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concealment: culling useless?


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This ability grants +3% damage to poisoned target.

doesn't seem interesting to waste points on it.

if you're doing 1k damage you get a measly bonus of 30 dmg? that's pretty pathetic.

Ì'd rather spend those 3 points on scouting/survival training..


can any high level confirm/deny its usefulness?

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are you speaking to pvp or pve? in pve the stealth detection talents will be relatively useless, but in pvp probably not. as far as pvp, my thought would be that your assumptions are correct, but in pve you should be maxing survival training anyway and still be picking up culling because more damage is more damage is more damage.
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my focus is pvp, but comon even for pve, 3 whole points for such low effect? there must be a catch...


not particularly. this is the spec i would personally use for pve:




as you can see, i still max out survival training and 2/3 inclement conditioning, while picking up things like advanced cloaking for more hidden strike opportunity/mobility. there simply isn't anywhere better to put those points, since we obviously have to get to acid blade, not from a pve standpoint.


obviously in pvp, the case is quite different as being able to see through sneak and other such stealth modifiers will be pretty essential and maybe the 3% wont be worth it.


keep in mind, in pve your target will always be poisoned. so although it's only 30 extra damage, damage isn't super high in this game anyway, 3% is always 3% no matter how damage scales... it will affect (i assume) every direct damage ability you use on the poisoned target for the whole encounter, that's a 3% total damage buff, essentially.

Edited by Ashorian
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If you're trying to choose.


Culling-pve spec

Scouting-pvp spec.


Culling is more of a raiding talent than anything, it's main effectiveness is with Corrosive Dart.


Shadow/Sin do not get a stealth detection talent and with Scouting, I get the jump on them 95% of the time, which is pretty much a guaranteed kill with jarring strike unless they get help.


It's also really useful for protecting your own squishies and healers from stealthers.


If any of you played a Nightshade/Infil/Shadowblade in DaoC, you'll know what I mean.

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Why wouldn't you take energy screen for pve? Just makes no sense to me why you would want to be unhealable when using your threat dump/burst for hidden strike.




Thats what I would go with for pve myself.



For pvp I'm going to try http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McZGI0RdkrbfzZhM.1


I like taking Incisive Action to get TA up before fights. That way get off more burst off with not wasting TA getting stim on myself during combat.

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point taken, lagmonster, but i suppose the reason i skipped it is due to the fact that *hopefully* you wont be in stealth for more than another gcd in order to press hidden strike, so the healing you might need is minimal... but i suppose only time will tell! :)


also interested in your choice of 2/2 corrosive microbes over taking the extra 3 seconds on dart, but i suppose have a 25% over a 12.5% chance could potentially outweigh the extra two gcds between reapplying dart... not sure!

Edited by Ashorian
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this si downside of olt wow talent system that SWTOR inherited - talents that you dont realy need to take but you take them coz you need to advance and ther is nothing better.


You can get that 3% mroe dam or 2% more defense 6% more endurance etc - nothing that would excite you.

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indeed for pvp, im gonna drop that 3%, the fights don't last long anyway.

also im not convinced about pin down, 2 second stun is too little. sever tendon untraited is enough.

so basically that makes 5 points that I will put in scouting 2/2 and conditionning 3/3.

survival training i'm not sure its worth it for a pvp context: 10% more heal received, when your main source of heals during a fight as a concealment operative is stim boost, it is really nothing.

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point taken, lagmonster, but i suppose the reason i skipped it is due to the fact that *hopefully* you wont be in stealth for more than another gcd in order to press hidden strike, so the healing you might need is minimal... but i suppose only time will tell! :)


The healing debuff continues for 10s, regardless of when you unstealth.

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Cull hits like a truck. Lethality has amazing burst because of it.


We are talking about Culling,a skill in Concealment tree, and not Cull in lethality tree which is indeed awesome.


Anyway, yeah. Not really seeing point of Culling. Personally I will ignore it for endurance buff.

Edited by Drakovicz
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