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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Who knows but bringing a dramatic change to skill system is the best time to provide an AC class switch.

Think the quote might have been more of an emphasis that FREE AC change is not coming.

*Fingers crossed*:D


I'm sorry, but why would you even think that is is possible that he meant no free class (AC) changes?


Here's the quote:


Disciplines being introduced will not allow you to change Advanced Class, just Discipline. Example, if you are a Madness Sorcerer right now you will have the option of which Discipline to move into, Corruption, Lightning, or Madness just like you do now! Also, just like now, you will be able to change Disciplines after choosing should you want to.




Nowhere in that quote does he say that you will be able to change your class (AC). In fact, he specifically says that the introduction of disciplines " will not allow you to change Advanced Class, just Discipline". That seems pretty clear to me.


Although Eric did not specifically say so, it would seem to me that there are no plans to allow class (AC) changes at this time.

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I'm sorry, but why would you even think that is is possible that he meant no free class (AC) changes?


Nowhere in that quote does he say that you will be able to change your class (AC). In fact, he specifically says that the introduction of disciplines " will not allow you to change Advanced Class, just Discipline". That seems pretty clear to me.


Although Eric did not specifically say so, it would seem to me that there are no plans to allow class (AC) changes at this time.


If discipline bought AC change it would be free bioware will not make revenue, when they can easily sell the swap as a single use consumable on the CM.

I meant the new system will not bring free change but does not make it any less likely they wont introduce it in future.

Hence the *fingers crossed* hoping they bring it soon.

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Two things;


First of all, with how quickly you can level a new toon to 55 with the 12x xp buff, there is no reason for an AC change.


Secondly, in todays livestream, both Eric Musco and David Demaree stated that when you select an AC, that choice is final. "You're done. You can't go back and change that. "

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Two things;


First of all, with how quickly you can level a new toon to 55 with the 12x xp buff, there is no reason for an AC change.

Actually, there is a reason. Getting a toon to 55 is not the be all and end all of the question.

This is a story based game and for me (and many others) many of my toons "mean something" to me.

For example, I have both an Assassin and a Sorcerer at 55.

The Assassin is one of my 10 "mains": he has a fully fledged backstory, motivations, mounts, achievements, gear, companions at max affection, etc, etc, etc..., that I worked hard for him to get; my Assassin is "important" to me.

My Sorcerer on the other hand is an "alt": he was created almost a year after the Assassin so that I could experience the Sorcerer Lightning spec first hand instead of just seeing it and he has nothing especial and "means" nothing special to me and has been "inactive" since he hit 55 (over 6 months ago).

However, the Sorcerer did show me that I enjoy the Sorcerer gameplay *more* than the Assassin gameplay (which I do enjoy and play regularly, but I find myself missing the Sorcerer gameplay).

When the AC switch becomes a reality, my Assassin will become a Sorcerer. Not because of "flavour of the month" reasons. Not because he was "nerfed". Not because the Sorcerer is "overpowered". Simply because it will mean that a toon that "means something to me" will also now have a playstyle that I have discovered I enjoy more.

I will continue to play with "my" Assassin until he becomes "my" Sorcerer.


Secondly, in todays livestream, both Eric Musco and David Demaree stated that when you select an AC, that choice is final. "You're done. You can't go back and change that. "

"At this time.". Remember that phrase. It is the one constant of MMOs: things change.

Think about it: you have 4 NPCs on each fleet, a total of 8 NPCs, that are currently only used once by anyone: the Advanced Class Trainers.

Do you really think that at some point you won't be able to go up to them and, for a fee, reset your Advanced Class? "At this time" this isn't possible... but things change.

(If anything, the livestream showed just how easy it is to "reset" the Advanced Class choice. It is done at least twice during the livestream. ;))

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"You're done. You can't go back and change that. "


They took a definite stance :eek:

Well if that is true i might quit sooner than i think this was one of the maybes that have been stringing me on. I have a story for each of my toons if AC switch does not come i would have to delete them and replay. (slight case of OCD hate it but have to do it) :o

GSF GSH don't interest me( did not even unlock the nar shadda one even though have been sub the entire time).

next time i get tired of the game might leave and imagine will not be the only one to do so.

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"At this time.". Remember that phrase. It is the one constant of MMOs: things change.

Think about it: you have 4 NPCs on each fleet, a total of 8 NPCs, that are currently only used once by anyone: the Advanced Class Trainers.

Do you really think that at some point you won't be able to go up to them and, for a fee, reset your Advanced Class? "At this time" this isn't possible... but things change.

(If anything, the livestream showed just how easy it is to "reset" the Advanced Class choice. It is done at least twice during the livestream. ;))


Jumped the gun again:o

I will repeat again the disciple system with the current XP boost is the best time to bring AC switch( for cartel coins of course).

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Do you really think that at some point you won't be able to go up to them and, for a fee, reset your Advanced Class? "At this time" this isn't possible... but things change.

(If anything, the livestream showed just how easy it is to "reset" the Advanced Class choice. It is done at least twice during the livestream. ;))


They never said " At this time." Simply that you can't go back. As for how easily they changed the AC, they also leveled to 60 instantly, and eliminated the internal cool down for an ability. Are you telling me those features are coming soon too? Am I going to be able to spam death field over and over with no CD? How about master strike?

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As for how easily they changed the AC, they also leveled to 60 instantly, and eliminated the internal cool down for an ability. Are you telling me those features are coming soon too? Am I going to be able to spam death field over and over with no CD? How about master strike?


Switching AC is not the same as the other examples you have given. If you believe they are i hope you are against adaptive armor, character customization and dyes and don't use them as a matter or principle.


Blizzard introduced a instant character boost and this game was supposed to be EA's WoW killer.:cool:

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They never said " At this time." Simply that you can't go back.

I never said they said it. I said remember that phrase. In MMOs everything changes. Remember when they said you couldn't change your appearance/race? Remember when they said there was no player housing? Remember?


As for how easily they changed the AC, they also leveled to 60 instantly, and eliminated the internal cool down for an ability. Are you telling me those features are coming soon too? Am I going to be able to spam death field over and over with no CD? How about master strike?

Don't be purposefully dense. It makes you look bad.

The fact that they reset the AC shows that there is no "technical limitation" to doing it. The fact that you currently cannot do so in game is simply because they choose to not let you do so. "At this time.". ;)

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I don't agree with an AC change for many of the reasons listed here.


However, I do think people would pay significant sums of money to do so. Which would be great for the game. They've also shown that it is possible (albeit through dev hacks :p).


BUT.. As was shown near the end of the stream (maybe some people missed it), one of the many problems that will spring up with an AC change. HE WENT FROM A SINGLE BLADED LIGHTSABER SORC TO A DUAL-BLADED LIGHTSABER ASSASSIN AND WASNT ABLE TO USE SOME ABILITIES.


Just one of many cans of worms opened up with an AC change..


If they allow it, do they


A) give people main/off hands of the AC they change to?

B) if A), what kind do they get?

C) if A), what crystals, mods, etc. are in them? (If any)

D) don't give them anything?


There's a whole slew of things that need to be talked about and figured out before hand if it ever happens. And for sure, not everyone will be satisfied with what they release. Then it's back to the forums to complain about it.



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BUT.. As was shown near the end of the stream (maybe some people missed it), one of the many problems that will spring up with an AC change. HE WENT FROM A SINGLE BLADED LIGHTSABER SORC TO A DUAL-BLADED LIGHTSABER ASSASSIN AND WASNT ABLE TO USE SOME ABILITIES.



That is the beauty of moddable weapons right now when we choose a AC we get a lvl 10 offhand and mainhand weapon if it changes from base class. Assault cannon for commando, double bladed lightsaber for assassin/shadow.

If the AC change comes as a CM consumable we can switch the mods from our lvl 55 weapons to the new one. tanking gear will be hard anyways.


Main problems brought up in this thread was FotM classes and inexperienced players.

FotM will be greatly reduced if Bioware uses the discipline system properly.

Inexperienced players will already be exacerbated by the 12*XP bonus so payed AC change wont affect it much.


Bioware themselves have taken care of (not solved :p) the two main problems brought up.

Thing about PERMANENT people will forget about it in a year or two.

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BUT.. As was shown near the end of the stream (maybe some people missed it), one of the many problems that will spring up with an AC change. HE WENT FROM A SINGLE BLADED LIGHTSABER SORC TO A DUAL-BLADED LIGHTSABER ASSASSIN AND WASNT ABLE TO USE SOME ABILITIES.




In the same livestream he also mentioned that the "Supply Bag" containing the items you need for your AC is given to you (placed in your inventory) the moment you choose your AC and that it has been "uncoupled" from the original quest for choosing your AC (the quest itself is still present for those that want to do it). (As an aside: the "uncoupling" of the "Supply Bag" from the quest is another sign... ;)). In the livestream he then promptly forgot about that when he activated the Assassin AC and never opened his inventory to open the "Supply Bag" and claim his double-lightsaber.


Rewatch the livestream :).

Edited by ZeroPlus
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I think it was made clear in the live stream that AC change was not possible at this time. I could be wrong of course.


Think its more don't have to do it rather than a cannot do it. Am pretty sure a consumable that activates the AC class window will be possible. Since they have already moved the gear bag from the quest to the AC window..

Have a feeling they are waiting for next low point to release it as a feature.

Edited by Jaxtes
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Hey. Did you know they put a quest in for you to be able to do this? You pretty much just have to spend $20 then you can start the quest and part of it, you have to re-earn all your gear and stuff. But hurry! It is a limited time thing. Only lasts until December 1st.
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Hey. Did you know they put a quest in for you to be able to do this? You pretty much just have to spend $20 then you can start the quest and part of it, you have to re-earn all your gear and stuff. But hurry! It is a limited time thing. Only lasts until December 1st.


and if you are not a sub, gotta add 15 per month on top of that.

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Well, the latest word on the matter has to be updated. Before this one of the devs mentioned that he believed that AC change would happen "eventually".


The latest word from this reveal is that it is still considered a permanent choice. That much is clear.


Naturally anything is subject to change, but that is the latest information to come from the devs.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Sorry. Forgot to mention it is only a perk to subscribers the same way that subscribers only get free respecs. It's in the fine print.


It will be even more fun if they make it 1000cc per use without having to learn everything back. :rolleyes:

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