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PvP guilds transfering to the Bastion


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With paid transfers coming out soon, I was wondering if any pvp guilds from this server have decided to transfer to the bastion for better pvp and rated play. If you could just say what guild name u will be taking, which side, and a little about ur guild like quality of players, being one of the best on ur server...stuff like that...thx. And for those who do transfer welcome to the bastion community.
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This is an east coast server so if people want to transfer they will probably go to pot5. Though we do have a lot of pvp rp'rs that may like Jung Ma...


It's all just talk until we find out the cost, my guess is it will be prohibitive to move multiple characters in order to keep server populations balanced.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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The majority of the people I have talked to seem to want to stay on the East Coast so they would probably go to PoT5. Personally I wouldn't want to be queueing at 2 in the morning on a weekday to face competitive teams on The Bastion.
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Uncensored is talking about moving to either Pot5 or Bastion.


I've already rolled a toon on Bastion myself and I can tell that latency so far wasn't an issue, and by far right now i'm not having any of the server lag on Bastion that we're having on JC.


The only problem we're running into is the rated scene on this server has been running in betwen 8pm to 11pm eastern time, which for Bastionner will be early, and current Bastion scene from what i've heard was betwen 10pm to 3am, which for us will be very late.


If it plays out proprely with many teams moving to Bastion from both coasts, it would mean a time window of around 8 hours of rated pop, maybe even pushing the current teams on Bastion to start playing a tad earlier.


Our only concern really is, will be teams moving? Are we talking about 1-3, or we're talking 6-10.

Edited by Amortys
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I am concerned over the potential devastation that the server transfers may have on the community at large. There is the chance that a slippery slope transition may take hold if proper foresight isn't exercised.


At the root of the issue is the lack of robust ranked teams on many servers. The cause of which can be numerous, though, the most common complaint is a sub-par matchmaking system that doesn't match evenly skilled teams. The fact that players want to transfer in search of more opportunities is a good thing; It ensures a healthy desire to PvP and indicates a community that enjoys this aspect of the game. Players have requested a cross-server queue system for Ranked Warzones because they feel it will breathe new life into the ranked scene of PvP.


My fear is that if this concern isn't addressed before server transfers go live then the slow transfer of the PvP community to a few concentrated servers will degrade the overall experience for everyone. For example, if POT5 and The Bastion become the defacto PvP servers they can expect a huge influx of players that may result in: longer queue times to login, more lag related issues in warzones, as well as the potential for economic turmoil as the economy will see an influx in new suppliers and demand. On the contrary point, those servers that are left emptied of their PvP community may see their warzone experience and queue times drastically increased, a gradual decline of economic activity, and overall a more one sided experience that fails to represent the essence of the Star Wars experience.


I hope that Bioware carefully considers their options as they implement this new feature.



Edited by Viphen
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^^TLDR; -- Bioware, do your homework before you break your servers again. :p



I agree with Viphen. I'm down to move to a PVP server since I started on PVE to play with friends that all left. HOWEVER, I also like the JC community for the most part. But if we had a mass exodus...it would be VERY bad for some servers IMO.




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Going to have to figure something out PvP wise no new pvp content till the fall.......


very disappointing, coming from someone that does all the current PvE content weekly, i think we could of had NiM TFB in the next patch, this game needs a new warzone or a new sort of PvP aspect asap not Sept/Oct

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I have said it before, but if you are expecting a better pvp experience in anything outside of ranked warzones you will be dissapointed. The non-ranked pvp on a pvp server is no different than it is here and you will find very little world pvp.
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Ya know, there is only like 8 NA servers. I'm going to laugh when there is massive restrictions on the character transfer service to prevent this very situation where a single server practically dies from everyone flooding another server.
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