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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is this ethically wrong? or am I being unfair to my team?


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I would have done the following (usually after the 1st pull as you can estimate how good people are playing their roles):

- Offer some advice, which I see you did

- Explain DPS priorities and that the Tank pulls (common FP courtesy)

- Explain ninja rules (only Need on stuff which will improve the current char or you get kicked)


Normally if the 1st couple of pulls go off without a hitch then I dont bother explaining the rules. I have come across people who are undergeared but know how to play their roles, these people I give a bit of leniency to.


As far as the abuse goes I would have warned them once and then if it continued they would have got vote kicked.


Considering I personally have only vote kicked less than 5 people since the game came out. Most people listen to the warning. The other advantage I have as a healer is that I can just not heal them until they get the point (eventually they will be tired of the repair bills) especially coming from a DPS.

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The other advantage I have as a healer is that I can just not heal them until they get the point .


Sadly, I think most players who refuse to listen to the advice initially won't 'get the point' when they're not healed. I think instead they'll blame the Healer for being bad, because it's not me, man, it's everyone else.


What effect this does have is focusing healing priority on the ones who are doing their roles and deserve it and making the healer feel better.

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Personally, I would never kick someone just by looking at gear, unless it was COMPLETELY awful (like an assassin tank wearing level 50 Sorc gear). One time my guild did group finder Scum and Villainy and our one pug dps was a guy who had never done ops, was wearing a lot of 49 blues, no relics. We actually decided to keep him, because he was nice and willing to learn. We carried him through the whole run with little issue. But if he had not shown that he was willing to follow directions and actually wiped us, we would have replaced him.


We'll more readily boot someone who is just an ***. Someone who is undergeared, a bad player, AND an *** hurling abuse at tanks and healers, I would kick with no question. It's not being a good sport at that point. You're just encouraging bad behavior and your team is suffering for it.


On a related note, I hope that at some point BW will implement a minimum gear requirement for different instances, rather than just a suggestion, because we know people will not listen to suggestions. We should not have people in level 48 greens being able to queue for level 55 operations. Your guild can walk in manually and carry you if they want, but that's never a fun surprise in a random.

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Sadly, I think most players who refuse to listen to the advice initially won't 'get the point' when they're not healed. I think instead they'll blame the Healer for being bad, because it's not me, man, it's everyone else.


What effect this does have is focusing healing priority on the ones who are doing their roles and deserve it and making the healer feel better.


When I'm tanking I find it really irritating dps/healers pulling. Pet peeve you could say.


One time, on a guild run, I once let the my guildmaster died :D

He was constantly going ahead and starting the fight. I asked him to stop doing it. He wouldn't listen and kept at it. So when he pulled a pack of dogs I just watched. Healer did his best but he got chewed up and spat out in 3 seconds.


"Ok, got it" he said finally and then we continue. As my grandma used to say, la letra con sangre entra :)

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