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Free to Play and Preferred Status too expensive


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Hi Bioware.


Don't you think you are charging far too much for basic features for the free to play players and preferred status players?


After making a few observations I have noted just how ridiculously expensive it is to play the game as a free to play player. I understand that you are trying to get people to subscribe, but it shouldn't be at the cost of basic features. Many things such as credit caps need to be raised significantly. Inventory caps need to be raised, Starship cargo hold caps need to be raised, and please do not limit the amount of quickbars a free to play player can use. Character and companion customization costs need to be reduced for F2P and Preferred status players. Galactic trade network slot caps for F2P and Preferred needs to be removed aswell. This is just ridiculous - it is almost as if though you are deliberately trying to drive the only people away from the game who are willing to keep us subscribers company.


Currently it costs even subscribers 1,450 Cartel Coins (or 15 dollars) to Unlock all of the Cosmetic content of the game, plus an additional 10 dollars for the expansion plus at least another 250 Cartel Coins per player for character customization and not to mention the 125 dollars I have spent on packs and uniforms 15+10+3+125 = 153 dollars which I have spent (not counting subscribtion which would be 12 months * 14.99 = $179.88. Plus add 80 dollars for the game's initial pre-order and that all adds up to 153 + 179.88 + 80 = $412.88 which I have spent over 1.5 years of this game.) Now already you will note that this is a ridiculous amount. I have never spent more than about 200 dollars on all my games in a single year, and they were all very high quality games such as Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, CoD etc...


It appears to me that you folks at Bioware is on a urgent hunt to raise revenue, but I fear that all you are doing is alienating larger portions of the population everyday. I have been a big and very longtime supporter of this game since its Beta. I have spent hundreds of dollars on it, but I can tell you from a personal point of view that I am getting tired of the way some things are done. I don't mean to sound rude but it has been working on my nerves for months now. I hope you can understand why I am frustrated and hope at least a good compromise on your side can be reached.

Edited by MastaKorgy
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There is 5 "need"s in your post, but not a single "because" ...


A player without subscription can play the whole story of all chars without every paying a cent for this game. How is that "too expensive" ?


You see it as ridiculous to ask free players to invest some money in entertainment and convenience items... I call it ridiculous to ask for more, when a player already can have the whole game minus some comfort and customization for free.

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There is 5 "need"s in your post, but not a single "because" ...


A player without subscription can play the whole story of all chars without every paying a cent for this game. How is that "too expensive" ?


You see it as ridiculous to ask free players to invest some money in entertainment and convenience items... I call it ridiculous to ask for more, when a player already can have the whole game minus some comfort and customization for free.


It is ridiculous because subscribers with lowish population servers are suffering but Bioware is driving them away in droves. Besides I have spent the equal amount of money on this game that I do on almost 4 very high quality games per year.

Edited by MastaKorgy
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  • 2 months later...
It is free to play. No where did they say it would include every creature comfort in the game. If you chose to spend over $400 bucks on the game then the fool is you. You could have spent that money on a sub for $15 a month... which by my calculations would total $180 a year. Plus, that does not even include any bargain discounts that BW may include for buying a multi-sub plan... such as the 6 month plan.
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I laughed so badly to the title. FREE to play is too expensive.... All you need is a computer and an internet connection, as far as I know.


Sorry, I just can't take this thread seriously after that.




Totally this.. You free to play people should just subscribe and not worry about it.. Stop whining about more for nothing.. F2P was nothing more than a demo in attempt to get people to subscribe.. That is the point.. Become a subscriber..


$15 dollars a month is the cheapest and best $15 dollars you will spend for entertaninment..


Seriously?? Really?? Free to play is to expensive?? That is just plain cheap.. ;)

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Hi Bioware.


Don't you think you are charging far too much for basic features for the free to play players and preferred status players?


After making a few observations I have noted just how ridiculously expensive it is to play the game as a free to play player. I understand that you are trying to get people to subscribe, but it shouldn't be at the cost of basic features. Many things such as credit caps need to be raised significantly. Inventory caps need to be raised, Starship cargo hold caps need to be raised, and please do not limit the amount of quickbars a free to play player can use. Character and companion customization costs need to be reduced for F2P and Preferred status players. Galactic trade network slot caps for F2P and Preferred needs to be removed aswell. This is just ridiculous - it is almost as if though you are deliberately trying to drive the only people away from the game who are willing to keep us subscribers company.


Currently it costs even subscribers 1,450 Cartel Coins (or 15 dollars) to Unlock all of the Cosmetic content of the game, plus an additional 10 dollars for the expansion plus at least another 250 Cartel Coins per player for character customization and not to mention the 125 dollars I have spent on packs and uniforms 15+10+3+125 = 153 dollars which I have spent (not counting subscribtion which would be 12 months * 14.99 = $179.88. Plus add 80 dollars for the game's initial pre-order and that all adds up to 153 + 179.88 + 80 = $412.88 which I have spent over 1.5 years of this game.) Now already you will note that this is a ridiculous amount. I have never spent more than about 200 dollars on all my games in a single year, and they were all very high quality games such as Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, CoD etc...


It appears to me that you folks at Bioware is on a urgent hunt to raise revenue, but I fear that all you are doing is alienating larger portions of the population everyday. I have been a big and very longtime supporter of this game since its Beta. I have spent hundreds of dollars on it, but I can tell you from a personal point of view that I am getting tired of the way some things are done. I don't mean to sound rude but it has been working on my nerves for months now. I hope you can understand why I am frustrated and hope at least a good compromise on your side can be reached.


So... you are gripping about "optional items" .... you do know you do not need them .... right ???? ;) ...

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  • 1 month later...
Free to Play and Preferred Status too expensive

That's why the subscription option is there.




Why not pay 15 dollars 1 time for one month, unlock what you need to unlock, and .... then your preferred for life. What other game of this quality can you play for $15?

LotRO. One month of subbing gets you a lot of automatic unlocks which persist when the sub wears off (unlike in TOR). Of course LotRO has limitations on its version of Preferred (Premium) that TOR does not.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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