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Tanks are the cause for unbalance in PvP


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I found out why there is such an imbalance in PvP.


It's the TANKS.


When everyone rerolled Jugg/Guardian FOTM smash/sweep, they now have the ability to mitigate huge amounts of damage even as a dps. Guard/Taunt, when on a team of 4+ competent smashers can mitigate enough damage to keep them alive BEYOND their natural personal character CD's.


This damage mitigation, not sure on the "exact" math but up to 80% mind you, is also cause for healers being able to live so long and considered "OP". I think healing is working as intended, it's just the tanks that need re-worked.


It's time to change how these mechanics work in PvP. I can't think of any other game where taunt can mitigate so much player damage in PvP.


I'm not too savvy with the Jugg/Guardian skill tree, but maybe make all the damage mitigation/taunt/guard ability higher on the tanking skill tree would be a possible solution.


As I saw the thread title :eek:

When I read the post :confused:

After I framed it and put it next to my monitor :D

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Threat drop would be a good option. But notice the threat-drop isn't on the GCD. Should taunt countering be effectively free? Consider: 45s cooldown on (e.g.) chaff flare vs. 15sec/45sec cd on single target/ae taunts. It wouldn't completely remove the benefit of taunting, but it would be a huge nerf to the ability.


Honestly, I don't believe that tanks in themselves are OP. Yes, my main is a tank, but I play other classes as well. I don't like the idea of adding something like that without buffing real tanks (i.e., tank specs in tank gear) in some way. Perhaps the long-desired, much-needed scaling of taunts and guard with tank stats, rather than having them grant equal benefit to all members of the class.


Proper scaling of taunt might work out to be a better benefit than a taunt-counter ability. It'd reward people who choose to wear tank gear and slightly nerf the multitude of dps/tanks.

Edited by Khalhazar
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