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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ancient Hypergate


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AH is the most stupidist warzone map in this game it needs to be removed, or better yetl et us CHOOSE wich warzones we play isntead of the bull **** random selcetion


I think if they expanded the middle area to an open area like the charge pylon for the Gree event, but larger, it may improve the game play. In its current form; it becomes nothing more than a huge zerg fest in my opinion.

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I think if they expanded the middle area to an open area like the charge pylon for the Gree event, but larger, it may improve the game play. In its current form; it becomes nothing more than a huge zerg fest in my opinion.



thats all AH is one big zerg fest for smash monkies, and engineering snipers/slingers, they should remove the objectives from AH because everyone treats it as one big TDM map

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AH is the most stupidist warzone map in this game it needs to be removed, or better yetl et us CHOOSE wich warzones we play isntead of the bull **** random selcetion


I disagree. ACW is the stupidest warzone. 85% of all ACW are the same thing. 1 minute in one team grabs 2nd turret and all of a sudden 4 people are guarding their lone turret. I officially have stopped playing this warzone. I will quit every time I load into it now.



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I disagree. ACW is the stupidest warzone. 85% of all ACW are the same thing. 1 minute in one team grabs 2nd turret and all of a sudden 4 people are guarding their lone turret. I officially have stopped playing this warzone. I will quit every time I load into it now.




90% of the time AH comes up i will leave because i know exactly what will happen 5 people go tothe pylonn leaving 3 people to try and hold off 6-7 people gettign slaughtered then by the time the resto f hte team get to the middle all the orbs have gone and peopel start flamming

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I'm willing to take it as far as saying that it's the worst PvP zone and gametype I've come across in any multiplayer game. I thought nothing would top VS in terms of bad design but they managed to pull it off.


VS is the only game besides ACW that i like, the mechanics of VS are understandible and can be a quick win or a quick loss but AH draggs it selfo ut regardless of whos winnign and loosing

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VS is the only game besides ACW that i like, the mechanics of VS are understandible and can be a quick win or a quick loss but AH draggs it selfo ut regardless of whos winnign and loosing


One thing SWTOR did right with PvP was interacting maps and objectives. I like VS a lot as well. As a stealth class I like AHG too though I sorta feel like they tried to give people a death match style of WZ as that us what most people do. At least a couple good players can turn it around for you in pugs. Now rateds I get why it would suck *** for similar reasons like CW.

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List of WZ's in order of favorites:

1. Voidstar

2. Alderaan Civil War

3. Huttball

4. Novare Coast

5. Ancient Hypergate


AH is plain AWFUL! It's extremely confusing to new players, the point system is $&!@ed up, and mid is always one-sided: whoever gets there first. Anytime I play one or more of these happen: No one calls incs, they don't rub orbs, half the team goes for the opponents pylon first only to fail and give the opponents points, or they don't kill healers.


Stupid WZ, and I agree we should pick WZ's, because I would pick VS every time.

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The only reason AH is horrible, is because of people like above playing it... making it miserable for the rest of the people who actually know how to play it, and know how diverse the strategy can be.


Other than that, its fine. AH is a great map to immediately set apart who's a clueless terribad, and who actually knows how to PvP.

Edited by kweassa
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AH basically has no strategy, but it's hard for people to understand that there is no strategy in AH which leads to incredible failures. If you can't hold 'your' pylon you should simply take 'their' pylon because there's no inherent home court advantage in any of the pylons, but most people are very insistent on taking the 'your' pylon back.
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The only reason AH is horrible, is because of people like above playing it... making it miserable for the rest of the people who actually know how to play it, and know how diverse the strategy can be.


Other than that, its fine. AH is a great map to immediately set apart who's a clueless terribad, and who actually knows how to PvP.


Actually, my good man, it's the people who aren't here and are lolsmashing right now that are the one's ruining this WZ. It really is a stupid WZ because BioWare looked at us and said "You want a deathmatch style WZ? Here take this and shove it and be happy." It's like a kid asking for a sandwich and then handing him a scorpion. They are nothing alike and someone's gonna hurt thanks to stupid people.

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AH is one of my less favourite maps but it's not so bad. It just gives lots of options instead of forcing people to an easy and canned strategy.

I understand that in the modern world, giving freedom and options to the mentally subjugated gimps that populate most nations is something they are not accustomed to any more.


Said that, this map shows the influence of Warhammer Online. Some of their developers were hired to suggest PvP stuff in SWTOR, expecially maps. Khaine's embrace, one of the dozen of WAR "WZs" and now playable also at max level, is a very close kin to Ancient Hypergate.

Those who will bother reading the link will immediately see the "pylons" (flags in there) and the middle zone (bunker) and also the explosion which shows basically the same graphic effects (even the color!).

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AH is my 3d favorite after Huttball and Voidstar


Why simply because you can do everything right... have a better team and make one mistake and lose

The fact that is the only WZ that you need to keep your focus during the whole game makes it special :)

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AH is my 3d favorite after Huttball and Voidstar


Why simply because you can do everything right... have a better team and make one mistake and lose

The fact that is the only WZ that you need to keep your focus during the whole game makes it special :)


Indeed. Although it isn't my favourite, I think AH differs from others in the sense that there are multiple ways to win it... and to lose it. So it may seem that there are no tactics, the tactic is to be focused and alert because the tide can completely change in 30 seconds...

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AH is the most stupidist warzone map in this game it needs to be removed, or better yetl et us CHOOSE wich warzones we play isntead of the bull **** random selcetion



How about you take a moment to read about swtor, and learn to play the game.



Instead, you'd rather be a drain on your team, and waste the time of your other 7 teammates with your badness. The scoring on Ancient Hypergates, and how to play is, isn't that hard.

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Actually, my good man, it's the people who aren't here and are lolsmashing right now that are the one's ruining this WZ. It really is a stupid WZ because BioWare looked at us and said "You want a deathmatch style WZ? Here take this and shove it and be happy." It's like a kid asking for a sandwich and then handing him a scorpion. They are nothing alike and someone's gonna hurt thanks to stupid people.


AH is a very deeply tactical map with a lot of options to explore. Anyone who knows PvP can see that It's actually quite cleverly and subtly designed in many ways.


Sir, the fact that you refer to AH as a "deathmatch map" is a living reminder that you're one of the folk who have very limited understanding of PvP maps and how to "read" into it, and thus suffer from a L2P syndrome like many people.


Whether you like it or not is your preference, and there's no right or wrong with it. However, the reason you give -- is false.

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AH is my favourite after huttball.

if the teams are equal you can win in the last second. and you must enter the bunker just during the explosion or IF you want to collect orbs. the general tactic is to hold your pylon and kill as many players as possible. which is TDM.

you are not forced to guard or collect..you can just stand and heal or dps the healers of the other team that usually hang near the other side exit of the bunker. if you can't stand a smash i think that you are bad. it doesn't matter if 5 people go to the pylon, the worst thing is leaving it unsecured or being a noob using your cc breaker when a ninja capper is in the area. it's the map where i've seen the most stupid performances. and if people don't understand a proper TDM map with a small small mechanic(which is explained in the queue screenshot, but TOR players seems to be unable to read) you should stay on single player areas.

in your favor i can say that the f2p bracket (10-29) can bring out the worst of the worst from WZ..i rage quitted many times, but i can stand better players leaving the pylon in AH than not knowing how to pass the huttball or running headless in ACW (worst WZ ever imo, but just because of people giving up)

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The only real problem with AH is that the scoring is completely incomprehensible. Every other WZ, the objectives are clear and how you win make sense to even the derpiest of newbs. Voidstar is GO THROUGH DOOR and STOP THEM FROM GOING THROUGH DOOR. There's the two GET GUNS, GUNS GOOD maps. Huttball has a lot of strategy to it, but you can still tell what you need to do to win at first glance (GET BALL IN END ZONE).


Ancient Hypergate, as much as I enjoy it, makes no sense to anyone. You can count the number of people who understand how the scoring works on any given server on one hand, it seems like. It's especially weird for people because unlike every other warzone, throwing your bodies at the objective will make you lose. Sure, throwing your bodies at a door in Voidstar might be futile, but it's not giving the other team points, you know?



PS: Voidstar is terrible and I hate it.

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The only real problem with AH is that the scoring is completely incomprehensible. Every other WZ, the objectives are clear and how you win make sense to even the derpiest of newbs. Voidstar is GO THROUGH DOOR and STOP THEM FROM GOING THROUGH DOOR. There's the two GET GUNS, GUNS GOOD maps. Huttball has a lot of strategy to it, but you can still tell what you need to do to win at first glance (GET BALL IN END ZONE).


Ancient Hypergate, as much as I enjoy it, makes no sense to anyone. You can count the number of people who understand how the scoring works on any given server on one hand, it seems like. It's especially weird for people because unlike every other warzone, throwing your bodies at the objective will make you lose. Sure, throwing your bodies at a door in Voidstar might be futile, but it's not giving the other team points, you know?



PS: Voidstar is terrible and I hate it.



Anyone in middle school should be able to understand the scoring of hypergates (srs)


No one under the age is 13 is allowed to play this game.

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I really enjoy AH. Only time it's annoying is with players who have no clue *** they're doing and on your team. Each game can be completely different in the tactics needed and flow of play.


Surprised there's hate for this map tbh, I prefer it over most others on all my classes.

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