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So.. Account Wide Datacrons


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also - on warzones. bolster. bolster happens in warzones. bolster invalidates any advantage you may have from whatever stat boost you get from a datacron... or cartel market crystal for that matter. they only really matter when soloing and even then, high presence from unlocking all the companions makes so much more of a difference particularly at early levels.


I see more of a difference between people who are high enough level to have implants/earpiece, and people who just barely qualified for warzones and are not using any yet.

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Datacrons give you a statistical advantage and no advantage should be free for any character which is why Datacrons need to be earned on the character you want them to be on.


Do you also oppose the legacy-wide +crit, +surge, +acc, +end, and +healing received bonuses from companions at max affection?

Edited by NoFishing
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Are you saying that your aversion to the effort of finding the datacrons on other characters stems from the fact that you don't think finding them is enjoyable?


Explain to me how those datacron bonuses make leveling easier if the unlock is not available until a character reaches max level?

Gladly I dont need to pick up those datacrons on that alt so it removes part of gameplay that I dont enjoy. Prety much same as unlocking fp xp boost wz xp boost removes need to do planetary q Im bored of.

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Of course not, because a physical piece of gear is not the same thing as a codex entry.


And a Datacron is like a stim, once you use it it's used, the rest of your Legacy doesn't get the benefit of the extra stat boost from the stim just like they should never get the stat boost from a Datacron unless they've activated it (ie. injected it) personally.

Edited by PetFish
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Couldnt have said it better myself. And it is lazyness, Im sorry to tell you because you dont think it is....but you dont want to do the work yourself and you want to find a better more efficient way of doing it so you can still reap the benifits w/o going out and finding them all again. May be more convienent but its still lazy mate. Im with you for the legacy unlock only if: You have found them on a character in your legacy > a 55 only unlock > lv 50 only legacy unlock > and 10 mil credits PER CHARACTER. Once those conditions are met go nuts and buy the unlock like mad-men.

This way you still have to grind on each character just for something different. :D

Its a game there is no such thing as lazynes in a game. You do what you enjoy in game or elsse what the point in playing. If it will be added to a game it wont cost 10 mil no other unlock comes even close to that number. I enjoy doing ops fp wz hell even gsf by doing that I also earn credits. So how spending in game curency on legacy perk make me lazy? I did played game I did earn rewrds for doing it and changed those to a perk I like. My trooper didnt finish smuglers chapter 2 so why on earth when I click on troopers buff I get all 4 of them guesing not to be lazy I never should buff myself or just click away class buffs that arent specifik to that class?

And if devs come and reply to this topic saying we wont make leacy wide datacrons and give specifik reasons why i will have no problem whit it (unles they use reasons like we dont want our players to be lazy)

Edited by Duniss
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I will keep repeating two things.


1) This is NOT laziness, or aversion to effort, or what sit not garbage.




This is TERROR.


This is f....g nightmare.


I wiped on Styrak NiM fight for 3 weeks straight, not once it invaded my dreams or made me afraid...


I had fun on those.


Datacrons gave me NIGHTMARES. It scarred me. I still cannot go near a non-starter cron. I'm literally AFRAID of them. Why do you not understand this?


2) People who did them on all their chars EVERY SINGLE TIME?


You are not human. You are borderline psychopaths.


Couldnt have said it better myself. And it is lazyness, Im sorry to tell you because you dont think it is....but you dont want to do the work yourself and you want to find a better more efficient way of doing it so you can still reap the benifits w/o going out and finding them all again. May be more convienent but its still lazy mate. Im with you for the legacy unlock only if: You have found them on a character in your legacy > a 55 only unlock > lv 50 only legacy unlock > and 10 mil credits PER CHARACTER. Once those conditions are met go nuts and buy the unlock like mad-men.

This way you still have to grind on each character just for something different. :D


In your short sightedness, you fail to see we already meet those reqs.


Bloody no lifers.

Edited by Manweth
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I agree with this. When leveling, we are already on the planets anyway, so make datacrons much easier to access for those that have already unlocked them on their legacy, (much much easier!) and we have a solution.


Unfortunately those against it are too busy name calling, and will probably quickly reverse their support of it.


I've already said that I favor making the datacrons easier to get. I'm also not against legacy wide CODEX entries.


I'm against handing out the stat bonuses to every character simply because a player found the datacrons on ONE character.

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Gladly I dont need to pick up those datacrons on that alt so it removes part of gameplay that I dont enjoy. Prety much same as unlocking fp xp boost wz xp boost removes need to do planetary q Im bored of.


Sorry, but you failed to answer how legacy wide datacrons would make leveling easier if the stat bonuses were not handed out until max level. Simply not picking up the datacrons does not make leveling easier as you could simply not pick them up even without legacy wide datacrons.


Legacy wide datacrons do not, iMO, have any impact on the leveling process if the stat bonuses are not handed out until a character reaches max level.

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I will keep repeating two things.


1) This is NOT laziness, or aversion to effort, or what sit not garbage.




This is TERROR.


This is f....g nightmare.


I wiped on Styrak NiM fight for 3 weeks straight, not once it invaded my dreams or made me afraid...


I had fun on those.


Datacrons gave me NIGHTMARES. It scarred me. I still cannot go near a non-starter cron. I'm literally AFRAID of them. Why do you not understand this?


2) People who did them on all their chars EVERY SINGLE TIME?


You are not human. You are borderline psychopaths.




In your short sightedness, you fail to see we already meet those reqs.


Bloody no lifers.



Then don't bother to find the datacrons on your alts. According to many posters in this thread the stat bonuses are insignificant anyway, amounting to nothing more than a rounding error. Therefore not having those insignificant stat bonuses should not have a major impact on your performance. Don't worry about the insignificant stat bonuses and save your sanity.


If, on the other hand, you are going to try to tell me that the stat bonuses are NECESSARY, for any reason, then they should have to be earned PER CHARACTER and not simply handed out.


You can talk about sanity all you want, but the fact is that it is an aversion to effort. It may be that your "fear for your sanity" is behind your aversion to the effort of actually EARNING those stat bonuses on every character, but it is still an aversion to the effort required to earn those bonuses on each character.

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I see ratajack is still defending his ridiculous time sink under the guise of "I'm not lazy."


Someone doesn't want their actions cheapened by the betterment of the game as a whole. Well, I have good news for you: since you took all that time to get them, you had the benefit of them the whole time. Congrats!


Its amusing to say the least. We don't even have anything more than a blurb that they are looking at it and this guy is campaigning like its the civil rights movement or something.


Why don't you worry about yourself instead of trying to decide what is best for everyone else?

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I see ratajack is still defending his ridiculous time sink under the guise of "I'm not lazy."


Someone doesn't want their actions cheapened by the betterment of the game as a whole. Well, I have good news for you: since you took all that time to get them, you had the benefit of them the whole time. Congrats!


Its amusing to say the least. We don't even have anything more than a blurb that they are looking at it and this guy is campaigning like its the civil rights movement or something.


Why don't you worry about yourself instead of trying to decide what is best for everyone else?


I agree with this post.


Gief legacy datacrons, they're 2 years overdue.

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I've already said that I favor making the datacrons easier to get. I'm also not against legacy wide CODEX entries.


This is the key that many people seem to be missing. Honestly, how much time does grabbing a "normal" 'cron take when leveling an alt on a planet? I'm all for Legacy Datacrons should they ever come, but first and foremost, BW needs to remove the jumping/platforming aspect from all the 'crons that require it. That is more painful and time consuming than simply heading to a 'cron and activating it on each character. Heck, completing the planetary achievements takes longer than actually collecting the 'crons on those planets.


The way I see, the priority should be to give us Legacy Skills that remove the need for the jumping/platforming aspect of the 'crons and by doing so, makes the point of Legacy Unlocks redundant and unnecessary. Not only would we get Legacy skills that are a heck of a lot more useful than the "brawler" skills and Companion Dance we have now, but it also offers the best of both worlds in that the truly time consuming 'crons will no longer be such a problem.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Why are you all advocating the removal-by-monetisation of everything that makes an MMO, an MMO?


In this case, exploration ---> rewards for same as incentive to do it?


This is one of the few ways in which this game encourages exploration whereas otherwise, the exact opposite is often the case.


I mean, we already got the Sims and Second Life, don't we? If you want everything monetised, then go play those.


I'm not even going to mention how this is pay-for-potential-advantage, and where that vileness can lead to.


To answer your other question:


Some of us like a little challenge in our games, and the feeling that comes with earning rewards from overcoming same.


But then, I know better than to try and convince the smugly self-righteous, over-entitled pay-to-win generation of the upsides of that.


Thankfully, I and those like me have still got other options, at least for now.

O.o ... Umm...okayyy...you link EvE, and then talk about monetization in this and other MMOs, yet alluding to EvE as not being classified as a monetized MMO product? Really?... I can start a new character, pay like $50 or so, get PLEX, go to Dodixie (cuz f*** Jita), sell on market, and in all of 2 hours have like 2 billion ISK (which is a ludicrously insane amount of in game currency for a fresh new character). Then I can immediately buy up every skill book that my nub character can learn (and many it can't yet), plus have enough left to buy a fleet of frigs 'n fits (and maybe an industrial too), and I am set for quite a while (likely until I get L4s opened up). In my book, paying IRL cash for liquidable in-game assets (PLEX) ...IS monetization too - and in EvE, it's P2W! :D


You should've linked a totally F2P MMO instead, don't cha think?. So, what was your argument again?




And in other news...


A rose by any other name still has thorns. The definition of laziness is an aversion to work or EFFORT. Most of the pro-legacy datacron posters certainly sound like people with an aversion to the effort of finding the datacrons on each character. By definition, that qualifies as laziness. No matter how you want to justify that laziness, it is still laziness.

This is a video game, right? It is - by virtue - a "lazy" endeavor, in and of itself. It is not an employment activity. It is NOT "work;" ergo, you should not treat it as such, nor would you then have to pay for it. But, we DO pay to enjoy this game to its fullest; because, it is fun, enjoyable, and something that we can spend our leisure time in pursuing the myriad of adventures therein.


I will spell this out for you ('cuz I seriously don't think you understand the concept of "work"): This is not work; it is not an employment activity; not a means to survive, nor a means to etch out personal leisure time. It is a game. It is for fun. This game is, however, an investment of personal leisure time, where time is variable: some have more than others, and many engage in employment activities to support their leisure activities, and afford the scarce resource known as "time" to purchase such activities.


The debate at hand should not be simply eroded to the pejorative of "lazy," but in maximizing what little leisure time we (as individuals) have to invest on the activities in this game. As I have made mention to prior, I am on the fence - as some datacrons I would still enjoy finding for each character I play, and some I would rather pretend do not exist. However, if, for example, I level up a 55, and discover that the AC I rolled is in demand for a guilded HM DF/DP progression, or Dweadtoof and secret boss raiding, I would rejoice at the option to buy a legacy perk to unlock all datacrons for that toon. The stats may only be marginally significant, but in HM/NiM progression raiding, every little bit helps (to widen a deathly slim margin of error, or give that one-off chance for a lucky roll that may mean the difference between clearing and wiping).


For your edification, I would advise you to read up on Keynesian economics, to elevate your understanding of what motivates the working class to work (esp. employment activities vs leisure activities). Because, quite frankly, equating an activity in this (or any) game as "work" frightens me as to what your work ethics are, and makes it seem like your office is in your mom's basement, your coffee shop is on the Fleet, and any in-game destination you can travel to is your jobsite. It induces me believe that your leisure time amounts to 99% of your total time and 0-1% allocated to employment activities (bio breaks and the like). Therefore, your association of the term "work" then seems ill placed and confused. By-the-by, you're this guy, right? For realsies, right? LOL


So hardcore. So real!
LOL...I think so too.


.../snip... then you must also admit that having BIS gear will make running any part of the game easier for that player who doesn't find OPS to be fun.
If a player is not running operations for fun, then s/he is doing it wrong.


I can send mods to an alt using legacy gear, but there is only ONE set of mods, not set of mods for each and every character I have, present and future. It is not possible to TRANSFER the stat bonuses from one character to another. Legacy datacrons would be DUPLICATING those bonuses on each and every character, present and future.
RIght... I can put my BiS Willpower 78s in my Red Scalene armor and transfer it to my Heal sage, my DPS Sin, or my DPS sorc: the itemization is pretty much the same (less the set bonuses), and I can get 3 or more toons to build up that set and use it each time that I want. Making earning set bonuses for each later on that much quicker. Even though I transferred the entire gear set to each toon that I raid with, I only had to earn the mods ONCE! Wowzas... Since I can only play one toon at a time, and then - therefore - only need to have one set of transferable gear, can that then be interpreted as a duplication of stats? The very thing you seem to be opposed to is already in game? ...And your point was?.... (nvm - I don't want to see more repetition. I can just scroll up and revisit your circular arguments at my leisure)



do you own a car? are you too lazy to walk where you need to go? they should outlaw cars because lazy=bad


god wants us to have datacrons legacy wide. She told me this. this argument is irrefutable bacause God always wins.




Because I SACRIFICED mental health to do them first round.


I suffered from PTSD for a week afterwards. I was jumping and failing in SWTOR in MY *********** DREAMS.


This **** is NOT NORMAL.


It gives grown men PTSD. It is INSANE.


Datacron is *********** Vietnam! What part of "this is NOT laziness, this is MORBID FEAR OF INSANITY" you don't get?





Should all of your characters get the XP that ONE of your characters earns? Should all of your characters receive the credits earned by ONE character for doing dailies? Should all of your characters receive a class appropriate equivalent piece of gear every time ONE character receives a piece of gear?

In a way, some of those things, somewhat, yes. It's called a paid subscription and legacy gear.


The game has plenty of examples in which what ONE character does does not automatically give the rest of your players the rewards for what the ONE character did. It could be called the "some things should be earned per character" system.

It's called a "main." I do almost all of my dailies on it and spread the rewards out to my alts.


aversion to the effort
You seem to like that term.... a lot.


Why is the one "OK" and the other a no-no?
IDK, but you seem to be in favor of double standards.


Ok Mr Pious, when you farm for credits...do you go to one the established dailies areas that are designed to reward you with 100s of thousands of credits per hour for completing the missions....or do you head to Tython/Ord Mantel/Korriban/Hutta, and kill mobs there for 10 to 15 credits at a time? 'Cause one of those options is just lazy. :rolleyes:



I think we aren't even talking about adding legacy-wide datacrons anymore, but rather how Ratajack has undermined his own credibility, yet attempts to keep trolling this thread with his circular recitation and repetition on his "aversion to the effort" smear campaign. Good luck with that pal.


I see ratajack is still defending his ridiculous time sink under the guise of "I'm not lazy."


Someone doesn't want their actions cheapened by the betterment of the game as a whole. Well, I have good news for you: since you took all that time to get them, you had the benefit of them the whole time. Congrats!


Its amusing to say the least. We don't even have anything more than a blurb that they are looking at it and this guy is campaigning like its the civil rights movement or something.


Why don't you worry about yourself instead of trying to decide what is best for everyone else?

^^ This ...



To be honest, yes the anti-arguments do sound a bit like that. An actual rational position in the anti-crowd is tough to find. Let me summarize my understanding of the anti-arguments and why I think they amount to "herp derp pbbbthhh."


-"You only want them because you're lazy." An ad hominem attack on the person desiring the legacy benefit. Does not actually address the proposed change itself, but simply dismisses it out of hand based on the perceived motivations of those asking for it. Not a rational counterargument.


-"You might as well give out free 55s/BiS gear to everybody." A ridiculous strawman. No one has shown these things to be even remotely equivalent, it's just asserted with no support. This argument really hurts your position because it is the one that most looks like "herp derp pbbbthh." Besides, we already have this. It's called bind to legacy gear...I can already earn ops gear, pull the mods, pop it in a legacy piece and now each of my characters can use it. What's that you say? They can't all have it at once? I can't play them all at once so that doesn't matter. I can earn BiS gear once and share it between all my characters if desired.


-"Datacrons are easy to get." Some of them are. Some are moderately difficult. Some are a freaking pain in the you-know-what. Those of us who want this perk want it for the tough ones, so this "counterargument" doesn't actually address the reason we ask for this is the first place. It's like saying "we shouldn't have speeders in orbital stations because you can use them in spaceports." No one is asking for this feature because they have trouble collecting the ones on Korriban.


-"The stat bonuses are so small it doesn't matter." As you have seen in this thread this argument can be used to show that the issue is unimportant, but not that the idea is bad. Both side use this argument and it doesn't really support either side.


-"I don't want this feature and I want the devs to spend their time doing something else." The only rational, valid counterargument I've yet seen.


I'm summing my impressions from memory so if I've missed a counterargument please do let me know and I'll directly address it's rationality.

^^ This


... And /thread

Edited by PifferPuff
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The hilarity of it all is someone calling everyone else LAZY...


And he's playing a video game! Video games by their nature put you a chair, so you can stare a monitor for hours and hours, while your muscles atrophy. You aren't even "working" a job (aka, adding value to a company or your own company) or adding any value to the economy in the least bit. At least here at work my value, and my skills, eventually add to value on the company even if I am sitting in a chair.


You're sitting in a god damn chair, pressing buttons on a key board, in a fantasy space world, WITH FLASHLIGHTS FOR SWORDS.


Some people just want to make parts of the game a little less tedious if they prove they can do it at least once.


Good God...this is why the MMO gaming community is useless.

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The hilarity of it all is someone calling everyone else LAZY...


And he's playing a video game! Video games by their nature put you a chair, so you can stare a monitor for hours and hours, while your muscles atrophy. You aren't even "working" a job.


You're sitting in a gosh darn chair, pressing buttons on a key board, in a fantasy space world, WITH FLASHLIGHTS FOR SWORDS.


Good God...this is why the MMO gaming community is useless.


Agreed. I dislike worthless time sinks. Make playing the game FUN...not tedious. Sell class buffs on the CM while you're at it.

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I just ran the Hoth datacrons with my guild. There's one in particular that requires precise jumping. And it's glitchy. So even if you can somehow manage to jump perfectly, the game might still decide you didn't. This happened to a couple members of the run. Even as Sages were trying to pull them out of where the server stuck them, the server bounced them all the way back to the beginning of the run.


There are many such places this can happen. Hoth has one. On Nar Shaddaa, it's almost all of them.


Once server glitches start taking over, it's not even fun-challenging. It's just plain stupid.


Some datacrons are fun once. Some are horrid even the first time. Only a few are even mildly interesting after getting them the first time. Games should be fun and interesting.


Doesn't matter though. BioWare already said no (as in, not even WoC). This thread exists only for the entertainment value of those who enjoy arguing on internet forums.

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I just ran the Hoth datacrons with my guild. There's one in particular that requires precise jumping. And it's glitchy. So even if you can somehow manage to jump perfectly, the game might still decide you didn't. This happened to a couple members of the run. Even as Sages were trying to pull them out of where the server stuck them, the server bounced them all the way back to the beginning of the run.


There are many such places this can happen. Hoth has one. On Nar Shaddaa, it's almost all of them.


Once server glitches start taking over, it's not even fun-challenging. It's just plain stupid.


Some datacrons are fun once. Some are horrid even the first time. Only a few are even mildly interesting after getting them the first time. Games should be fun and interesting.


Doesn't matter though. BioWare already said no (as in, not even WoC). This thread exists only for the entertainment value of those who enjoy arguing on internet forums.


There is a failsafe in the engine that I have seen time and time again...


If the server can't determine your location, it dumps your character to the next available open position.


That is the bug you are talking about, I believe. You can APPEAR to have cleared a jump and be on the pipe and the system dumps you somewhere else. This is especially prevalent on edges and round objects that don't have "clear" coordinates.

Edited by Arkerus
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There is a failsafe in the engine that I have seen time and time again...


If the server can't determine your location, it dumps your character to the next available open position.


That is the bug you are talking about, I believe. You can APPEAR to have cleared a jump and be on the pipe and the system dumps you somewhere else. This is especially prevalent on edges and round objects that don't have "clear" coordinates.


my favorite is when it happens on a boss fight, when you THINK you cleared a giant circle of doom and on your screen - you have, but the game goes "nope, you are still in it, have a one shot death" >_>


aaah, the "run and jump" reminders in teamspeak. apparently jumping once you are in a position, clears up your coordinates and registers them. of course jumping on that tube in Coruscant can also mean falling down anyways, so...


fun times! >_>

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my favorite is when it happens on a boss fight, when you THINK you cleared a giant circle of doom and on your screen - you have, but the game goes "nope, you are still in it, have a one shot death" >_>



For some reason, this reminds me when 1.3 first dropped and Vokk's purple circles in Esseles kept wiping the pugs I ran. I wonder if that was related to positioning bugs or we were just terrible. ;)

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There is a failsafe in the engine that I have seen time and time again...


If the server can't determine your location, it dumps your character to the next available open position.


That is the bug you are talking about, I believe. You can APPEAR to have cleared a jump and be on the pipe and the system dumps you somewhere else. This is especially prevalent on edges and round objects that don't have "clear" coordinates.


Right. So something in their game is buggy enough that it sometimes prevents people from jumping accurately and can reset them hundreds of meters... and they make something in their game require people to jump accurately... but wait, that was supposed to be a reward for exploration, not jumping!


Brilliant! :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthTHC
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And a Datacron is like a stim, once you use it it's used, the rest of your Legacy doesn't get the benefit of the extra stat boost from the stim just like they should never get the stat boost from a Datacron unless they've activated it (ie. injected it) personally.


Not really. A stim is a consumable item created by crafters. Datacrons are not consumables, they are unlocks. The closest parallel in the game are the +crit, +surge, +acc, +end, and +healing received bonuses unlocked from companions. So I'll ask again, do you also object to those legacy wide buffs that already have much more of an impact than legacy datacrons could have?

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-"Datacrons are easy to get." Some of them are. Some are moderately difficult. Some are a freaking pain in the you-know-what. Those of us who want this perk want it for the tough ones, so this "counterargument" doesn't actually address the reason we ask for this is the first place. It's like saying "we shouldn't have speeders in orbital stations because you can use them in spaceports." No one is asking for this feature because they have trouble collecting the ones on Korriban.


Then instead of asking for a Legacy unlock, which would still require the platforming the first time around, why not ask for something like this:

Well, there are other ways to go with that. Simply make some new Legacy abilities for each class that can be unlocked at any level that allow players to reach the 'crons without having to "platform." That way, it makes the few that are really PiA's no longer an issue, and still requires that each character to activate the 'cron.


The force using classes would get a "Force Jump," the Trooper/BH would get "Jet Pack," and the Smuggler/Agent would get "Grappling Hook." The use of these skills would be similar to the AOE abilities where you select a target on the ground for the effect to occur. Simply click the skill, click your target area, then the animation fires off and you are where you want to be, without having to be precise or using the space bar.

Problem solved on both ends, I think.


Right. So something in their game is buggy enough that it sometimes prevents people from jumping accurately and can reset them hundreds of meters... and they make something in their game require people to jump accurately... but wait, that was supposed to be a reward for exploration, not jumping!


Brilliant! :rolleyes:



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Not really. A stim is a consumable item created by crafters. Datacrons are not consumables, they are unlocks. The closest parallel in the game are the +crit, +surge, +acc, +end, and +healing received bonuses unlocked from companions. So I'll ask again, do you also object to those legacy wide buffs that already have much more of an impact than legacy datacrons could have?

See, I think this is an excellent point that is rarely addressed by Ratajack, PetFish and the few others and post heavily against the datacron unlock idea.



  1. I have yet to see any serious discussion of min-maxing a DPS toon that doesn't include the +crit / +surge /+acc companion bonuses. The fine line between +99.xx% accuracy with 4 slots vs +100.xx% accuracy with 5 can be hotly debated by theorycrafters, but ALL OF THEM will agree that the accuracy bonus from one's companion is vital.
  2. By comparison, I've yet to see even the most hardcore elitist raid group turn up their nose at someone without the datacron stat bonuses.


Unlocking the companion bonuses once automatically gives it for you on all toons. And provides a concrete, measurable stat benefit to one's ability to RAID as well as PVP. To the point where it is considered by many to practically be a requirement for any serious in 50+ activity.


I can understand the objections to the legacy datacron unlock. What I don't understand, is why there isn't vehement objections against the companion stat bonus unlock.


Gaining 9000+ affection on each toon to finish their quest lines requires effort. You either have to grind gift missions, buy gifts, run lots of Belsavis dailies, etc. In some cases (Ashara Zavros on a female SI) using gifts is monumentally inefficient, so your only choice is to grind a TON of conversation affection with her, or spend a veritable MINT on purple grade 5 gifts in the GTN.


Why are there no threads complaining about shared alt unlocks of stats that are of CONSIDERABLE benefit for each toon? Why isn't it considered lazy that you don't have to grid 9000+ affection on all 5 companions for each alt just to receive these bonuses?


There is a monumental double-standard here. Why are the companion bonus unlocks okay but the legacy datacrons aren't?


Let me try and forestall the response I expect to get from this:


RJ: "So you're saying that because companion bonuses are unlocked for everyone, datacrons should be as well."

KV: "I am NOT saying that at all. I am asking this question specifically: Why are you NOT objecting to companion stat bonuses applying to all toons at once?"

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See, I think this is an excellent point that is rarely addressed by Ratajack, PetFish and the few others and post heavily against the datacron unlock idea.



  1. I have yet to see any serious discussion of min-maxing a DPS toon that doesn't include the +crit / +surge /+acc companion bonuses. The fine line between +99.xx% accuracy with 4 slots vs +100.xx% accuracy with 5 can be hotly debated by theorycrafters, but ALL OF THEM will agree that the accuracy bonus from one's companion is vital.
  2. By comparison, I've yet to see even the most hardcore elitist raid group turn up their nose at someone without the datacron stat bonuses.


Unlocking the companion bonuses once automatically gives it for you on all toons. And provides a concrete, measurable stat benefit to one's ability to RAID as well as PVP. To the point where it is considered by many to practically be a requirement for any serious in 50+ activity.


I can understand the objections to the legacy datacron unlock. What I don't understand, is why there isn't vehement objections against the companion stat bonus unlock.


Gaining 9000+ affection on each toon to finish their quest lines requires effort. You either have to grind gift missions, buy gifts, run lots of Belsavis dailies, etc. In some cases (Ashara Zavros on a female SI) using gifts is monumentally inefficient, so your only choice is to grind a TON of conversation affection with her, or spend a veritable MINT on purple grade 5 gifts in the GTN.




There is a monumental double-standard here. Why are the companion bonus unlocks okay but the legacy datacrons aren't?


Let me try and forestall the response I expect to get from this:


RJ: "So you're saying that because companion bonuses are unlocked for everyone, datacrons should be as well."

KV: "I am NOT saying that at all. I am asking this question specifically: Why are you NOT objecting to companion stat bonuses applying to all toons at once?"


You have some great questions and the vocal minority will simply mask it as laziness. The reality is THEY did it and don't want their time devalued.


That's it. It's the exact same situation with shared bonuses from buffs.


Its just someone clinging to bad design because they went out and did it.

Edited by Arkerus
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See, I think this is an excellent point that is rarely addressed by Ratajack, PetFish and the few others and post heavily against the datacron unlock idea.



  1. I have yet to see any serious discussion of min-maxing a DPS toon that doesn't include the +crit / +surge /+acc companion bonuses. The fine line between +99.xx% accuracy with 4 slots vs +100.xx% accuracy with 5 can be hotly debated by theorycrafters, but ALL OF THEM will agree that the accuracy bonus from one's companion is vital.
  2. By comparison, I've yet to see even the most hardcore elitist raid group turn up their nose at someone without the datacron stat bonuses.


Unlocking the companion bonuses once automatically gives it for you on all toons. And provides a concrete, measurable stat benefit to one's ability to RAID as well as PVP. To the point where it is considered by many to practically be a requirement for any serious in 50+ activity.


I can understand the objections to the legacy datacron unlock. What I don't understand, is why there isn't vehement objections against the companion stat bonus unlock.


Gaining 9000+ affection on each toon to finish their quest lines requires effort. You either have to grind gift missions, buy gifts, run lots of Belsavis dailies, etc. In some cases (Ashara Zavros on a female SI) using gifts is monumentally inefficient, so your only choice is to grind a TON of conversation affection with her, or spend a veritable MINT on purple grade 5 gifts in the GTN.




There is a monumental double-standard here. Why are the companion bonus unlocks okay but the legacy datacrons aren't?


Let me try and forestall the response I expect to get from this:


RJ: "So you're saying that because companion bonuses are unlocked for everyone, datacrons should be as well."

KV: "I am NOT saying that at all. I am asking this question specifically: Why are you NOT objecting to companion stat bonuses applying to all toons at once?"


Would I object if the devs chose to remove those "affection" legacy perks? No, I would not. Would I argue to add those perks if the devs had not instituted them from the start? No, I would not.


If they even mentioned the possibility of removing those perks, however, I'm sure these forums would erupt with people clamoring not to change the rules of the game. I'm simply asking the devs NOT to change the rules regarding a totally OPTIONAL part of the game.

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