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EA to discuss SW plans at E3


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Battlefront 3 is pretty much a given. I'd be interested however to see what else they have planned... perhaps some more sequels? Another Empire at War? KOTOR 3? Hopefully 1313 is on the list, that game had excellent potential. And of course we need TFU III.
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On my wishlist, I have Force Unleashed III, with optional Kinect/Playstation Move controls, as well as Battlefront 3.


I am really divided about another FU sequel. On one hand, with it ending as a cliffhanger, it demands a sequel. On the other, FUII was incredibly short and sucked compared to the first.

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As much as I would enjoy a follow up on the KotOR series, I would rather have a KotOR-esque game, but not a carbon copy with the same HUD, in a different timeline.I'm having after RotJ in my mind as that timeline is ripe for a new SW RPG. Remember Canderous' tale of Yuuzhang Vong in KotOR? Well, Vong or not by the time of the first new jedi academy would also be good.


Think about it. It might break the mold exactly like KotOR did. Big game businesses don't deal in mights but it's just my opinion.


Regarding Battlefront 3, not very interested. :rak_04:

Edited by Sjax
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I want a huge indepth RPG in the vein of The Elder Scrolls games but Star Wars.


Open world. Non-linear. That would be sick.


Even if it was in the vein of Read Dead Redemption or Batman Arkham City. I love that kind of game. Where you can just basically roam and choose what you want to do.

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Open world. Non-linear. That would be sick.


Even if it was in the vein of Read Dead Redemption or Batman Arkham City. I love that kind of game. Where you can just basically roam and choose what you want to do.


Yea it could be set on Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant. Which would be pretty cool considering how big those planets are location wise. And being a Mando Fan boy you could some how get Mandalorian Armor and/or join both the Rebellion and the Empire on the planet and help in their campaigns would be shut up and take my money awesome.

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I am really divided about another FU sequel. On one hand, with it ending as a cliffhanger, it demands a sequel. On the other, FUII was incredibly short and sucked compared to the first.


I hope they do not announce a TFU3. The first one was only mediocre at best, the second sucked. The entire story sucked. TFU3 would be another train wreck. If they do make it I sure as hell wn't waste my money. Battlefront 3 I am excited about and hope we get a KOTOR 3. But please, EA, no TFU3.

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I hope they do not announce a TFU3. The first one was only mediocre at best, the second sucked. The entire story sucked. TFU3 would be another train wreck. If they do make it I sure as hell wn't waste my money. Battlefront 3 I am excited about and hope we get a KOTOR 3. But please, EA, no TFU3.
Well that's definitely your opinion, as I thought that the story was actually pretty good and the majority of reviewers have praised it primarily for its compelling story. I also thought that both were incredibly well voiced, which only adds to that.


However the problem with TFU is it keeps falling short of its potential, TFU I had a great story but was let down by its game mechanics and TFU II had great game mechanics but was too short for the story to be considered excellent. TFU III is a chance to get everything right, and I think it will uplift TFU II which in my view was more of an interlude if anything.


Regardless, for the sake of continuity, it needs to happen. You cannot just leave that many loose threads hanging, and given its success it would be foolish for EA not to finish the series off.


And I think I might have said it already on this thread, but as long as SWTOR is around I highly doubt we'll be seeing KOTOR 3. Simply put it would draw too much attention and subsequently subscribing customers away from the MMO. I rather frustrating double-edged sword.

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I agree. Such an RPG would be my dfream as well. :)


But even more I long for an complete non-action adventure game ! :) The kind of game like Monkey Island ... :)


But unfortunately, EA has no experience with this kind of games at all, only with Shooters & RPGs ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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A prequel to KotOR please... Since my dreams of KotOR 3 are about 99.98% shattered thanks to TOR and the Revan novel.


Yeah, pretty much. Never considered the idea of a prequel, though. That could be interesting, in a way. Sort of around the Mandalorian Wars time?

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I would love kotor 3 also but that wouldn't be like mass effect. I want BW to do a star wars 3rd person shooter with some rpg elements like mass effect.


I doubt they would make a game that directly competes with it's other franchise. That which, in my opinion, has done better for them than SW has. It's also a bit more "mature" than it's Kotor series. (Looking at you intimate scenes...)

However it could be cool to see a more mature Star Wars game, I had hoped 1313 would be that... but of course that went in the can.. or did it?!


(I love Kotor though, favorite RPG to date, next to ME.)

Edited by spectreclees
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