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Win Trading and Que Dodging in Ranked Warzones


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I really didn't want to post anything but I couldn't just sit by after what I have read.


I have been on Ebon Hawk for quite awhile now. Originally from Bastion. I was a founding member of MVP along with Geo and have been pvping on TEH for months. I am also a member of The Watchmen.


First of all I find it laughable that so many Guerilla members are condemning ranked win trading when I remember logging on at 4am and seeing 16 guerilla in a ranked match win trading. It's ok when you do it but the moment someone tries to get on equal footing all of a sudden it is horrible! We have stood by silently while we are insulted in general chat during warzones and on the fleet. We ignore the hate and the attempts at angering us and just play the match.


I have been nothing but nice to everyone in every warzone I come across. Including members of Guerilla who had previously insulted my guild. I will continue to do so because I will not lower myself. I just wish that people who have ranked win traded wouldn't lie and act like they never had.

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I really didn't want to post anything but I couldn't just sit by after what I have read.


I have been on Ebon Hawk for quite awhile now. Originally from Bastion. I was a founding member of MVP along with Geo and have been pvping on TEH for months. I am also a member of The Watchmen.


First of all I find it laughable that so many Guerilla members are condemning ranked win trading when I remember logging on at 4am and seeing 16 guerilla in a ranked match win trading. It's ok when you do it but the moment someone tries to get on equal footing all of a sudden it is horrible! We have stood by silently while we are insulted in general chat during warzones and on the fleet. We ignore the hate and the attempts at angering us and just play the match.


I have been nothing but nice to everyone in every warzone I come across. Including members of Guerilla who had previously insulted my guild. I will continue to do so because I will not lower myself. I just wish that people who have ranked win traded wouldn't lie and act like they never had.


Just cause Guerilla does it doesn't make it right. Everyone's got a brain and if you're as upright and nice as you seem to indicate, then you know Win Trading is bull and a bit unethical. Just cause certain members of Guerilla think that /stuck is appropriate for warzone use (or that Bioware purposefully put that command in the game for that specific purpose) doesn't make it the truth or right.


You guys have a brain (or brains, hopefully more than 1), so use it (them).

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Just cause Guerilla does it doesn't make it right. Everyone's got a brain and if you're as upright and nice as you seem to indicate, then you know Win Trading is bull and a bit unethical. Just cause certain members of Guerilla think that /stuck is appropriate for warzone use (or that Bioware purposefully put that command in the game for that specific purpose) doesn't make it the truth or right.


You guys have a brain (or brains, hopefully more than 1), so use it (them).


^ This, WORD LIFE!

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Guerrilla never participated in any win-trading. Any games fought where members happened to be on both sides were to their full extent and ability. No one on this server has done it before now until you guys came along and thought it was okay. Edited by VtTethias
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First of all I find it laughable that so many Guerilla members are condemning ranked win trading when I remember logging on at 4am and seeing 16 guerilla in a ranked match win trading. It's ok when you do it but the moment someone tries to get on equal footing all of a sudden it is horrible!.

LOL....very bad attempt at troll. People in my guild are way to competitive to throw matches. Try again......NEXT

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LOL....very bad attempt at troll. People in my guild are way to competitive to throw matches. Try again......NEXT


I'm no fan of the Guerrilla tag, but win trading doesn't seem their style at all. I am very suspicious of this accusation.

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Let's try not to cast too many stones here, people. I mean, c'mon... :rolleyes:


I've seen some of the more "elite" players rage quit matches, some even before they start because they've deemed their teammates unworthy. And ranked kickball matches/picking teams from a pool of 16 have been happening for a long time on TEH. I have a very hard time believing that win trading hasn't been done before as well.


Theron, your post makes me think you are either obtuse or just trolling.


1. I think all of us have rage quit once or twice as a result of bad PUGs, back-filling, or whatever. However, rage quitting as a result of YOUR OWN FAILED STRATEGY is a whole different can of worms. “My 4 man pre-made attempted a lowbie strategy and it failed against another competent 4 man pre-made! QQ rage quit!” sad, sad, sad, indeed.


2. Win trading is NOT equal to Kickball. If your one of the ignorant left out minority, and not sure what Kickball is, it is a match of 16 people who pick sides and slug it out in a ranked match. Each side does their level best to win, and at the end, often (but not always) teams are re-picked.


This is VERY different than win trading which involves NO real effort to win and an attempt to end the ranked warzone ASAP so the next win trade can begin.


For the record, Guerrilla has never participated in win trading. Anyone who claims otherwise is a flat out liar. We have often played kickball, including other guilds and peeps when no ranked completion was queuing. These kickball matches were some of the most hard fought games as NOONE wanted to lose!


So in closing Theron wake-up, no one has exploited win trading on TEH until the Watchman arrived. Congrats on your server first guys, be proud!

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Come on Mort, why the hate?


No hate.. just an honest belly laugh. I needed that too. :D


Its hard to read tone in text..



Just keep in mind that Im grinning from ear to ear with the chine eeesiest eyes a white boy could have.. lol

Edited by DarthBror
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Theron, your post makes me think you are either obtuse or just trolling.


That's one of the downsides of being a relentless troll. Sometimes people can't tell when I'm being serious and when I'm not. I agree with a lot of what you've said, and for the record, I never accused Guerrilla of win trading...just that I have a hard time believing that this instance is a first for TEH. In all seriousness, I've toned back a lot of my trolling, especially towards you damned dirty apes. I suppose I've lumped most of you together when in fact, there's only a select few of you who deserve to be stoned in town square.


As for kickball, I stand by my statement. For me, it's a grey area. I've done it a few times and it just doesn't sit well with me. It's been a long time since I've ran with a full premade on a regular basis, and I guess I've just grown accustomed to the pain and suffering that is PUG.

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