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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Summer of SWTOR


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Why wouldn't you want that as a feature?


I said i didn't want it? But when its mentioned in a blog post that talks about 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 in its own bullet point like its some MAJOR feature- 'ooh we worked so hard to give you this amazing ****'...yes its trully pathetic. and sad.

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I said i didn't want it? But when its mentioned in a blog post that talks about 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 in its own bullet point like its some MAJOR feature- 'ooh we worked so hard to give you this amazing ****'...yes its trully pathetic. and sad.


I disagree. Something like that is news worthy. I would rather have that bullet pointed than buried in a paragraph as a side note.

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I disagree. Something like that is news worthy. I would rather have that bullet pointed than buried in a paragraph as a side note.


Yeah but when a MAJOR Game update 2.2 has 4 bullet points as its main features and 2 of those are further guild XP bonuses and unified fleet chat then someone with half a brain can understand this is not the major content update that it was hyped to be. Also, as many people stated before me...nightmare mode for the majority here does not count as new content. Oh and crafting Underworld gear...a set thats already in game is hardly anything new and exciting.

Edited by faiaaar
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This is too little too late. There are newer and better things in the horizon, Wildstar Online to mention one, with a well thought out PvP segment. One can always get the Star Wars fix from Disney/EA as they'll probably start spewing out games in the very near future.


It's been a nice ride Bioware, but you've managed to end this yourself.

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Yeah but when a MAJOR Game update 2.2 has 4 bullet points as its main features and 2 of those are further guild XP bonuses and unified fleet chat then someone with half a brain can understand this is not the major content update that it was hyped to be. Also, as many people stated before me...nightmare mode for the majority here does not count as new content. Oh and crafting Underworld gear...a set thats already in game is hardly anything new and exciting.


Don't recall them saying it was a major update. But yes it does lack new content.

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Can I just say how much I love this thread?


When the game went free to play, many of us said that any profit the model makes will be funneled to other projects within EA and new content will be incredibly light after Makeb and we got flamed and laughed at for it. People were saying that they will get back on track with development if the model is successful. Well, it is, they are raking is massive cash flow yet what do we get in return as players for supporting the game? Flashpoints and operations that should have been included with Makeb LOL.


Well, who's laughing now? Not the community, that's for sure.

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Can I just say how much I love this thread?


When the game went free to play, many of us said that any profit the model makes will be funneled to other projects within EA and new content will be incredibly light after Makeb and we got flamed and laughed at for it. People were saying that they will get back on track with development if the model is successful. Well, it is, they are raking is massive cash flow yet what do we get in return as players for supporting the game? Flashpoints and operations that should have been included with Makeb LOL.


Well, who's laughing now? Not the community, that's for sure.


Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.

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Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.


Not when they still have a subscription model in place that requires you to pay $15 per month for what exactly? and dont go on about the F2P model cause we all know thats another failure on their part

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Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.


It shouldn't BE a small development team. It's Bioware and EA. This is a AAA MMORPG. They should be making a decent amount of money now with F2P and subscriptions and gouging everyone on the CM for dyes, new hair styles etc.


If Sqaure Enix can completely REMAKE FFXIV in about two years, then what the hell is our development team doing?

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Not when they still have a subscription model in place that requires you to pay $15 per month for what exactly? and dont go on about the F2P model cause we all know thats another failure on their part


F2P has made them significant revenue actually. Theres only so many hours in a day to program, waiting is part of mmo life.

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It shouldn't BE a small development team. It's Bioware and EA. This is a AAA MMORPG. They should be making a decent amount of money now with F2P and subscriptions and gouging everyone on the CM for dyes, new hair styles etc.


If Sqaure Enix can completely REMAKE FFXIV in about two years, then what the hell is our development team doing?


You can blame biowares daddy EA :-)

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Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.


Considering I've been here since day one and never raged at them like many here do, I've cut my share of slack already. While I'm not upset over anything really, as there are other games to play, the wasted potential angers me as a gamer from a conceptual standpoint.


Their PR guys are absolute morons, completely detached from reality, If they had ANY sense whatsoever, they would tell the devs to spill the beans on everything they are working on. SSSP, future plans for gameplay additions (Not content, but things like hood toggles or such), how well the cathar REALLY did and what will be coming next, future of the STORY (you know, the number 1 selling point of this game and the only reason a large portion plays the game in the first place) and definite answers regarding future additions like companions etc.


They should siphon money INTO the game, not funnel it out.


The thing that separates WoW from other MMO's is that when it was nearly DEAD after some time post launch, they didn't abandon it like EVERY MMO DEV SINCE has done but instead, had actual faith in the product and kept funding it properly to develop it.


This game is managed by witless idiots who should be managing a car sales lot somewhere because they sure as sith don't have the slightest clue about the MMO genre.

Edited by Jandi
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This has to be the single stupidest statement I've ever seen, congratulations sir. PVP players probably barely makes up 5% of their revenue (see look, I can make up stupid statistics too!)


You have no idea what you are talking about twickers. the 5% of playerbase that does the activity is more representative of the nightmare content. Hardly anyone does nightmare content, it is definitely the minority compared to the PVP crowd.


Secondly, I didn't make up a single statistic. I said "PVP kept this game alive last summer" and if you doubt that, then you are either in self denial, oblivious to the truth, or a new player since f2p. After the big server exodus, most servers didn't even have enough people to do any sort of PVE with. The only people logging in day in, and day out for MONTHS were the PVP crowd, and those who love alts. PVP kept this game from going belly under before their server merges and f2p migration. I've never asked that dev time be cut from the PVE crowd, but the neglect they have given the PVP crowd since f2p is almost criminal. We paid for an expansion too, and didn't even get new valor ranks for gods sake. Do you know how long it takes to put new valor ranks in? Less than a lunch break. The PVP crowd is much bigger than "5% of the playerbase" like you speculated, and they don't deserve to be ignored to death by BW. PVP was a big feature of this game pre, during, and post launch... so whats changed since f2p?

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Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.


Taken them 11 months to sort out those other transfers....


Small team yeah, thats their fault, if they want to improve i guess they should make their team bigger

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Considering I've been here since day one and never raged at them like many here do, I've cut my share of slack already. While I'm not upset over anything really, as there are other games to play, the wasted potential angers me as a gamer from a conceptual standpoint.


Their PR guys are absolute morons, completely detached from reality, If they had ANY sense whatsoever, they would tell the devs to spill the beans on everything they are working on. SSSP, future plans for gameplay additions (Not content, but things like hood toggles or such), how well the cathar REALLY did and what will be coming next, future of the STORY (you know, the number 1 selling point of this game and the only reason a large portion plays the game in the first place) and definite answers regarding future additions like companions etc.


They should siphon money INTO the game, not funnel it out.


The thing that separates WoW from other MMO's is that when it was nearly DEAD after some time post launch, they didn't abandon it like EVERY MMO DEV SINCE has done but instead, had actual faith in the product and kept funding it properly to develop it.


This game is managed by witless idiots who should be managing a car sales lot somewhere because they sure as sith don't have the slightest clue about the MMO genre.


I have never raged once at SWTOR and been a diehard supporter since day 1, but you are right. SWTOR seems to have very little, to no, money put into it since f2p. Makeb was already mostly done prior to f2p. The PVP team releases so little content that it could be considered criminally negligent with EA's money if someone were to ever put in time to investigate. If I had access to the game engine, I could create 10-20 new pvp maps every single year. PVP maps aren't hard to make, just play some pvp games for a weekend and come back with fresh ideas. How they are only able to bring 1 map every 18 months is unbelievable, and unacceptable. An expansion launched without a single new wz, or single new valor rank and now we are told to wait until 2.4 for pvp content. They have failed the PVP crowd hard this expansion, I never thought I'd unsub after all defending of BW.

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Considering I've been here since day one and never raged at them like many here do, I've cut my share of slack already. While I'm not upset over anything really, as there are other games to play, the wasted potential angers me as a gamer from a conceptual standpoint.


Their PR guys are absolute morons, completely detached from reality, If they had ANY sense whatsoever, they would tell the devs to spill the beans on everything they are working on. SSSP, future plans for gameplay additions (Not content, but things like hood toggles or such), how well the cathar REALLY did and what will be coming next, future of the STORY (you know, the number 1 selling point of this game and the only reason a large portion plays the game in the first place) and definite answers regarding future additions like companions etc.


They should siphon money INTO the game, not funnel it out.


The thing that separates WoW from other MMO's is that when it was nearly DEAD after some time post launch, they didn't abandon it like EVERY MMO DEV SINCE has done but instead, had actual faith in the product and kept funding it properly to develop it.


This game is managed by witless idiots who should be managing a car sales lot somewhere because they sure as sith don't have the slightest clue about the MMO genre.


Its like they have stated. They don't want to share things too soon because things could change and then angry "you broke promises" threads happen.

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Its like they have stated. They don't want to share things too soon because things could change and then angry "you broke promises" threads happen.


So it's better to have no one left making threads than having angry threads that can be moderated? That's some striking logic right there!

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Its like they have stated. They don't want to share things too soon because things could change and then angry "you broke promises" threads happen.


The problem is, they are in a very cried wolf situation. So many times they've hyped up some feature, or addition, only to either underachieve, underwhelm, or scrap it entirely. After years the hype machine, most of us just roll ours eyes at "coming soon, it will be amazing" since we've heard that same story for years with very little materializing out of the big promises. They have cried wolf so many times that now that they may have big features they want to show off months from now, all alot of us think is that we are getting more smoke blown up our you know what.


I love SWTOR, but it's pretty clear their staff doesn't love it as much as the fans do. It should be something they can't wait to get home to play after work. Their staff should love the game and more or less be obsessed with it, LOVE IT. Yet, their staff treats the game like it's a 9-5 job and they can't WAIT to leave the office. With ESO, EQN, GTA5, Wildstar, and new consoles all coming out soon... this is not the summer for them to cry wolf again and deliver recycled content. This is the summer where they should be delivering the SSSP, multiple new wz's, multiple new ops, multiple new flashpoints... the stuff we were supposed to get with the expansion. There is so much good competition down the road they can't afford to keep dragging their knuckles with these updates. Work double/triple hours if they have to, but they need content and sooner than august or 2.4.

Edited by justandulas
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