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Mando'a Poem needs translating


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So I wrote this years ago, back when I was picking up Mando'a, and I recently found it again in one of my computer folders, and realized that I'm unable to read it :jawa_confused: Yeah I know it sounds really dumb that I wrote something that I can no longer read, but this was seriously years ago. So if anyone with active knowledge of Mando'a would be willing to translate this back to English I'd be very appreciative.


Mhi haar marev be Manda'lor

Akaanir darasuum Manda'lor

Akay cuun kyr'am

Akay werde olaror

Kyr'amur aru'ese Manda'lor

Mhi dinuir tal par Manda'lor

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Mhi haar marev be Manda'lor

Akaanir darasuum Manda'lor

Akay cuun kyr'am

Akay werde olaror

Kyr'amur aru'ese Manda'lor

Mhi dinuir tal par Manda'lor


We, the fist of Mandalore

To fight forever [for] Mandalore

Until our death

Until darkness comes

Kill the most traitorous Mandalore ( :eek: You're going to kill Mandalore?!)

We give blood for Mandalore


Your verb tenses are crap; you're not supposed to leave the -r ending on because that makes it the infinitive form. Also "akay cuun kyr'am" is really weirdly literal. You'd get some weird looks if you said that. Akay kyr'am would be more accurate. Your fifth line is saying you're going to kill Mandalore because he's the worst traitor. I assume you meant to say "Kyr'amu aru'ese par Mand'alor": Kill the worst traitors for Mandalore. Oh, and I almost forgot: it's Mand'alor, not Manda'lor. Means "only leader".


Because I'm bored, here's a grammatically correct version:


Mhi marev be Mand'alor

Akay kyr'am

Akay werde

Mhi kyr'amu par Mand'alor

Mhi tal'gala par Mand'alor


We, the fist of Mandalore

Until death

Until darkness

We kill for Mandalore

We bleed for Mandalore.


The poem's got a good basis to it. I can see it being a song like Ka'rta Tor. I just wish you had studied a bit harder before you wrote it. ;)

Edited by Roodbot
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We, the fist of Mandalore

To fight forever [for] Mandalore

Until our death

Until darkness comes

Kill the most traitorous Mandalore ( :eek: You're going to kill Mandalore?!)

We give blood for Mandalore


Your verb tenses are crap; you're not supposed to leave the -r ending on because that makes it the infinitive form. Also "akay cuun kyr'am" is really weirdly literal. You'd get some weird looks if you said that. Akay kyr'am would be more accurate. Your fifth line is saying you're going to kill Mandalore because he's the worst traitor. I assume you meant to say "Kyr'amu aru'ese par Mand'alor": Kill the worst traitors for Mandalore. Oh, and I almost forgot: it's Mand'alor, not Manda'lor. Means "only leader".


Because I'm bored, here's a grammatically correct version:


Mhi marev be Mand'alor

Akay kyr'am

Akay werde

Mhi kyr'amu par Mand'alor

Mhi tal'gala par Mand'alor


We, the fist of Mandalore

Until death

Until darkness

We kill for Mandalore

We bleed for Mandalore.


The poem's got a good basis to it. I can see it being a song like Ka'rta Tor. I just wish you had studied a bit harder before you wrote it. ;)


Thank you for both the translation, and the cleaning up. Like I said I wrote this a while back, and if it isn't evidenced that I can't even remember most of what it means, I didn't spend a lot of time studying it in depth. :p Thanks again for the help though, and maybe next time I'm delving into Mando'a I'll come to you to make sure I don't look like an idiot :o


Well ... I kinda like the poem, as a whole. Would you be bothered if I was to use it in one of my fanfictions? I'm always looking for new Mando'a verses.


It was actually being used for one of my own that I'm currently rewriting, and revising, but seeing as how it'll probably be a while before it ever gets posted, I suppose there's no harm.

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Lol, sorry, as a kid taking Spanish and hearing the mandalorian language with someone mentioning the infinitive, deja vu. I guess no galaxy can escape that language crap.


Thats what makes Star Wars awesome :)

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You think Mando'a is hard? Try learning elvish...


Oh, god. Elvish, man. I love Mando'a because it has two verb tenses: active and infinitive. I have a hard enough time doing verb tenses in English sometimes, and then studying German- oy vey ist mir. But Elvish? Right over my head.

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Wow, hearing someone correct someone else on their Mando'a like a Latin buff is really weird yet cool. I never realised the language was so fleshed out!


Impressive. Most impressive.


Ha ha, most of the community is way laid back but I'm an obsessive nerd. :p

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