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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Status Update on Game Update 2.1.1


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They just can't win can they? People complain when they don't give dates for anything and people complain when they give dates and miss them. They can't please everyone. At least they are being up front about it.


Completely agree!! Damned if they do, damned if they don't!.....lol!

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There are more options than just,

1) hyping content, giving us a date, and then a delay

2) just dropping content whenever it gets done


The community has already indicated that they don't like these options at all.....


There is also,

1) giving us a date and then delivering on time ~ they did it with RotHC

2) giving us an idea of future content & then launching it unexpectedly ~ they did this with 2.1

3) keeping us in the dark & then a "Oh BTW, next Tuesday ~ they did this with the Rakghoul event

4) giving us a date and then delivering early ~ they've never done this.

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ahhhh I knew it, as soon as I saw word of a delay the hypersensitive 5 year olds who want to nitpick every thing about this game come out of the woodwork.


People be happy they're being open with communication, the only other alternative is to keep us completely in the dark, Jesus.

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They just can't win can they? People complain when they don't give dates for anything and people complain when they give dates and miss them. They can't please everyone. At least they are being up front about it.


Isn't that the truth.:eek:

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I'm curious, how did the update break a class quest?


I mean, aren't those quests launch content? Are you editing those files much these days?


If you followed what they were adding -- one of the new QoL features in 2.1.1 is visible mission rewards prior to completing the quests.


That would require ALL of the mission coding to be altered. And clearly it caused some issues, and I'm not surprised by it. Happy that they caught it, and hope they can fix it quickly.



As to everyone else -- you cannot assume they caught this last minute. That isn't how SQA works. You are constantly testing bugs, merging in code, testing, merging, etc.


So, the issue could've popped up two weeks ago, but they thought they'd have plenty of time to fix it. Clearly, they haven't gotten the fix right yet. Depending on the reason for the problem -- it is probably a complex solution.


I'm 100% for as much transparency and information as possible. People here need to realize they are doing us a favor by trying to give us a roadmap -- and we SHOULD be reasonable and understanding. Maybe one of the devs working on a feature got sick, took a week off, and someone else less knowledgeable had to work on it.


Believe it or not, the devs are not robots. They make mistakes, and have RL issues, and all of that can affect the game as a whole. BW (and every company and person, really) deserves some leeway. Especially when they explicitly say it can change at any time.

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There are more options than just,

1) hyping content, giving us a date, and then a delay

2) just dropping content whenever it gets done


The community has already indicated that they don't like these options at all.....


There is also,

1) giving us a date and then delivering on time ~ they did it with RotHC

2) giving us an idea of future content & then launching it unexpectedly ~ they did this with 2.1

3) keeping us in the dark & then a "Oh BTW, next Tuesday ~ they did this with the Rakghoul event

4) giving us a date and then delivering early ~ they've never done this.


Yep. They hold all of the cards. They, and only they, know the content they want to release, when they want to release it, and how much work is left to release it, yet they somehow manage to make themselves look the fool. Not just once or twice, because everybody knows deadlines are missed sometimes, but constantly and consistently.


Would be prudent after such a poor record of meeting expectations (that they themselves set by themselves) to maybe have tested the content and been completely confident it was ready to go before they even brought it up. Sit on it, we are already used to waiting for everything, and complaints about "taking too long" will always be there no matter how fast you release. Make sure it works, and sit on it if you have to, to make it look like you are a professional team of AAA programmers that can put together a quality update without issue. Rebuild the reputation.


But that's just me. You already sucked me for some more money, so good on ya.

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Thanks for letting us know Eric.


*sigh* Although, just ONCE I would like EA set a date for a new Game Update, release it on said date, and have it be a clean bug-free launch.


I mean, is that REALLY asking too much?


Your QA has been really great of late.


Keep it up!

Yeah... I'm not even touching this.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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Thanks for letting us know Eric.


*sigh* Although, just ONCE I would like EA set a date for a new Game Update, release it on said date, and have it be a clean bug-free launch.


I mean, is that REALLY asking too much?



Yeah... I'm not even touching this.


Delays are normal and bugs are a normal part of MMO's none are perfect, dont like? Then dont play MMO's.

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Delays are normal and bugs are a normal part of MMO's none are perfect, dont like? Then dont play MMO's.


These *********** must be perfect in life never have crap popup working at McDs unexpected so they can't correlate their job to software development. Is the cheese melted? Who cares its done send it out!

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


Learn to handle change. It's a crucially important life skill.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


Bugs are seldom expected, this concept of not announcing dates (instead) is exactly what most of us DON"T WANT.


Stop grumping.

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Testing should've been done way before announcing a date. It's like every time Bioware launches an update, they do their testing a day before it goes live. If the QA team are testing the patch for bugs weeks before, the planned patch update will not be delayed.


Going again with the track record of Bioware Austin in releasing patches, this shouldn't be new and surprising - always delaying a patch due to the last minute testing. To some, Bioware's word including you Eric doesn't carry any more weight, sure you're honest and all but when someone in the Bioware Austin team say something, it goes to one ear and goes out to the other that quick. We'll believe when we see it.


Again, we don't expect those planned 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 game updates to release on time. That will save us the disappointment to not expect anything because the developer rarely meets a deadline in time.

Get over youreself.

I prefere a delay then bugs.

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Testing should've been done way before announcing a date. It's like every time Bioware launches an update, they do their testing a day before it goes live. If the QA team are testing the patch for bugs weeks before, the planned patch update will not be delayed.


Going again with the track record of Bioware Austin in releasing patches, this shouldn't be new and surprising - always delaying a patch due to the last minute testing. To some, Bioware's word including you Eric doesn't carry any more weight, sure you're honest and all but when someone in the Bioware Austin team say something, it goes to one ear and goes out to the other that quick. We'll believe when we see it.


Again, we don't expect those planned 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 game updates to release on time. That will save us the disappointment to not expect anything because the developer rarely meets a deadline in time.


Something tells me you have no idea how QA works, at all.

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Something tells me you have no idea how QA works, at all.


Most people playing this game have no idea how anything works at all. They just expect wizards to conjure up things into the game.

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While I don't like that the patch has been delayed, I would have liked it even less if the patch had gone through with those bugs. And I VERY MUCH LIKE that you explained SPECIFICALLY WHY the patch was delayed instead of being vague about it. Thank you!




Of course I'd like the patches released on the projected dates...but that's simply not always going to be realistic. When a delay happens, like this one did, I LOVE that Eric is open to telling us about it. THANK YOU Eric!

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I love the transparency! Keep it up!



Not this

Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it.


Sometimes things come up. But I WANT to be kept in the loop on timetables they have. I'm mature enough to know that they might not make it, but that is at least the time they are shooting for.


Testing should've been done way before announcing a date. It's like every time Bioware launches an update, they do their testing a day before it goes live. If the QA team are testing the patch for bugs weeks before, the planned patch update will not be delayed.


Going again with the track record of Bioware Austin in releasing patches, this shouldn't be new and surprising - always delaying a patch due to the last minute testing. To some, Bioware's word including you Eric doesn't carry any more weight, sure you're honest and all but when someone in the Bioware Austin team say something, it goes to one ear and goes out to the other that quick. We'll believe when we see it.


Again, we don't expect those planned 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 game updates to release on time. That will save us the disappointment to not expect anything because the developer rarely meets a deadline in time.


You can't seriously expect them to have a finished fully tested product/patch before they even announce it. Otherwise we would never know what's going on. We wouldn't know if a patch was coming today or 3 months from today.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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