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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Not Enough Players On Nar Shaddaa


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There are not enough people one Nar Shaddaa to get a group for a Heroic 4. Good job on these low *** server caps Bioware. Beta was a hell of a lot better than this crap you are pulling with the servers.


Raise the damn server population cap already. You honestly need to fire the person that thought that idea up...

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You out-leveled your server...that's your problem...not the server cap. Most people are not hard core...and most people take their time getting through the story. A lot of people try multiple characters...so a lot of people are delayed in getting to the higher level content. Edited by Thunder-God
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How does raising the sever cap help you if there are not enough people on the server????


He's just spewing ideas that make no sense because he's mad.


Anyways, yes, there are a shortage of players at mid range level, and no, it's not because of the cap. It's because people that were in pre-release are already past that zone, and the newbies are...well, newbies and they aren't there yet.


Either roll and alt if the heroics mean that much to you, or just sit around and wait until more people get to your level. Or, you know, just level up like a normal gamer.

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