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Free For All PvP flag option.


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As well as faction PvP flag, have a free for all PvP flag so that op groups and groups of the same faction can battle each other. Why would this be useful?


People can PvP on the same faction in different worlds, if they are both flagged FFA PvP.


Role Players can have battles on the same faction side. (Ex: Two conflicting Sith power houses try and wipe the other out. Ex2: A group of crimelords and smugglers go against Imperial/Republic military.)


FFA PvP.. is so fun.


I don't think it's a very hard thing to add in, I mean all you need to do is add "FFA PvP" option when you right click your character icon.

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You can throw down an individual challenge to duel at the moment, or if you want something larger scale drum up a guild v guild grudge fight and meet up in Outlaws den on Tatooine. As far as I know Outlaws Den and the Ilum pvp areas are the only free for all pvp areas in game.
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My guild fully endorses this idea. We have chapters on both factions (because we infiltrate both factions). But when have epic battles against enemy guilds then only half of our people can participate! This forces us to use emotes and play-by-post battles to act out conflicts, which is fine, but we would love to have the option to RP-PvP between members of the same faction. Duels are inadequate. And the two PvP areas on Tatooine and Ilum are just simply that, two areas. That is extremely limiting.


So yes, this would be great!

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As an avid RPer and PvPer, I fully support this idea, on both fronts. On one hand, conflict-based RP on an epic scale could be accomplished, putting the "Wars" back in Star Wars. On the other hand, open world PvP would thrive.


There are plenty of amazing battlefields around the SWTOR galaxy that are just waiting for some epic RP/PvP. It would be great to be able to utilize them.

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I see a problem with this, as I already have to deal with a normal pvp flag. On the non pvp servers, players like to run around flagged. As a healer, going into an instance I have to heal this flagged player; rude to say the least, to force a healer to take an unwanted flag. It's not our choice in the first place, we didn't que to get a flag. If its a free for all flag, we come out of an instance and are immediately a target to anyone that wants to attack us? Sorry, but I have to say no way. There is no reason to run around with a flag on all the time on a non pvp server; if you want to be flagged, go play on a pvp server. This of course, is just the perspective of a "by choice pvp healer". When I want pvp, I que a WZ. I do not wish to be flagged on the world map. If I did, I would be on a pvp server.


I hope this makes some sense at least, its not intended to be rude in any way, some players are on non pvp servers for a reason; it isn't fair to stick them with an unwanted free for all pvp flag.

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I see a problem with this, as I already have to deal with a normal pvp flag. On the non pvp servers, players like to run around flagged. As a healer, going into an instance I have to heal this flagged player; rude to say the least, to force a healer to take an unwanted flag. It's not our choice in the first place, we didn't que to get a flag. If its a free for all flag, we come out of an instance and are immediately a target to anyone that wants to attack us? Sorry, but I have to say no way. There is no reason to run around with a flag on all the time on a non pvp server; if you want to be flagged, go play on a pvp server. This of course, is just the perspective of a "by choice pvp healer". When I want pvp, I que a WZ. I do not wish to be flagged on the world map. If I did, I would be on a pvp server.


I hope this makes some sense at least, its not intended to be rude in any way, some players are on non pvp servers for a reason; it isn't fair to stick them with an unwanted free for all pvp flag.


Good point. Maybe make FFA PvP vanish in instances? It's not like you need PvP there anyway. Then if you come a cross a random FFA PvPer in the world, you won't be able to heal him unless you are in a group with him.

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Good point. Maybe make FFA PvP vanish in instances? It's not like you need PvP there anyway. Then if you come a cross a random FFA PvPer in the world, you won't be able to heal him unless you are in a group with him.


If that would be done then I would have no problem with this at all; nice thought there ;).

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This sounds like an amazing way to set up massive server-wide battles that make RPPvP fun. However, I have one simple request were it to be implemented.


The flag should be removed upon death (Likely injury and evacuation, IC, unless somebody wants their character dead in battle.) and fixed with a cooldown of about 1 minute before reflagging. This ensures players that have died in battle cannot simply return to fight again straight away before the rest of the unit gets wiped in order to give the team in question an unfair advantage. This also gives pure PvPers a rest period and time to repair/buff and regroup with their team before going in for another skirmish. This also eliminates spawn killers. Everyone hates spawn killers.


That's my two cents on the topic, anyway.

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