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Addons in Swtor


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I think I have seen some WoW mod that said every small thing, including where to stand etc. In SWTOR it is still required to pay attention to some things and know what means what. If I give an example, on Corruptor zero it would throw out a "get away" notice when he charges the gravity field, on Brontes it would be "hammer the tentacles now" etc...


However, it has been a while, so it is possible those things to not work anymore...


I remember that one well they put a stop to it a while back , it made run in heroic a joke..


it would put a mark or circle on the ground were the raid would move to ..



As for that fight some of it is still bugged ( ZERO ) . but yea SW is much better, i would only want addons to extend the UI more for things like unlocking the Map sizing and a few UI things .. extend to our trade book skill book make it so the skills are easier to find or let us some how LOCK OUR QUICK BARS so it STAYS locked and use a mouse and key to SHIFT + click things off .I have watched my quick bar come unlocked in combat , i didn't do a thing, it just did,


they never really fixed that and the simple fix would be to lock it. .


any way i m a for addon as long as they help and not so much in combat, i would rather watch the ops for emotes etc ..

Edited by tanktest
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One of the things Carbine is doing with WildStar is allowing addons from the get go. They had five within two hours of beta commencing, and they've expressed how happy they are with this. I know damage meters are in, as well as (I think) dual specs. They're currently trying to work out a way to reward players who's addons they'll inevitably integrate into the game.


Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about people being against addons here.


Edit: Here's a quote from The Gaffer.



wait for EQN Landmark at https://www.eqnlandmark.com/ I''m sighed up for Alpha Access , two family member are joining me with friends in beta unless they buy Alpha Access ..



WoW Has all ways had addons even in beta , a well as macro 's so yea i don't see why the complaints my self ..


But that 's MY thought i really don't care ether way .. i only used some stuff in wow as addon and macro's. I played a lot with out them other then the ones that made my UI look better frames etc ..'



and this one was my most favored http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text :) .. wish we had that much control in SW with Floating combat text. turn off those annoying error messages , show were and how they pop up , what part of the screen erc ..

Edited by tanktest
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WoW Has all ways had addons even in beta , a well as macro 's so yea i don't see why the complaints my self.


WoW is now unplayable without those addons, especially with other players, who insist that team-mates have certain addons or they won't play. The problem is that an Addon goes from being optional to mandatory very quickly, and some of those addons cause problems with other addons, so you need a third or fourth addon to mediate between addons. And suddenly most of your computer's processing power is being consumed by addons.


Which is why some of us don't want them. But there are good arguments on both sides.

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SWTOR is that way now . :) . most boss fights let you know when to move or how to kill the boss, in wow it was never really like that on boss fight why they used boss mods or big wig etc but in SW if you watch the fight read the red letters etc , it about the same as boss mods or big wigs we just don't have as much control over the warning in SW other then turning off some effects in the UI . beyond that its about the same as using those addons . and most of the addOn for raid boss fight don't have as much detail as your saying any more in wow, wow blocked a lot of it .



to add in SW there is a lot of stuff the game does that addon can do . I would like to see the use of addon's but not for combat more for saving the UI letting us adjust it more , sorted our still books ,trade books or even some kind of client side key binding .


There have been boss "warnings" in WoW from day 1. The difference is that the "warnings" were in chat and people had to actually be aware of the entire screen and could not focus on their character's back. Many players could not handle this and so they had to put BIG, HUGE LETTERS in the middle of the screen to tell them what to expect next.

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Glad the situation in WoW has been mentioned multiple times. The newest morsel of information concerning addons over there is by the way this (emphasis by me):



"We are currently looking for more information on the Trojan. We have not been able to locate any anti-virus programs that will remove it besides just reformatting your system. If you have been recently compromised and find it on your system please reply with the following pieces of information.


Your MSInfo.

A list of any addons you recently installed along with where you got them.

A list of any programs you recently installed along with where you got them.

Any security programs you have run and their results."

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There have been boss "warnings" in WoW from day 1. The difference is that the "warnings" were in chat and people had to actually be aware of the entire screen and could not focus on their character's back. Many players could not handle this and so they had to put BIG, HUGE LETTERS in the middle of the screen to tell them what to expect next.



dude I didn't say there wasn't but did say nothing like SW has if you read what i said and i never saw that in WoW any place unless you used addons . I was in beta and did top end raids all the time, i got so bored with wow why i came here . I never saw those big letters any place in wow unless they just did it or using addons . but not my point we don't need them in SW ( so lets not get into that please ) other then to move our floating combat text or for eye candy . and if SW would get on the ball with those kind fixes or stuff it would be awesome there would be no need for addons what so ever in SW .. I remember when they did timer on quick bar it was in fact based off this addon


. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omni-cc



:) .. i was hoping one day they would do nothing but this kind of stuff in three or four updates but then the head guy said in a video one day never gonna happen we would be lucky if form time to time if we get any of that stuff which we do and about that time no more was said such as it's being looked at etc any place.


I am hoping patch 2.7 has some nice stuff in it for PVE imo 2.6 is still 2.5 ... 2.5 was a big let down for a lot of us . I'm not complaining ether , it was needed . any way I'm all for ADDons unless they take the time and put that stuff in the game then addon will have no use in SW :) . quick bar timer , customizable UI we need more of that put in not more CC stuff etc .. but there out to make a buck so we get what we get ..


I won't suggest selling that stuff on CM it would screw over the SUBSCRIBER.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I only used a few addons in WoW, mainly for inventory and for tracking gold and mats for my Alts. It made crafting way better. I'd also like to see an option for binding emotes to hot keys, especially for RPing. I admit though that WoW did get a bit too reliant on addons, which is one of the reasons I stopped playing years ago.
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PLEASE can we NOT have addons... they screwed up my last laptop as I needed LOADS of different addons to play WoW.... and they took up all my power so the actual game didn't run properly.


Also DPS meters in my opinion tend to remove the POINT of raid and instance fights (everyone having a role and a strategy and teamplay) and turn it into an individual "Hi-Score" fest which hardly ever gets the job done.


The one thing I would really like would be to have an online database of characters where you can choose to submit yours and it shows gear, achievements, a picture and legacy stuff.


Enabling macros would be handy too, there are some nifty stuff you can do with them.

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And that ladies and gentlemen, would be why WoW is more popular. I love this game but it is a huge bummer to not have NPC trackers, or TomToms or Proc Modules. These features and many others provide a major convienience to the game and in turn make the game more personal. Add-Ons are a HUGE part of what helped make WoW so successful. Parsing is good when ranking is on the line. But its far easier to check an ingame digital report . Than have to sign up for a third party site and refer to it. The game is very user friendly, its just a matter......That it can be better.


I agree this is a big reason why WoW is so popular. People like to have things easy, but still be able to brag about being elite. Add-ons make the game ridiculously easy, and make it so that you don't need any skill, but they still let the player have that ego boost that comes from being 'elite'.


The question is why on earth would we ever want that? People who love add-ons are those who aren't good enough on their own.

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Addons are one of the biggest things that hurt WoW in my opinion.

The fact that there were add ons that would highlight your bar for your rotation is enough to be against add ons here.

A good portion of players in that game turned into people who if something went wrong they couldn't react and could only follow what DBM or their add ons said.


Now, I am not completely against the idea of add ons to begin with though but how WoW has implemented it was a very bad idea.

If SWTOR was to put in add ons I would hope that they implement a system like the apple app store where any add ons have to be approved by bioware and can only be installed through this interface. (Not talking about selling add ons just some sort of gatekeeper to stop things from getting out of hand)

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I agree this is a big reason why WoW is so popular. People like to have things easy, but still be able to brag about being elite. Add-ons make the game ridiculously easy, and make it so that you don't need any skill, but they still let the player have that ego boost that comes from being 'elite'.


The question is why on earth would we ever want that? People who love add-ons are those who aren't good enough on their own.


I want this game to be big and all, but I'm not willing to compromise what I enjoy about it so that it becomes big as has happened for many people with WoW. I agree with this poster. I want to play the game not be played by the game. I will not play this game if addons become a big deal. Using my own eyes and reflexes to clear content is important to me. I don't need the game to tell me who has threat. If someone's health bar is lowering they got it most likely!

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I agree this is a big reason why WoW is so popular. People like to have things easy, but still be able to brag about being elite. Add-ons make the game ridiculously easy, and make it so that you don't need any skill, but they still let the player have that ego boost that comes from being 'elite'.


The question is why on earth would we ever want that? People who love add-ons are those who aren't good enough on their own.


^ I'll go with 75% this. I do not now nor will I ever play WoW, so comparison to WoW are totally irrelevant to me anyway; but I largely agree that add-ons simply sound like a crutch to me and if you really *need* a crutch then I'd say it's you who is broken and not the game.


HOWEVER, I do agree with the general sentiment that there are a lot of QoL features that this game lacks though none without which I find game-breaking. I do find myself using things like spreadsheets and a scratch pad to keep track of things that seem trivial enough to expect to be included. For example the frustratingly simplistic collections interface and achievements that have no expand/collapse and are generally organized poorly. The fact that no legacy bank exists is another issue. Some people might not care but bouncing between several alts to collect/pool credits or transferable tokens is extremely time-consuming and frustrating.


So I say forget the add-ons: concentrate on UI and QoL improvements.

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There are a few work-arounds you know. What has worked well for me well is fully utilizing my quickbars. For example, on my Sith Juggernaut I have transformed a quickbar into a huge button for my retaliation command which is right next to my character. So when retaliation procs, the button lights up, and bingo, problem solved. This method I have used for other procs such as Follow-Thru on my sniper, etc.


It would be nice to have an aura for some of my procs such as in wow, or a countdown timer bar, but that is by no means necessary. You can get by just fine by being mindful of your debuffs, buffs, and procs on your character portrait.

Edited by kimdante
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Addons are needed. WeakAuras and proper raid-frames would cover whats needed.


You disagree? Try playing a healer, or any class where you need to track buffs/debuffs/proccs.


Sorry but add ons are not "needed". Highly helpful maybe, but not needed.


If they were needed no healer could play this game.


They are only "needed" because people got used to these crutches when playing WoW.

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^ I'll go with 75% this. I do not now nor will I ever play WoW, so comparison to WoW are totally irrelevant to me anyway; but I largely agree that add-ons simply sound like a crutch to me and if you really *need* a crutch then I'd say it's you who is broken and not the game.


HOWEVER, I do agree with the general sentiment that there are a lot of QoL features that this game lacks though none without which I find game-breaking. I do find myself using things like spreadsheets and a scratch pad to keep track of things that seem trivial enough to expect to be included. For example the frustratingly simplistic collections interface and achievements that have no expand/collapse and are generally organized poorly. The fact that no legacy bank exists is another issue. Some people might not care but bouncing between several alts to collect/pool credits or transferable tokens is extremely time-consuming and frustrating.


So I say forget the add-ons: concentrate on UI and QoL improvements.


I agree with this. I didn't mean that I wanted no add-ons at all. If they help you manage inventory, or navigate collections, that is fine. I don't want macros so that you hit one button and your entire rotation is kicked off. I also don't want add-ons so that you get a notification when you pick up threat. I don't want add-ons for damage meters. Getting to the point in OPs groups (like WoW) when you aren't allowed to join if your damage isn't proven to be above xxx DPS is ridiculous. Those are the things that make it feel like a job, not a game.

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I agree with this. I didn't mean that I wanted no add-ons at all. If they help you manage inventory, or navigate collections, that is fine. I don't want macros so that you hit one button and your entire rotation is kicked off. I also don't want add-ons so that you get a notification when you pick up threat. I don't want add-ons for damage meters. Getting to the point in OPs groups (like WoW) when you aren't allowed to join if your damage isn't proven to be above xxx DPS is ridiculous. Those are the things that make it feel like a job, not a game.


^^ 100% :)


I've already been driven near insane by out-of-game damage parsing. I can't live without that parsec overlay now because I've become obsessed with keeping my dps topped off so I know exactly what you mean. Add-ons for ops/rotations/abilities would spell certain doom for this game. Clearing Ops on this game is based on knowledge and skill and add-ons of those sorts would only serve to dumb people down even more. My server needs players to gain more skill and experience not add-ons that attempt to mitigate ineptitude.

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Addons are needed. WeakAuras and proper raid-frames would cover whats needed.


You disagree? Try playing a healer, or any class where you need to track buffs/debuffs/proccs.


No. You are wrong.


I play a healer. I always play a healer. I have been healing since ..... well you know.


They are not needed.

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There are a few work-arounds you know. What has worked well for me well is fully utilizing my quickbars. For example, on my Sith Juggernaut I have transformed a quickbar into a huge button for my retaliation command which is right next to my character. So when retaliation procs, the button lights up, and bingo, problem solved. This method I have used for other procs such as Follow-Thru on my sniper, etc.


It would be nice to have an aura for some of my procs such as in wow, or a countdown timer bar, but that is by no means necessary. You can get by just fine by being mindful of your debuffs, buffs, and procs on your character portrait.


Lol. I thought I was the only one that did this. The quick bars are completely customizable too, size, slots, transparency etc. and you have 6 of them. So... take one, but your important cool downs or proc related attacks, slot them, size it and put it wherever you need to see them. Easy peasy. BTW, make sure the cool down text is enabled to see it in seconds.

Edited by Rafaman
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  • 1 month later...

The add-ons I would like to see is an inventory add-on that would allow me to check inventories of all my characters without logging in to each character.


This would be most useful for crafting as I could see if char Y has the mats that char X needs. It would definitely be a QOL improvement.


For ex-WoWers I am suggesting something similar to altaholic

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Addons are needed. WeakAuras and proper raid-frames would cover whats needed.


You disagree? Try playing a healer, or any class where you need to track buffs/debuffs/proccs.


Disagree. I play a healer and have no trouble with keeping track of what I need to do and when I need to cleanse someone because of a debuff.

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