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Change your patch notes Bioware - Scamper is still broken


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i got stuck on my scoundrel in SnV HM 6th boss. i think i got stunned by on of the 4 bosses while i scampered (think it was sunder), and i was unable to move until i relogged (rescue, /stuck did not work). I was able to use abilities but unable to move.
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This has been happening to me lots still in pvp, when I get hit with knockbacks while rolling with scamper I get permanently immobilised. I'm pretty sure it's been a gunslinger knockback everytime it's happened to me, though I'm not sure if that's relevent. /stuck, dying, getting knocked back further, trying to roll, nothing removes it until I leave the warzone, and then I'm fine. If I die while permanently immobilised, because I'm stuck I can't leave the spawn area and so I end up getting booted out of the warzone.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Just happened to me in a Voidstar, used a scamper and got hit by an inquisitor knock back mid roll. Became stuck in place. This has been happening for a while, would be nice to know it's going to be fixed eventually.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Hello folks,


If you're still seeing this issue after Game Update 2.1.1, can you please post with details about what ability, where you were, and whether or not you were under the affect of any CC or slows? Thank you!



Used scamper and just got stuck for no reason.


9/25/2013 - 12:06-08(When it happened)AM

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I continue to experience this "scamper bug". As mentioned, it has been occuring with knockbacks or roots. /stuck just moves me and the only way to become free of it is to leave the warzone. It's occurred twice during ranked which was pretty infuriating. Bug reports have been sent also.
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  • 2 weeks later...
This is frustrating. When you submit help tickets and they do noting about them but refer you to a stupid page and expect you to post it. If they just did there jobs in the first place this wouldn't have to go so far! I have seen several bad reviews about this games support. it gets some of the worst reviews. my issue is when I do a flash point alone with no group and get to the station terminal to, go to a planet or to the space station, the ship goes to warp and the screen goes dark and the game shuts down... :eek: I have reported this issue under bug report , missions , and believe crashing just now and so far all they do is want you to submit some where else and call the issues closed. :confused: It's the duck and move routine. That's why I can't get any people to join the game is cause it's so easy to see that is #-$@% bad and to boot you can loose items easily tiring to compare at a vendor even if its bound. you can loose items that are companion gifts trying to mail them and it messes up. The mail system is bugged , half the time you try to mail something it wont go in the mail. You have to make Shure all windows are closed first then open the mail then click reply then close the first window then open the inventory and any other way fails. :eek: It's ridiculous, and then if you post a ticket and get a reply there is no direct link to what you need. You have to copy it down letter for character until you get a sight that then asks you to get a code from your email to get in every time!!!!!!!! :( Supposedly these people get paid to do this job that goes nowhere fast. where is our money???? :rak_02: Where is the fix in a game that ignores the problem and calls the issues closed. Why work for Star Wars when you could be a Senator or Congress person Supreme Court Judge. :rak_03: They do the same thing and get paid way more. Think about it. It reminds me of that Dr, Dre and Snoop song when they disses Eazy E. The clean version of course. :rak_01:
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  • 2 months later...
Resurrecting a dead thread because this has happened to me four times just this morning. It's pretty ridiculous that this still isn't fixed. First two were from knockbacks the other two were just from me spamming, didn't have a single debuff. Edited by Oyashiroscurse
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  • 2 months later...

Necroing the thread because the bug is still alive and well. Easiest way to get it to manifest is getting knocked back while rolling. And because scamper/exfiltrate is often used as escape, knockbacks happen. Extremely frustrating if it happens in ranked arena during the first match because not only you will die rooted there, you'll be evicted as deserter on the next round because respawning for the second round doesn't remove it. This will leave your group shorthanded and as insult to your injury, you'll take ELO penalty for abandoning your team. Cleanse, purge, CC break doesn't remove it. Can't jump or move. Can't roll because "you're immobilized"


Spawning to different area removes it such as returning to the fleet after the match.


Please oh please look into it. As it stands, most important escape for scoundrels/ops is extremely perilous to use since it may cause your team to lose if you get unlucky and permarooted.


PS. One proposed fix would be to make scoundrels/ops immune to physics during the roll (assuming roots and snares during the roll do not cause it. if they do, add immunity to movement impairment). That's a quick and dirty fix and fixing the root issue would be preferable so that rolling scoundrels could still be pulled. IMO that's not a huge issue since you can only scamper twice in the row after the rebalance on the roll.

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  • 1 month later...

Stuck again today and yesterday and the day before that. Happens to me 3 to 4 times a day when trying to complete my weekly pvp. Take the damn ability away from all agents operatives if you aren't going to fix it for all players. this is ridiculous. I don't even play my agent/operatives anymore other than to complete the weekly cause it's such a pita to be winning a match and get stuck and eventually kicked from a match.


Glad to see there is finally a thread for this article though.


I get stuck in pvp wz's everytime I scamper for roll forward and someone bumps me, pulls me, moves me in an unnatural way that I did not do myself. I have had sage/sorcerors pull my character while I was rolling forward and it did not cause me to be stuck.

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  • 3 months later...

And the bug goes on. Still present. And you still want more descriptions of what happened. Fine. Here we go...


Did an Exfiltrate twice in the area behind the turret after coming under fire in the Novarre Coast. I was moving from staircase to staircase. As I was doing so, I was then bumped by either a sage's Force Wave or a Commando's concussion charge (both happened in close proximity to each other). I saw my toon swerve towards the pipes on the side of the turret but then the path rectified and I kept going in what looked like a straight line. When I finished that last Exfil, I found my toon's feet were fixed to the platform just by the staircase. Tried to use a stuck command (which put me and my toon out of commission long enough for our team to lose that turret) -- thanks EAware. On respawn back at the starting ship, I found my toon was once again stuck to the floor. (Easy fix: check and correct that Z-axis for the toon after a scamper/exfiltrate?)


(It's still happening at the rate of about 1-2 of these per week to either one of my toons or team mates in the same wz.)

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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