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Why did Jeff Hickman lie to subscribers about the future of the game?


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You still don't get me. Where is the value of a sub over a f2p account? Especially when you are here since the start and have all classes on max level, have played all FPs and all OPs?


Personally I didn't like the Gree Event, but that's subjective. Same goes for Ancient Hypergates. If you are satisfied with these 2 things in the past 7 months, then it's legit. I am not. And that's legit as well.


I am a loyal customer since the start, loved the game (was a Fanboy until 2.1 hit), payed 400 EUR on top of my subscription for CM stuff to support the game and then I don't get appearance changes for free nor can get the dye of my desire for ingame credits? (I would be okay with a fee on CM if you could directly buy them, but another gambling pack?!)


I am just disappointed.


I don't care one bit how long you've been a customer. Or how much you've paid.


If you aren't satisfied, unsubscribe and play as a F2P account. If you're overall extremely unhappy with the game -- leave. Just don't expect to be treated any differently than ANY other customers because of your opinion, how long you've played, or how much money you've blown.


If you've played all 8 stories to 50, have finished every FP and OP -- I suggest you unplug from the computer and go outside. In all seriousness -- you will not be catered to, and you don't deserve to have unlimited consumption. You clearly have enough time to play other games.



If you aren't happy with what you get as a sub, unsub and play as F2P (Preferred, because you've been a sub).

If you aren't happy with what the game has to offer, play another game and come back later, when there is more content. And then you can tear through that, and go play another game again.


Really, quite simple.

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Man, I'm glad I don't have your job lol. EA/BW kick some lions in the chin, then throw you into the pack and lock the door.


I guess we'll see what happens with the next release, though I think EA/BW and the players would both benefit from some more transparency and *speed*/expenditure on content related items. It's hard to argue with a game that's rapidly producing content and bug fixes - games that are throwing out (working) content are just difficult to complain about. If EA took that approach I think we'd all be less frustrated.


Dude is paid to communicate with the community thru a forum its not like he has to face us or cure cancer.

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And pray tell in what way did I belittle him?


Seriously? You don't understand how you're belittling the job of someone else?


God, people should be required to take etiquette classes in school nowadays.

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Seriously? You don't understand how you're belittling the job of someone else?


God, people should be required to take etiquette classes in school nowadays.


Or maybe I'm not so thin skinned that I get offended at what some random on a forum types.


I mean you basically are offended for him how pathetic is that.


I think it says a lot when people are applauding his "courage" for posting on a forum lol.


Reminds me of that old MadTV skit about lowered expectations.



Edited by Tekeda
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oooooooh, maybe kilora is an alt for eric, so he can vent and blow off steam sometimes?


that's just speculation. not stating it as fact. that would explain some things though. wouldn't blame him either.


anyway, i agree with this

Man, I'm glad I don't have your job lol. EA/BW kick some lions in the chin, then throw you into the pack and lock the door.
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Or maybe I'm not so thin skinned that I get offended at what some random on a forum types.


I mean you basically are offended for him how pathetic is that.


I think it says a lot when people are applauding his "courage" for posting on a forum lol.


Reminds me of that old SNL skit about diminished expectations.


No, I'm offended at humanity.


How pathetic are you that you feel the need to bash other people to make yourself feel good? YOU are the problem with humanity. People who don't stop for even a second to think about anyone but themselves.


I'm blowing off steam, absolutely. Because I'm so sick of the nasty attitude people have. You're not special, you're an ******e. End of story, and I hope I never have to meet you in real life. You're a disgrace on humanity.

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No, I'm offended at humanity.


How pathetic are you that you feel the need to bash other people to make yourself feel good? YOU are the problem with humanity. People who don't stop for even a second to think about anyone but themselves.


I'm blowing off steam, absolutely. Because I'm so sick of the nasty attitude people have. You're not special, you're an ******e. End of story, and I hope I never have to meet you in real life. You're a disgrace on humanity.



LOl. Really. Spent yesterday doing search and rescue in the aftermath of the Moore tornado. Obviously my opinions on a internet forum are more important and obviously as you said a stain on the human race.

Edited by Tekeda
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oooooooh, maybe kilora is an alt for eric, so he can vent and blow off steam sometimes?


that's just speculation. not stating it as fact. that would explain some things though. wouldn't blame him either.


anyway, i agree with this




Do you think Eric would ever disagree with EA on anything? Or attack them for doing something stupid?


Moreso -- do you think he'd really care enough to come back onto the forums in a non-work capacity? I certainly woulnd't spend any time outside of work on this website, if I had his job.


I'd probably be banned in a day.

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Still, last content we got for free is about 7 months ago (section x). For what am I paying my sub? To use features who are in game for a very long time and support the Cartel Market team who designs new stuff we have to pay ON TOP of our subscription?


Most of the f2p restrictions are a joke. You can get unlocks for nearly every **** on the GTN if you just invest a little bit time to grind some dailies.


Most of the long time subscribers have leveled up already all classes, so I really don't care about quick travel, accelerated xp and unlimited field revives. Unlimited access to FPs is a joke as well, I have done every single FP in game like a hundred times. If they give me a new FP every 4 weeks a sub would be worth it, but for now why should you even consider buying FP unlocks as a f2p?


Overall, after f2p was introduced we did not get anything for free. Everything was accessible for f2p and subs. On top we have to pay for appearance changes and a new race. I am still curious for what I did pay my monthly sub the past 7 months? To cover the server costs and the salary of the CM design team?


I feel ripped off as a subscriber...


Well said, really. I think if anyone pays attention to these posts they should read my post as a new sub and yours as a long-time sub. When I said long-time subs are still salty about f2p, I did not mean that in a crass way. You may have very good reasons for that. As for me, I am in my low 30's on two classes and have quite a bit of time to go before I run out of content. I am enjoying these two characters (their stories, the game play, the acting, the other players) so much that not getting mired in the morass of f2p is well worth the money for me.


I hate to say it but I really think NOW is the time to start subbing this game. You guys LOVE this game, or you wouldn't write about it with such passion. Bioware made a fantastic product. The delivery has been incredibly flawed, but the product is without match (imo). I think now that things have pretty much stabilized and swtor is a viable business project (in terms of profitability and delivery) we can expect some really great things from this game in the coming year.


I can't answer the question of what you have been paying for the last 7 months. I know what I am paying for now, the value that I get out of the game. I am paying for right now, and I hope that is what most people are doing. When I get tired of it for whatever reason, I'll cancel my sub and play another game. But I won;t question what I paid for, because I'll know I paid for the game I was playing while I was playing it.

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I don't care one bit how long you've been a customer. Or how much you've paid.


If you aren't satisfied, unsubscribe and play as a F2P account. If you're overall extremely unhappy with the game -- leave.


If you aren't happy with what you get as a sub, unsub and play as F2P (Preferred, because you've been a sub).

If you aren't happy with what the game has to offer, play another game and come back later, when there is more content. And then you can tear through that, and go play another game again.


PLEASE...for the love of God, stop suggesting people QUIT this flipping game. I'm so sick of people defending Bioware and suggesting that anyone that dares to differ in opinion should quit.


No matter how much good you may feel you're doing, you're suggestions that people QUIT are completely uncalled for. Instead, try just keeping your mouth shut. Nobody needs YOU to tell them to QUIT if they aren't happy...hell, 2 MILLION people have already done just that without your bidding, and VERY few of them posted.


Suggesting players who aren't pleased quit is CANCEROUS! PLEASE stop suggesting it as the default rebuttal to someone feeling their sub value is diminished.

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How pathetic are you that you feel the need to bash other people to make yourself feel good? YOU are the problem with humanity. You're not special, you're an ******e. You're a disgrace on humanity.


Irony? Pot meet kettle?!


Kilora...I suggest you step away and calm down.

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No, I'm offended at humanity.


How pathetic are you that you feel the need to bash other people to make yourself feel good? YOU are the problem with humanity. People who don't stop for even a second to think about anyone but themselves.


I'm blowing off steam, absolutely. Because I'm so sick of the nasty attitude people have. You're not special, you're an ******e. End of story, and I hope I never have to meet you in real life. You're a disgrace on humanity.


Reported. Thats absolutely disgusting, how could you say that. Eurgh.

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Irony? Pot meet kettle?!


Kilora...I suggest you step away and calm down.

Meh I would ignore or report but this is too much fun. You see these types everyday whenever the topics of politics and religion are brought up. This person lives in a black hat/white hat world which is just a delusion obviously. Because anybody that has the ability to be honest with themselves knows we are all made up of differing shades of gray.


Courage is pulling people out of burning buildings not posting on some game forum where you semi own up to the fact that you may have misspoke.

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Irony? Pot meet kettle?!


Kilora...I suggest you step away and calm down.


Yep. I just did exactly that. Cigarette + /ignore, works wonders.


Still have to work on self control. I blame that cookie I bought myself for you agreeing with me on a topic earlier! :-D


I just love the other vultures who come in, and have to be "high and mighty" by commenting on my post, when it clearly had nothing to do with them.


Or, when anyone tells me what kind of world I live in. Clearly they know me so well!


Although, I don't consider you a vulture. You were actually posting out of kindness, warning me to back off. :rak_03:

Edited by Kilora
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Its good we got a response, and moving forward i feel they will be more cautious in choosing specifically what they say, but people will read what they want to see from it.


They will say less and be more ambiguous, this is how they operate. Nothing learned here.

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Yep. I just did exactly that. Cigarette + /ignore, works wonders.


Still have to work on self control. I blame that cookie I bought myself for you agreeing with me on a topic earlier! :-D


I just love the other vultures who come in, and have to be "high and mighty" by commenting on my post, when it clearly had nothing to do with them.


Or, when anyone tells me what kind of world I live in. Clearly they know me so well!


Although, I don't consider you a vulture. You were actually posting out of kindness, warning me to back off. :rak_03:


I'll work on disagreeing more with you to avoid future issues with cookies ;)


Nobody here posts anything "personal"...nothing on here should ever be taken "personally", by either us forum goers or the Devs. Everything is opinion, and opinions based on passions quite often. We all want the same thing - a successful game that we're all thrilled with and Bioware makes a crap ton of $ on.

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I'll work on disagreeing more with you to avoid future issues with cookies ;)


Nobody here posts anything "personal"...nothing on here should ever be taken "personally", by either us forum goers or the Devs. Everything is opinion, and opinions based on passions quite often. We all want the same thing - a successful game that we're all thrilled with and Bioware makes a crap ton of $ on.

Meh I just subbed for 2 months after being gone for a year and I was shocked to see the same combat ability bugs in the game that caused me to leave. I bought the ex pac and played it thru but because I know at the end of the day that they can't fix the deal breaking combat bugs that I will not be resubbing ever again.

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how are tux and kilora getting all lovey-doveyish? isn't kilora one of the white knights, and tux not so much? I thought we had a clear divide here. seriously, i just went back through like 2 pages of posts. i'm confused.


oh well. i'm good with peace. all i ever wanted was a better game.

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PLEASE...for the love of God, stop suggesting people QUIT this flipping game. I'm so sick of people defending Bioware and suggesting that anyone that dares to differ in opinion should quit.


No matter how much good you may feel you're doing, you're suggestions that people QUIT are completely uncalled for. Instead, try just keeping your mouth shut. Nobody needs YOU to tell them to QUIT if they aren't happy...hell, 2 MILLION people have already done just that without your bidding, and VERY few of them posted.


Suggesting players who aren't pleased quit is CANCEROUS! PLEASE stop suggesting it as the default rebuttal to someone feeling their sub value is diminished.


Thanks, you obviously can read between the lines. I am disappointed as a long time customer. Do I want to leave the game? No! Do I want them to treat their loyal customers with more respect? Yes!


If I wouldn't complain I wouldn't care about the game. Since I complain I do care about the game. I still have hope that they might react to all these complaints. I have ~40 days play time remaining. If I feel valued again, I will resub. I still think subscribers should have appearance changes and dyes for free. I doubt one new FP and a nightmare mode will make me change my opinion...

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Thanks, you obviously can read between the lines. I am disappointed as a long time customer. Do I want to leave the game? No! Do I want them to treat their loyal customers with more respect? Yes!


If I wouldn't complain I wouldn't care about the game. Since I complain I do care about the game. I still have hope that they might react to all these complaints. I have ~40 days play time remaining. If I feel valued again, I will resub. I still think subscribers should have appearance changes and dyes for free. I doubt one new FP and a nightmare mode will make me change my opinion...


I know you care...that's why I do tend to take complaints a bit more seriously than other people on this forum. The people who don't care, simply quit. The fact that you took the time to post, leads me to believe you really don't want to go anywhere else.

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