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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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The bolded part. Thanks for openly saying it.


So you admit that even at level 45, a player can't get a full idea of what he's dealing with, yet you want them to redo everything back to level 1 on a different AC, based on a gamble that they may or may not like the class. That's just pointless.


What?? Dude?? Not having all of your skills does not equal knowing how a character plays.. In fact every AC plays exactly the same at level 10 (Or when you first choose your AC.) than they do at level 55.. The only difference is more skills.. A Sentinel doesn't suddenly stop swinging dual lightsabers and being mele DPS.. A Sentinel is a dual wielding mele DPS from level 10 all the way to 55.. They just get more skills..


To make the claim that you don't know how your character plays at level 45 is really not true.. How can you not know?? The play style for your class doesn't change..


If someone suddenly decides they don't like a character at level 45, then that is their problem.. They have already invested a lot of hours getting to level 45.. I would have to ask what took them so long.. I knew I hated both the commando and Vanguard from the very beginning.. The commando for me was at least tolerable.. I leveled one to 41 or 42 just to get through Chapter 2 and get the buff.. That was over 6 months ago.. He is still sitting on Hoth.. (I only did the class quests on Hoth..)


Over all your argument is moot.. I seriously doubt someone has to get to level 45 before they decide they don't like a character.. The skills a player gets doesn't change play style or game play.. Some skills are even determined by spec.. A Gunslinger at level 10 is hiding behind a shield and shooting two blasters.. Gunslingers at 55 are hiding behind a shield and shooting two blasters.. What is the difference?? :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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lol...I have to stop you there. If you take a moment to -read- the description of your AC, it plainly tells you what you'll be getting. If anything, what you'd need to ask for (if you stick with this poor argument) is a base class change. If someone makes a Sin, and at 45 they decide they don't like it...well, they certainly won't want a Sorc...or they would have picked it. They wanted a melee toon.


Not to mention, the abundance of information on these forums about classes. Really no excuse for ignorance. Other MMOs don't have the luxury of the great forums like these.


But really, you know what you're getting at level 10. Leveling to 45 may give you even more of an idea, but not much more. If it took you 35 levels to realise you won't like a class, something is wrong.


i didn't pick my assassin because he was melee. i chose him because of the mix of sweet lightning moves and saber attacks. however, the latter is more prevalent and i'd rather have a sorc so i can use lightning all the time. for some people it's about having fun and not about whether a class is melee or ranged.

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Yes because you get all abilities at level 11, and you can get a full grasp on how your class will play out on the way to level 55. Oh wait...you don't.


Instead you level to 45 to get the full feel of your class and now you find you don't really enjoy it. So you want to switch but oh wait! Some people that don't pay your sub don't want you to switch. Because at level 45, you will affect their game play for some reason, they have yet to explain.


Makes total sense. :rolleyes:


Jugg... I decided that at level 45 I didn't really like tanking and I want to be a dual wielding dps class.


Sorc... I decided at level 45 that I don't like range dps and heals and I would rather tank and do melee dps.


BH.... I decided at level 45 I didn't want to tank/dps and I would rather heal/dps


IA... I decided at level 45 that I don't like range dps and I would rather melee


These are essentially the differences in class ACs. If you need to wait to lvl 45 to decide if you want to tank or heal or if you would rather melee or be ranged, then you got problems. These are the types of decisions, that you should know, before you even make your first character. In any other MMO, players know what type of class they want to play. It might be healer so they roll a cleric. It might be melee dps so they roll a rogue. It might be tank so they roll a warrior. It might be range dps so they roll a mage. These are the same choices you are making in ToR. I don't understand why it seems to be an issue here, that you feel you need to beg for a class change, but not in other MMOs.

Edited by Soluss
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So you get all abilities and know an AC rotations and limitations at level 1. Makes total sense :rolleyes:


So you assume because you know these things, a new player should know them as well. Otherwise they are lazy and should be punished according to you. Wow you are great for business. :rolleyes:


Bioware the choice is clear, you can see just from this post alone, that he doesn't want to welcome new players. Unlike myself, I want to breed a healthy gaming community that welcomes new players. I provide choice, while this poster provides tantrums and insults.


It's sad that I had to explain so much to a so called "MMO vet".


You don't in any other MMO either. If you were playing WoW or EQ2 or Lotro ...etc.... what do you do when you roll a mage and decide you want to heal instead? Oh that's right, you go reroll... you don't sit on the forums and demand to be able to change your class.

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i didn't pick my assassin because he was melee. i chose him because of the mix of sweet lightning moves and saber attacks. however, the latter is more prevalent and i'd rather have a sorc so i can use lightning all the time. for some people it's about having fun and not about whether a class is melee or ranged.


That should have been obvious to you before you even rolled the character.

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Yes because you get all abilities at level 11, and you can get a full grasp on how your class will play out on the way to level 55. Oh wait...you don't.


Instead you level to 45 to get the full feel of your class and now you find you don't really enjoy it. So you want to switch but oh wait! Some people that don't pay your sub don't want you to switch. Because at level 45, you will affect their game play for some reason, they have yet to explain.


Makes total sense.


Those people would be BW (you know, the ones who SET THE RULES), not t he players. There are many players who do not want to see this rule changes, but those players did not set the rules.

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So when a person levels to 45 and finds out they don't like their class. Due to bioware not letting them fully realize what they are getting into until level 45, it's them being lazy? Oh lord :rolleyes:



So, when a player of WOW levels to 70 and finds out that they don't like their class due to not Blizzard not fully letting them realize what they are getting into until level 70, they can just change their class. Oh, that's right, they can't. If they want to play another class, they have to reroll.


That would be the same in the game. BW set the rules, not the players.

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i didn't pick my assassin because he was melee. i chose him because of the mix of sweet lightning moves and saber attacks. however, the latter is more prevalent and i'd rather have a sorc so i can use lightning all the time. for some people it's about having fun and not about whether a class is melee or ranged.


The majority of assassin attacks are lightning if you're a tank. Even if you're not, you do have some nice lightning. But still.

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You are trying th change game mechanics that are healthy for a playerbase to be knowledgeable about their classes and its playstyle.

AC change (or not) has nothing to do with a player base's "health."


You are suggesting bioware nickle and dime us even more

No one is nickel-and-dimed except to the extent they choose.


You are suggesting that people be lazy and get whatever they want if they demand it enough.

Does the phrase "Mind your own business" mean anything to you?


I demand Kell Dragon armor in the mailbox through no effort.

You can pay CC for it. Just like AC change, if it were ever introduced, would cost CC.


I demand a flying whale mount from alderan.

Free-ranging, high-flying mounts are not compatible with the game's mechanics, pereumably.


I demand to play as jar jar binks.

If they introduce his race into the game, go for it.


If you need to wait to lvl 45 to decide if you want to tank or heal or if you would rather melee or be ranged, then you got problems.

Possibly, but such "problems" could hardly be more inconsequential. I can say it again if it will help: It's a game and it's none of your business how another person plays as long as he or she is not breaking BWEA's rules.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It is others' business... getting stuff for nothing effects other players. God, this generation of MMO players have been handed everything on a silver platter. There used to be uniqueness in MMO games, and a sense of accomplishment. "Dude, look that guy has that ****** sword, title, rank..." ...whatever. It keeps people playing and striving for the hard to obtain. You want to play a different AC, make another character. You want to get top end gear, earn it. You want that ****** title, you better do something great to get it... These days you do 2 warzones and get a battlemaster title - which doesn't make you too much of a battle "master." All I'm saying is accomplishments don't mean anything anymore... they should.


AC change (or not) has nothing to do with a player base's "health."



No one is nickel-and-dimed except to the extent they choose.



Does the phrase "Mind your own business" mean anything to you?



You can pay CC for it. Just like AC change, if it were ever introduced, would cost CC.



Free-ranging, high-flying mounts are not compatible with the game's mechanics, pereumably.



If they introduce his race into the game, go for it.



Possibly, but such "problems" could hardly be more inconsequential. I can say it again if it will help: It's a game and it's none of your business how another person plays as long as he or she is not breaking BWEA's rules.

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It is others' business... getting stuff for nothing effects other players.

If they let it bother them, sure.


God, this generation of MMO players have been handed everything on a silver platter.

And apparently the "old" generation is all about telling others how to play.


There used to be uniqueness in MMO games, and a sense of accomplishment.

That sense of accomplishment comes from inside you.


"Dude, look that guy has that ****** sword, title, rank..." ...whatever. It keeps people playing and striving for the hard to obtain.

If you have to "work" for it and I buy it off the CM, that doesn't negate the fact that you "worked" for it. What you really are arguing for is that it be evident to others that you "worked" for it, not simply that you "worked" for it.


All I'm saying is accomplishments don't mean anything anymore... they should.

It's just a game, dude, just a game. You play your way, let others play their way.


Such petulance is understandable in young children. Not so much in adults.

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If they let it bother them, sure.

That sense of accomplishment comes from inside you....


What you are describing is a single player game. This goes against everything an MMO stands for. Maybe you should rethink your choice.


Such petulance is understandable in young children. Not so much in adults.


It's not petulance, it's called competition and the satisfaction of earning something, which is the foundation of every MMO. As an adult I haven't lost that drive for competition yet... and hope I never do.

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Possibly, but such "problems" could hardly be more inconsequential. I can say it again if it will help: It's a game and it's none of your business how another person plays as long as he or she is not breaking BWEA's rules.


It is my business. I happen to like the fact that there is no AC change. I think its good for the game. Would I rage quit if they change it? Nope, but I will speak my mind about it. So maybe you should stay out of my business. Currently BWEA's rules are no AC changes.

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You know what I mean. Currently BWEA's rules are no AC changes.

That's not a rule any more than BHs' inability to use light sabers is a rule or lack of free-roaming, high-flying mounts is a rule.


What you are describing is a single player game. This goes against everything an MMO stands for. Maybe you should rethink your choice.

What MMOs stand for is "fun," since they are games. Maybe you should re-think your stance on wanting to tell others how to have fun.


It's not petulance

It is. Look up "petulance."


It's called competition

While AC is as much a part of PvP as it is of PvE, the same reasoning applies re: AC change whether it's PvP or PvE: it's none of your business how others choose to play the game as long as they are not harassing you (and follow BWEA's other rules).


and the satisfaction of earning something, which is the foundation of every MMO.

Again, the foundation of every MMO is "fun." If you feel you are "earning" something playing a game, you are taking things a wee bit too seriously.


As an adult I haven't lost that drive for competition yet... and hope I never do.

An adult recognizes that some people do not do things the way he or she does and does not insist that everyone else adhere to his or her notions of "fun."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Players get a full understanding of their roll and playstyle at level one. Again, there are only 4 really diffrent playstyle mechanics here....what dont you get?


No, bioware shouldnt be getting money for namechanges, appearance changes, and the like. Micro transactions traditionally had additional cost because they required human oversight. These are ingame systems they programmed that require ZERO man hours to maintain. I will not support more greed.


Wow, I love how you assume because you know how MMO's are. That a person playing an MMO for the first time, will magically know everything at level 1.


Good job at making a full display of your ignorance.

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But really, you know what you're getting at level 10.


Gonna have to stop you there. "lol" as you put it.


So a person brand new to a MMO is supposed to know how their class plays out at level 10? I guess we must have many prophets among us, can you tell me who they are? I want to win the lotto.


Nice job assuming and trying to speak for the entire playerbase because of what you think. Once again, Anti-AC change can only provide selfishness, greed and arrogance. It's been displayed many times over.


Come back when you actually have something to discuss, instead of poorly attempting to speak for other players.


You have been debunked.

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No, bioware shouldnt be getting money for namechanges, appearance changes, and the like. Micro transactions traditionally had additional cost because they required human oversight. These are ingame systems they programmed that require ZERO man hours to maintain. I will not support more greed.

And if AC change were made available for CC (which we all know would be the case), no one's gonna force you to buy it.


And furthermore ...


"For-profit company seeks to make profit. Also, dogs have fleas and water is wet. Film at 11:00."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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In fact every AC plays exactly the same at level 10 (Or when you first choose your AC.) than they do at level 55.. The only difference is more skills.. A Sentinel doesn't suddenly stop swinging dual lightsabers and being mele DPS.. A Sentinel is a dual wielding mele DPS from level 10 all the way to 55.. They just get more skills..


To make the claim that you don't know how your character plays at level 45 is really not true.. How can you not know?? The play style for your class doesn't change..


What is the difference?? :)


Time to break down the ignorance.


So a player that is new to an MMO is going to know how every AC plays out at level 10? Oh wow, nice job speaking for every new player and telling them how to play. :rolleyes:


Second, It's sad that I have to explain to people how your class comes full bloom at level 45. "OH melee dps is melee dps herp derp" as you say. Well sin DPS requires you to be behind the enemy and sents don't require proper positioning. Also one gets stealth and the other doesn't. I guess they know about all these factors though and how big of a part they play in the end game level.


Once again, you are trolling. This entire post you have yet to offer a solution. Instead you ask me to educate you on how MMO's work and how AC's work. I should start charging.


You have been debunked, I lost count how many times now.

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Jugg... I decided that at level 45 I didn't really like tanking and I want to be a dual wielding dps class.


Sorc... I decided at level 45 that I don't like range dps and heals and I would rather tank and do melee dps.


BH.... I decided at level 45 I didn't want to tank/dps and I would rather heal/dps


IA... I decided at level 45 that I don't like range dps and I would rather melee


These are essentially the differences in class ACs. If you need to wait to lvl 45 to decide if you want to tank or heal or if you would rather melee or be ranged, then you got problems. These are the types of decisions, that you should know, before you even make your first character. In any other MMO, players know what type of class they want to play. It might be healer so they roll a cleric. It might be melee dps so they roll a rogue. It might be tank so they roll a warrior. It might be range dps so they roll a mage. These are the same choices you are making in ToR. I don't understand why it seems to be an issue here, that you feel you need to beg for a class change, but not in other MMOs.


I bolded the part, to where that addresses the person who is a first timer in an MMO.


Oh wait, you forgot about those guys right? Yea, it's easy since you don't honestly care about other people's situations.


I hate to break it to you but umm Sin DPS and Sent DPS. Yea they are different. It seems you don't actually play this game or you are new to MMO's yourself. Either way, do some research before you make yourself look bad...well too late for that I guess.


Then he finishes with comparing other MMO's into it. That's how you know they can't hold a discussion. Hey other MMO's have wizards and magic, why doesn't SWTOR have that? I mean all these MMO's got trolls and orcs too, damn we should put those in the game too! :rolleyes:


Great logic there bud, great logic. :rolleyes:


By great I mean horrible.

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And if AC change were made available for CC (which we all know would be the case), no one's gonna force you to buy it.


And furthermore ...


"For-profit company seeks to make profit. Also, dogs have fleas and water is wet. Film at 11:00."


Making profit where it is warranted is fine. Expecting something for nothing is crazy talk. We pay a monthly sub, make it worth my money, stop trying to get more out of me....this tool if implanted should be free with subcriptions...


You support a growing trend of gaming company greed...i ask why? Do you work in the industry?

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You don't in any other MMO either. If you were playing WoW or EQ2 or Lotro ...etc.... what do you do when you roll a mage and decide you want to heal instead? Oh that's right, you go reroll... you don't sit on the forums and demand to be able to change your class.


Back to other MMO's. Hey I want wizards and magic in SWTOR, other MMO's have it as well. :rolleyes:


The mere fact that you can't stay within the parameters of this game, shows that you don't even have a point in this topic. Good job openly admitting that though.


That was easy, he just admitted he was wrong and never had a point to start with. Nice job owning yourself.

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Those people would be BW (you know, the ones who SET THE RULES), not t he players. There are many players who do not want to see this rule changes, but those players did not set the rules.


MMO's are always changing, that's a news flash for you. I guess this must be your first MMO.


Hey let's remove sprint at level 1, this guy doesn't want it. It used to be biowares rule but they changed it. Time to go back and undo all the changes in the game. Those bugs that got fixed? They are back in the game, this guy wants them.


Good job at trying very hard at making the game terrible.

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So, when a player of WOW levels to 70 and finds out that they don't like their class due to not Blizzard not fully letting them realize what they are getting into until level 70, they can just change their class. Oh, that's right, they can't. If they want to play another class, they have to reroll.


That would be the same in the game. BW set the rules, not the players.


Another person that has to bring another MMO to try to make a point.


If you can't talk within SWTOR context. Then you failed this argument. Glad you admitted defeat.


Good job owning yourself. You have been debunked.

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