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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare, do your community a solid.


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Now that server transfers are *finally* coming, I want to ask against all odds for BioWare to be generous to it's older players and grant those of us who had a sub prior to server merges a free legacy wide transfer. We did *not* choose the server we are currently on and with the Legacy system being what it is, many did not want to reroll.


This would generate good press for a change, make older subbers happy and generate good will overall in the community. Most importantly, it would save those of us who stuck on our servers instead of rerolling with a ton of characters a lot of money.


ToFN is a terrible server with no guilds at all that are open to new members unless you have full raid gear. There are no "middle tier" guilds at all and people just use their own language on chats and treat everyone who doesn't speak their language like trash, which had lead to the server being incredibly hostile.


So, I plead to you BioWare, do your community a solid. DO IT FOR THE KITTENS!

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ToFN is a terrible server with no guilds at all that are open to new members unless you have full raid gear. There are no "middle tier" guilds at all and people just use their own language on chats and treat everyone who doesn't speak their language like trash, which had lead to the server being incredibly hostile.


To me, this sounds like a Virus which could spread with the Server Transfers ...

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While I can appreciate the situation you are in, it is not likely that transfers would encompass entire legacies. I'm sure once they have the details worked out on how to arrange the transfers, it will probably imply just one character. A bulk discount for Legacy transfers would certainly be a welcome opportunity.


Much like another MMO, when you paid your $25, it was applicable to all characters on that server, and not just a per character price like World of Warcraft, and others who followed their pricing model. It is nice to shoot for the stars, but the fall hurts a lot less if you just shoot for the top of the stairs instead.

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Everyday I see people spamming for members on ToFN...


I joined my current guild when I was Level 35... I got lots of help from my guild in levelling and when I hit 55 they all helped with the gearing for ops and hard mode's....


You need to join us and stop crying :DGOD WILL's IT (only teasing, but you can come give us a try, :p )

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There is no shortage of guilds on ToFN. I see people asking for members all day long.


That said, while I agree that ToFN is not the best server community wise, what exactly did you expect from an EU PVP server?

EU means many languages, which leads to the never-ending issue of "why are you using a language I don't understand in general chat?". Add to that the fact that PVP communities are usually more competitive (and consequently, more insulting to each other) and there you have it.

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Everyday I see people spamming for members on ToFN...


I joined my current guild when I was Level 35... I got lots of help from my guild in levelling and when I hit 55 they all helped with the gearing for ops and hard mode's....


You need to join us and stop crying :DGOD WILL's IT (only teasing, but you can come give us a try, :p )


I've tried a few guilds, all been near dead with no more than 5, 6 people online at any time. And It's not just the guilds, it's the entire servers attitude in general.

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While I can appreciate the situation you are in, it is not likely that transfers would encompass entire legacies. I'm sure once they have the details worked out on how to arrange the transfers, it will probably imply just one character. A bulk discount for Legacy transfers would certainly be a welcome opportunity.


Much like another MMO, when you paid your $25, it was applicable to all characters on that server, and not just a per character price like World of Warcraft, and others who followed their pricing model. It is nice to shoot for the stars, but the fall hurts a lot less if you just shoot for the top of the stairs instead.


My feeling is those that have been here supporting the game since launch continuously should get free legacy transfers. It's the least they could do for the veteran crowd that has kept the game afloat through thick and thin.


As for the others that have left and come back, maybe a sliding scale rate based on total sub-time.

Edited by DAMossimo
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And It's not about a single server and it's issues. I'm not complaining about the server and therefor want a free transfer. Even though I do have issues with ToFN, the main point of this thread is to ask BW to do a huge favour for the community. Since I did *NOT* roll on ToFN, I was forced there. I avoided ToFN at launch precisely because it was the target server of the eastern european communities and while I have nothing against them on a personal level nor do I wish to flame them in any way, I just don't raelly with to play with them.


I just gave my own thoughts about ToFN as an example, not to whine about the server.

Edited by Jandi
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My feeling is those that have been here supporting the game since launch continuously should get free legacy transfers. It's the least they could do for the veteran crowd that has kept the game afloat through thick and thin.


As for the others that have left and come back, maybe a sliding scale rate based on total sub-time.


Get over yourself. Playing the game longer does not make you any more valuable of a customer than anyone else.


Yeah, it would suck to lose legacy or whatever. That's definitely something to consider when transferring characters. Also to consider, what happens if you transfer and find out the grass was not actually greener on another server? What if all the cool people on that server jump ship to another one?


Proceed with caution.

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Get over yourself. Playing the game longer does not make you any more valuable of a customer than anyone else.


Yeah, it would suck to lose legacy or whatever. That's definitely something to consider when transferring characters. Also to consider, what happens if you transfer and find out the grass was not actually greener on another server? What if all the cool people on that server jump ship to another one?


Proceed with caution.


It's not about feeling special, it's about being forced to another server, twice, during the mergers with no control over where you're going. I was at legacy 50 when the mergers happened and simply "rerolling" didn't really feel like the thing to do, especially since at that point the entire future of the game was in serious question.

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Get over yourself. Playing the game longer does not make you any more valuable of a customer than anyone else.


Yeah, it would suck to lose legacy or whatever. That's definitely something to consider when transferring characters. Also to consider, what happens if you transfer and find out the grass was not actually greener on another server? What if all the cool people on that server jump ship to another one?


Proceed with caution.


Speaking for myself, I would not transfer even if it was free, as I have no motivation to change servers.


Total money spent by a customer is something companies should look carefully at. Especially if it is an indication that they will continue to spend money in the future as in the case of people having a continuous sub since launch.


The rest of your reply is purely argumentative and unconstructive, so I won't address any of that.

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My feeling is those that have been here supporting the game since launch continuously should get free legacy transfers. It's the least they could do for the veteran crowd that has kept the game afloat through thick and thin.


As for the others that have left and come back, maybe a sliding scale rate based on total sub-time.

I agree that Founders should get something for their early, and continued support of the game. But, I can't get my hopes up for such things. I supported World of Warcraft for several years (not since Beta, but before Burning Crusade), and the only thing that for-profit company ever handed out was a free pet one year and then fireworks each year after that. No services, no gear, no titles. While I can appreciate your support of the game, I just don't see them offering their Founders any tangible preferential treatment. Hopefully, they prove me wrong. I wouldn't mind it one bit.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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how about, let us consolidate all of our toons onto a selected server where we have an existing high level toon, just once and for no additional charge. or at least let us consolidate the lvl 50 toons we abandoned through circumstances largely beyond our control (specifically, servers emptying).
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I agree that Founders should get something for their early, and continued support of the game. But, I can't get my hopes up for such things. I supported World of Warcraft for several years (not since Beta, but before Burning Crusade), and the only thing that for-profit company ever handed out was a free pet one year and then fireworks each year after that. No services, no gear, no titles. While I can appreciate your support of the game, I just don't see them offering their Founders any tangible preferential treatment. Hopefully, they prove me wrong. I wouldn't mind it one bit.


I'm not banking anything on what I said in the OP nor will I start raging if they don't fill my needy need. I simply wanted to ask, not demand, ask.

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I'm not banking anything on what I said in the OP nor will I start raging if they don't fill my needy need. I simply wanted to ask, not demand, ask.

I never implied you were "demanding" anything, and even agree that they should offer their founders something in exchange for their support to the game. I think the main reason you are catching heat is simply from your choice phrasing in your OP. You start out humbly asking, then in the second paragraph switch to trying to guilt them into it as "good press", and then conclude by "pleading" with them and muttering something about kittens. Best advice would be to create a structured request, keep it completely on the level without guilt or silliness, and then recreate your thread in the Suggestion Box forum stickied at the top of the page. It would go a long way to improving your chances and avoiding certain folks who are just here to flame/troll you. Good Luck.

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It would be nice if legacy was account wide and not per server... This may correct the issue. It could work by selecting the legacy you wish to keep, example ToFN and apply that to your account as a global....


an idea me thinks... (brb of to the suggestion forum) ;)

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It would be nice if legacy was account wide and not per server... This may correct the issue. It could work by selecting the legacy you wish to keep, example ToFN and apply that to your account as a global....


an idea me thinks... (brb of to the suggestion forum) ;)


That would be ideal. I don't know all the technical ins and outs, but I can't think of a good reason why they couldn't do this.

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I never implied you were "demanding" anything, and even agree that they should offer their founders something in exchange for their support to the game. I think the main reason you are catching heat is simply from your choice phrasing in your OP. You start out humbly asking, then in the second paragraph switch to trying to guilt them into it as "good press", and then conclude by "pleading" with them and muttering something about kittens. Best advice would be to create a structured request, keep it completely on the level without guilt or silliness, and then recreate your thread in the Suggestion Box forum stickied at the top of the page. It would go a long way to improving your chances and avoiding certain folks who are just here to flame/troll you. Good Luck.


That's your interpretation and you're looking far too much into the phrasing. I just made the post off the cuff without any hidden agendas or insinuations. I know that it's a foreign concept to many, to just write as you would talk to a normal human being but it's how I operate.

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That's your interpretation and you're looking far too much into the phrasing. I just made the post off the cuff without any hidden agendas or insinuations. I know that it's a foreign concept to many, to just write as you would talk to a normal human being but it's how I operate.

I work in much the same way. When I just have something I want to get off my chest, or a generic question that I need help on, I'll use the GD forum. But, if I had a service or feature request that I wanted to get noticed, and be taken seriously, I would follow my own advice from the previous post :) But, if your intent was merely to toss it out there, then good luck to you.

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I work in much the same way. When I just have something I want to get off my chest, or a generic question that I need help on, I'll use the GD forum. But, if I had a service or feature request that I wanted to get noticed, and be taken seriously, I would follow my own advice from the previous post :) But, if your intent was merely to toss it out there, then good luck to you.


There is no such thing as luck, only the Force. Dumdumduuuu.

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This feels much like any other useless activity in which a person asks a perceived higher power to solve a problem that all the while is within the person's capability to solve.


Though one would think that members of the EU playing on an EU server would be far more understanding of language differences than, say, 'Muricans. :rolleyes:

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They are, surprisingly, still working on getting that free rename out to subscribers. For some reason, it's apparently very difficult to give players free stuff and takes tons of time to implement. Maybe once they figure whatever roadblock is keeping that from happening they will be able to do as you ask, should they desire to do so. Edited by Crashedhardrive
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