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Am I insane?


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OK a little back story so we are on the same page:


My husband is terminally ill, on hospice etc. and gaming is what I do to pass the time and escape a little bit. Obviously I cant raid or do anything that takes too much attention span but I can pitter patter around, lvl chars etc.


Also, I am an altaholic.


It may also be noted that I have decided to unsub but that can be rethought.


Finally, when I first started this game I wanted to see all the class story lines and companion story arcs, and light/dark side arcs etc. I have done this. I have all the companions at max affection and their stories done, and have completed all the class stories although not all are lvl 55. One is, the rest are 50. Anyway, I have met my goal. Except: and here comes the insane part:


I am considering playing the OTHER side of things. Here's how it would work. I have a female, light side, bounty hunter. So now I am feeling the urge to play a male, dark side bounty hunter. Repeat this for all classes. So I ask...


Am I insane?




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As a fellow altaholic (well, since this game anyway; all other MMOs I've played, I've dreaded starting a new character, heh), I wouldn't say you're insane. I pretty much did the same thing.


I made one of each class, on both factions, and I realized (about my 8th one, my Jedi Shadow tank) that I preferred tanking to either DPS or healing. So, I decided to make one of each tank class (since the majority of my characters were DPS or healers at that point), and figured I'd stop there...


Well, about my 3rd or 4th tank into my "new" round of characters, I decided I was going for one of each AC. I actually set it up the way you described at the end of your post (example: I had a LS female (Zabrak) Commando healer, so, when I made my Vanguard, I made it male and DS.). I did this on all my characters (well, all my Sith characters I made DS simply because it felt weird to me to RP a LS Sith, lol), and it does have an impact on the majority (if not all) of the storylines.


Sure, the majority of them are the same almost, but it was different to see how the NPCs reacted to my male character as opposed to my female one of the same class, and DS verses LS as well.


I am currently leveling a LS Sith Juggernaut because I was tired of BW fixing the LS Jaesa requirement for the 'Imperial Squad Leader' title (which, around level 35 of my new LS Sith, they did patch it, heh), and it makes me want to try a LS Inquisitor now, since there is quite a difference (at least to me) between the LS and DS paths of the Sith Warrior. (I had 2 Sith Warriors before this one, and I always made Jaesa DS simply because my characters were both DS.)


So, no, I don't think you're crazy, unless I am, too. :D

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LOL I was thinking it then I saw your PS. Does this mean Im not insane or that you guys are insane TOO? lol




Meh, sanity's overrated... Or so I've heard... :D


(Anyone reading this, please note that I'm just being silly, and, as far as *I* know, I'm on this side of the sanity line...)


Also, my prayers to you and your husband. I hope you decide to re-sub, if it's worth your time to do so. Even if you don't re-sub, may the Force give you strength! (I lean more toward the Imp side in this game, so I won't use the (sickening) Jedi's "May the Force be with you!" :))

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Hey thanks for the well wishes for my husband guys. It means alot to both of us that total strangers care so much. One thing being terminally ill will teach you is that there are a LOT, and by a lot I mean a boat load, of really good people out there.


Anyway, so what I am picking up is that whether I am insane or not is irrelevant because I am at least not any more or less insane than my fellow SWTORians.


Good to know. <3



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insanity is doing the same thing over and over again as an insane guy said.

choosing an other path for a story just to play it differently is not insanity,merely curiosity.

and yes,as someone else said,sanity is overrated.

Edited by _biddan_
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No, you are not insane. I tend to react similarly to high stress situations.


Although the male and female stories have very few differences. I just hope you aren't disappointed.


My best wishes to you and your husband.


Depends on the class. That male Smuggler gets to hit on an awful lot of women. :eek:

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I would recommend doing the other advanced class as well. That way you are not playing with the same abilities either. You will have the opposite sex, different alignment, and different abilities. This is actually what I am planning on doing.
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I would recommend doing the other advanced class as well. That way you are not playing with the same abilities either. You will have the opposite sex, different alignment, and different abilities. This is actually what I am planning on doing.


Yep, same here.

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I would recommend doing the other advanced class as well. That way you are not playing with the same abilities either. You will have the opposite sex, different alignment, and different abilities. This is actually what I am planning on doing.


Oh indeed. I realize that I forgot to put that in my OP but yeah, if I do this thing I will make my chars all of the things that the existing one is not. You guys are totally talking me into this lol.



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Do what makes you happy. Other people have gone more hog wild with alts.


And forgive me in advance, because I know this will look really snide and I don't mean it that way. But, most of your free time is with your husband, yes?

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Do what makes you happy. Other people have gone more hog wild with alts.


And forgive me in advance, because I know this will look really snide and I don't mean it that way. But, most of your free time is with your husband, yes?

Wow, how is that any of your business?

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And forgive me in advance, because I know this will look really snide and I don't mean it that way. But, most of your free time is with your husband, yes?


What an incredibly rude comment to make, how anyone chooses to spend their free time under such stressful conditions should never be up for discussion or comment.


To the OP, my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your husband.


And no you are not insane, there is nothing wrong with looking at the whole of the story from as many angles as you can, I am doing that very thing myself.

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As for me it's the opposite. I play to keep my mind off the pain I'm dealing with thanks to some major problems with my back. I can focus and concentrate in game to the point of barely hurting. My wife on the other hand find slot games whe have bought disc to download into her laptop . I have 22 character slots of which half are not filled yet. Our hopes and prayers are with you and your husband. If you ever can't find time to sleep, You can usually catch me in game at all hours if you want to terrorize somebody.
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LOL Its ok really. I get asked worse things than that believe me lol.. Indeed every second he is aware and awake am with him. I quit raiding when he first was diagnosed then when he started getting sick I stopped gaming period. In the last 6 months or so he has been sleeping more and more, the last month pretty much all the time, so I log into a game to pass the time and escape. (Or do other things).


I am the first person to criticize people for spending time they shouldnt in a game and I am even harder on myself. So yeah, if Im on a game, or even on the computer, he is asleep. Right next to me.




PS I also have 4 hours a week of respite care that I use to game if everything else I need to do is done. For those who dont know respite cqre is care for the care giver instead of the patient. I can use that time anyway I choose, usually I use it to go to the store or whatever, but now and again I get to take "me time" instead. Its nice.



Edited by hippiechick
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As for me it's the opposite. I play to keep my mind off the pain I'm dealing with thanks to some major problems with my back. I can focus and concentrate in game to the point of barely hurting. My wife on the other hand find slot games whe have bought disc to download into her laptop . I have 22 character slots of which half are not filled yet. Our hopes and prayers are with you and your husband. If you ever can't find time to sleep, You can usually catch me in game at all hours if you want to terrorize somebody.


Ooh cool, what server? im happy to terrorize. His hours are what they are so Im on here at strange hours sometimes. Ill look ya up!



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