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So...how about that free name change for subscribers?


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You said before F2P launch that subs were supposed to get one free character name, legacy name, and guild name change per month...then comes 2.1 and you say we're only going to get one free character rename period (not per month). I was ticked, but I can live with that, but then you say oh wait, not gonna be ready when 2.1 launches. Then we get a road map of future patches, 2.2 on PTS, nothing in patch notes about the free character rename...


So...umm...yeah...like, when you actually going to come through on things you promise?

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I've hate to say this but BW where is this one free name change for subscribers, you delayed this when 2.1 updates came out, so when can we expect this free name change to go live?...


Thank you for a incredible game,

Best regards!.

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they are having problems with it,they'll release it as soon as they can.


That was their excuse before F2P launch 7 months ago too, if they're still having problems with it maybe they should go back to their old policy of not announcing things until its ready if they don't want people like me demanding what we're told we'd be given.


They've had a ton of time to make it work, time to follow through or get some new coders.

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I think the only problem they had with it was not charging Cartel Coins. They figured the impatient ones wouldn't wait for the free option and pay them the absurd $10 for it. This is purposeful, like everything g they do.


Yeah that's a good point, just lie and say they can't make it work so impatient people spend money on it instead of waiting. Sounds about right!

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That was their excuse before F2P launch 7 months ago too, if they're still having problems with it maybe they should go back to their old policy of not announcing things until its ready if they don't want people like me demanding what we're told we'd be given.


They've had a ton of time to make it work, time to follow through or get some new coders.


Or maybe players should chill the kriff out when something gets delayed and they can't have their freebie RIGHT NOW! I can have my gramma come over there and throw a cold class of water in your tantrum-throwing face if you think it will help.


It's not like they've delayed it to screw the players. They've delayed it because IT DOESN'T WORK RIGHT. Same reason they kept delaying the paid server transfers.


You'd really prefer for them to release it earlier than they should and have it wreak havoc? That's asinine.


Or you'd prefer to be kept totally in the dark about what they're working on and dates, just because you can't manage to reset your expectations when they tell you something didn't work as planned. That's so freaking weak on your part.


Seriously. Grow the fark up.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Or maybe players should chill the kriff out when something gets delayed and they can't have their freebie RIGHT NOW! I can have my gramma come over there and throw a cold class of water in your tantrum-throwing face if you think it will help.


It's not like they've delayed it to screw the players. They've delayed it because IT DOESN'T WORK RIGHT. Same reason they kept delaying the paid server transfers.


You'd really prefer for them to release it earlier than they should and have it wreak havoc? That's asinine.


Or you'd prefer to be kept totally in the dark about what they're working on and dates, just because you can't manage to reset your expectations when they tell you something didn't work as planned. That's so freaking weak on your part.


Seriously. Grow the fark up.




Though I admit there is a faction of players in the forum that indeed appear to believe everything Bioware does AND does-not do is a deliberate attempt to screw over the players. The irony of course being.. these people continue to post, wear tin foil and spout conspiracy in the face of their accusations. This leads one to believe they actually do think this AND apparently love it. Why else would they continue to subscribe? :p

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That was their excuse before F2P launch 7 months ago too, if they're still having problems with it maybe they should go back to their old policy of not announcing things until its ready if they don't want people like me demanding what we're told we'd be given.


They've had a ton of time to make it work, time to follow through or get some new coders.


You know what? I'm not done with my rant on that truly stunning level of stupidity.


I like that Eric has the balls to come here and tell it like it is. To actually give us information rather than platitudes.


I like that two producers from whom we've never heard came and posted on the forums for their first time ever this week, and that those posts contained details and dates.


I realize that the price I pay for getting that information is that it may change at any point, not because the developers want to screw with the players or even because they're incompetent, but because in highly complex software like this game, **** happens and you have to deal with it.


If you or anyone else is going to come to these forums and suggest that this amazing, detailed, unprecedented level of communication is a bad thing simply because you're so mentally weak you cannot fathom that **** happens and things change, we're gonna fight.

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I don't understand how they could be having trouble with this....the name change item exists in the CM. Just mail it out via in-game mail to subscribers. People who buy this "it's complicated" bs are just kidding themselves.
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I don't understand how they could be having trouble with this....the name change item exists in the CM. Just mail it out via in-game mail to subscribers. People who buy this "it's complicated" bs are just kidding themselves.


So your theory is they're holding it back to screw the players? If so, why are you subscribing - paying a company that you believe actively decides to screw you and all its customers? :rolleyes:

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So your theory is they're holding it back to screw the players? If so, why are you subscribing - paying a company that you believe actively decides to screw you and all its customers? :rolleyes:


That's right, throw a fit because I challenged you with sound logic.


Just because I enjoy this game enough to subscribe to it, doesn't make me blind to stuff like this. My opinion on the matter is that Bioware shouldn't say things like this to its playerbase if it's not going to deliver.


A prime example of this is the whole 'Jeff Hickman "lying" about subscribers perks' thread I just read a few days ago on here. Musco literally said "It was a poor choice of words on our part".


Hence why I think Bioware shouldn't promise things it wont deliver, or at least very carefully consider what they're going to tell people.

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Why do you need a name change anyways? Ninja too many items and now you have a bad rep?

A lot of people are unhappy with their names due to the mass xfers to the larger servers. Many people settled for names they don't really like because they wanted to play but had to choose a new name.


At least as far as I know.

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You know, everyone keeps saying Bioware promised them a lot of free schtako, but I've been lurking these forums since Beta and I never saw the official announcement.


Question: When you read this "announcement", was it by an actual SWTOR developer, or the SWTOR developer living inside your mind who doesn't actually exist?

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That's right, throw a fit because I challenged you with sound logic.


Just because I enjoy this game enough to subscribe to it, doesn't make me blind to stuff like this. My opinion on the matter is that Bioware shouldn't say things like this to its playerbase if it's not going to deliver.


A prime example of this is the whole 'Jeff Hickman "lying" about subscribers perks' thread I just read a few days ago on here. Musco literally said "It was a poor choice of words on our part".


Hence why I think Bioware shouldn't promise things it wont deliver, or at least very carefully consider what they're going to tell people.


If you think that was sound logic, you need to take some classes to figure out what sound logic really is.


It is illogical to assert that BWEA is holding back on the free name changes just to screw with customers. If you can't figure out why that is, you may also need some business classes or experience running a business yourself.


You know, everyone keeps saying Bioware promised them a lot of free schtako, but I've been lurking these forums since Beta and I never saw the official announcement.


Question: When you read this "announcement", was it by an actual SWTOR developer, or the SWTOR developer living inside your mind who doesn't actually exist?


Yeah, there was an official gold announcement that everyone was getting one free name change, that the expectation was that it would come with the last patch, but it was delayed. Search the DevTracker.

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Hmmm I wonder how hard it is to offer the certificates to you in the mail? Or in the Claim section of the CM


It's not like they can't differentiate accounts, with their big ole "HEY GUY YOU'RE A SUBSCRIBER NOW GOOD FOR YOOUZ!"


But it must be insanely difficult given how long it's taken.... :rak_01:

I wonder what the problem is?

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Hmmm I wonder how hard it is to offer the certificates to you in the mail? Or in the Claim section of the CM


It's not like they can't differentiate accounts, with their big ole "HEY GUY YOU'RE A SUBSCRIBER NOW GOOD FOR YOOUZ!"


But it must be insanely difficult given how long it's taken.... :rak_01:

I wonder what the problem is?



Imagine I run a business and I want to send a "$5 off your next purchase" coupon to everyone who's ever purchased anything from me. Imagine I have a database of all the purchases ever made.


Now imagine I create a query to get that list of everyone who's ever bought anything.


But there's a problem in it. Instead of sending one per buyer, it sends one per order.


For anyone who bought from me only once, that's great. For people who've bought from me 20 times, that's not so great. It's going to cause me to exceed my marketing budget - what I've been authorized to "give away".


Now imagine that my business is a game and the coupon I want to give away is one per account... but it actually turns out my software is trying to give away one per character.


Is it the end of the world if I let that happen? Probably not. The players would probably love it.


But my managers wouldn't. They'd probably fire me for giving away somewhere between twice and 12 times the freebies they've authorized.


That's just one possible scenario and probably not the right one since it seems easy to fix.


But if their goal is one per account, not one per SERVER per account, THEN how do they figure out who to give it to? And what if you want to use it on a character and SERVER they don't put it on?


There ARE logistics involved, and they may not be easy fixes.


One thing is certain: They are NOT holding back on the free name changes just to screw with you, me, or anyone else. And if you honestly think that's their motivation, continuing to pay them money is a fool's gamble.

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I found this odd as well, considering (I might be mistaken) that it is a consumable or pack item you can purchase and sell on the GTN...I may be wrong about this, but wouldn't a simple solution be to send the items to sub players?


They could simply mail them out. Assuming I am correct that they are not "unlocks" in nature of course.

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I don't understand how they could be having trouble with this....the name change item exists in the CM. Just mail it out via in-game mail to subscribers. People who buy this "it's complicated" bs are just kidding themselves.
Seriously, can anyone refute this argument? It's a very sound one. Saying "why do you need it?" doesn't answer the argument. I wanna see Andryah or Eric or someone explain why they can't do what Jebuso is saying.


In answer to why to we keep subscribing when we have complaints, speaking for myself, it's because I love the game. But just because I love the game, that doesn't mean that I can't be mad at it or want to see changes for the better. I love my little brother too (a lot more than I love any game, don't worry :) ), but he'll make me mad as hell sometimes. That doesn't mean I don't still love him!

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I just don't see how this....


I don't understand how they could be having trouble with this....the name change item exists in the CM. Just mail it out via in-game mail to subscribers. People who buy this "it's complicated" bs are just kidding themselves.


Translates into this....


So your theory is they're holding it back to screw the players? If so, why are you subscribing - paying a company that you believe actively decides to screw you and all its customers? :rolleyes:


That response is a bit predatory, don't you think? He made a simple logical point. They could mail it out.


I think most reasonable folks would find it odd...not money grubbing, or conspiracy bound...just odd. I too wonder what the problem could be..they seem to have the intent to provide it.


Perhaps it is the way the pack or item works. Has anyone used one of these? Maybe that could shed some light on it.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Imagine I run a business and I want to send a "$5 off your next purchase" coupon to everyone who's ever purchased anything from me. Imagine I have a database of all the purchases ever made.


Now imagine I create a query to get that list of everyone who's ever bought anything.


But there's a problem in it. Instead of sending one per buyer, it sends one per order.


For anyone who bought from me only once, that's great. For people who've bought from me 20 times, that's not so great. It's going to cause me to exceed my marketing budget - what I've been authorized to "give away".


Now imagine that my business is a game and the coupon I want to give away is one per account... but it actually turns out my software is trying to give away one per character.


Is it the end of the world if I let that happen? Probably not. The players would probably love it.


But my managers wouldn't. They'd probably fire me for giving away somewhere between twice and 12 times the freebies they've authorized.


That's just one possible scenario and probably not the right one since it seems easy to fix.


But if their goal is one per account, not one per SERVER per account, THEN how do they figure out who to give it to? And what if you want to use it on a character and SERVER they don't put it on?


There ARE logistics involved, and they may not be easy fixes.


One thing is certain: They are NOT holding back on the free name changes just to screw with you, me, or anyone else. And if you think that's their motivation, continuing to pay them money is a fool's gamble.

I'm still learning to program, but I'm pretty sure I could resolve that problem in minutes, maybe hours, definitely not weeks.


Also, didn't want to make an entire new post for this, but +1 to LordArtemis for the above post. Exactly what I was thinking.

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Imagine I run a business and I want to send a "$5 off your next purchase" coupon to everyone who's ever purchased anything from me. Imagine I have a database of all the purchases ever made.


Now imagine I create a query to get that list of everyone who's ever bought anything.


But there's a problem in it. Instead of sending one per buyer, it sends one per order.


For anyone who bought from me only once, that's great. For people who've bought from me 20 times, that's not so great. It's going to cause me to exceed my marketing budget - what I've been authorized to "give away".


Now imagine that my business is a game and the coupon I want to give away is one per account... but it actually turns out my software is trying to give away one per character.


Is it the end of the world if I let that happen? Probably not. The players would probably love it.


But my managers wouldn't. They'd probably fire me for giving away somewhere between twice and 12 times the freebies they've authorized.


That's just one possible scenario and probably not the right one since it seems easy to fix.


But if their goal is one per account, not one per SERVER per account, THEN how do they figure out who to give it to? And what if you want to use it on a character and SERVER they don't put it on?


There ARE logistics involved, and they may not be easy fixes.


One thing is certain: They are NOT holding back on the free name changes just to screw with you, me, or anyone else. And if you think that's their motivation, continuing to pay them money is a fool's gamble.


They can just put it in the unclaimed section of the CM. It's shared by the entire account and you can choose which character gets it. Other games with cash shops have done that before, putting items in the unclaimed section. If that's hard to code in for Bioware then I don't know what to say...

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