaks that" is silly.


Until such a toggle is implemented:

a. Don't run every single optional side quest and every planetary quest.

b. Don't want to miss content? Roll an alt. Heck, you'll need to do that anyway if you don't want to miss content.


If you do this, you'll stay AT OR BELOW planetary levels.

Edited by Khevar
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I personally enjoy double xp as I use it to obtain that one 55 AC I don't quite have yet. I have 6 50s and 3 55s, it's very nice to level another toon and spend half the time running the same missions over and over.


SO the question is would you rather have double xp? Which gives people a quick option to get that other AC or toon they desire? Or would you want AC change? I'm not complaining about either, but after seeing all the complaints on this website you would think the complainers would want double xp weekends.


Double XP is great!

Thank you Bioware!

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This game was designed with a balance, for a calculated challenge. XP Weekends breaks that. Maybe they think such a gift (XP Weekends) makes everybody happy. It doesn't. People is asking for an alternative because that ruins their gaming experience. So simple to understand, so difficult to accept.


I can skip Gree event. I can't skip XP Weekends. I pay a subsricption for playing, not for playing when Bioware wants me to play.


I can invalidate your entire response.


Bioware instituted the double XP weekend. The DEVELOPERS are running the show and they are ok with it. Not very game breaking if the game designers are the ones instituting the event.


First world problems. Take a break.

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And it wouldn't kill you if there were an option to turn it off, would it?


Deal with it. It is what it is, if they implemented a toggle like that then you would think we would get a hood toggle? Nope no hood toggle for last year and a half so your really not going to get an xp toggle.


Times are changing, if you don't like it play something else.

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Deal with it. It is what it is, if they implemented a toggle like that then you would think we would get a hood toggle? Nope no hood toggle for last year and a half so your really not going to get an xp toggle.


Times are changing, if you don't like it play something else.


That's such an ugly attitude. The forums are a place to discuss ideas to improve the game, not tell people to quit if they don't like it. My dad always said "If you don't have anything nice to say, then S T F U." or something like that...

Edited by Glowrod
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That's such an ugly attitude. The forums are a place to discuss ideas to improve the game...


Your right they're to discuss ideas and improve the game; however the only thing on these forums is complaining. Don't get me wrong I would love a toggle, because everyone would be happy. However given our current situation and Biowares past with dealing with "Toggles" that would make everyone a lot happier. It's something they more than likely wont implement considering it's a weekend event that doesn't happen very often.


All I'm getting at is what is the point in complaining about it when it will go no where? The statement has been made by several people to implement a toggle. What else can you do? You wait, until then stop complaining and move on.

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All I'm getting at is what is the point in complaining about it when it will go no where?

And what is the point of you complaining about others complaining when you know it will go nowhere? If the only things on these forums were suggestions that were certain to be implemented, there would be no point in having the forums.

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1: Once you stop getting xp the difficulty is trivial and hence the game no longer is fun to play. One or two levels is ok, anything above that makes the game too easy.


And after you have played for a while in the regular game (even without rested xp and xp boosts) you WILL have to skip missions because you will start overleveling them enough to not earn xp. So this just makes it happen a bit more often.

Simple solution to this is to skip the sidequests that youve already done several times with your other characters while leveling up.



2: And here comes the big IF - if you just skip content - which is what most of us complaining about this don't want to do. I for one is running out of things to do and I want my content to last. And don't tell me to go make an alt, I have all 16 ACs, 3 at 55, another 5 at 50 (those are my salvation now when double xp weekend comes back since you can't overlevel that much 50-55) and 8 lower levels (18-45) that I don't want to play during these weekends.

Leveling is crazy fast as it is and I can play a planet in one evening if I like. If I'm supposed to skip content to keep it non-trivial and only do class quests I'll finish three planets in one evening. I'd run out of things to do real fast.

And once again no, not everyone want to do the pointless operation gear grind so I can get the gear to grind for yet some more gear.


So you say that you dont like to overlevel things since you dont earn xp then, and that makes the game trivial, and yet you claim that you are "running out of things to do" while leveling? Well then you are contradicting yourself. You still "have" to skip content the way it is now, so you are basically complaining that you will "have" to skip more content during your double xp weekends?

Then play some operations or end-level flashpoints with your lvl 50/55's instead? Thats still plenty of content to fill up three weekends, and its suitably difficult for your level and still contains story. Its not all about the gear grind you know. There is story in the flashpoints and operations too.


3: You'll be fine at 2-3 levels above if you don't do flashpoints, heroics and warzones, normal quests keeps you at an acceptable level.

No you wont be "fine" at 2-3 levels above. If you dont skip content you'll end up 5 levels above, thus not earning any xp, thus making the game "trivial" for you.


4: I don't give a damn about the gear aspect, with crafters of all kinds and planetary comms it's one problem I don't have.


Good for you, but that was a complaint that some had.


I've written this in several posts but people don't really want to read and try to understand. They come to these posts to post over and over again how they don't have any problems and they can't understand and thus no one else can have any issues *sigh*. What is even more fascinating is their need to come tell us how absolutely wrong we are for not wanting to play the game exactly like they do...

Oh, and their favourite - "don't play". Well, I pay to play this game and to be told to just shut up and don't play the game is not much of a solution.


As for the "easy fix" it could be. I wouldn't mind jumping to fleet to interact with an NPC or object to remove the double xp or rather give me a 50% xp debuff for the day. Heck, I'd go there once per hour if I had to and the people loving the double xp wouldn't even notice.


Short version: Double xp means you either have to skip content or play trivial content. Some people just don't want that - how hard can that be to understand?


There wouldnt be an "easy" fix... implementing a toggle will take a large effort. (no matter what some here seem to think.)

Theres really no point in implementing a toggle if its an event that will occur maby once or twice each year.



What i gather from your post in general is that you play this game solely to get the "reward" of xp.

You dont play it for the gear.

You dont play it for the challenge (since you seem to be fine with being 2-3 levels above content).

You certainly dont seem to play it for the story.


That leaves xp. So you only play to gain xp so you can level up, but you want it to take as long as possible.


That must be it since if you played it for the gear, you would grind gear at the end-game.

If you played it for the challenge, you would be skipping content anyway in the game (or trying to challenge yourself by not picking an AC or not using proper gear. since the game is pretty simple during leveling).

If you played it for the story (which i do) you would most likely welcome double xp weekends since they would allow you to level up some alts without doing the storylines that are shared across the faction, and only concentrate on the class story.


If this is the case, if you truly play it to earn xp, but to do it as slowly as possible, i suggest that you unsub. Preferred players get less xp, allowing you to play all the missions available during leveling, thus letting you enjoy all the content without overleveling it.


And it would save you some money too.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Does the xp bonus stack with rested xp and CM consumables? The comming double xp weekends will be the first since I returned to SWTOR. Thanks.


No and yes. For the duration of the weekend, rested XP will not be touched.

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